29 results on '"Németh T"'
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2. Adatok és adatforrások integrációja a pragmatikai kutatásban
- Author
Nagy C., Katalin, Németh, Zsuzsanna, and Németh T., Enikő
- Subjects
implicit argumentum ,kontextustípusok ,grammatikalizáció ,adatforrások integrációja ,korpuszadat ,nyelvi intuíció ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
A tanulmány különböző adatforrások integrációját vizsgálja a szinkrón és a történeti pragmatika kutatási gyakorlatában. A nyelvhasználat tanulmányozásának e két, meghatározóan korpuszalapú területén készített esettanulmányainkban amellett érvelünk, hogy a hagyományosan korpuszadatoknak tekintett információk valójában integrált adatforrásból származó plauzibilis kijelentések, továbbá hogy a pragmatika kutatási módszerei között a gyakorlatban elmosódnak a határok. A tanulmány konklúziója, hogy még az elsődlegesen korpuszon alapuló kutatási folyamatokban is számos, különböző forrásból származó információt integrálunk. Következésképpen a korpusz nem tekinthető kizárólagos adatforrásnak, hiszen további forrásokkal egészül ki, úgymint pl. a kutató nyelvi intuíciója, a korábbi kutatások eredményei, a kutatás elméleti kerete és számos következtetés.
- Published
- 2019
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3. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat: háttér és célok
- Author
Maleczki, Márta, Németh T., Enikő, and Szécsényi, Tibor
- Subjects
Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
A folyóirat címével és tartalmával a nyelvtudomány két olyan területére, a szemantikára és a pragmatikára szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmet, amelyek mára már bebizonyították önálló nyelvészeti kutatási területekként való létjogosultságukat a modern nyelvészetben. Ámbár a világban léteznek szemantikai és pragmatikai témájú cikkeket megjelentető igen színvonalas folyóiratok, s ámbár Magyarországon is vannak elsősorban szemantikával vagy pragmatikával foglalkozó kutatók, kifejezetten szemantikai-pragmatikai profilú magyar nyelvű folyóirat pillanatnyilag nem létezik. A Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat első számát a 2014. április 11-én a Pragmatika Centrum és a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Általános Nyelvészeti Tanszéke által Szegeden megrendezett Újdonságok a szemantikai és pragmatikai kutatásokban c. konferencia előadásaiból készült tanulmányok megjelentetésének szenteljük.
- Published
- 2014
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4. Elektromos autók fogyasztói megítélése Magyarországon - elméleti megfontolások és egy kérdőíves felmérés eredményei.
- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of International Journal of Engineering & Management Sciences (2498-700X) / Műszaki és Menedzsment Tudományi Közlemények is the property of University of Debrecen and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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5. Esettanulmány a vizuális modalitású nem verbális viselkedés multimodális kommunikációban betöltött szerepéről.
- Author
Enikő, Németh T., Éva, Szabó, Dorina, Császár, Renáta, Gera, and Tamara, Béres
- Abstract
Copyright of Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat is the property of Szeged University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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6. Valóban könnyebb utolérni a hazug embert, mint a sánta kutyát? A hazugság fogalmának értelmezése magyar nyelvhasználók körében: egy kérdőíves vizsgálat eredményei.
- Author
Enikő, Németh T. and Adha, Ahmad
- Abstract
This paper aims to explore (1) what order of elements of a prototypical lie proposed by Coleman and Kay (1981) has been shown by Hungarians' conception of lying from the point of view of importance, (2) whether the intention to deceive is the most important element of lying in Hungarian language use as the previous literature suggested, and (3) how confident Hungarian language users are in their judgements and whether there are any factors determining Hungarians' judgements of lie. To fulfil our goal we repeated Coleman and Kay's experiment with 120 Hungarian native speakers. On the basis of our results it can be established that the order of the prototypical elements of lying in Hungarian language use is the following: belief that the proposition is false-intention to deceive-objective falsity and, consequently, belief has been proved as the most important element. The informants were rather confident in their judgements. There were problems only in situations where withholding information, half-truth and evasive responses occurred. Relevance/irrelevance considerations played a role in judgements of such situations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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7. Daddy 'apu', honey 'édesem', darling 'drágám': Nyelvi és kontextuális kulcsok a perspektívák és intenciók megmutatásához és megfejtéséhez a verbális kommunikációban.
- Author
Enikő, Németh T.
