87 results on '"Caputo, G."'
Search Results
2. Attività manipolativa a 6 mesi e linguaggio produttivo a 24 mesi in bambini nati a termine e pretermine: una possibile relazione
- Author
Spinelli, C., Battaglia, G. D., Caputo, G., Deleo, E., Minervini, G., and Aureli, T.
- Subjects
Manipolazione ,Manipolazione, Linguaggio, Pretermine ,Linguaggio ,Pretermine - Published
- 2019
3. Dall'interazione faccia a faccia all'interazione con gli oggetti: confronto tra bambini nati a termine e prematuri a 3 e 6 mesi
- Author
Caputo, G., Deleo, E., Minervini, G., Tricarico, F., and Aureli, T.
- Subjects
Co-regolazione, attenzione, prematurità ,attenzione ,Co-regolazione ,prematurità - Published
- 2018
4. Produzione di biodiesel di II generazione da biomasse agricole mediante lieviti oleaginosi e lipasi
- Author
Pirozzi D., Zuccaro G., Abagnale M., Aronne A., Caputo G., Fiorentino N., Minieri L., Sannino F., Pernice P., Pietrangeli B., Fagnano M., Vaccaro Luigi, Pirozzi, D., Zuccaro, G., Abagnale, M., Aronne, A., Caputo, G., Fiorentino, N., Minieri, L., Sannino, F., Pernice, P., Pietrangeli, B., and Fagnano, M.
- Published
- 2015
5. Santinelli, Jung e Alchimia
- Author
Caputo, G. B.
- Subjects
allucinazione ,coscienza ,coscienza, allucinazione, dissociazione, colore, spiritualità ,spiritualità ,dissociazione ,colore - Published
- 2017
6. Il capitale territoriale in Campania (2000-2012) - La Campania dopo la Grande crisi
- Author
BOLGHERINI, SILVIA, Caputo, G. Orientale, P. Fighera, A. Dal Mastro, Istituto Cattaneo, Bolgherini, Silvia, Caputo, G. Orientale, P., Fighera, and A., Dal Mastro
- Published
- 2014
- Author
POLLASTRO, Rosa Maria, Caputo, G, Cirillo, D., POLLASTRO R.M., CAPUTO G, CIRILLO D, Natale Gaspare De Santo, J. Stewart Cameron, Pollastro, Rosa Maria, Caputo, G, and Cirillo, D.
- Published
- 2003
8. Carta geologica d'italia alla scala 1:50.000 e note illustrative del foglio 595_Palermo
- Author
CATALANO, Raimondo, AVELLONE, Giuseppe, BASILONE, Luca, CONTINO, Antonio, AGATE, Mauro, DI MAGGIO, Cipriano, SULLI, Attilio, GASPARO MORTICELLI, Maurizio, ALBANESE, Cinzia, VATTANO, Marco, DI STEFANO, Enrico, PEPE, Fabrizio, PENNINO, Valentina, Lo Iacono, C, Gugliotta, C, Caputo, G, Di Maio, D, Lo Cicero, G, Catalano, R, Avellone, G, Basilone, L, Contino, A, Agate, M, Di Maggio, C, Lo Iacono, C, Sulli, A, Gugliotta, C, Gasparo Morticelli, M, Caputo, G, Albanese, C, Di Maio, D, Vattano, M, Lo Cicero, G, Di Stefano, E, Pepe, F, and Pennino, V
- Subjects
Carta geologica ,Settore GEO/02 - Geologia Stratigrafica E Sedimentologica ,note illustrative - Abstract
The Map Sheet 1:50.000 595 ”Palermo” includes marine and land areas of the topographic map sheet “Palermo”. The map sheet “Palermo” (Palermo Province) covers a part of the Sicily Fold and Thrust Belt (FTB) which has developed along the plate boundary between Africa and Europe in the Central Mediterranean. The Sicily FTB links the African Maghrebide to the Calabrian arc and Southern Apennines. The FTB and its submerged western and northern extensions are part- ly located between the Sardinia block and the Pelagian-Ionian sector, and partly beneath the central southern Tyrrhenian Sea. In this sector of the Mediterranean area, the main compressional move- ments, after the Paleogene Alpine orogeny, began with the latest Oligocene-Early Miocene counterclockwise rotation of Corsica-Sardinia, believed to represent a volcanic arc, and its collision with the African continental margin. Thrusting oc- curred in connection with the westward subduction of the Adriatic and Ionian lithosphere beneath the Corsica-Sardinia block. Today, a westward subduction is indicated by a North-dipping Benioff zone, as deep as 400 km, west of Calabria and the Apennines, and the related calc- alkaline volcanism in the Eolian Islands. Subduction and thrusting are contempo- raneous with a back arc-type extension in the Tyrrhenian Sea.186 LAND AREAS geomorphoLogy Three different sectors can be distinguished in Sheet 595: 1) the Palermo and Bagheria coastal plains, characterized by several poly- cyclic marine terraces organized in different orders; 2) the isolated carbonate reliefs of Monte Pellegrino and Monte Catalfano; 3) the internal Belmonte Mezzagno highlands and the Oreto and Eleuterio river valleys. The geomorphological evolution of the area has been controlled by strong down-cutting and dismantling processes that have produced both the erosion of thick volumes of mainly Tertiary terrigenous deposits and the exhumation of mainly Mesozoic carbonate rocks. Due to tectonic uplifting, these proces- ses are intensely developed on ”soft rocks “(Numidian Flysch clayey deposits), producing large river valleys with slopes affected by water erosion and surficial landslides (valleys of Fiume Oreto, Fiume Eleuterio and Fiume Milicia); they have, however, considerably slowed down along the blocks of more resistant rock (Mesozoic-Tertiary carbonate units), forming the wide Palermo Mountains. At the present-day, relict (planation surfaces and abandoned valleys), structural (fault/fault-line scarps) and karst (sinkholes and polje) forms occur in the highlan- ds. The geomorphological setting of the coastal areas has been influenced more by significant Quaternary extensional tectonics that originated the drowning of the northern sectors of the Sicilian chain in the Tyrrhenian Sea above which the marine deposition was deposited (Marsala synthem). The uplifting, involving also the lowered blocks, has resulted in the progressive retreat of the sea that gave origin to a succession of marine terraces, Ionian-Latest Pleistocene in age, and fi- nally the emersion of the present-day coastal depressions (Palermo and Bagheria plains). During the Upper Pleistocene to Holocene, the uplifting rates reached values generally lower than 0.1 m/ky. stratIgraphy The carbonate and terrigenous rock facies analysis and stratigraphy led to the recognition of large Paleozoic to Miocene sedimentary bodies pertaining to diffe- rent and separate crustal paleogeographic domains; the former, developed along the African passive continental margin and the adjacent Tethyan ocean. The “Tethyan” successions correspond to the deep clayey carbonate and vol- canoclastic rocks known to have been deposited in the Sicilide Domain. The pas- sive margin rock bodies are shallow water carbonates, deep water carbonates and 187 siliceous carbonates that were deposited in domains, locally known as Panormide, Trapanese and, Imerese. Terrigenous, evaporitic and clastic-carbonate rocks, Miocene to Pleistocene in age, formed during the foredeep evolution of the Sicilian FTB. A detailed stratigraphy of the rock-successions is summarized in the paragraph “Legend of the Palermo Sheet”. Quaternary continental deposits have been mapped as unconformity-bounded stratigraphic units limited by lower and upper unconformities, locally marked by palaeosoils, due to erosion/depositional processes, marine/sub-aerial processes or non-depositional