41 results on '"Akhmad Fauzi"'
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2. Evaluasi Pembangunan Berkelanjutan dengan Rendah Karbon pada Sektor Pertanian Padi
- Author
Dwi Sartika Adetama, Akhmad Fauzi, Bambang Juanda, and Dedi Budiman Hakim
- Subjects
pembangunan berkelanjutan, pertanian, padi, rap_withoutlcd, rendah karbon ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
Pembangunan nasional berkelanjutan yang selama ini dilakukan oleh pemerintah tingkat keberhasilannya masih belum dinikmati oleh setiap provinsi di Indonesia, sebagian didominasi di Pulau Jawa. Pembangunan selama ini menggunakan skenario business as usual (BAU) diukur berdasarkan aspek pertumbuhan ekonomi tapi tidak memperhitungkan dampak lingkungan. Permasalahan mulai muncul disaat terdapat ketimpangan antara dimensi ekonomi dengan dampak lingkungan yaitu emisi gas rumah kaca. Penelitian ini mengusulkan pendekatan dalam mengevaluasi pembangunan nasional BAU dengan rendah karbon menggunakan Teknik Rap_withoutLCD berdasarkan Multi Dimensional Scalling (MDS). Objek penelitian pada tanaman padi, data yang dianalisis adalah data sekunder tahun 2014-2018, beberapa literature dan penelitian lain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai tukar petani, konsumsi beras, produksi padi, penduduk buta huruf, persebaran penduduk, persentase penduduk miskin, percetakan sawah, curah hujan, suhu, tekonologi informasi, pompa air, Rice Milling Unit, penggunaan pupuk organik, peraturan rendah karbon, dan emisi gas rumah kaca merupakan atribut yang sensitif terhadap pembangunan nasional berkelanjutan. Artinya jika atribut tersebut dihilangkan maka akan berdampak pada status keberlanjutan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil evaluasi eksisting pembangunan konsep BAU dengan rendah karbon didominasi antara kurang (less sustainable) dan cukup (quite sustainable) di setiap provinsi sehingga pemerintah perlu menerapkan kebijakan transformasi pembangunan pertanian rendah karbon yang dapat menunjang produktivitas pertanian dan juga pembangunan nasional di Indonesia.
- Published
- 2023
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3. Analisis Distribusi dan Analisis Peringkat Data Kemiskinan dari Tiga Sumber Data di Kabupaten Bekasi
- Author
Beny Cahyadie, Bambang Juanda, Akhmad Fauzi, and Rilus A. Kinseng
- Subjects
tiga sumber data ,peringkat data ,data presisi ,PROMETHEE ,Political institutions and public administration (General) ,JF20-2112 - Abstract
Dalam mengimplementasikan kebijakan berbasis bukti, perlu didukung oleh data kemiskinan yang tepat, akurat, dan konsisten. Tujuannya agar berbagai bantuan seperti bansos, PKH, sembako, prakerja, dan subsidi lainnya dapat tepat sasaran bagi masyarakat yang mengalami kemiskinan. Keragaman sumber data kemiskinan akan berimplikasi pada ketidaktepatan sasaran penerima bantuan sosial. Hingga saat ini, masih terdapat tiga sumber data kemiskinan, yaitu Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Kementerian Sosial (Kemensos) dengan Data Terpadu Kesejahteraan Sosial (DTKS), dan TNP2K yang kini berada di bawah Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan (Kemenko PMK) yang juga mengeluarkan data yang menyasar pada target Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Ekstrim (P3KE). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis sebaran data kemiskinan dan analisis pemeringkatan data kemiskinan dari tiga sumber data di Kabupaten Bekasi. Metode analisis menggunakan perangkat lunak ArcGIS 10.4 dan shapefile peta administrasi wilayah Kabupaten Bekasi. Pada analisis pemeringkatan data kemiskinan dari tiga sumber data di setiap kecamatan di Kabupaten Bekasi, digunakan metode Preference Ranking Organization Methods For Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa sebaran data P3KE sebanyak 1.317.098 jiwa tersebar pada desil-1 hingga desil-4 di seluruh kecamatan di Kabupaten Bekasi. Data BPS sebanyak 229.367 jiwa yang tersebar di setiap kecamatan, dan jumlah DTKS di Kabupaten Bekasi sebanyak 1.035.402 jiwa, dengan sebaran data terbanyak berada di Kecamatan Babelan, yaitu sebanyak 110.867 jiwa dari 34.009 jiwa. Sedangkan peringkat terbaik dari ketiga sumber data kemiskinan tersebut adalah Cikarang Pusat, Kecamatan Pebayuran (0.7273), Tambun Utara (0.6364), Cibitung dan Karang Bahagia (0. 4242), Cikarang Utara (0.3939), Tambun Selatan (0.3636), Sukatani (0.2121), Serang Baru (0.1515), Cikarang Barat (0.1212), Tarumajaya (0.0909), Cikarang Timur (0.0606).
- Published
- 2023
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4. Analisis Kinerja Dana Alokasi Khusus Bidang Energi Skala Kecil dalam Meningkatkan Desa Berlistrik
- Author
Hendra Setiawan, Akhmad Fauzi, and Sahara Sahara
- Subjects
efficiency, dea, special allocation fund (dak) ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
Berdasarkan data yang disusun/dirilis oleh Kementerian ESDM, rasio elektrifikasi di Indonesia baru mencapai 95% di tahun 2017 dan sebanyak 5% rumah tangga di Indonesia masih belum mendapatkan akses ke pelayanan penyediaan tenaga listrik. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, salah satu upaya pemerintah yang dilakukan yaitu dengan memberikan fasilitas pendanaan infrastuktur melalui program Dana Alokasi Khusus bidang energi skala kecil. Namun, dalam pelaksanaannya, diduga pelaksanaan DAK bidang energi skala kecil tersebut belum berjalan secara efisien. Dari target yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah, terlihat bahwa serapan anggaran, peningkatan jumlah desa berlistrik, peningkatan jumlah kapasitas pembangkit masih belum optimal. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan yaitu untuk menganalisis kinerja pelaksanaan DAK bidang energi skala kecil. Penelitian ini mencakup kinerja 17 provinsi di Indonesia sebagai pelaksana DAK bidang energi skala kecil tahun 2017. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Berdasarkan hasil yang didapat, ditemukan bahwa hanya 8 provinsi yang melaksanakan DAK bidang energi skala kecil dengan efisien. Hasil analisis DEA menunjukkan bahwa variabel ouput yang dapat ditingkatkan antara lain rumah tangga berlistrik, kapasitas terpasang pada masing-masing rumah dan desa berlistrik.
- Published
- 2021
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5. Manajemen Pendidikan Ramah Anak dalam Lembaga Pendidikan Islam
- Author
Zainal Abidin, Imaduddin Imaduddin, and Akhmad Fauzi Hamzah
- Subjects
Child-friendly education, Islamic educational institutions , students' freedom ,Education ,Islam ,BP1-253 - Abstract
Child-friendly education is an educational model that aims to fulfill the rights of the child by providing a comfortable, safe and enjoyable learning environment for both students and teachers. In addition, it enables the participants to learn independently. Because all rules created by educational institutions must include student participation. This context relates to both the students' freedom to express their ideas and the participants' freedom to reach their full potential. This study uses a library-based research methodology using books and scholarly articles on child-friendly schools. The aim of this study is to describe child-friendly education in Islamic educational institutions. In order to realize child-friendly education in educational institutions, we must first develop some components, including the child-friendly school policy. Educators and educational staff are aware of children's rights, child-friendly teaching and learning processes, non-violent discipline and child-safe facilities and infrastructure.