- Abstract
In verbal communication the speakers attempt to express their intention through their perspectives either explicitly or implicitly. However, for the hearers it is not an easy task to recognize the speakers' intentions. Therefore, the speakers provide various linguistic and contextual clues to enable their partners to take their perspectives and infer their intentions. The present paper aims to investigate these clues through a short case study on the use of vocative forms Daddy, Honey, and Darling. By analysing some data from a thought experiment and a corpus, the paper also attempts to highlight that linguistic and contextual information interact in the expressing and identifying procedures of intentions and perspectives. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
8. A funkcionális élelmiszerek potenciális fogyasztói és vásárlói csoportjainak felmérése
- Author
Németh-T., Anett, Vincze-Tóth, Judit, Hegyi, Judit, and Troján, Szabolcs
- Subjects
Marketing ,bioélelmiszer ,átlagos fogyasztó ,funkcionális élelmiszer ,organic food ,FOS: Economics and business ,functional food ,Health Economics and Policy ,speciális fogyasztó ,market research ,piackutatás ,special consumer ,average consumer ,Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety - Abstract
A funkcionális élelmiszerek mint hozzáadottérték-többlettel rendelkező termékek napjainkban a világ élelmiszeriparának innovatív termékei, amit a folyamatosan növekvő piaci részesedésük is alátámaszt. A vizsgálatok összesített eredményei alapján az „átlagos fogyasztók” 81%-a nem tartozott a funkcionális élelmiszereket rendszeresen fogyasztók körébe, ezen belül az egyáltalán nem fogyasztók aránya 33%. Az „országos” megkérdezetti kör 65%-ánál a kevés vagy a hiányos információ indokolta a funkcionális élelmiszerekkel szemben tanúsított csekélyebb vásárlási hajlandóságot. A funkcionális élelmiszereket ismerők és fogyasztók körében a napi fogyasztás a leginkább jellemző, tehát akik tisztában vannak ezen termékek kedvező hatásaival, azok napi szinten illesztik be az étrendjükbe az ilyen típusú termékeket. Mindkét nem esetében az „átlagos fogyasztók” körében a saját meggyőződés és az ismerős ajánlása a két legerősebb, míg a természetgyógyász és a dietetikus ajánlása a leggyengébb motiváció. Az egészségtudatos életmódot folytatók alkotják leginkább a funkcionális élelmiszerek potenciális fogyasztói rétegét. Az „átlagos fogyasztók” több mint fele hajlandó akár 10-20%-os felár fizetésével is honorálni a funkcionális élelmiszerek által ígért hatást. A fogyasztók funkcionális élelmiszerekkel kapcsolatos tájékozottsága és felárfizetési hajlandósága között pozitív összefüggés áll fenn. Mind az „átlagos”, mind a „speciális fogyasztók” körében az ellenőrző szervezet tanúsítványa és a védjegy a két legfontosabb minőségi garancia. A biotermékeket vásárlók bár nem ismerik olyan nagy arányban a funkcionális élelmiszereket, de nyitottak és érdeklődőek, tehát potenciális célcsoportot képezhetnek. Ezek alapján olyan terméknek lenne a legkedvezőbb a megítélése és találna legkönnyebben rendszeres vásárlókra, ami bio- és funkcionális jegyeket egyaránt hordoz magában. ----------------------- Functional foods, as products possessing additional value, are innovative products of today’s world food industry, which is refl ected in their continuously increasing market share. In our survey, 81% of ‘average consumers’ did not belong to the regular consumers of functional foods. Within them, the proportion of those not consuming functional foods at all is 33%. Concerning 65% of those asked throughout the country, the reason for rejecting functional foods was insufficient or inadequate information. Among people who know and consume functional foods, daily consumption is the most typical, so those who are aware of the favourable effects of these products incorporate them into their diet at a daily level. In the case of both genders, among ‘average consumers’, their own conviction and their acquaintances’ recommendations are the two highest motivations, while non-medical practitioners’ or dieticians’ recommendations are the poorest ones. Regarding functional foods, those with a health-conscious way of life are the layer of consumers with the most potential. More than half of the ‘average consumers’ are willing to pay as much as 10-20% extra to remunerate for the effects promised by functional foods. There is a positive connection between consumers’ familiarity with functional foods and their willingness to pay a premium. Certificates from control organisations and trademarks are the two most important guarantees for quality in the circle of all consumers. Although people buying organic food do not know functional foods in high proportions, they are open and interested; therefore they may represent a potential target group. Relying upon these findings, products incorporating both organic and functional features could be expected to have the most favourable judgement and to find regular customers in the easiest way.
- Published
- 2013
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9. Az adatforrások elmosódott határai a konverzációelemzésben.
- Author
Zsuzsanna, Németh, Katalin, Nagy C., and Enikő, Németh T.
- Abstract
We aim to explore the nature of data analysis in the investigation of talk-in-interaction. On the basis of a case study on the phenomenon of repair, we argue that even in a traditionally corpus-based field like conversation analysis, the source of corpus data is of an inherently integrated nature. The actual research practice shows that the methodology of conversation analysis cannot be clearly delimited but has fuzzy boundaries. In order to be able to use occurrences found in corpora as data, corpus as data source should be complemented with further pieces of information from other data sources, for instance, the researcher's intuition, the results of earlier investigation, the theoretical framework we work in, and inferences. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
10. A katonai funkció megszűnésének hatásai a hazai garnizonfalvakban a rendszerváltástól napjainkig
- Author
Németh Tamás and Dövényi Zoltán
- Subjects
garnizonfalu ,katonaföldrajz ,demilitarizálódás ,településfejlődés ,History (General) and history of Europe ,Economic history and conditions ,HC10-1085 ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 ,Sociology (General) ,HM401-1281 ,International relations ,JZ2-6530 - Abstract
A tanulmány a katonai funkciók leépülésének településfejlődésre gyakorolt hatásait vizsgálja a hazai garnizonfalvak példáján. Az elemzés célja egyrészt a magyarországi garnizontelepülések lehatárolása az 1990-es népszámlálás releváns adatai alapján, másrészt a társadalmi értelemben vett demilitarizálódás lokális hatásainak bemutatása a demográfiai folyamatok és a vásárlóerő alakulásának tükrében. Az 1990-es adatok alapján a védelmi szektorban foglalkoztatottak aránya Magyarországon közel 3% volt, ám számos településen ez az érték jóval 10% fölött alakult. Úgy véljük, hogy a haderőreform drasztikus létszámcsökkentése előtt 15-15 település volt egyértelműen a garnizonvárosok és a garnizonfalvak közé sorolható, további három település pedig egyfajta átmeneti kategóriát alkotott. A témával foglalkozó hazai és nemzetközi tanulmányok jellemzően a garnizonvárosokkal foglalkoznak, így vizsgálatunkban a garnizonfalvakra helyeztük a hangsúlyt. Megvizsgálva e településeken a lakosságszám, a vándorlási egyenleg, az öregedési index, valamint az egy főre jutó személyi jövedelemadó alakulását a releváns időszakban, megállapítható, hogy a védelmi szektorban foglalkoztatottak legmagasabb arányával jellemezhető települések fejlődésére számottevő hatást gyakorolt mind a katonai funkciók „megszerzése”, mind pedig azok leépülése. Ki kell emelni továbbá, hogy a relatív földrajzi helyzet – például az agglomerációs települések esetében – jelentősen kompenzálhatta a demilitarizálódás negatív hatásait. Vizsgálatunk során megállapítottuk, hogy a rendszerváltás idején Taszár volt az a település Magyarországon, ahol egyértelműen a katonai funkció dominált, és melynek megszűnése később jelentős mértékben vetette vissza a helyi vásárlóerőt és az öregedési index értékét.