events. Locally, the upper boundaries are the present-day topo- graphic surface. The detection of some unconformities of regional extent allowed us to define several synthems. The Marsala synthem is a Lower Pleistocene body of marine/coastal deposits, with abundant fossils; its lower boundary is a mari- ne erosion surface cutting pre-Quaternary rocks. The Buonfornello-Campofelice synthem is composed of middle Pleistocene marine deposits covering abrasion surfaces above the coastal stepped blocks. The Polisano synthem is made up of aeolian sandstones and sands with intercalations of breccias talus, late Middle Pleistocene in age (OIS 6); its lower boundary is a non-depositional surface at the top of older rocks. Eleuterio and Milicia synthems are made up of Middle-Upper Pleistocene, mainly fluvial, deposits deposited on river terrace surfaces; their lo- wer boundary is a stream erosion surface. The Benincasa synthem includes colluvial Middle-Upper Pleistocene deposits of Qz-sandstones interbedded with stone-line, palaeosoils, Fe-rich layers and no- dular concretions. Its lower boundary is an unconformity above the Buonfornello- Campofelice synthem, the upper one is the base of the Capo Plaia synthem of the present soil. The Barcarello synthem encompasses marine/coastal conglomerates and are- nites, with a rich warm-temperate “Senegal fauna” including Strombus bubonius; it is located on two orders of marine terraces (OISs 5e and 5c or 5a) and laterally passes into welded colluvial deposits whose age is correlated with the OIS 5. The lower boundary of the synthem is a marine abrasion surface, laterally extending to a continental erosion surface; the latter is cutting the Polisano synthem or older rocks. The Raffo Rosso synthem consists of aeolian sandstones and sands, collu- vial or gravitational deposits and thick stratified slope deposits of the last glacial climatic event (OISs 4-2); the lower boundary is a non-depositional surface at the top of the Barcarello synthem or older rocks. The Capo Plaia synthem is made up of coastal to continental deposits of the last glacial climatic event of the end - Holocene age (OISs 2-1); its lower boundary is formed by variously origina- ted erosion or non-depositional surfaces; the upper boundary is the topographic surface.188 struCturaL graIn The Paleozoic to Cenozoic, mainly carbonate sedimentary bodies, developed in different sectors of the African passive continental margin and the adjacent Tethyan ocean and were progressively accreted in a pile of tectonic units and are now exposed to form the Sicilian fold and thrust belt. To define the extension and setting of these bodies versus their internal facies pattern, we individuate them as Structural-Stratigraphic Units (U.S.S.), described as large geological bodies per- taining to original paleogeographic domains from where they were removed and later deformed. These bodies are bounded by clearly mappable tectonic features (faults, thrust, etc.) and each of them is characterized by homogeneous lithologies and similar structural behaviours and settings. The outcropping tectonic edifice, in the “Palermo” Sheet, is composed of se- veral U.S.S., which can be locally subdivided into tectonic units of minor order. These subunits have been mapped on the basis of their tectonic relationships. Some U.S.S. have been identified, starting from the geometrically highest and most internal in the FTB. 1) U.S.S. deriving from the deformation of the Sicilide domain succession: - U.S.S. Tusa-Troina outcropping in the south-eastern sector, overlying the Numidian Flysch deposits. 2) U.S.S. deriving from the deformation of the Imerese domain succession and its overlying numidian flysch basin. The units widely outcrop in the cen- tral and southern sector of the geological sheet where Mesozoic deep water carbonates and their oligo-miocene numidian flysch covers are deformed, with the latter often slightly detached from the carbonate substrate. Among them we distinguished: - U.S.S. Sagana - Belmonte Mezzagno, in the western sector, where we indi- viduated the sub-unit Pizzuta-S.Cristina; - U.S.S. Monte Cane-San Calogero, in the eastern sector, subdivided into a) the subunit Monte Cane-S. Onofrio, overlying b) the subunit Bizolelli; 3) U.S.S. deriving from the deformation of the Panormide Domain. The U.S.S. consists of Meso-Cenozoic shelf to pelagic carbonates and the often detached nu- midian flysch cover, pertaining to the U.S.S. M. Gallo-M. Palmeto, forming the margin of the Panormide Platform. It outcrops only at Monte Pellegrino (subunit Pellegrino). 4) U.S.S. deriving from the deformation of the Trapanese domain. It is recognizable only in the seismic profile crossing the eastern sector where it is overlain by the U.S.S. Sagana - Belmonte Mezzagno. Southwards, it oucrops at Monte Balatelle (U.S.S. Kumeta-Balatelle).189 Structural evolution The tectonic edifice outcropping and buried beneath the area of the Palermo Sheet is the result of several deformational events that have taken place since the Triassic, deforming complexly the sedimentary successions deposited during the Mesozoic-Pleistocene. After the detachment from their crystalline basement the original sedimentary bodies were progressively accreted in a pile of tectonic units now exposed in the Sicilian chain. Two main events have occurred during the Miocene and Pleistocene time interval. They are respectively characterized by compression and transpression. Contraction originally involved the Tethyan domains and the internal domains of the continental margin, whose deep water meso-cenozoic carbonates formed the structurally highest tectonic units in the chain. The occurrence of intrastratal decollement originated duplex geometries. Since the Messinian, the deformation moved at depth, progressively involving the carbonate platform rock bodies in large E-W antiforms that were successively (during Late Pliocene) folded by NE- SW structures. The transpressional event is proved by NNW-SSE and NE-SW transcurrent and transpressive structures (dextral); it involves the deep-seated car- bonate platform-forming fold structures and severe uplifting that induces reimbri- cation in the overlying Imerese deep-water units. This transpressive event accom- panies the paleomagnetically evidenced thrust rotations between the Late Miocene and the Early Pleistocene. An abrupt change in the tectonic transport direction of the two compressional structure systems is explained taking into account the 120° clockwise rotations based on the paleomagnetic results of ChanneL et alii (1980, 1990); speranza et alii (2000). As a consequence the present day outcropping structural attitude of the structures (and consequently of the deformation fields) do not coincide with the original trends. The compressional and traspressional structures are down faulted northwards by the extensional tectonics. MARINE AREAS In the marine areas, we distinguished different morphological environments, from