- Published
- 2022
6. Dampak Sektor Transportasi Terhadap Perekonomian di Timor Barat: Suatu Analisis Model Input - Output (I-O)
- Author
Thobias Arnoldus Messakh, Ernan Rustiadi, Eka Intan Kumala Putri, and Akhmad Fauzi
- Subjects
input-output ,multiplier income ,the impact of the transportation sector ,west timor ,Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 - Abstract
The development of the transportation sector on the West Timor is expected to be a driving machine in supporting other sectors, so that it will have a large multipler impact on the economy at the land borders of the country with Timor Leste. The government needs to make breakthroughs in the development of the transportation sector, because West Timor is experiencing a transportation infrastructure deficit. This is due to the low quality and quantity of transportation infrastructure capable of supporting the regional economy. This study aims to examine the impact backward and forward, as well as the multiplier impact of development on West Timor in 2018. The result of the researched was that the transportation sector in West Timor has a degree of distribution of 1.40. While the degree of sensitivity was 0.486. The multiplier effect on salaries and wages (multiplier income) is 2.069, and the impact on the total value added multiplier is 1.409. The transportation sector needs to be maximized by building intermoda connectivity of the transportation network that is more effective and efficient. It is also necessary to optimize connectivity in integrating the development phases of National, Provincial and District road sections. The network connectivity is expected to be able to encourage the production sector which is able to increase or develop production capacity, thus providing a more optimal multiplier impact in the future.
- Published
- 2021
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7. Integrated rural socio-economic vulnerability analysis in Lampung Province
- Author
Dedy Yuliawan, Dedi Budiman Hakim, Bambang Juanda, and Akhmad Fauzi
- Subjects
Entropy ,Rural development ,TOPSIS ,Vulnerability ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 ,Finance ,HG1-9999 - Abstract
One of the common characteristics of rural areas is their vulnerability to socio-economic and environmental shocks. Therefore, rural development policies should consider these features to take full advantage of the benefits of rural development. This study aims to develop a pastoral assessment based on the TOPSIS-Etropy-Inhomogeneity Method. This research was conducted in Lampung Province using data at the regency level. The data uses village data from the 2018 Village Potential Survey (PODES). The results show that rural areas' exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity factors play an essential role in rural development regarding vulnerability and resilience. Pesisir Barat, Mesuji, and Tulang Bawang Regencies are highly susceptible to low adaptation factors such as difficult access to health centers, inadequate credit facilities from the government, quiet village anticipation and mitigation, and a lack of security systems. The lowest vulnerabilities are in Tanggamus and North Lampung Regencies with common sensitivity factors, where people with malnutrition, persons with disabilities, households living in slums, and the habit of not using river water or the like for drinking or cooking have lower scores. In addition, other factors contribute to vulnerability, and these factors should be considered in rural development policies
- Published
- 2022
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8. The Influence of Leadership, Motivation and Work Environment on Employee Performance at PT. Citra Indah Abadi Jaya
- Author
Denis Pradana Putra Rumpaidus and Akhmad Fauzi
- Subjects
Leadership ,Motivation ,Work Environment ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
Purpose: Human resource management is part of organizational management that focuses on elements of human resources. In the organization, humans are one of the most important elements in an organization. Based on data in 2021, the performance of employees of PT. Citra Indah Abadi Jaya has decreased even though they have quite a lot of orders. They should have the ability to carry out their duties properly. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of leadership, motivation and work environment on the performance of employees of PT. Citra Indah Abadi Jaya. Design/methodology/approach: In this study, the population is all employees at PT. Citra Indah Abadi as many as 40 people and the sample of this study used a saturated sample. Findings: The results showed that leadership has a positive influence on the performance of employees of PT. Citra Indah Abadi Jaya, apart from that, motivation and work environment variables also have a positive influence on the performance of PT. Citra Indah Eternal Jaya. Originality/value: This paper is an original work. Paper type: Research paper
- Published
- 2022
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9. Variabel-Variabel Kunci dalam Pengembangan Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus Pariwisata (KEK) Berkelanjutan Di Mandalika, Lombok Tengah, Indonesia
- Author
Lalu Suryade, Akhmad Fauzi, Noer Azan Achsani, and Eva Anggraini
- Subjects
tourism ,MICMAC ,pembangunan berkelanjutan ,tourism specific ecomomic zone ,Sustainable Development ,Recreation. Leisure ,GV1-1860 - Abstract
Pengembangan sebuah kawasan merupakan bentuk perpaduan kolaborasi yang melibatkan multi-pengambil kebijakan, dan berbagai bentuk kegiatan yang mengarah kepada peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat lokal, serta pelestarian budaya dan lingkungan. Pariwisata dipercaya menjadi salah satu kegiatan yang dapat mempercepat pencapaian pembangunan berkelanjutan dalam sebuah kawasan, khususnya di daerah pesisir. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pilihan-pilihan faktor pembangunan berkelanjutan dari Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Mandalika di Lombok Tengah – Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Oktober 2019 sampai Maret 2020. Data dikumpulkan dari wawancara dan diskusi berkelompok terfokus (FGD) dan kunjungan lapangan. MICMAC digunakan dalam menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap keberlanjutan KEK bidang pariwisata ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat delapan belas faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap keberlanjutan KEK Mandalika yang tercakup dalam dimensi ekonomi, sosial dan ekologi. Faktor-faktor tersebut dikelompokkan ke dalam empat kuadran pengaruh dan ketergantungan MICMAC, yaitu tujuh faktor sebagai faktor pendorong, enam faktor sebagai faktor relay, tiga faktor sebagai output, serta dua faktor sebagai otonom. Faktor investasi akan sangat memberikan pengaruh, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat lokal (income). Dua faktor potensial kunci dengan berdimensi lingkungan bagi pengelolaan KEK Pariwisata Mandalika di masa yang akan datang adalah pencemaran (polusi) dan ketersediaan air bersih (water).
- Published
- 2022
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10. Suburban Sustainability Index: An Approach to Assess Suburban Sustainability in Metropolitan Jakarta, Indonesia
- Author
Pitri Yandri, Dominicus Savio Priyarsono, Akhmad Fauzi, and Arya` Hadi Dharmawan
- Subjects
regional sustainability ,social-economic and environmental sustainability ,min-max analysis ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
In the arena of academic discourse, there is a kind of ‘dissatisfaction’ over the indicators of sustainability. Although Indonesia has formally adopted its sustainable development indicators from the United Nations, the research to find compatible indicators for certain contexts still to continues. There are hundreds and/or even thousands of reports tell us the new indicators of sustainability with various methods and approaches. But very few are paying attention to – or at least – building sustainability indicators of suburban areas, especially the metropolitan suburbs of Jakarta. Therefore, this study tried to develop a typical suburban sustainability indicator called the Suburban Sustainability Index (SSI). As an empirical case, we observe four suburbs which located in hinterland of Metropolitan Jakarta: South Tangerang City, Tangerang City, Depok, and Bekasi. Based on the three dimensions of sustainability (social, economic, and environment), we developed 30 indicators and tested them with Min-Max analysis. More than that, we also conduct Index Analysis to assess the sustainability status of the four suburbs. We found that three regions were less sustainable, and one region was quite sustainable. Further elaboration on these findings is presented in this article.