- Published
- 2013
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11. [Is psychological follow-up of patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage necessary?]
- Author
Beálló V, Németh T, Stankovic M, and Barzó P
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Female, Middle Aged, Adult, Anxiety etiology, Depression etiology, Surveys and Questionnaires, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage psychology, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage complications
- Published
- 2024
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12. [Enhancing medical communication education through the implementation of the "Simulated Patient" program at the University Medical School of Pécs].
- Author
Hambuch A, Fekete J, Berta A, Halász R, Makszin L, Németh T, Szalai-Szolcsányi J, Warta V, Zrínyi A, Kránicz R, Eklics K, and Csongor A
- Subjects
- Humans, Hungary, Communication, Physician-Patient Relations, Curriculum, Students, Medical, Surveys and Questionnaires, Male, Female, Cross-Sectional Studies, Clinical Competence, Education, Medical, Undergraduate methods, Education, Medical methods, Patient Simulation
- Published
- 2024
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13. [Discovering the pathogenesis of autoimmune inflammation].
- Author
Oláh K and Németh T
- Subjects
- Humans, Animals, Autoimmunity, Autoimmune Diseases immunology, Autoimmune Diseases drug therapy, Inflammation immunology
- Published
- 2024
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14. [The benefits of a hybrid operation room in neurosurgery.]
- Author
Németh T, Márkos-Gergely G, Varga Á, Hausinger P, Majoros V, and Barzó P
- Subjects
- Humans, Neurosurgical Procedures methods, Hungary, Neurosurgery
- Abstract
Introduction: The hybrid operation room - with a robotic arm equipped angiographic device - started its operation in November 2019 at the Department of Neurosurgery, Szeged, Hungary., Objective: We report the benefits of the hybrid operation room in the neurosurgery practice based on our results and experiences of the last 1.5 years., Method: 576 operations took place between 15. 11. 2019 and 01. 03. 2021, which include 332 neurointerventions amd 244 skull-brain and spine surgeries. By using Siemens ARTIS pheno®, we performed purely catheter only interventions or surgical only interventions, but combined treatments were also performed in several cases (catheter and surgical intervention). Thanks to ARTIS pheno® versatility, it is used as a modern imaging system in preoperative examination or as navigation system in spine surgery and control imaging for intra- and postoperative examinations., Discussion: We created three categories based on the results of the last months according to the need of using the hybrid operation room for the given operation: (1) strongly recommended, (2) recommended, (3) advantageous. Strongly recommended: if the two teams (surgical and interventional team) have to work together during the operation. Recommended: if the two teams are not participating together in the operation, but the other team is on standby and may join the operation if necessary. Advantageous: this category means the possibility of performing control imaging before the wound closure., Conclusion: Based on our experience, the hybrid operation room provides significant help in neurosurgery. It has become part of our daily care, and we think it is indispensable in the work of a neurosurgery center. Orv Hetil. 2023; 164(43): 1701-1711.
- Published
- 2023
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15. Developing intercultural competences for more effective patient care and international medical and research collaborations
- Author
Németh T, Marek E, Faubl N, Sütő B, Jon M, and Hild G
- Subjects
- Humans, Cultural Competency, Cultural Diversity, Learning, Students, Medical, Education, Medical
- Abstract
Introduction: In our globalised world, the role of intercultural competence in healthcare is increasing as societies become multicultural. The development of this competence should start in medical education. Objective: In our qualitative study among Hungarian medical students, we sought to find out to what extent the multicultural student composition of our elective course contributes to the development of their intercultural competence. Method: In our action research, semistructured focus group interviews were conducted with 35 Hungarian medical students between April and November, 2021. The transcripts of the digitally recorded interviews were evaluated using qualitative methods. Results: After a thematic analysis of the interviews, the vast majority of the students’ opinions could be classified into one of the following four thematic categories: 1) the benefits of studying together with international students, 2) the development of cultural awareness, 3) the development of an open mindset, and 4) the expected longterm impact of intercultural competence on medical work. Overall, Hungarian students evaluated their learning in the multicultural course positively. Based on the results of the focus group interviews, it can be claimed that by the end of the semester, the Hungarian students’ perceived intercultural competence had improved due to the course and its multicultural composition. Conclusion: The course, with its multicultural student population, can contribute to and promote the acquisition of intercultural competence, which in the long run can be effectively used by future doctors both in patient care and in effective communication within healthcare teams as well as in international medical, research and scientific collaborations. Providing a multicultural student environment in the classroom, including interactive teaching methodologies and intercultural project work, have many potentials to make the learning-teaching process more effective and could be applied in the future when developing new courses.
- Published
- 2022
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16. Early postoperative results of sublobal lung resections performed with spontaneous ventilation combined with double lumen tube intubation. A new surgical method
- Author
Furák J, Barta Z, Lantos J, Németh T, Pécsy B, Buzás A, Vas M, Fabó C, Szabó Z, Rieth A, and Lázár G
- Subjects
- Humans, Length of Stay, Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted
- Abstract
Introduction. Non-intubated spontaneous ventilated (NITS) minimally invasive surgery (video-assisted thoracic surgery VATS) is a widespread procedure, but there are some doubts regarding its safety. We developed a safe method, spontaneous ventilation with intubation (SVI) to resolve these concerns. In this study, the early postoperative results of the SVI sublobar resections are presented. Methods. Between 2020 May 25 and 2021 March 26, 20 SVI VATS sublobar resection was performed with a double lumen intratracheal tube. Results. Surgeries were performed for 9 females and 11 males with a mean age of 66.1. The mean BMI was 27.8, FEV1 was 89.1%, and Carlson Comorbidity score was 6.1. The mean surgical time was 61.5 min, drainage time was 1.85 days and hospital stay was 3.35 days. Morbidity was found to be 5%. Primer lung cancer was removed in 9 cases, we performed 6 metastasectomies and in 5 cases benign lesion was removed. Conclusion. According to the early postoperative results spontaneous ventilated VATS sublobar resections with double lumen intratracheal tube can be considered a safe thoracic surgical method.