beaches through the offshore (inner shelf), to the outer shelf and upper slope where two confined slope basins (Palermo and Termini basins, separated by the Monte Catalfano salient) represent the south-western margin of the large Cefalù basin. The substrate of these basins is represented by the Sicilian FTB tectonic units and their syn- and post-orogenic covers. The area shows a lateral variation from the rocky shores, in front of Monte Pellegrino and Monte Catalfano and in the eastern sector, to the beaches mainly in the central sector.190 Important physiographic changes, as shelf width and gradient and different coast orientations, characterise the continental shelf and slope and influence the hydrodynamic processes (wave activity and shelf current patterns). The continental shelf reaches 250 km2 and shows width values ranging from 1.5 km in the Capo Zafferano offshore to 8,0 km in the gulf of Termini, whereas gradient values range between 1° and 8°. The continental shelf has been subdi- vided into an inner infralittoral domain down to a 30 - 35 m water depth, which is characterized by an abrasion platform at different depths, and the outer shelf domain extends to the shelf edge. The shelf edge, which is both depositional and erosional, located at water depths between 120 m and 140 m, rises to lower depths at the canyon heads. Dominant morphological features along the continental slope are the submari- ne erosive conduits, locally interesting also the continental shelf. The heads of the conduits are characterised by severe episodes of retrogressive failure and incised by small gullies. Some (the Oreto and Eleuterio canyons) are directly linked to rivers and were connected during the last glacial maximum through incised val- leys, now buried by transgressive to highstand deposits. In the central sector of the Gulf of Palermo, we pinpointed almost three pockmarks, depressions tens of meters deep, originating from escaping fluids, while in the western sector of the gulf the same phenomena caused the occurrence of isolated or aligned, outcrop- ping or buried mounds. Finally anthropic features largely characterize the seabottom mainly in the inner shelf. seIsmostratIgraphy and stratIgraphIC settIng The buried sedimentary succession has been investigated by means of a close grid of single and multichannel seismic lines. On the whole, three seismic units (S, C and A) have been distinguished. The S seismic unit represents the offshore prolongation of the Meso-Cenozoic units of the Sicilian FTB and their syn- and post-orogenic cover. They are ge- nerally topped by a pronounced, erosive unconformity, correlated to the exten- sive Messinian horizon, generated during the last phases of the Mediterranean Salinity Crisis (5.5 Ma), and covered by a transparent seismic unit representing the Globigerina - bearing pelagic chalk (Trubi) and the Upper (?) Pliocene slope to shelfal deposits. The C seismic unit is represented by a prograding succession of 4° to 7° dip- ping horizons, which have been correlated with the regressive upper Pliocene- Pleistocene deposits, topped by the regional wide, erosional truncation related to the last glacioeustatic sea level fall, correlated with the δ18 O isotopic stage 2. The A seismic unit corresponds to the Late Pleistocene to Holocene 191 depositional sequence (SDTQ) with sigmoidal to tabular geometry; the deposi- tional sequence consists of a Falling Stage and Lowstand Systems Tracts with a progadational pattern controlling a relevant out-building of the shelf margin and a sedimentary wedge, of variable thickness, made up of the Transgressive (TST) and the Highstand (HST) Systems Tracts. The TST, developed during the Holocene sea level rise, shows a retrograda- tional stacking pattern, while the HST, deposited during the last 6 ka b.P., shows aggradational to faintly progradational geometries, related to the development of a littoral depositional system. Along the upper slope, turbiditic systems, characterized by erosive conduits and scattered mass wasting, developed extensively during the Late Pleistocene to Holocene. Surficial sediments of the continental shelf and slope The continental shelf and slope of the Palermo sheet are veneered with uncon- solidated, late Holocene in age, clastic and biogenic carbonate (Palermo gulf) and in second order, lithoclastic (Termini gulf) sediments. Deposits are composed of sands, relict Pleistocene and older carbonate parti- cles, abundant biogenic carbonate granules and algal-coated grains. In the outer shelf and upper slope, deposits are predominantly fine to very fine grained (silts and silty clays). The inner shelf is veneered by a mixture of gravel (rarely), coarse to fine sands, silts and clays, showing a general trend of decrea- sing size in a general seaward direction. From the sedimentary and the morphological features, four different depo- sitional systems have been distinguished: foreshore depositional systems, inner shelf depositional systems, outer shelf depositional systems and upper slope de- positional systems, mapped as g8 , g19 , g21 , m2 respectively. The systems are laterally gradational and linked by a variety of sedimentary processes. Shallow marine environments (up to a 50 m water depth) are generally characterized by biogenic sediments while terrigenous and carbonate clastic sedi- ments supplied by rivers or coastal erosion locally prevail. The most important facies of the infralittoral domain consists of Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa meadows, which extensively cover the rocky substrate or the sandy floors the former and the muddy floors the latter. teCtonIC evoLutIon of the offshore areas The present day structural setting reconstructed in the Palermo sheet marine sectors appears the same as the tectonic edifice depicted on the mainland: it has 192 been interpreted as a consequence of the complex Neogene to Quaternary tectonic evolution. The compressive tectonics, responsible for the wedging of the present day submerged thrust sheets, developed during the Late Miocene span interval. This event was followed by transpressive tectonics that faulted and folded the Late Neogene to Pliocene infill by activation of high-angle, deep faults. During the Pleistocene, extensional tectonics accounted for opening and subsidence of structural lows. Present day active tectonics is still going on, as documented by compressive- transpressive focal mechanisms of shallow to deep, low amplitude earthquakes occurring along the offshore between the Sicilian coast and Ustica Island. A few middle-late Pleistocene marine terraces, outcropping along the coast at different levels, suggest a prolonged, faintly tectonic uplift. On the whole, the Plio-Quaternary geological evolution of the offshore area appears to be constrained by a strong interaction between eustatic sea level chan- ges, sediment supply and tectonics, recorded by strain features and enhanced un- conformities crossing the basin fill.