- Published
- 2020
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11. Pemanfaatan Dana Desa Berbasis Perkembangan dan Resiliensi Desa di Kabupaten Pandeglang Provinsi Banten
- Author
Siti Khoeriyah, Ernan Rustiadi, and Akhmad Fauzi Syam
- Subjects
village funds, village typology, resilience ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
This study aimed at map village typologies based on the status of rural development and resilience for prepare the guidance village funds usage. Status of rural development was built with 13 indicators and status resilience was built with 10 indicators. The study used secondary data from BPS, wich was PODES 2014 in 326 villages at Pandeglang district. The results showed that 5 villages were categorized as advanced villages, 93 villages were categorized as developed villages, 177 villages as undeveloped villages, and 52 were categorized as outlying villages. Based on resilience status, there were 16 villages categorized as low resilience villages, 239 villages as middle resilence villages, and 71 villages categorized as high resilience villages. Based on the status of development and resileince, 4 villages were categorized as typology B (advanced and middle resilience villages), 1 village were typology C (advanced and low resiliece villages), 4 villages were typology D (developed and high resilience villages), 79 villages were typology E (developed and middle resilience villages), 9 villages were typology F (developed and low resilience villages), 35 villages were typology G (undeveloped and high resilience villages), 136 were typology H (undeveloped and middle resilience villages), 6 villages were typology I (undeveloped and low resilience villages), 32 villages were typology J (outlying and high resilience villages), and 20 villages were typology K (outlying and middle resilience villages)
- Published
- 2020
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12. Migrasi Desa-Kota di Indonesia: 'Risk Coping Strategy VS Investment'
- Author
Joan Marta, Akhmad Fauzi, Bambang Juanda, and Ernan Rustiadi
- Subjects
migrasi desa kota ,motif migrasi ,kebijakan pembangunan wilayah ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 ,Regional economics. Space in economics ,HT388 - Abstract
The study aims to analyses the reasons behind migrations motives among rural household based on household and area origin characteristic. The study used IFLS data of 2007 and 2014 consisting 2,581 household samples spreading in 13 provinces. Binomial and multinomial logit model was used to estimate probability to migrate based on migration motive. We found the contradictory effect of household income on decision to migrate between motives. Income has negative effect in risk coping as migration motives, otherwise have positive effect in investment motive. --------------------------------------- Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis alasan dibalik motif migrasi di antara rumah tangga perdesaan berdasarkan karakteristik rumah tangga dan karakteristik daerah asal. Penelitian ini menggunakan data IFLS tahun 2007 dan 2014 yang terdiri dari 2.581 sampel rumah tangga yang tersebar di 13 provinsi. Model binomial dan multinomial logit digunakan untuk memperkirakan probabilitas untuk bermigrasi berdasarkan motif migrasi. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan efek kontradiktif dari pendapatan rumah tangga pada keputusan untuk bermigrasi di antara motif. Pendapatan memiliki efek negatif dalam mengatasi risiko sebagai motif migrasi, sebaliknya memiliki efek positif dalam motif investasi.
- Published
- 2020
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13. Analisis Tipologi Variabel Strategis pada Pengembangan Kawasan Ekowisata Kedung Ombo
- Author
Nafiah Ariyani and Akhmad Fauzi
- Subjects
ecotourism ,kedung ombo ,micmac ,strategic variables ,Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 - Abstract
The Kedung Ombo Reservoir area, which is rich in natural resources, has the potential to be developed as an ecotourism area, but institutional issues and policy focus bias have hampered its development. This study aims to identify strategic variables in the region and find a description of the interdependent relationship between these variables, which is useful in determining the right policy. Research data were obtained through focus group discussions and workshops. Data analysis using Micmac method. The results of the study determine 31 (thirty one) strategic variables in the development of the Kedung Ombo ecotourism area which are grouped into typologies as follows: (1) determinant variables, consisting of: special regulations and permits; (2) relay variable, consisting of: community involvement, tourism business potential, infrastructure readiness, tourism awareness, transportation, tourists, tourist attractions, accommodation, tourism promotion, tourism services, private investment, governance, coordination, role of apparatus and information; (3) autonomous variables, consisting of: local entrepreneurial abilities, developer's understanding of local norms, natural beauty, environmental carrying capacity, and accessibility; and (4) dependent variables such as: tax income, retribution income, availability of funds for the community, preservation of local wisdom, expansion of employment opportunities, conservation of reservoir functions, forest preservation, welfare improvement, and poverty reduction. This research also produces a sequence of priority scales of these strategic variables which is very useful for policy makers in directing the focus of policies to ensure the successful development of the Kedung Ombo ecotourism in a sustainable manner.
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
S Sukanto, Bambang Juanda, Akhmad Fauzi, and Sri Mulatsih
- Subjects
autocorrelation spatial ,gwr ,poverty ,sub-district ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
Poverty is the main problem both at the national and regional development. Existing poverty alleviation programs have not paid attention to the spatial aspect. Thus the policies are often poorly targeted. This study aims to find spatial patterns of poverty in Pandeglang and Lebak districts. Geographically weighted regression (GWR) is used to analyze the poverty data in 2016. Based on the analysis, positive spatial autocorrelation is found and clustered in 25 sub-districts. Net enrollment rates tend to reduce poverty in all sub-districts. Meanwhile, village funds, electricity, and roads tend to reduce poverty rates in more than 80% of sub-districts. Independent variables have a different response in each sub-district. Therefore, the poverty alleviation program of each sub-district is adjusting to its influencing factor.
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Yuda Pringgo Bayusukmara, Baba Barus, and Akhmad Fauzi
- Subjects
regency capital relocation ,land use change ,built-up area ,cellular automata ,prospective structural analysis ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
The determination of the Capital of Sukabumi Regency had implications on Palabuhanratu Bay area in terms of the physical area marked by the change of land use. This research was begun by analyzing land use change using Landsat imagery. Markov Chain and CA-Markov Chain method were used to predict land use change. Prospective Structural Analysis assume that the future is different from the past and is not imposed, but can be built. MICMAC method were used to determine key variables in influencing the change of land use into built-area. The results showed that in the period of post-relocation, the built-up area had a significant increase than the period of pre-relocation. The prediction results of 2030 indicate the type of land use which had a significant decrease from 2016-2030 were beach sand and waterbodies. The type of land use which had higher increase was built-up area and shrub. The key variables that influence the change of land use into built-up area in Palabuhanratu Bay area in the present situation are distance to the city center, Regional Spatial Plan policy, and slope. In future situation, variables such as distance to cities, Regional Spatial Plan policy, and the proportion of paddy field would be the key variables in influencing the change of land use into built-up area.
- Published
- 2019
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16. Pengaruh Kompetensi terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada Biro Pemerintahan dan Kerjasama Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat
- Author
Akhmad Fauzi
- Subjects
kompetensi, kinerja, jawa barat ,Political science ,Law - Abstract
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya fenomena yang terjadi pada Biro Pemerintahan dan Kerjasama Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat saat ini yaitu indikasi belum optimalnya kinerja pegawai. Hal ini ditengarai sebagai akibat dari belum optimalnya kompetensi pegawai. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Explanatory survey. Metode ini tidak hanya menjelaskan atau menggambarkan fakta empiris yang ditemui di lapangan tetapi juga akan menjelaskan analisis pengaruh, baik secara parsial maupun simultan dalam hal ini pengaruh Kompetensi Pegawai terhadap kinerja pegawai. Jumlah sampel yang diteliti adalah sebanyak 42 orang responden. Analisis data dan pengujian hipotesis dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pengujian path analysis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan kompetensi pegawai berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Biro Pemerintahan dan Kerjasama Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat dengan kontribusi sebesar 60,4%, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 39,4% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti.