- Published
- 2022
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17. Accepting cultural differences in the integration of foreign medical students
- Author
Faubl N, Pótó Z, Marek E, Birkás B, Füzesi Z, and Németh T
- Subjects
- Communication, Humans, Hungary, Language, Surveys and Questionnaires, Students, Medical
- Abstract
Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: A 21. századra a multikulturális társadalmi közegben az interkulturális tudás, mint készség, fokozott mértékben válik kulcskompetenciává. E társadalmi kompetencia elsajátításának egyik lehetséges területe a nemzetközi hallgatói mobilitás, mely világszerte, így hazánkban is, egyre nagyobb jelentőségű. Célkitűzés: Magyar és külföldi hallgatók körében folytatott vizsgálatunk fókuszában a beilleszkedési folyamatoknak, valamint az interkulturális kompetencia és érzékenység kialakulásának és fejlődésének vizsgálata állt, a Pécsre érkező mintegy 60 különböző kultúra, valamint a magyar befogadó közeg vonatkozásában egyaránt. Kutatásunk során többek között arra kerestünk választ, hogy az eredeti és a befogadó kultúra közötti különbségek mely területeken nyilvánulnak meg a leginkább, illetve egy másik kultúrához történő alkalmazkodás során milyen beilleszkedést lassító vagy támogató tényezők tárhatók fel. Módszer: Kutatásunkban kvantitatív és kvalitatív módszereket alkalmaztunk, önkitöltéses kérdőíves felmérés, valamint fókuszcsoportos interjúk formájában. A PTE ÁOK német, angol és magyar nyelvű általánosorvos-képzésében részt vevő hallgatókat a 2010 és 2018 közötti időszak tavaszi szemesztereiben saját fejlesztésű, anonim, önkéntesen kitölthető kérdőívvel kerestük meg (a kitöltött kérdőívek száma: n = 13 084 kérdőív). A kérdőíveket három tanévben hét, félig strukturált fókuszcsoportos interjúval egészítettük ki (n = 92 fő). Eredmények: A hazánkba érkező külföldi orvostanhallgatók számára a befogadó közeghez való alkalmazkodást tekintve a kapcsolódás elsősorban a szocializációs, nyelvi, kommunikációs különbségek miatt bizonyult kihívásnak. Megállapítható azonban, hogy a képzési idő előrehaladtával a különbözőségekből fakadó nehézségek csökkentek, így a hallgatók egyre inkább képessé váltak az etnorelatív irányba történő elmozdulásra, valamint a multikulturális közeg pozitív aspektusainak értékelésére. Következtetések: A multikulturális környezetben folytatott tanulmányok alatt a kultúraközi kapcsolódási pontok és együttműködések kialakulása és fejlődése lehetővé teszi és támogatja az interkulturális kompetencia elsajátítását, annak minden résztvevője számára, akár az egyetemi képzésen túlmutatóan, a későbbi orvosi pályát tekintve is. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(25): 978-987., Introduction: In the increasingly multicultural social environment of the 21st century, intercultural knowledge as a social skill is gradually becoming a key competence. One of the possible areas of acquiring this competence is international student mobility, which is of increasing importance worldwide, including Hungary., Objective: The focus of our study was to examine integration processes and the development and improvement of intercultural competence and sensitivity among Hungarian and international students, both in relation to the approximately 60 different cultures arriving in Pécs and in relation to the Hungarian host environment. In the course of our research, we sought - among other factors - areas, in which the differences between the original and the host culture are the most prominent, and we aimed at identifying those factors that are slowing down or supporting the integration during the adaptation period to another culture., Method: In our research, we used both quantitative and qualitative methods, in the form of a self-administered questionnaire and focus group interviews. General medical students of the University of Pécs studying in the German-, English- and Hungarian-language programmes participated in the survey during the spring semesters of the academic years between 2010 and 2018. We used our self-developed questionnaires (number of completed questionnaires: n = 13 084), which were filled in on a voluntary basis and anonymity was ensured. The questionnaires were supplemented with seven semi-structured focus group interviews over three academic years (n = 92 students)., Results: Regarding the adaptation to the host environment of foreign medical students studying in Hungary, relationship building arising from socialization, language and communication differences, proved to be a challenge. However, it can be stated that as the training time progressed, the difficulties arising from the differences decreased, so that the students gradually became more able to move towards an ethno-relative direction and evaluated the positive aspects of the multicultural environment., Conclusion: During studies in a multicultural university environment, the emergence and development of intercultural connections and collaborations enable and support the acquisition of intercultural competence for all of the students, which will be of great benefit for them, even beyond the university, in their future medical career. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(25): 978-987.