- Published
- 2013
9. Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.000 e note illustrative del foglio 594-585 PARTINICO-MONDELLO
- Author
CATALANO, Raimondo, BASILONE, Luca, DI MAGGIO, Cipriano, GASPARO MORTICELLI, Maurizio, AGATE, Mauro, AVELLONE, Giuseppe, CONTINO, Antonio, VALENTI, Vera, SULLI, Attilio, DI STEFANO, Enrico, Mancuso, M, Vaccaro, F, Lena, G, Caputo, G., Catalano, R, Basilone, L, Di Maggio, C, Gasparo Morticelli, M, Agate, M, Avellone, G, Mancuso, M, Contino, A, Valenti, V, Vaccaro, F, Lena, G, Sulli, A, Di Stefano, E, and Caputo, G
- Subjects
Carta geologica ,Settore GEO/02 - Geologia Stratigrafica E Sedimentologica ,Note illustrative - Abstract
The 594-585 ”Partinico-Mondello” Map Sheet 1:50.000 includes marine and land areas of the topographic map sheet “Partinico” and “Mondello”. The map sheet “Partinico-Mondello” (Palermo Province) covers a part of the Sicily Fold and Thrust Belt (FTB) which has developed along the plate boundary between Africa and Europe in the central Mediterranean. The Sicily FTB links the African Maghrebides to the Calabrian arc and the Southern Apennines. The fTB and its submerged western and northern exten- sions are partly located between the Sardinia block and the Pelagian-Ionian sec- tor, and partly beneath the central southern Tyrrhenian Sea. In this sector of the Mediterranean area, the main compressional movements, after the Paleogene Alpine orogeny, began with the latest Oligocene-Early Mio- cene counterclockwise rotation of Corsica-Sardinia, believed to represent a volca- nic arc, and its collision with the African continental margin. Thrusting occurred in connection with the westward subduction of the Adriatic and Ionian lithosphere beneath the Corsica-Sardinia block. Today, a westward subduction is indicated by a North-dipping Benioff zone, as deep as 400 km, west of Calabria and the Apennines, and the related calc- alkaline volcanism in the Eolian Islands. Subduction and thrusting are contempo- raneous with a back arc-type extension in the Tyrrhenian Sea. 237lAND AREAS geomorphology The geomorphological evolution of the studied area has been controlled by strong down-cutting and dismantling processes that have produced both the ero- sion of thick volumes of very recent terrigenous deposits and the exhumation of older rocks. Due to tectonic uplifting, these deepening processes are developed intensively on “soft rocks” (Numidian fysch clayey deposits), producing large river valleys whose slopes are affected by water erosion and surfcial landslides (Nocella and Oreto rivers); erosion has slowed down considerably along the more resistant Mesozoic-Tertiary carbonate rock units of the wide ranges of the Palermo Mountains. In the present-day, relicted planation surfaces and abandoned valleys, fault/fault-line scarps and karst “dolines” and “poljes” occur in the mountainous areas. On the other hand, the geomorphological setting of the coastal areas has been infuenced by important Quaternary extensional tectonics that were at the origin of the lowering of the northern sectors of the Sicilian chain submerged by the Tyrrhenian Sea and invaded by coastal marine depositions (Marsala synthem). Uplifting, involving also the subsided blocks, together with sea level variations, has led to the progressive withdrawal of the sea that originated a succession of marine terraces, Tarantian-Latest Pleistocene in age, followed by the emersion of the present-day coastal depressions (Partinico, Carini and Palermo plains). Du- ring the Upper Pleistocene to Holocene, the uplifting rates reach values between about 0.08 and 0,15 m/kyr. stratigraphy The carbonate and terrigenous rock facies analysis and stratigraphy has led to the reconaissance of large Paleozoic to Miocene sedimentary units pertaining to different crustal paleogeographic domains; the former developed along the Pela- gian (African) passive continental margin and the adjacent Tethyan Ocean. The “Tethyan” successions correspond to the deep sea, clayey carbonate and volcanoclastic rocks known to have been deposited in the Sicilide Domain. The passive continental margin, rock units are Meso-Cenozoic shallow water carbo- nates, deep water carbonates and siliceous rocks that were deposited in some domains, locally known as Panormide, Trapanese and Imerese. The terrigenous evaporitic and clastic-carbonate rocks, Miocene to Pleistocene in age, formed during the foredeep evolution of the Sicilian fTB. A detailed stratigraphy of the rock-successions is summarized in the next paragraph (see map Legend of the sheet). 238Quaternary continental (mostly) and marine deposits have been mapped as unconformity-bounded, stratigraphic units limited by lower and upper uncon- formity surfaces, locally marked by palaeosols, due to erosion/depositional phe- nomena, marine/sub-aerial processes or non depositional events. In place, the upper boundary is the present-day topographic surface. The detection of some unconformity surfaces of regional extent allowed us to defne several synthems here described from the older ones. The Marsala synthem is a lower Pleistocene rock unit of marine/coastal deposits, with abundant fossils; its lower boundary is a marine erosion surface cut into pre-Quaternary rocks. The Piana di Parti- nico synthem is made up of marine/coastal deposits located above a number of marine terrace surfaces, related to sea-high, stand phases of the Middle Pleisto- cene (Oxygen Isotope Stages – OISs - 17-7); its lower boundary is a wave cut platform carved into the Marsala synthem or some pre-Quaternary rocks. The Polisano synthem is made up of aeolian sandstones and sands with intercalations of breccia talus, late Middle Pleistocene in age (OIS 6); its lower boundary is a non-depositional surface at the top of the Piana di Partinico synthem or older rocks. The Oreto and Jato synthems are made up of Middle – Upper Pleistocene mainly fuvial deposits located on river terrace surfaces; their lower boundary is a stream erosion surface. The Monreale synthem consists of Middle Pleistoce- ne carbonate speleothems (mainly travertines); its lower boundary is a subaerial erosion surface cut both into the Marsala synthem or into the pre-quaternary rocks. The Barcarello synthem encompasses marine/coastal conglomerates and arenites, with a rich warm-temperate “Senegal fauna” including Strombus bubo- nius; the unit is located above two orders of marine terrace (OISs 5e and 5c or 5a) and laterally passes into welded colluvial deposits whose age is correlated to the oIS 5. The lower boundary of the Barcarello synthem is a marine abrasion surface, laterally extending into a continental erosion surface; the latter cuts the Polisano synthem or older rocks. The Raffo Rosso synthem consists of aeolian sandstones and sands, colluvial or gravitational deposits and thick stratifed slope deposits of the last glacial climatic event (OISs 4-2); the lower boundary is a non- depositional surface located at the top of the Barcarello synthem or older rocks. The capo Plaia synthem is made up of coastal to continental deposits of the last glacial climatic event end – Holocene age (OISs 2-1); it