- Published
- 2019
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17. Analysis of Product Knowledge and Shopping Experience on Intention to Buy an Oppo Smartphone at Shopee with Perceptions of Risk
- Author
Irma Dwi Kusuma, Tri Kartika Pertiwi, and Akhmad Fauzi
- Subjects
Product Knowledge ,Shopping Experience ,Purchase Intention ,Oppo Smartphones ,Risk Perception ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
SMARTPHONE is considered a device that helps in everyday life, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the smartphones that have the largest market share in Indonesia is Oppo, but amid the sharp increase in smartphone online sales, Oppo's online sales are not showing an increase. Even though currently, there are various types of online shopping destinations, one of which is the marketplace, which provides shopping convenience and complete information about products. This is expected to form a good shopping experience and product knowledge to reduce consumer risk perceptions about creating online purchase intentions, so the purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of product knowledge and shopping experience on purchase intention with risk perception as an intervening variable. This research is quantitative. Respondents are residents of Surabaya who have made purchases at Shopee. The sample used was 110 people. The withdrawal used the snowball sampling technique. The research instrument was a questionnaire, then the data obtained were processed by PLS-SEM. The results show that product knowledge contributes to purchase intention. The shopping experience does not contribute to purchase intentions. Product knowledge and shopping experience contribute to risk perception. Meanwhile, the indirect relationship shows that risk perception is proven to mediate the relationship between product knowledge and shopping experience variables with purchase intention.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Otong Suhyanto, Bambang Juanda, Akhmad Fauzi, and Ernan Rustiadi
- Subjects
IPM ,dana transfer ,data panel ,fixed effect model ,Economics as a science ,HB71-74 - Abstract
Indeks Pembangunan Manusia/IPM bisa mengambarkan kualitas sumberdaya manusia di suatu daerah. IPM menyatakan bagaimana sekelompok anggota masyarakat dapat mengakses hasil pembangunan berupa pendidikan, standar hidup layak, dan kesehatan. Skor IPM Jawa Barat secara umum selalu memperlihatkan tren naik dari tahun ke tahun, tetapi skornya selalu di bawah dari rata-rata nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk manganalisis pengaruh pendapatan daerah berupa dana trasfer dan PAD terhadap indeks pembangunan manusia/IPM, dan menganalisis dana transfer yang pengaruh totalnya paling tinggi terhadap IPM. Metode yang digunakan analisis regresi data panel model fixed effect, dengan terlebih dahulu data ditranforamasikan secara logaritma agar diperoleh nilai elastisitas. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahuid bahwa semua dana transfer berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan IPM, begitu juga dengan pendapatan asli daerah. Pendapatan daerah yang pengaruh totalnya paling besar terhadap IPM secara berurutan adalah DAU, PAD, dan DAK. Pemerintah daerah harus membelanjakan dana trasfer untuk kegiatan yang bersifat produktif serta harus menggali potensi daerah untuk meningkatkan pendapatan asli daerah.
- Published
- 2020
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19. Empowerment of rural community through the development of renewable electricity
- Author
Dessy Rachmawatie, Ernan Rustiadi, Akhmad Fauzi, and Bambang Juanda
- Subjects
Electricity beneficiaries ,Empowerment ,Rural community development ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 ,Finance ,HG1-9999 - Abstract
The purpose of this study is to analyze the empowerment of electricity beneficiaries through community empowerment activities following the use of wind and solar renewable energy (PLTH) in Pantai Baru. To achieve these objectives, the data collection in this study was carried out using a structured research questionnaire to 68 PLTH electricity beneficiaries in Pantai Baru, where they are also managers of tourism business in Pantai Baru.This study uses a frequency distribution analysis method to identify: (1) the profile of renewable electricity beneficiaries and (2) determine the extent of empowerment renewable energy electricity beneficiaries in Pantai Baru. The results showed that the characteristics of the beneficiaries were generally of a mature age, had a clear direction of life and goals, and had and adequate level of education. Furthermore, in terms of the empowerment indicators used in this study, they are rated as high. Thus, this study indicates that the community empowerment activities through the development of renewable energy have an impact to the empowerment of PLTH electricity beneficiaries in Pantai Baru.
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Clara Tiwiw, Daniel R. Monintja, Akhmad Fauzi, Kadarwan Soewardi, and Victor P.H. Nikijuluw
- Subjects
Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling ,SH1-691 - Abstract
Kegiatan illegal fishing pada dasarnya tidak saja dilakukan oleh nelayan asing tetapi juga dilakukan oleh nelayan-nelayan Indonesia dengan ukuran kapal yang relatif kecil yaitu dibawah 30 Gross Tone (GT). Ukuran kapal yang kecil lepas dari analisis kegiatan ilegal, padahal dalam jumlah kapal yang banyak dengan kapasitas yang kecil tentu akan memberikan masalah besar bagi pengelolaan sumber daya ikan di Indonesia. Nelayan yang bermukim di Brondong Jawa Timur merupakan salah satu contoh yang lebih memiliki untuk melakukan kegiatan illegal fishing dengan menurunkan ukuran kapal yaitu menurunkan GT. Kegiatan penangkapan ikan secara ilegal dilakukan karena beban ekonomi untuk pengurusan yang cukup tinggi dan tata cara pemgurusan perijinan yang sangat merepotkan merupakan alasan utama nelayan Brondong
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Dinarwan Dinarwan, Daniel R. Monintja, Akhmad Fauzi, and Ernani Lubis
- Subjects
Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling ,SH1-691 - Abstract
Hasil penelitian sebelumnya perihal optimalisasi pengelolaan perikanan tangkap jaring udang di perairan sekitar Cirebon utara Jawa Barat menunjukkan bahwa kuantitas unit penangkapan jaring udang di wilayah perairan Kabupaten Cirebon masih dapat dikembangkan, sehingga iklim investasi pada unit penangkapan jaring udang di wilayah tersebut dapat memberikan harapan yang baik. Namun sebelum investasi terhadap pengembangan kuantitas unit penangkapan jaring udang direalisasikan, perlu kiranya dikaji secara mendalam terhadap kelayakannya dan kapasitasnya tanpa mengganggu aspek kelestarian sumberdaya udangnya. Penelitian bertujuan : (i) menganalisis kondisi optimal tingkat pemanfaatan sumberdaya udang penaeid dengan didasarkan pada pengelolaan sumberdaya perikanan dibawah rezim optimasi dinamik, (ii) menganalisis peluang pengembangan investasi pada unit penangkapan jaring udang, dan (iii) menganalisis kelayakan finansial investasi tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan data runtut waktu (time series) perikanan pada periode 1983 – 2006. Sementara data primer diperoleh melalui wawancara terhadap 90 nelayan Jaring Udang. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan pendekatan model bioekonomi menunjukkan bahwa : (i) tingkat pemanfaatan sumberdaya udang penaeid pada kondisi aktual dengan tingkat harvest sebesar 4 851 278 kg dan effort sebesar 1 137 unit armada penangkapan jaring udang ternyata masih lebih kecil daripada kondisi optimal pengelolaan sumberdaya perikanan rezim optimasi dinamik yang memiliki tingkat harvest sebesar 7 995 410,45 kg dengan effort 4 642,51 unit armada penangkapannya, (ii) peluang pengembangan investasi pada unit penangkapan jaring udang masih dapat dilakukan hingga senilai Rp 40 097 024 651,07 (± 40 milyar rupiah) setara dengan motorisasi 3 506 unit armada penangkapan jaring udang, dan (iii) hasil analisis finansial dari kegiatan usaha penangkapan jaring udang masih layak diusahakan dengan kriteria nilai NPV sebesar Rp 36 093 761,19 dan net B/C sebesar 6,5. Upaya pengembangan investasi terhadap armada unit penangkapan jaring udang mensyaratkan agar pelayanan jasa pelabuhan perikanannya ada dalam kondisi yang baik.
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Achmad Nasir Biasane, Akhmad Fauzi, Daniel R. Monintja, and Dedi Soedharma
- Subjects
Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling ,SH1-691 - Abstract
Pulau Sipadan dan Ligitan sebagai bagian dari kedaulatan Malaysia ditetapkan oleh Mahkamah Internasional berdasarkan keberadaannya, telah mendorong Indonesia untuk lebih sadar dan peduli untuk mengembangkan pulau-pulau kecil perbatasan. Terdapat lembaga-lembaga nasional dan regional telah mengembangkan program dan kegiatan untuk pulau kecil perbatasan tapi program masih berorientasi sektoral dan parsial, sedangkan tidak ada kebijakan nasional mengenai manajemen pulau kecil perbatasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan kebijakan yang komprehensif untuk pengelolaan pulau-pulau kecil kepulauan Sangihe berdasarkan geo-politik, ekonomi dan daya dukung lingkungan. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Data primer dikumpulkan di Tahuna, Pulau Marore, Pulau Matutuang, Pulau Tinakareng, dan Pulau Kawio. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sektor potensial untuk dikembangkan di Kepulauan Sangihe adalah perikanan tangkap dan komoditas perkebunan. Penelitian ini melakukan analisis untuk mengembangkan perikanan tangkap pada ikan layang (Decapterus sp.), trvevallies (Selar spp.), tuna kecil (Euthynus sp.), Skipjack tuna (Katsuwomus pelamis), hiu (Charcarias sp.) dan tuna (Thunnus albacares). Produksi berkelanjutan rata-rata pada 20 tahun (1988-2007) ikan layang adalah 1746,3 ton/tahun, bobara adalah 194,1 ton/tahun, hiu adalah 148,4 ton/tahun, ikan tuna cakalang adalah 315,6 ton/tahun, tuna adalah 152 ton/tahun, dan tuna kecil adalah 1073,2 ton/tahun pada periode yang sama. Prioritas kebijakan pulau kecil perbatasan adalah: (1) pengembangan perikanan tangkap, kelapa dan pala real, (2) demarkasi dan delimitasi batas negara, (3) mengembangkan sistem pertahanan dan keamanan di pulau-pulau kecil, (4 ) perubahan perjanjian dasar perdagangan terhadap perbatasan nilai ekonomi; dan (5) pemanfaatan optimal dan berkelanjutan sumber daya alam.