- Published
- 2021
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18. Intercultural competence in healthcare
- Author
Marek E and Németh T
- Subjects
- Communication, Cultural Diversity, Europe, Humans, Hungary, Minority Groups, Multilingualism, Transients and Migrants, Communication Barriers, Cultural Competency, Culturally Competent Care, Delivery of Health Care methods, Health Personnel psychology, Healthcare Disparities, Professional-Patient Relations, Quality of Health Care
- Abstract
International migration is a current and growing phenomenon, which has become an increasingly critical issue in Europe since 2013 and this has posed new challenges to the healthcare systems of the European Union (EU). The need for 'culturally competent' healthcare systems that can adapt and respond to the needs of a changing population while taking into account cultural, religious, linguistic and gender diversity, has become more and more an agenda across Europe. Nowadays, it is widely accepted that inequalities in health conditions are mainly due to socio-economic factors, and disparities are particularly evident among certain ethnic and cultural minority groups. Additionally, minorities often face difficulties during their attempts in accessing healthcare, including linguistic and cultural barriers. These barriers are primarily manifested in communication and other interactions between the patient and the healthcare provider. Communication difficulties and misunderstandings may lead to frustration and prejudice among caregivers and also to a lack of cooperation from patients, and consequently, may contribute to poorer health outcomes. Therefore, in order to ensure the highest quality of care for migrants, ethnic or other minority populations in our increasingly diverse societies, it is of crucial importance to overcome the difficulties arising from linguistic, cultural and religious differences. To achieve these goals, an important step is the development of intercultural competences within the healthcare system. Our paper discusses the concept, content and opportunities for the development of intercultural competence in clinical and healthcare settings. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(32): 1322-1330.
- Published
- 2020
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19. Changes in the surgical treatment of pulmonary metastases during the last 12 years
- Author
Németh T, Szabó Z, Pécsy B, Barta ZV, Lázár G, Torday L, Maráz A, Zombori T, and Furák J
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Breast Neoplasms pathology, Colorectal Neoplasms pathology, Female, Humans, Kidney Neoplasms pathology, Male, Metastasectomy adverse effects, Middle Aged, Pneumonectomy adverse effects, Retrospective Studies, Treatment Outcome, Young Adult, Lung Neoplasms secondary, Lung Neoplasms surgery, Metastasectomy methods, Pneumonectomy methods, Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted methods, Thoracotomy methods
- Abstract
Introduction: In our retrospective study, we examined changes in the histological results and types of metastatectomies of pulmonary metastases during the last 12 years, in two 5-year periods., Aim and Method: There were 55 patients in the first group (2006-2010), 54.5% of the patients were male (n = 30), 45.5% were female (n = 25), the mean age was 57.9 years (24-80). The second group (2014-2018) consisted of 115 patients, with 60% male (n = 69) and 40% female (n = 46), the mean age was 62.2 years (26-82)., Results: During the first period, the primary tumor was found in the rectum 19.3% (n = 11), colon 17.5% (n = 10), or kidney 14% (n = 8), while during the second period, the primary tumor was in the colon in 23.1% (n = 31), in the rectum in 15.7% (n = 21), or in the kidney in 9% (n = 12). The following types of surgeries were performed: atypical resection: 38.6% (n = 22) and 46.3% (n = 62); lobectomy in 31.6% (n = 18) and 26.9% (n = 36); pulmonectomy in 10.5% (n = 6) and 1.5% (n = 2); segmentectomy in 7% (n = 4) and 9.7% (n = 13); and bilobectomy in 1.8% (n = 1) and 0.7% (n = 1) in the first and second group, respectively. The ratio of video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) was 5.3% (n = 3) during the first period, and this ratio increased to 64.9% (n = 87) during the second period. The mean disease-free survival between the surgery of the primary tumor and the removal of the pulmonary metastasis was 45.2 months (0-144) during the first period and 33.8 months (0-180) during the second period. The median survival was 39 months in the first period, and it increased to 59 months in the second group. The mean 5-year survival was 41% in both groups., Conclusion: During the last 12 years, there was a more than two-fold increase in the number of patients requiring surgery due to pulmonary metastases, and the ratio of VATS metastasectomy increased significantly as well (5.3% vs. 64.9%). No significant difference was found in the ratio of the types of the primary tumors. The median survival was slightly better in the second group. Orv Hetil; 161(29): 1215-1220.
- Published
- 2020
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20. Prejudices and their healthcare implications. Lessons learnt from a national survey.
- Author
Marek E, Kalmár R, Faubl N, Orsós Z, and Németh T
- Subjects
- Delivery of Health Care, Humans, Hungary, Surveys and Questionnaires, Attitude of Health Personnel, Discrimination, Psychological, Ethnicity, Health Personnel psychology, Minority Groups psychology, Prejudice, Social Discrimination
- Abstract
Introduction: The presence and recognition of prejudice during care were examined among healthcare professionals towards the Roma population, the largest ethnic minority in Hungary. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the extent to which prejudice in the Hungarian healthcare system might affect the quality of care and, thereby, the health of the Roma patients. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted between June 2017 and May 2018 with 13 interviewees. Qualitative methods were applied to analyse the transcripts. Results: Our respondents generally confirmed the presence of prejudices in the healthcare system. Prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behaviour are less common in wards where the prevalence of disadvantaged patients (HIV-positive, homeless) is high (e.g., infectology). Prejudice is not specifically directed at the Roma ethnic minority, but also extends to populations living under poor socio-economic conditions, or with underlying self-destructive behaviour (alcoholism, drug use). In the opinion of our interviewees, occasional prejudicial behaviour does not lead to sub-standard care, but, on the contrary, to positive discrimination. Prejudice does not directly lead to poorer health, but it cannot be ruled out that it may indirectly contribute to it, in the case if the patient does not seek medical attention due to a former negative experience within healthcare. Conclusion: Our results confirmed the occasional presence of prejudice against the Romas in the healthcare system, however, this may not directly contribute to Romas' poorer health status. Our results also highlighted the importance of prevention, including the education of both parties and the prevention of the burnout of care providers. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(19): 789-796., (© 2020 Szerző(k)/The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2020
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21. [Successful multidisciplinary management of tetraplegia with a thoracic operation. Unicentric, mediastinal Castleman disease ].