is comprised in the lower boundary, formed by variously originated erosion or non-depositional surfaces and the topographic surface. struCtural grain The geological map has been compiled following stratigraphic and structural criteria, suggested by the CARG rules. Following the carbonate and terrigenous 239facies analysis, already carried out in western Sicily during the eighties and nine- ties, large Paleozoic to Cenozoic sedimentary units were identifed. These bodies, detached from their basement, progressively accreted in a pile of tectonic units and are now exposed in the Sicilian FTB. To defne the extension and setting of the mentioned units versus their internal facies pattern, we have used the term Structural – Stratigraphic units (USS). The USS are bounded by clear mappable tectonic features (faults, thrust surface, etc.) and each one is characterized by ho- mogeneous lithologies and similar structural behaviours and settings. The outcropping tectonic edifce in the “Partinico-Mondello” geological map sheet is formed by some USS that, locally, can be subdivided into tectonic units of minor order mapped on the basis of their tectonic relationships. The following USS have been identifed from the geometrically highest and most internal ones in the “Partinico-Mondeòlo” tectonic edifce: 1) the USS deriving from the deformation of the Imerese Domain and its overlying Numidian fysch basin. The units outcrop in the central southern sector of the geological sheet and are Meso-cenozoic deep water carbonates deformed together with their Oligo-Miocene Numidian fysch cover. The latter is detached from its carbonate substrate. Among them: - USS Meccini; - USS Sagana – Belmonte Mezzagno. The latter has been separated into three subunits based on the occurrence of some décollment surfaces (low and high angle) that put in evidence the deforma- tion (thickening) of the rock succession: a) Cuccio-Saraceno is the highest in the stack; b) Gradara and c) Pizzuta-Santa Cristina are widespread in the southern sectors. The lowest in the stack (the Pizzuta-Santa Cristina unit) overthrusts the Trapanese carbonate Platform units as is clearly shown in the Monte Kumeta Ridge located to the south in the adjacent corleone sheet map. 2) The USS deriving from the deformation of the Panormide Domain con- sist of Meso-cenozoic shelf to pelagic carbonates including their unconformably overlying ,Numidian fysch cover that is, often detached from its substrate. Three main USS have been distinguished and divided, in turn, into subunits: - gallo- Palmeto USS consisting of the Palmeto and gallo subunits - Cozzo di Lupo USS, formed by the shelf to margin carbonates of the Panor- mide Platform, is geometrically underlying the Gallo-Palmeto unit. It has been divided into: the Cala Rossa subunit, occurring in the coastal zone of Terrasini and the Vuturo subunit outcropping in the hilly neighbourhood of Palermo and Torretta. - Pecoraro-colombrina USS. The Unit outcrops in the hills of Monte Pecora- io, Montagna Longa, Monte Colombrina, Cozzo Muletta, Torre Pozzillo near the town of carini. 240Structural evolution The tectonic edifce outcropping and buried beneath the “Partinico-Mondel- lo” map sheet is the result of several deformational events that have taken place since the Triassic, deforming the sedimentary successions deposited during the Mesozoic-Pleistocene in different ways. Two main events took place during the Miocene and Pleistocene time interval. They are respectively characterized by compression and transpression. Contraction, originally involved internal domains of the continental margin whose deep water mesocenozoic carbonates formed the structurally highest tectonic units in the chain. The occurrence of intrastratal decollement gave origin also to the duplex geometries. Since the Messinian, the deformation has gone into depth, progressively involving the carbonate platform rock body in large E-W antiforms that were successively (during Late Pliocene) folded by NE-SW structures. The transpressional event is proved by NNW-SSE and NE-SW transcurrent and transpressive structures (dextral); it involves the deep-seated carbonate platform-forming fold structures and severe uplifting that induces reimbrication in the overlying Imerese deep-water units. This transpres- sive event accompanies the paleomagnetically evidenced thrust rotations between the late Miocene and the Early Pleistocene. An abruplt change in the tectonic transport direction of the two compressional structure systems is explained taking in account the 120° clockwise rotation based on the paleomagnetically results of Channell et alii (1980, 1990); speranza et alii (2000). As a consequence the present day outcropping structural attitude of the structures (and consequently of the deformation felds) do not coincide with the original trends. The compressio- nal and traspressional structures are down faulted northwards by the extensional tectonics. After the detachment from their crystalline basement, the original sedimenta- ry bodies were progressively accreted in a pile of tectonic units now exposed in the Sicilian fold and Thrust Belt. MARINE AREAS The morphological environments from the beach and the foreshore, through to the outer shelf, upper slope and confned slope basin settings are part of the marine area. The area shows a lateral gradation from the fuvially – (i.e. small mountainous rivers) dominated Castellammare Gulf shelf to the sediment – starved Carini Bay. Important physiographic changes, as shelf width and gradient and different coast orientations, characterize the continental shelf and slope and infuence the 241hydrodynamic processes (wave activity and shelf current patterns). The physiographic sectors that have been recognised are, from the West: 1) the eastern parts of the gulf of Castellammare, 2) the shelf of the Carini Bay and 3) the inner shelf of the Mondello Bay. The shelf shows width values ranging from the 8,0 km of the gulf of Castel- lammare to the 10 km of the Carini Bay, whereas gradient values range between 0,4° and 1,35°. The shelf edge, located at water depths between 120 m and 160 m, rises to lower depths at the canyon heads. The continental shelf has been subdivided into an inner infralittoral domain down to a 30 – 35 m water depth and an outer shelf domain, extending to the shelf edge. Off Cape Rama, the seaward boundary between the inner and the outer shelf is marked by a break of slope and by the occurrence of several small wave – cut marine terraces; in the Carini Bay, a paleoshoreline, between a depth of 100 m - 110, divides the shelf into an outer smooth sector and in an inner rough area, where paleoriver valleys occur. Dominant morphological features within the eastern castellammare gulf are the submarine erosive conduits that intercept the dominant littoral drift from the west to the north-west. The heads of the castellammare conduits are characteri- zed by severe episodes of retrogressive failure and incised by small gullies. Ero- sional chutes deeply cut the sedimentary cover of the carini slope. seismostratigraphy and stratigraphiC setting The Plio – Pleistocene