The paper collectively authored by Norbert Pap, Máté Kitanics, Péter Gyenizse, Gábor Szalai and Balázs Polgár on the environmental features of the medieval village called Földvár was published in the 2019/2 issue of the review Történelmi Szemle. Its title promised to finally localise the central area of the 1526 battle of Mohács. Measured to this promise, the content is rather disappointing. The previous results of the research into the location of the medieval village of Földvár, thought to have lain in the centre of the battle, were not determined by the fact that these were formulated by persons with military experience or by civilians. And yet Pap and his co-authors, by localising Földvár into the vicinity of today's Sátorhely, lock into a research strand of military historical background which they previously blamed for the neglect of written sources and whose methods it was they declared aim to pass by. Those researchers, however, whether soldiers or civilians, who did use the evidence offerred by the charter material, all excluded Sátorhely from the possible localisations of Földvár. The long sections in the paper that deal with medieval charters and early medieval written sources are completely useless, since they use their testimony fairly selectively, and thus the site that can in fact be surmised on the basis of the medieval written evidence, namely the area around today's Udvar, did not even come to their minds. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]