- Author
Németh T, Pécsy B, Géczi T, Sas K, Szpisjak L, Rieth A, Kiss V, Szőnyegi F, Tiszlavicz L, Zombori T, Lázár G, and Furák J
- Subjects
- Castleman Disease surgery, Humans, Lymph Node Excision, Male, Middle Aged, Thoracotomy, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Castleman Disease diagnosis, Lymph Nodes diagnostic imaging, Mediastinal Diseases diagnostic imaging, Quadriplegia complications
- Abstract
Castleman disease is a rare lymphoproliferative disease the exact cause of which is not known. The diagnosis is based on the adequate histological examination. While in the unifocal form, the disease most commonly affects the chest, and symptoms may resolve as a result of intact excision of the tumour; other treatment methods may be performed in addition to or instead of surgical incision in the case of the multifocal form. We present the case of a patient with Castleman disease who received multidisciplinary treatment. Speech difficulty, dysphagia, and progressive paresis occurred in the upper and lower extremities of the 56-year-old male patient 18 weeks before his check-up examinations. Although the complaints temporarily resolved with plasmapheresis, surgical sampling could not confirm the origin of the mediastinal lymphadenomegaly detected with thoracic CT. The patient was admitted to our department to remove the 5 cm large subcarinal lymph node or to gain a tissue sample from it. On admission, significant atrophy, hypotonia and tetraplegia were seen in the four extremities, and areflexia was detected all over the body. The 5.5 × 3.5 cm large subcarinal lymph node conglomerate was removed from posterolateral thoracotomy. Histology was performed, Castleman disease was confirmed. 3 days after the surgery, the patient was able to move the extremities, and then on the 9th postoperative day, the patient could walk using a walking frame, and he was transferred back to the Department of Neurorehabilitation. At transfer, the muscle strength of the upper extremities was almost intact, and 4/5 muscle strength was detected in the lower extremities. After this, methylprednisolone, vitamin B
1 , calcium citrate, famotidine therapy was administered, and 2 weeks after his transfer, he was discharged home; at that time, the patient was able to walk safely without a walking frame. The symptoms resolved almost completely 3 months after the surgery. Diagnosis and treatment of Castleman disease are multidisciplinary tasks. If the patient is suitable for surgery, surgical removal has to play a key role in the treatment of unifocal Castleman disease. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(1): 33-38.- Published
- 2020
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22. [Non-intubated, uniportal, video assisted thoracic surgery [VATS] lobectomy, as a new procedure in our department].
- Author
Furák J, Szabó Z, Horváth T, Géczi T, Pécsy B, Németh T, Ottlakán A, Molnár Z, and Lázár G
- Subjects
- Aged, Anesthesia methods, Female, Humans, Hypnotics and Sedatives administration & dosage, Lung Neoplasms pathology, Male, Middle Aged, Postoperative Complications, Treatment Outcome, Lung Neoplasms surgery, Lymph Node Excision, Pneumonectomy methods, Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted methods
- Abstract
Aim: Due to the emerging experience in VATS (video assisted thoracic surgery) lobectomies, in some centers the so called "non-intubated" VATS lobectomies (NITS - non-intubated thoracic surgery) gained increased authority, during which endotracheal intubation and muscle relaxation of the patient is not carried out, thus surgery is being performed with the patient breathing spontaneously. The recent study deals with our initial experience gained during uniportal NITS VATS lobectomies., Patients and Method: Between 24.01.2017 and 10.03.2017, 16 patients (female: 8; male: 8) with lung cancer underwent NITS VATS uniportal lobectomy. Mean age was 59.6 years (42-73 years). Mean FEV1 was 87.7% (62-109). Mean BMI was 27.1 (18.8-32.8). Prior to surgery, the patients received benzodiazepine premedication, local anesthetic (Lidocaine) for incision and Bupivacaine for intercostal and vagus nerve blockage. Besides routine monitoring Bispectoral Index (BIS) guided target-controlled infusion (TCI) Propofol sedation was carried out, with the help of laryngeal mask anesthesia. Skin and soft tissue incision was performed at the fifth intercostal space, in the axillary line. This single incision sight was the only one needed for the introduction of the camera, together with the instruments needed for dissection and resection of the lobe and placement of the chest tube. Complete atelectasis can develop. The following lobes were removed: 7 right upper lobes, 2 mid-lobes, 1 right lower lobe, 1 right lower lobe + right upper lobe wedge resection, 5 left lower lobes. After the resections, extended mediastinal sampling or block dissection was performed., Results: There was no perioperative mortality. Conversion to endotracheal intubation was needed in non of the cases. Mean operative time was 96,5 minutes (80-120 min.), mean drainage periode was 2.9 days (2-8 days). Prolonged air leak was 1/16 (6.25%). Postoperative fever occurred in 1 patient and subcutaneous emphysema in 1 case, and 1 pneumonia. Because of a recurrent pneumothorax, a re-drainage was necessary in 1 case. Pathology of the resected lobes were as follows: 1 endobronchial hamartochondroma causing complete atelectasis of the lobe, 1 chronic pneumonia, and 10 adenocarcinomas, 2 squamous cell carcinomas, 1 carcinosarcoma, and 1 typical carcinoid. Staging of the 14 malignant cases were as follows: 8 IA, 2 IB, 1 IIA, 2 IIB, and 1 IIIA. The average number of the removed mediastinal lymph nodes is 12 (7-20)., Conclusion: Non-intubated (NITS) VATS lobectomy is considered a safe procedure, satisfying all aspects of oncological guidelines. The postoperative drainage period was shorter caused by the complete atelectasis during the surgery.
- Published
- 2017
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23. [Results of the video-assisted thoracic surgery lobectomy at our department in the last five-year periode].