buried sedimentary succession has been investigated by means of a close grid of single and multichannel seismic lines. Overall, three seismic units (PL, PQ and STDQ) have been distinguished. The PL seismic unit unconformably overlies a pronounced, erosive unconfor- mity (refector Y) that has been correlated to the extensive Messinian horizon, ge- nerated during the last phases of the Mediterranean Salinity Crisis (5.5 Ma b. P.). The Pl seismic unit has been interpreted as being made up of globigerina – bearing pelagic chalk (Trubi) and the Upper (?) Pliocene slope to shelfal deposits, pertain to the “marnoso arenacea del Belice”. The Pq seismic unit has been correlated with the regressive Pleistocene depo- sits, bounded below to the x horizon, corresponding to the lower boundary of the Marsala synthem and topped by the regional-wide, erosional truncation related to the last glacioeustatic sea level fall, correlable with the δ18 o isotopic stage 2. In the stratigraphic section, transversal to the coastline, the Late Pleistocene to holocene STDq shows a sigmoidal to tabular geometry; the depositional se- quence consists of a falling Stage and a lowstand Systems Tract with a progra- dational pattern controlling a relevant outward-building of the shelf margin and 242a sedimentary wedge, of variable thickness, made up of the Transgressive (TST) and the Highstand (HST) Systems Tracts. The TST, developed during the Holocene sea level rise, shows a retrograda- tional stacking pattern of three small parasequences, well defned in the eastern sectors of the Castellammare shelf but more condensed in the Carini Bay; here, the holocene sea level stillstands have been recorded by three orders of submer- ged paleo-shorelines. The HST, deposited during the last 6 ka b.P., shows aggradational to faintly progradational geometries, related to the development of a deltaic to littoral de- positional system. In the inner continental shelf of the eastern Castellammare Gulf, seismic fa- cies, like “migrating waves” and acoustic wipe – out, suggest sedimentary insta- bility and gas expulsion phenomena. Along the upper slope, an extensive slope to turbiditic system, characterized by erosive conduits and scattered mass wasting deposits, developed during the late Pleistocene to holocene. Surfcial sediments of the continental shelf and slope The continental shelf and slope of the “Partinico – Mondello” sheet are vene- ered with unconsolidated, late Holocene in age, terrigenous and carbonate clastic and biogenic sediments. Deposits are composed of quarzose sands, relictic? Pleistocene and older car- bonate particles, abundant biogenic carbonate granules and algal-coated grains. In the outer shelf and the upper slope seafoors, deposits are predominantly fne to very fne grained (silts and silty clays). The inner shelf seafoors are vene- ered by a mixture of very coarse to fne sands, silts and clays, showing a general trend of decreasing size in a general seaward direction. According to the sedimentary and the morphological features, four different depositional systems have been distinguished: foreshore depositional systems, inner shelf depositional systems, outer shelf depositional systems and upper slope depositional systems, mapped as g8, g19, g21, m2 respectively. The systems are laterally gradational and linked by a variety of sedimentary processes. Shallow marine environments (up to 50 m of water depth) are general- ly characterized, in the Castellammare Gulf, by terrigenous and carbonate clastic sediments supplied by rivers or coastal erosion; in the carini Bay and in the inner shelf of Mondello, biogenic sediments prevail. The most important facies of the infralittoral domain consists of Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa meadows that extensively cover the rocky sub- strate or the sandy foors the frst, muddy foors the latter. 243teCtoniC evolution of the offshore areas The present day structural setting reconstructed in the castellammare basin and Palermo salient marine sectors appears correlatable to the tectonic edifce depicted on the mainland: it has been interpreted as a consequence of a complex Neogene to Quaternary tectonic evolution. The compressive tectonics, responsi- ble for the wedging of the present day submerged thrust sheets, developed during the late Miocene span interval. This event was followed by transpressive tecto- nics that faulted and folded the Late Neogene to Pliocene infll by activation of deep, high-angle faults. During the Pleistocene, extensional tectonics accounted for opening and sub- sidence of structural lows. Present day active tectonics are still going on, as documented by compressive- transpressive focal mechanisms of shallow to deep, low amplitude earthquakes occurring along the offshore between the Sicily coast and Ustica Island. A few middle-late Pleistocene marine terraces outcropping along the coast at different levels suggest a prolonged, faintly tectonic uplift. On the whole, the Plio-Quaternary geological evolution of the offshore area appears constrained by a deep interaction between tectonics, eustatic sea level changes and sediment supply, recorded by strain features and enhanced unconfor- mities crossing the basin fll.
- Published
- 2013
10. Morfologie e depositi pleistocenici lungo le falesie carbonatiche di Monte Catalfano (Sicilia settentrionale)
- Author
Caputo, G, AGATE, Mauro, Caputo, G, and Agate, M
- Subjects
geomorfologia costiera, variazioni del livello del mare, sicilia setentrionale ,Settore GEO/02 - Geologia Stratigrafica E Sedimentologica - Published
- 2012
11. Efficacia di un programma di 'compiti a casa' nel mantenimento a medio e a lungo termine degli esiti del trattamento riabilitativo in pazienti con ictus e fratture
- Author
Cataldo, MC, Calcara, ML, Caputo, G, Dal Maschio, F, Salerno, V, Licari, I, Mattaliano, AR, BIANCO, Antonino, MAMMINA, Caterina, Cataldo, MC, Calcara, ML, Caputo, G, Dal Maschio, F, Salerno, V, Licari, I, Bianco, A, Mattaliano, AR, and Mammina, C
- Subjects
compiti a casa, riabilitazione, ictus, fratture - Published
- 2011
12. Il ruolo dell’infiammazione nella prognosi del recupero funzionale dei pazienti in assistenza domiciliare integrata
- Author
Cataldo, MC, Calcara, ML, Calabrese, A, Caputo, G, Dal Maschio, F, Nicolicchia, S, Pirrotta, S, Rizzo, G, Salerno, V, Vizzi, S., MAMMINA, Caterina, Cataldo, MC, Calcara, ML, Calabrese, A, Caputo, G, Dal Maschio, F, Mammina, C, Nicolicchia, S, Pirrotta, S, Rizzo, G, Salerno, V, and Vizzi, S
- Subjects
Stroke ,Fracture ,Rehabilitation ,Inflammatory markers ,Home care - Abstract
This study has correlated the functional recovery achieved by patients treated in integrated home care following a stroke or a fracture with biochemical parameters, lipid profile and nutritional status. The study involved 51 patients (average age 79.5 years) who were receiving home rehabilitation treatment. A statistically significant association between functional improvement and lower levels of fibrinogen, PCR, LDL-cholesterol and BUN emerged. The study supports the need for further investigation on the predictive role of inflammatory markers.