- Published
- 2017
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23. Analysis of Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) on Retail Prices of Medium Rice and Red Chili in Java
- Author
Jan Piter Sinaga, Agung Hendriadi, Muhammad Firdaus, Akhmad Fauzi, and Idha Widi Arsanti
- Subjects
Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
Research using a global regression model might not be appropriate to find out the factors that influence strategic food prices based on spatial characteristics. To analyze the spatial effect, Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) was employed. GWR models are better than OLS, which is indicated by the higher R2 GWR and lower AIC values. The GWR analysis provides the following findings: (1) the wholesale price most influential on the retail price of medium rice and red chili both during the main harvest and non-harvest periods; (2) the harvest pattern results in the effect of production and producer prices on the retail prices of the major harvest and non-harvest periods. Management of inter-regional distribution must be carried out to maintain supply stability and disparity in food prices between regions; (3) producer prices are integrated with trader prices in the district of production centers and surrounding areas while the integration of food prices at the consumer level occurs in the main economic center area of the region. These aspects have different effects for each region and district because the estimated parameters can be positive or negative. Testing during the harvest season (April) and non-harvest can also produce estimates that vary according to the specific characteristics of each location. Keywords: spatial analysis, Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR), retail prices, wholesale price, spatial distribution patterns
- Published
- 2021
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24. Peramalan Penyediaan dan Konsumsi Bahan Bakar Minyak Indonesia dengan Model Sistem Dinamik
- Author
Ana Fitriyatus Sa'adah, Akhmad Fauzi, and Bambang Juanda
- Subjects
Bahan Bakar Minyak ,Sistem Dinamik ,Peramalan ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 ,Regional economics. Space in economics ,HT388 - Abstract
Prediction of Fuel Supply and Consumption in Indonesia with System Dynamics Model This study contributes to the existing literature of oil industries in Indonesia by examining fuel supply and consumption in Indonesia. The objectives of this research were to predict fuel supply and consumption in Indonesia in the future. The model formed in this research was system dynamic. The simulation result showed that until 2016, fuel oil supply can meet the fuel oil consumption. From 2017 to 2025, fuel oil supply cannot meet domestic fuel oil consumption. In 2025, fuel oil supply is estimated up to 651.092 million barrel and fuel oil consumption is up to 719.048 million barrel. Keywords: Fuel; System Dynamic; Simulation Abstrak Penelitian ini memperkaya kajian industri perminyakan di Indonesia dengan menganalisis penyediaan dan konsumsi bahan bakar minyak (BBM) Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meramalkan penyediaan dan konsumsi BBM masa mendatang. Model yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model sistem dinamik. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa sampai tahun 2016 penyediaan BBM dapat memenuhi kebutuhan BBM. Pada tahun 2017 sampai 2025, penyediaan BBM tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan BBM dalam negeri. Pada tahun 2025, diperkirakan penyediaan BBM mencapai 651.092 juta barel dan konsumsi BBM mencapai 719.048 juta barel.
- Published
- 2017
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25. Application of Imprecise Decision Modeling for Regional Development Policies in Indonesia
- Author
Novita Erlinda, Akhmad Fauzi, Slamet Sutomo, and Eka Intan Kumala Putri
- Subjects
Regional development, imprecise decision modeling, risk and imprecise information ,Economics as a science ,HB71-74 - Abstract
Regional Development encompasses many aspect of economic, social, and environmental attributes. In the context of developing country, the decision to fulfill these attributes are often hindered by lack of clear development scenarios and constraints. This study is an attempt to capture the complexity of decision makers for regional development scenarios using imprecise decision modeling (IDM) by incorporating imprecise information and uncertainties. A series of social, economic and environmental criteria based on agreement from multi stakeholders dialogues were developed along with four policy development scenarios. Results from such a modeling provides variety of decision alternatives based on probabilities and risk assessment associated with achieving policy objectives.
- Published
- 2016
26. Economic Valuation of Mangrove Restoration in Indonesia
- Author
Djoko Suprapto, Mayanggita Kirana, Indah Susilowati, and Akhmad Fauzi
- Subjects
economic-valuation ,mangrove ,Karimunjawa ,Indonesia ,Economics as a science ,HB71-74 - Abstract
Mangrove forest is one of the important ecosystems in Karimunjawa, Indonesia. It provides a variety of services both ecologically and economically. However, over-exploited activity, such as timber theft, can be threatening the sustainability of mangrove forest in Karimunjawa now and in the future. Thus, the improved management for mangrove forest is necessary to ensure its sustainability, and it is depending on how people value the conservation from economic and environment consideration. This study examines the factors influencing on the willingness to pay (WTP) of respondents for mangrove restoration in Karimunjawa. A total of 502 respondents were interviewed using census method. The method employed is Contingent Valuation Method (CVM)Single Bounded. In CVM, the logit model was defined based on dichotomous choice method to estimate the willingness-to-pay (WTP) randomly with three different starting bid value. Findings showed that local awareness of the importance of the values given by mangroves was popularized among local communities. The findings also indicated that respondents who are higher education and have more income were more likely to pay for the mangrove restoration.
- Published
- 2015
27. Sensitivity Indicators Analysis and Regional Sustainable Development Status in Indonesia
- Author
Bachril Bakri, Ernan Rustiadi, Akhmad Fauzi, and Soeryo Adiwibowo
- Subjects
Flag Analysis ,Indicator ,Regional Development ,Scalogram ,Sustainability Indicators Sustainable Development ,Political institutions and public administration (General) ,JF20-2112 - Abstract
Indonesia is one of the largest archipelagic country in the world, with an area of 1,913,578.67 km2, and consists of 34 provinces, 415 regencies, and 93 cities. Since the end of centralistic governance under Soeharto's administration in 1999, Indonesia has adopted a decentralized governance system to deliver national and regional development. It has been noted that Indonesia has variations in social, economic, ecological, and institutional dimensions between a province to another province in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the sensitivity of indicator and hierarchy of sustainability of province in Indonesia, using a scalogram method, and analyze the status of sustainable development of the regions, using cluster and flag analysis method. The research shows two most sensitive indicators, the ratio of paved road length to area width and the GDP per capita. Both of these indicators are very effective in increasing the sustainability of provincial development in Indonesia. Of the 33 provinces studied, 24 are at a moderate level of sustainability. Flag analysis showed that the SDG scenario is better than the NC-MEA and the BAU at Region I to III.
- Published
- 2017
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28. The Measurement of Sustainable Development in Indonesia
- Author
Akhmad Fauzi and Alex Oxtavianus
- Subjects
sustainable development ,the composite index ,economic development ,environmental ,Economics as a science ,HB71-74 - Abstract
Nearly the end of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) era, bring back ideas for looking international development goals. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is one of them. In this study, sustainable development has defined as the balance of economic, social and environmental. The achievement of sustainable development is measured by using two different approaches, partial and composite indicator. Partial development indicators showed progress in economic and social dimensions. However, progress in these areas seems to put pressure on the environment. Sustainable Development Index (IPB), which is a composite of GDP, HDI and IKLH (Environmental Quality Index) also gives the same message. By using a balance between dimensions of development technique, as chosen scenario, sustainable development in Indonesia reached about two-thirds of the maximum target. Hight progress in economic and social ultimately corrected by environmental degradation.