- Author
Furák J, Pécsy B, Ottlakán A, Németh T, Géczi T, Tiszlavicz L, Lakatos A, and Lázár G
- Subjects
- Adenocarcinoma surgery, Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Carcinoid Tumor surgery, Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung surgery, Carcinoma, Squamous Cell surgery, Female, Humans, Hungary, Length of Stay statistics & numerical data, Lung Neoplasms pathology, Male, Middle Aged, Neoplasm Staging, Operative Time, Reoperation statistics & numerical data, Retrospective Studies, Treatment Outcome, Lung Neoplasms surgery, Pneumonectomy methods, Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted methods, Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted statistics & numerical data, Thoracotomy statistics & numerical data
- Abstract
Objectives: Herein we present the results of lobectomies performed with minimally invasive approach (video-assisted thoracic surgery - VATS) at our department during a period of five years., Methods: Between 1 January 2011 and 31 December 2015, 197 lobectomies (malignant lesions: 176 cases, benign lesions: 21 cases) were performed by three thoracic surgeons and one resident. Demographical data are as follows: 119 female/78 male, mean age: 62.4 years (range: 41-82 years). In 2011 three VATS lobectomies were performed, equaling 2.2 % of all lobectomies in that year. During the upcomig years the number of VATS lobectomies were as follows: 2012: 7 (7.3%), 2013: 13 (12%), 2014: 59 (34.5%) and 2015: 119 (68.5%). In 153 cases multiportal (78%) and in 44 cases uniportal (22%) anterior approach was performed. The resected lobes showed the following distribution: right upper: 85, mid lobe: 5, right lower: 28, left upper: 44, left lower: 34, upper bilobectomy: 1. In two cases sleeve lobectomy was performed. In 8 cases (4%) conversion to thoracotomy was needed and among the 46 uniportal procedures, 5 cases needed to be expanded into biportal approach (11%)., Results: During the study period, no intraoperative, or perioperative mortality occured. Mean operative time was 123 minutes (range: 60-135 minutes) and mean time of chest drainage was 4.3 days (range: 1-27 days). Air leakage lasting more than 7 days was present in 11.7%. Reoperation was needed in 4 cases (2%), in two cases due to bleeding, and in two cases because of expansive difficulties due to extended subcutaneous emphysema. Among the 176 VATS lobectomies performed due to malignant lesions, 169 lung cancers and 7 metastases were removed. The distribution according to the stage and histology of lung cancers was as follows: IA: 100 cases, IB: 28 cases, IIA: 17 cases, IIB: 3 cases, IIIA: 16 cases, IIIB: 1 case, and IV: 4 cases; adenocarcinoma: 128 cases, squamous cell carcinoma: 26 cases, large cell carcinoma: 3 cases, small cell lung cancer: 1 case, typical carcinoid: 10 cases, and atypical carcinoid: 1 case., Conclusions: Over the years VATS lobectomy became a rutin procedure at our institution. Nowadays more than two-thirds of lobectomies are performed with minimally invasive technique. Taking the learning curve of the four thoracic surgeons into consideration, our results correlate with international data.
- Published
- 2016
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24. [Giant fibrolipoma of the mediastinum].
- Author
Németh T, Géczi T, Tiszlavicz L, Wolfárd A, Lázár G, and Furák J
- Subjects
- Diagnosis, Differential, Humans, Lipoma diagnostic imaging, Liposarcoma diagnosis, Liposarcoma surgery, Lung Injury etiology, Lung Injury surgery, Male, Mediastinal Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Middle Aged, Radiography, Thoracic, Reoperation, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Treatment Outcome, Lipoma diagnosis, Lipoma surgery, Mediastinal Neoplasms diagnosis, Mediastinal Neoplasms surgery, Thoracotomy adverse effects, Thoracotomy methods
- Abstract
Unlabelled: The authors discuss the management of an enormous fibrolipoma which rarely occurs in the mediastinum. A 54-year-old patient underwent an extended posterolateral thoracotomy and resection of a mass which was preoperatively diagnosed as liposarcoma. The size of the removed specimen was 42×35×23 cm and weight was 5200 g. Final histology revealed a primary mediastinal fibrolipoma. Following a long-standing lung compression, the lung has fully expanded after a temporary postoperative failure of expansion. Postoperative serial chest x-rays confirmed that the marked mediastinal midline shift gradually resolved, and the patient's complaints improved considerably, too., Discussion: the vast majority of tumors located in the mediastinum needs to be operated on. Surgical techniques available involve open or videothoracoscopic methods. The latter is limited though by the patient's general condition and the size of the mass needs to be resected. In cases when the tumour is deemed to be irresectable, surgical debulking and oncological adjuvant treatment can be justified to improve quality of life.
- Published
- 2011
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25. [Surgical treatment of primary pleural tumours in our department].
- Author
Németh T, Furák J, Wolfárd A, Géczi T, Tiszlavicz L, and Lázár G
- Subjects
- Aged, Biopsy, Carcinoma surgery, Female, Humans, Hungary, Male, Mesothelioma surgery, Middle Aged, Neoplasm Staging, Pleural Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Pleural Neoplasms pathology, Pleurodesis, Pneumonectomy, Retrospective Studies, Sarcoma surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Treatment Outcome, Pleural Neoplasms surgery
- Abstract
Aim: The authors analyzed the results and outcome of surgical treatment of primary pleural tumors in patients treated in the last 11 years., Methods: 31 operations were performed for primary pleural tumors in 25 patients (17 males, 8 females). The tumors were classified into the following groups: benign local fibrous tumors (benign LFTP; n = 15), recurrent malignant fibrous tumors (recurrent malignant LFTP; n = 2) and malignant mesotheliomas (MPM; n = 12). 40% of patients with MPM were exposed to asbestos. Complete resections of benign LFTPs were performed, with additional resection of the chest wall and lobectomy in two cases. Completion pneumonectomy and lobectomy were done in recurrent malignant LFTP cases. Five biopsies and pleurodesis, and one open decortication were performed. In four cases, after the biopsy, two pleurectomies and decortications (P/D) and two pleuropneumonectomies (PPN)/extra-pleural pneumonectomies (EPP) were carried out., Results: There was no operative mortality. Pathological examination revealed seven epithelial, two sarcomatous and one biphasic malignant mesotheliomas. Survival was one (currently alive) and 49 months after malignant recurrent LFTP. Survival in MPM cases was 9,7 months (3-17) without resection and 17,3 months (5 (currently alive) - 29) in P/D or PPN (EPP) cases., Conclusions: The PPN (EPP) and P/D are safe procedures providing relatively good survival when it is done as part of complete oncological treatment. In cases of recurrent LFTP, anatomical resections recommended with completion pneumonectomy or lobectomy.