- Published
- 2010
13. Consolidamento di versanti instabili mediante opere di contenimento strutturale e tecniche di drenaggio profondo: gli esempi di Acquabona, Cervarezza, Magliatica e Ca’ Lita (Appennino reggiano)
- Author
Sartini G., Caputo G., De Simone N., Truffelli G., Corsini A., Ronchetti F., BORGATTI, LISA, CERVI, FEDERICO, Sartini G., Caputo G., De Simone N., Truffelli G., Borgatti L., Cervi F., Corsini A., and Ronchetti F.
- Subjects
Consolidamento ,Appennino reggiano ,Frane - Published
- 2007
14. Monitoraggio di grandi frane riattivate e sospese nella valle del Fiume Secchia (Appennino settentrionale)
- Author
Corsini, Alessandro, Borgatti, L., Pellegrini, M., Ronchetti, Francesco, con la collaborazione di Borghi, A., Campagnoli, I., Caputo, G., Gatti, A., Leuratti, E., Lucente, C. C., Truffelli, G., Sartini, G., Corsini A., Borgatti L., Pellegrini M., Ronchetti F., Borghi A., Campagnoli I., Caputo G., Gatti A., Leuratti E., Lucente C.C., Truffelli G., and Sartini G.
- Subjects
Frana ,riattivazione ,monitoraggio ,Appennino settentrionale ,Italia - Published
- 2005
- Author
- Subjects
ecografia, diabete ,Settore MED/36 - Diagnostica Per Immagini E Radioterapia - Published
- 2004
16. Unemployment insurance of working inmates after social security's reform
- Author
Caputo, G.
- Subjects
unemplyment, prison labour - Published
- 2014
- Author
POLLASTRO, Rosa Maria, CAPUTO G, CAMUSSI G, DE SANTO NG, DE SANTO NG, CAMUSSI G, D'ARMIENTO, Pollastro, Rosa Maria, Caputo, G, Camussi, G, and DE SANTO, Ng
- Published
- 2003
18. Desmin-free nel miocardio con scompenso cardiaco terminale e disfunzione contrattile dei miociti
- Author
DI SOMMA S, DI BENEDETTO MP, AGOZZINO, Lucio, SALVATORE G, FERRANTI F, CUDA G, ESPOSITO S, FERRARACCIO, Franca, SCARANO MI, CAPUTO G., DI SOMMA, S, DI BENEDETTO, Mp, Agozzino, Lucio, Salvatore, G, Ferranti, F, Cuda, G, Esposito, S, Ferraraccio, Franca, Scarano, Mi, and Caputo, G.
- Published
- 2002
- Author
Caputo, G, Casali, A, Colombo, R, DE SIMONE, I, Gargiulo, G, Guidotti, L, Maraldi, N, Millo, R, Rizzotti, M, Rosati, P, Tajana, Gianfranco, Tessitote, V, and Urzi', F.
- Published
- 2008
20. Dispositivo mobile di comunicazione e di localizzazione
- Author
Malnati, Giovanni, Caputo, G, Barberis, Claudia, and RUO RUI, P.
- Published
- 2008
21. Le fratture diafisarie di tibia le età pediatrica: nostra esperienza con la fissazione esterna
- Author
Pavone, Vito, Varsalona, R, Pulvirenti, A, Carluzzo, F, Salvo, G, Caputo, G, Cannizzaro, S, and Sessa, G.
- Published
- 2006
22. Il trattamento in urgenza delle fratture diafisarie dell’arto inferiore in età pediatrica
- Author
Pavone, Vito, Varsalona, R, Caputo, G, and Sessa, Giuseppe
- Published
- 2005
23. Confronto del legame parentale in anoressia nervosa restrittiva e anoressia binge/purgin per mezzo del Parental Bonding Instrument
- Author
DI PENTIMA, Lorenza, Tortolani, D., Montecchi, F., Guidetti, Vincenzo, Ardovini, C., and Caputo, G.
- Published
- 1998
24. Glossario
- Author
Faiella, Filomena and Caputo, G.
- Published
- 1998
25. Variabili familiari e socio-culturali nella risposta al trattamento dell' obesità
- Author
Franzese, A, Valerio, Giuliana, Iannucci, Mp, Aragione, A, Sticco, M, Caputo, G, and Palmieri, G.
- Published
- 1997
26. Alterazioni del citoscheletro del cardiocita nelle Cardiomiopatie Dilatative: marker di danno cellulare irreversibile?
- Author
DI SOMMA, Salvatore, Caputo, G., Carotenuto, A., Cuda, G., Salvatore, G., Manco, A., Marotta, M., Di Benedetto, M., Cudemo, G., de Divitiis, M., Marinelli, A., and de Divitiis, O.
- Published
- 1996
27. Il trattamento chirurgico del megaesofago acalasico con miotomia e fundoplicatio sec. Dor. Risultatiu a distanza[Surgical treatment of achalasic megaesophagus with myotomy and the Dor fundoplication. Long-term results]
- Author
Micali, B, Albanese, V, Gioffre', Maria, Pustorino, S, Caputo, G, and Venuti, Antonio
- Subjects
Achalasic megaesophagus Surgery Long-term results - Published
- 1983
28. Gli anticorpi monoclonali: una recente acquisizione della ricerca biologica e medica
- Author
Salciccia, S, F. A., Mezzaroma, Ivano, Caputo, G, DI RIENZO, V, and Larocca, Lm
- Published
- 1985
29. Attivita' di un estratto timico bovino (TP-1) sull'impianto e sullo sviluppo del sarcoma ascite di Yoshida nel ratto. Nota II [Effect of a bovine thymus extract (TP-1) on implantation and development of Yoshida ascitic sarcoma in the rat. II]
- Author
Venuti, Antonio, Gioffre', Maria, Micali, B, and Caputo, G.