- Published
- 2014
29. Evaluasi Kelayakan Finansial Usaha Peternakan dan Pengembangan Biogas: Studi Kasus Desa Suntenjaya, Bandung
- Author
Resty Fatma Maeanti, Akhmad Fauzi, and Asti Istiqomah
- Subjects
Biogas ,Limbah Ternak ,Evaluasi Kelayakan Finansial ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 ,Regional economics. Space in economics ,HT388 - Abstract
Abstract This study aims to evaluate the feasibility of biogas project in Suntenjaya Village, Bandung and identify factors that affect revenues, environment and wider economic benefit of the project, using benefit cost analysis, multiple regression, and descriptive analysis. The results show that biogas project is feasible to be developed. Variables that significantly influence on the biogas project are total amount of poultry's waste, total amount of water, and labor. Economic impact of biogas from employment is 1.96%. Furthermore, fuel cost savings of biogas is IDR1,406,160. Environmental impact shows that mostly of cow farmer agree that biogas development project give positive impacts to environment. Keywords: Biogas, Cattle's Waste, Financial Feasibility Evaluation Abstrak Studi ini bertujuan mengevaluasi kelayakan dari usaha biogas di Desa Suntenjaya, Bandung dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi usaha pengembangan biogas, serta mengidentifikasi dampak ekonomi dan lingkungan dari keberadaan usaha biogas. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis keuangan, analisis biaya manfaat, model regresi berganda, dan analisis deskriptif. Evaluasi kelayakan proyek menunjukkan usaha peternakan sapi perah dengan pengembangan biogas adalah layak. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi usaha pengembangan biogas ialah jumlah kotoran sapi, jumlah air yang digunakan, dan jumlah tenaga kerja. Dampak ekonomi dari pengembangan biogas, yaitu penyerapan tenaga kerja sebesar 1,96% dan penghematan biaya bahan bakar yang dihemat sebesar Rp1.406.160 per tahun. Dampak lingkungan menunjukkan peternak setuju bahwa biogas memberikan dampak positif terhadap lingkungan. Kata kunci: Biogas, Limbah Ternak, Evaluasi Kelayakan Finansial
- Published
- 2013
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- Author
Eny Budi Sri Haryani, Akhmad Fauzi, and Daniel R. Monintja
- Subjects
Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling ,SH1-691 ,Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering ,VM1-989 - Abstract
Raja Ampat Regency in West Papua Province has abundance natural fishery resources. Marine Protected Area (MPA) has been established in marine areas of Raja Ampat Regency. To better manage of MPA is required with measureable parameters and clear indicators. To decide the indicator can be conducted by bioeconomic model approach. The results of research show that the establishment of MPA will increase harvest level and revenue. But “bigger is better” could’nt be adopted for the development of MPA. There is an optimal MPA size will contribute for increasing yields and revenue and can reduce the level of effort.
- Published
- 2012
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- Author
Jeti Pulu, Mulyono S. Baskoro, Daniel R. Monintja, Budhi H. Iskandar, and Akhmad Fauzi
- Subjects
Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling ,SH1-691 ,Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering ,VM1-989 - Abstract
The research is aimed to reveal opportunity development of the capture fisheries in Talaud Islands Regency by using bionomy approach with Gordon-Schaefer model (Fauzy, 2005) con-cerning the dominant of illegal fishing activities around the area. The research was started by co-llected some secondary data on fish production and number of fishing units. Primary data were collected on catch composition and types of fishing gear. Gordon-Schaefer methods was applied to evaluate the tuna and skipjack resources in the area. The troll and pole and line are indicated as the dominant fishing gears used to catch the skipjack and tuna. In case of open access condition, the production will end up to 25,09 tons, while the resource rent will be end up to zero. For the development, simulations were exercised in 3 scenarios: 1) scenario of enhancing domestic fleet, 2) scenario of illegal fishing, and 3) scenario of net surplus. With those scenarios, if the illegal fishing could be eliminated, the capture fisheries in this regency could render economic value to 10 billion rupiah.
- Published
- 2012
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32. Migrasi Desa-Kota di Indonesia: 'Risk Coping Strategy VS Investment'
- Author
Akhmad Fauzi, Bambang Juanda, Ernan Rustiadi, and Joan Marta
- Subjects
migrasi desa kota ,kebijakan pembangunan wilayah ,motif migrasi ,lcsh:Regional economics. Space in economics ,lcsh:HD72-88 ,lcsh:HT388 ,lcsh:Economic growth, development, planning - Abstract
The study aims to analyses the reasons behind migrations motives among rural household based on household and area origin characteristic. The study used IFLS data of 2007 and 2014 consisting 2,581 household samples spreading in 13 provinces. Binomial and multinomial logit model was used to estimate probability to migrate based on migration motive. We found the contradictory effect of household income on decision to migrate between motives. Income has negative effect in risk coping as migration motives, otherwise have positive effect in investment motive. --------------------------------------- Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis alasan dibalik motif migrasi di antara rumah tangga perdesaan berdasarkan karakteristik rumah tangga dan karakteristik daerah asal. Penelitian ini menggunakan data IFLS tahun 2007 dan 2014 yang terdiri dari 2.581 sampel rumah tangga yang tersebar di 13 provinsi. Model binomial dan multinomial logit digunakan untuk memperkirakan probabilitas untuk bermigrasi berdasarkan motif migrasi. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan efek kontradiktif dari pendapatan rumah tangga pada keputusan untuk bermigrasi di antara motif. Pendapatan memiliki efek negatif dalam mengatasi risiko sebagai motif migrasi, sebaliknya memiliki efek positif dalam motif investasi.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Nuraini Soleiman, Rudy C Tarumingkeng, Akhmad Fauzi, and Bunasor Sanim
- Subjects
air pollution, particulate matter dynamic model, social-economic impact ,lcsh:T ,lcsh:Technology (General) ,lcsh:T1-995 ,lcsh:Q ,lcsh:Science ,lcsh:Science (General) ,lcsh:Technology ,lcsh:Q1-390 - Abstract
Air pollution from vehicle emission becomes a major problem in urban areas, including Jakarta, Indonesia. This vehicle emission worsening ambient air concentration because of increasingly use of diesel engine for urban transportation, which exhaust particulate matter. This pollutan pose adverse health effect especially resparatory problems and premature mortality. This paper presents a model for estimating the level of pollution and the impact of that pollution on human health. An air quality model is developed using Gaussian model for urban area and the social-economic impact are estimated using Dose Response function. Simulation of the model shows a dynamic model is a powerfull tool for estimating the pollution level and the impact of the pollution. The result of the simulation can be used as basic information for decision makers to design some environmental policies for reducing the pollution level from vehicles emission.