- Published
- 2010
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26. [Quantification of right and left ventricular function with magnetic resonance imaging after Senning operation for complete transposition of the great arteries].
- Author
Gyarmati G, Simor T, Kádár K, Tóth L, Németh T, Oprea V, and Hartyánszky I
- Subjects
- Cardiac Surgical Procedures methods, Child, Child, Preschool, Disease Progression, Electrocardiography, Female, Humans, Male, Reoperation, Stroke Volume, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Transposition of Great Vessels physiopathology, Transposition of Great Vessels surgery, Ventricular Function, Left, Ventricular Function, Right
- Abstract
Introduction: The different non-invasive examinations do not result in unambigous results about the long-term determination of right ventricular function providing systemic circulation in children with transposition of the great arteries operated with Senning procedure., Aim: The goal of study was to determine the application of MRI for the observation of right and left ventricular morphology and function, for the recognition of the progression of the disease, and for the necessity of reoperation., Methods: The authors have observed the morphology and function of the right and left ventricule by ECG triggered short axis MR pictures. For the analysis of MR pictures MASS 5.0 software was used. Authors have determined the end systolic and end diastolic volume, the ejection fraction, the mass, and the stroke volume of the right ventricule, the end systolic and end diastolic volume, ejection fraction, the mass, and the stroke volume of the left ventricle, and the shunt volume. The values of these data corrected to body mass have been calculated., Patients: 176 Senning operations took place between 1980 and 1996. MRI exploration at 21 of the 118 analyzed patients were carried out., Results: The right ventricular ejection fraction value at Senning operated patients is significantly different (49 +/- 9% vs. 70 +/- 4%) from those of healthy children (P < 0.01). Right ventricular stroke volume/m2 and right ventricular end systolic volume/m2 were significantly different compared to normal (43 +/- 10 ml/m2 vs. 48 +/- 7 ml/mn and 46 +/- 16 ml/m2 vs. 21 +/- 5 ml/m2, p < 0.05). Authors found also significant differences in left ventricular ejection fraction in Senning patients as compared to normal (60 +/- 9% vs. 70 +/- 6%, p < 0.01)., Conclusion: MRI, which is a reliable method of objective determination of right ventricular function, became an available method in Hungary. According to the results, authors might presume that the development of right ventricular dysfunction is expected even among Senning operated children without clinical symptoms, so more frequent control is required. The pathological left ventricular parameters may be explained by ventricular interactions. Authors find MRI an important part of the complex follow-up protocol of Senning operations. MRI data extended by results of other non-invasive explorations are appropriate for the follow-up of right ventricular dysfunction.
- Published
- 2006
27. [Cervical neuroblastoma in an infant].
- Author
Arvai K, Tóth J, Németh T, Kiss C, Molnár P, and Oláh E
- Subjects
- Biomarkers, Tumor analysis, Genetic Markers, Head and Neck Neoplasms genetics, Head and Neck Neoplasms pathology, Head and Neck Neoplasms therapy, Humans, Infant, Neuroblastoma genetics, Neuroblastoma pathology, Neuroblastoma therapy, Predictive Value of Tests, Prognosis, Head and Neck Neoplasms diagnosis, Neck, Neuroblastoma diagnosis
- Abstract
The case of a one-month-old patient admitted to the Department of Pediatrics (Medical and Health Science Center, Debrecen University) because of respiratory distress caused by a cervical mass compressing the upper respiratory pathways is presented. The mass could only be partially removed, the histological diagnosis proved to be neuroblastoma (SBCT: "small blue cell tumor"). Despite the fact that the DNA index of tumor cells (ploidy measurements) and the age of the patient suggested a favourable prognosis, the tumor continued to grow and metastases appeared. Because of symptoms of compression exerted on the respiratory system by the tumor, chemotherapy had to be applied. Since a standard OPEC/OJEC chemotherapeutic protocol proved to be not entirely effective and a residual tumor was still present, retinoic acid and interferon treatment was introduced. Presently, 4 years after the diagnosis, the patient is in complete remission and can be considered to be cured. The case presented here demonstrates that despite the favorable prognosis of the majority of infant neuroblastomas, in some cases the anatomic location of the tumor, leading to disturbance of vital functions, may serve as indication of chemotherapy. Our experience also proved the efficacy of retinoic acid and interferon treatment in relapsed neuroblastoma.
- Published
- 2004
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28. [Epidemiologic state of tuberculosis in the world and in Hungary (1882-1982)].
- Author
Németh T, Nyárády I, and Vadász I
- Subjects
- Forecasting, History, 19th Century, History, 20th Century, Humans, Hungary, Registries, Tuberculosis history, Tuberculosis epidemiology
- Published
- 1983
29. [Occupational rehabilitation of patients with respiratory disorders].
- Author
Németh T
- Subjects
- Adult, Female, Humans, Hungary, Male, Middle Aged, Statistics as Topic, Rehabilitation, Vocational, Respiratory Tract Diseases rehabilitation
- Published
- 1983
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