- Published
- 2015
34. Peran Kelembagaan Perdesaan untuk Keberlanjutan Penerapan SRI di Kabupaten Karawang
- Author
Ernan Rustiadi, Akhmad Fauzi, Luh Putu Suciati, and Bambang Juanda
- Subjects
Biaya Transaksi Ekonomi ,Kelembagaan Perdesaan ,lcsh:Regional economics. Space in economics ,lcsh:HD72-88 ,lcsh:HT388 ,System of Rice Intensication ,lcsh:Economic growth, development, planning - Abstract
Sustainability of System of Rice Intensication (SRI) requires rural institution role. The study was conducted in Karawang and uses institutional economics approach and logit regression. The analysis shows potential problems of SRI related with principal-agent/institutional relation and economics transaction costs. Strengthening the activities within farmer groups will reduce economics transaction costs in beginning of application. Farmer will choose "bagi hasil/revenue sharing" as land management cooperation with moderate risks and transaction costs. Monitoring and incentive mechanism will reduce problems of adverse selection and moral hazard. Some factors which determine the sustainability of SRI are production, principal position, off farm work and ex ante transaction costs. Keywords: Rural Institution, Transaction Cost Economics, System of Rice Intensication Abstrak Keberlanjutan penerapan metode System of Rice Intensication (SRI) membutuhkan peran kelembagaan perdesaan. Studi dilakukan di Kabupaten Karawang dan menggunakan pendekatan kelembagaan ekonomi dan regresi logit. Hasil analisis menunjukkan potensi problem metode SRI terkait hubungan kelembagaan principal-agent dan biaya transaksi ekonomi. Penguatan kinerja kelembagaan perdesaan melalui kegiatan bersama dalam kelompok tani mengurangi biaya transaksi ekonomi pada awal aplikasi SRI. Pilihan kerja sama pengelolaan lahan pola bagi hasil banyak dipilih terkait risiko dan biaya transaksi yang moderat. Potensi masalah berupa moral hazard dan adverse selection dapat dikurangi dengan pemantauan dan mekanisme insentif. Faktor determinan keberlanjutan penerapan metode SRI adalah peningkatan produksi padi, posisi sebagai pemilik lahan, pekerjaan di luar usaha tani, dan biaya transaksi sebelum pelaksanaan. Kata kunci: Kelembagaan Perdesaan, Biaya Transaksi Ekonomi, System of Rice Intensication
- Published
- 2014
35. Evaluasi Kelayakan Finansial Usaha Peternakan dan Pengembangan Biogas: Studi Kasus Desa Suntenjaya, Bandung
- Author
Asti Istiqomah, Resty Fatma Maeanti, and Akhmad Fauzi
- Subjects
Biogas ,lcsh:Regional economics. Space in economics ,Evaluasi Kelayakan Finansial ,lcsh:HD72-88 ,lcsh:HT388 ,Limbah Ternak ,lcsh:Economic growth, development, planning - Abstract
This study aims to evaluate the feasibility of biogas project in Suntenjaya Village, Bandung and identify factors that affect revenues, environment and wider economic benefit of the project, using benefit cost analysis, multiple regression, and descriptive analysis. The results show that biogas project is feasible to be developed. Variables that significantly influence on the biogas project are total amount of poultry's waste, total amount of water, and labor. Economic impact of biogas from employment is 1.96%. Furthermore, fuel cost savings of biogas is IDR1,406,160. Environmental impact shows that mostly of cow farmer agree that biogas development project give positive impacts to environment. Keywords: Biogas, Cattle's Waste, Financial Feasibility Evaluation Abstrak Studi ini bertujuan mengevaluasi kelayakan dari usaha biogas di Desa Suntenjaya, Bandung dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi usaha pengembangan biogas, serta mengidentifikasi dampak ekonomi dan lingkungan dari keberadaan usaha biogas. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis keuangan, analisis biaya manfaat, model regresi berganda, dan analisis deskriptif. Evaluasi kelayakan proyek menunjukkan usaha peternakan sapi perah dengan pengembangan biogas adalah layak. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi usaha pengembangan biogas ialah jumlah kotoran sapi, jumlah air yang digunakan, dan jumlah tenaga kerja. Dampak ekonomi dari pengembangan biogas, yaitu penyerapan tenaga kerja sebesar 1,96% dan penghematan biaya bahan bakar yang dihemat sebesar Rp1.406.160 per tahun. Dampak lingkungan menunjukkan peternak setuju bahwa biogas memberikan dampak positif terhadap lingkungan. Kata kunci: Biogas, Limbah Ternak, Evaluasi Kelayakan Finansial
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Lina Warlina, Erliza Noor, Akhmad Fauzi, Rudy C Tarumingkeng, and Surjono H Sutjahjo
- Subjects
dioxin/furan, dispersion methods, emission, persistent organic pollutants ,lcsh:T ,emission ,lcsh:Technology (General) ,lcsh:T1-995 ,dispersion methods ,lcsh:Q ,persistent organic pollutants ,dioxin/furan ,lcsh:Science ,lcsh:Science (General) ,lcsh:Technology ,lcsh:Q1-390 - Abstract
Dioxin/furan is one of the persistent organic pollutants (POPs) that the government and public in Indonesia has not taken care of, as there is currently no policy on reducing dioxin/furan emission, even according to previous research dioxin/furan emission has already high. Steel industries produce dioxin/furan emission that will give negative impact to the people (cancer and death) and environment. The objective of this research was to estimate dioxin/furan emission and to determine factors that influence dioxin/furan emission concentration on the air, especially from steels industries. Methods employed in this research used emission factors to estimate dioxin/furan emission and Gaussian dispersion modeling to estimate emission concentration. The result showed that dioxin/furan emission is 9,38-13,54 gTEQ and it has to be reduced. Production is main factor to contribute dioxin/furan emission to the air. Besides that, emission concentration also depends on temperature, wind speed, height of stacks and radius from the site to the recipient. The conclusion of the research is dioxin/furan emission should be reduced, by means of first or second treatment.
- Published
- 2008
- Author
Sri Listyarini, Rudy C Tarumingkeng, Akhmad Fauzi, and Parulian Hutagaol
- Subjects
command and control ,nitrogen oxide (NOx) gas ,lcsh:T ,air pollution ,ambient concentration ,lcsh:Technology ,air pollution, ambient concentration, command and control, dynamic simulation, fossil fuel, nitrogen oxide (NOx) gas ,lcsh:Technology (General) ,lcsh:T1-995 ,dynamic simulation ,lcsh:Q ,lcsh:Science ,lcsh:Science (General) ,fossil fuel ,lcsh:Q1-390 - Abstract
The aim of this research is to estimate the value of health degradation caused by nitrogen oxide (NOx) gas as one of the air pollutions in Jakarta Province. The economic growth in urban area may affect lifestyle which will increase the energy demand. Fossil fuel as the main energy emitting some gases to the ambient, one of them is NOx gas. In this research analysis of factors that influenced NOx ambient concentration is based on the socials, economics, and meteorological data from Indonesia Statistics Center (BPS) and Bureau of Meteorology and Geophysics (BMG). The prediction of the cost that has to be paid by the persons who are exposured by NOx gas and will get respiratory symptomps is done by developing the dynamic simulation model. The result of this research is by 2025 the Jakarta residences that will have respiratory symptomps caused by the NOx air pollution should pay about 1 trillion (1012) rupiahs. To reduce this pollutant it is recommended to develop public policies based on the economic and environmental concern.
- Published
- 2007
38. Mengembangkan Psikologi Konservasi Melalui Model Perilaku Ekologis Mangrove
- Author
Akhmad Fauzie
- Subjects
Psikologi konservasi ,perilaku ekologis mangrove ,teori perilaku terencana ,teori aktivasi norma ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
This study was aimed to examine the mangrove ecological behavior model and the influences of self-concept, environmental ethics, environmental attitude and behavior intention on mangrove ecological behavior. The mangrove ecological behavior model can be useful to promote conservation psychology. The mangrove ecological behavior is constructed based on the theory of planned behavior that is combined with norm activation theory. Sample used in this study was 235 students in Hang Tuah University. Data were analyzed using path analysis to determine the direct and indirect effect of exogenous variables on endogenous variable. There are two structural equations that is direct and indirect effect of self-concept, environmental ethics, environmental attitude toward mangrove ecological behavior with behavior intention as a mediator variable. The results show that all structural equations fulfill egilibility. The effect of self-concept, environmental ethics and environmental attitudes on behavior intention amounted to 47.2%, while environmental attitudes give the most effect on behavior intention of 55%. The combined effect of self-concept, environmental ethics, environmental attitudes and behavioral intentions toward mangrove ecological behavior is 27.2% and ecological behavior intention contributed 46.2% toward mangrove ecological behavior. The direct effect of the environmental ethics toward mangrove ecological behavior is 0126, while the indirect effect of environmental ethics towards mangrove ecological behavior through behavioral intention is 0.0549. It can be seen from the result that the effect of the environmental ethics on mangrove ecological behavior is minor. Thus, based on these results, to encourage mangrove ecological behavior, the environmental ethics teaching model needs to be applied. The focus of this teaching model should be given on environmental attitudes that includes the incease of knowledge and value to the mangrove environment. Abstrak: Penelitian ini menguji model perilaku ekologis mangrove dengan mengukur pengaruh konsep diri, etika lingkungan, sikap lingkungan dan intensi perilaku terhadap perilaku ekologis mangrove. Model perilaku mangrove ini dapat berguna untuk mengembangkan psikologi konservasi. Rancangan model ini didasarkan pada teori perilaku terencana yang dikombinasikan dengan teori aktivasi norma. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 235 orang. Analisis data menggunakan analisis jalur (path analysis) karena bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung variabel-variabel exogenous terhadap variabel endogenous. Berdasar analisis data diperoleh hasil bahwa semua model persamaan struktur memenuhi kelayakan. Pengaruh konsep diri, etika lingkungan dan sikap lingkungan secara gabungan terhadap intensi perilaku sebesar 47.2% sedangkan pada besaran pengaruh parsial, sikap lingkungan memberi pengaruh paling besar terhadap intensi perilaku sebesar 55%. Pengaruh konsep diri, etika lingkungan, sikap lingkungan dan niatan perilaku terhadap perilaku ekologis secara gabungan sebesar 27.2% dan intensi perilaku ekologis memberi sumbangan terbesar yaitu 46.2%. Pengaruh langsung etika lingkungan terhadap perilaku ekologis adalah -0.126, sedangkan pengaruh tidak langsung etika lingkungan terhadap perilaku ekologis melalui niatan perilaku adalah 0.0549. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh etika lingkungan terhadap perilaku ekologis adalah kecil. Maka, berdasar hasil tersebut, untuk mendorong perilaku ekologis mangrove perlu diterapkan model pembelajaran etika lingkungan hidup difokuskan pada sikap lingkungan yang meliputi peningkatan pengetahuan dan nilai terhadap lingkungan.
- Published
- 2017
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39. Penggunaan Kata 'Jancuk' Sebagai Ekspresi Budaya dalam Perilaku Komunikasi Arek di Kampung Kota Surabaya
- Author
Sugeng Sriyanto and Akhmad Fauzie
- Subjects
Jancuk ,perilaku komunikasi ,budaya Arek ,komunitas kampung ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
The term “jancuk” is part of the dialect of Surabaya people. For Surabaya people known as “Arek Suroboyo” who lives in the neighborhood of kampung kota (the urban village), “jancuk” is the most common word that is used as an expressive language in daily life. However for some people, the word “jancuk” has a negative connotation. This ethnographic study explore how “jancuk” is used and understood by people living in kampung Surabaya who use it as daily communication. Data collected using in-depth interviews and analyzed using three stages of analysis technique suggested by Miles and Huberman: reduction, display, and verification. The result shows that the use of “jancuk” is the common expression in communication which is used because the influence of the social character and the strong internalization of “Arek” culture. “Arek” culture is characterized by its spontaneous, open, and egalitarian values. The use of “jancuk” emphasizes the form of interaction or pragmatic language functions rather than its semantic meaning. In general, the word “jancuk” is used by people who live in urban villages in Surabaya to express their emotion both positive and negative sides. While “jancuk” can be used to express anger, most participants used in friendship circle. People who use the word tend to be viewed as friendly and sociable. Abstrak: Bagi Arek Suroboyo yang tinggal di lingkungan kampung, kata “jancuk” digunakan sebagai sebagai bentuk ekspresi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Peneltian etnografi ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap bagaimana kata “jancuk” dimaknai oleh orang-orang yang menggunakannnya yang tinggal di kampung Surabaya. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara secara mendalam dan dianalisis menggunakan teknik reduksi, display, dan verifikasi yang disarankan Miles and Huberman. Hasil analisis menunjukkan penggunaan kata jancuk dalam perilaku komunikasi merupakan ekspresi yang dipengaruhi oleh karakter dan kuatnya internalisasi budaya “Arek”. Budaya “Arek” ditandai oleh spontanitas, keterbukaan, dan egalitarianisme. Penggunaan kata jancuk lebih menekankan pada bentuk fungsi interaksi atau prakmatik bahasa dari pada makna semantiknya. Kata ini sering diucapkan oleh orang kampung Surabaya untuk mengekspresikan emosi positif maupun negatif. Menjadi negatif ketika kata ini digunakan sebagai ekspresi kemarahan yang ditujukan pada orang lain. Pada sisi positif dalam sebuah interaksi persahabatan, orang yang menggunakan kata ini dianggap memiliki karakteristik sebagai orang yang ramah dan suka bergaul.
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Akhmad Fauzie
- Subjects
Makna kebahagian ,penderita HIV-AIDS ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
Artikel ini mennyelediki tentang bagaimana pemaknaan kebahagiaan pada penderita HIV, faktor-faktor apa sajakah yang mempengaruhi kebahagiaan penderita HIV, serta bagaimana proses pemaknaan kebahagiaan terjadi pada penderita HIV. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan kualitatif, model interpretif. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik wawancara mendalam. Analisis data menggunakan Model Patton. Berdasar analis data diperoleh simpulan makna kebahagiaan penderita HIV tidak dapat dilepaskan dari dinamika emosi yang dirasakan penderita HIV. Ada empat faktor yang mempengaruhi makna kebahagiaan penderita HIV dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: social support; coping strategies; kepribadian dan pemaknaan hidup.
- Published
- 2010
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41. Tes Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis pada Pembelajaran IPA di SMP Berbasis Model Rasch
- Author
Aziz Akhmad Fauzi, Purwo Susongko, and Muriani Nur Hayati
- Subjects
kemampuan berpikir kritis ,tes ,model rasch ,Education ,Science - Abstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1) Validitas isi (2) validitas psikometrik dan (3) validitas konstrak asesmen kemampuan berpikir kritis pada pembelajaran IPA di SMP dengan pemodelan Rasch, serta (4) Mendeskripsikan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa pada pembelajaran IPA di SMP. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif eksploratif menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tanggal 9 September 2021 di MTs NU 01 Kramat. Populasi yang digunakan adalah seluruh lembar jawab siswa MTs NU pada mata pelajaran IPA tahun ajaran 2021/2022. Butir-butir Instrumen asesmen kemampuan berpikir kritis pada pembelajaran IPA di SMP telah memenuhi (1) validitas isi (2) validitas psikometri dan (3) validitas konstrak menjelaskan: (a) item fit instrumen dinyatakan fit dengan tingkat kesukaran butir berada di interval antara (-3.00) - 3.00, (b) sebanyak 11.95 % respon tidak person fit, (c) dengan scree plot menunjukkan instrumen tes bersifat unidimensi. (4) Prosentase nilai kemampuan berpikir kritis rata-rata peserta tes sebesar 52.6 %. This study aims to determine: (1) content validity (2) psychometric validity and (3) construct validity of critical thinking skills assessment in science learning in junior high school using Rasch modeling, and (4) to describe students' critical thinking skills in science learning in junior high school. This type of research is descriptive exploratory using a quantitative approach. The research was carried out on 9 September 2021 at MTs NU 01 Kramat. The population used is all NU MTs student answer sheets in science subjects for the 2021/2022 academic year. Items The instrument for assessing critical thinking skills in science learning in junior high school has met (1) content validity (2) psychometric validity and (3) construct validity explaining: (a) the item fit of the instrument is declared fit with the item difficulty level being in the interval between ( -3.00) - 3.00, (b) 11.95 % of the responses are not person fit, (c) the scree plot shows that the test instrument is unidimensional. (4) The percentage of the average critical thinking ability of the test takers is 52.6%.
- Published
- 2022
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