- Published
- 1982
30. Effetto della sulipride sulla increzione di prolattina e di ormone somatotropo in donne in premenopausa affette da mastopatia fibrocistica[Effect of sulpiride on the secretion of prolactin and somatotropic hormone in premenopausal women affected by fibrocystic mastopathy]
- Author
Caputo, G, Gioffre', Maria, Micali, B, Lucania, L, and Venuti, Antonio
- Subjects
Sulpiride Prolactin Somatotropic hormone Premenopausal women Fibrocystic mastopathy - Published
- 1983
31. Variazioni della secrezione di prolattina e di ormone somatotropo nel periodo post-operatorio iniziale[Changes in the secretion of prolactin and somatotropic hormone in the early postoperative period]
- Author
Caputo, G, Saitta, Fp, Gioffre', Maria, Micali, B, and Venuti, Antonio
- Published
- 1982
32. Arti, espressione di sé, creatività
- Author
Caputo Michele, M. Caputo, G. Pinelli., and Caputo Michele
- Subjects
Espressione di sé ,Pedagogia dell'espressione artistica ,Educazione alle arti ,Creatività ,Innovazione ,Espressione artistica - Abstract
Il saggio, a partire da una autoriflessione sull’esperienza di insegnamento condotta come docente nelle scuole secondarie, fa emergere un “obbiettivo nascosto” del lavoro educativo nella scuola, quella attenzione all’espressione di sé che può rendere il curriculo scolastico meno asettico ed estraneo all’interesse delle nuove generazioni. Le “pratiche artistiche” sono presenti (perlomeno nella secondaria di primo grado) solo all’interno delle discipline di arti visive e musicali. Talvolta vi entrano come frutto dell’estro di alcuni docenti più o meno personalmente orientati e/o competenti in specifiche aree artistico-espressive. Spesso si tratta di attività “occasionali” e/o attività legate a progetti specifici, per lo più informali, valutate solo parzialmente, e non riconducibili all’area di una professionalità riflessiva e soprattutto condivisa. Ciò produce una mancata consapevolezza del valore degli aspetti espressivi nelle diverse discipline, valore “nascosto” alla percezione degli insegnanti dalla dominante dimensione storica e culturale delle conoscenze disciplinari. La tesi di fondo del saggio sottolinea come, da un lato, le concezioni estetiche dominanti nella cultura occidentale non permettano di percepire la rilevanza pedagogica e formativa dell’espressione artistica come espressione di sé, campo di una creatività soggettiva, trasversale a molte esperienze di crescita nell’arco dell’età evolutiva. Dall’altro lato esistono altri fattori, di ordine pedagogico e didattico, che ostacolano la percezione della necessità di una educazione all’espressività artistica, presenti nei modelli didattici, accreditati e diffusi dalle amministrazioni scolastiche (anche a livello internazionale), fortemente omologanti. I modelli della programmazione sono in genere di tipo procedurale, concentrano l’attenzione sulla dimensione cognitiva (basti pensare che tutto il resto, cioè socialità, affettività, dimensioni etico-politiche e religiose, viene definito, da questi modelli, semplicemente come “non cognitivo”). Il tema dell’espressione artistica è oggi strettamente connesso al tema della creatività, intesa per lo più come una soluzione strategica interna al conflitto/competizione dei processi di innovazione tecnologica ed economica legati alla globalizzazione. Tale visione rappresenta un deciso impoverimento delle caratteristiche e delle potenzialità anche educative della creatività. Perciò è necessario superare un tale riduzionismo per cogliere la “creatività” come dimensione della persona in rapporto alla realtà e al “senso/significato” di sé e del mondo. Il prodotto artistico, l’opera d’arte, si presenta così come frutto di un lavoro e di una “visione” della realtà dell’artista, “visione” che si rende manifesta nell’opera, vero e proprio “simbolo” che consente l’accesso al “reale” proprio attraverso la sua fruizione. Il fine ultimo dell’espressione artistica appare come “qualcosa” che eccede il “prodotto” stesso, al punto che quest’ultimo, l’opera d’arte, si rivela un “mezzo” per giungere ad un “oltre”, qualcosa che l’opera richiama ma che non può “concludere” entro di sé. L’importanza educativa e didattica dell’espressione artistica e della creatività e il suo misconoscimento si può riscontrare drammaticamente proprio nella fase adolescenziale, una fase in cui molto spesso il soggetto sperimenta i propri bisogni espressivi in ambienti distanti dai contesti familiari e scolastici, tanto più quando in essi non ci si sente accolti e compresi. Ma in tali contesti informali entrano prepotentemente in gioco anche le nuove possibilità espressive, per lo più sconosciute al mondo adulto, offerte dai nuovi media e dalle nuove tecnologie, oltre che dai nuovi linguaggi giovanili. Ciò significa anche l’abbandono delle nuove generazioni all’arte “selvaggia”, alla ricerca di ciò che può offrire modalità espressive non codificate dal mondo adulto e/o da un passato incapace di farsi ascoltare, o che, agli occhi dei ragazzi “non ha più nulla da dire”.
- Published
- 2019
33. Sviluppare le questioni di metodo tra esperienze e sperimentazioni
- Author
A. Caputo, G. Punziano, B. Saracino, Amalia Caputo, Gabriella Punziano, Barbara Saracino, Caputo, Amalia, Punziano, Gabriella, Saracino, Barbara, and A. Caputo, G. Punziano, B. Saracino
- Subjects
metodologia, politiche educative ,politiche educative, metodi per l'analisi delle politiche educative - Abstract
Il testo intende sviluppare una riflessione sui modi di progettare, sviluppare, analizzare, monitorare e valutare interventi nell'ambito dell’educazione e della formazione rivolti al contrasto della dispersione scolastica, dell’esclusione sociale e di quella lavorativa. In questo capitolo si presenta una panoramica del testo, dei contributi e delle innovazioni ricercate.
- Published
- 2019
34. I numeri dell’educazione
- Author
A. Caputo, G. Punziano, B. Saracino, and A. Caputo, G. Punziano, B. Saracino
- Subjects
Eurostat, scuola, università, formazione permanente - Abstract
Questo contributo, di sfondo rispetto al resto del volume, intende “dare i numeri” sul mondo dell’istruzione e della formazione in un'ottica comparata tra l’Italia e gli altri Stati membri dell’Unione Europea con l’intento di posizionare l’Italia in maniera adeguata rispetto alle riflessioni maturate su scala nazionale, regionale e locale nel resto del testo
- Published
- 2019
35. Questo libro: un 'congedo' accademico e una 'consegna' scientifica
- Author
Caputo Michele, Pinelli Giorgia, M. Caputo, G. Pinelli, Caputo Michele, and Pinelli Giorgia
- Subjects
Pedagogia dell'espressione artistica ,Educazione alla bellezza: Educazione alle arti - Abstract
L’introduzione segnala da un lato la presenza nel volume dell’ultima lezione del corso di Pedagogia dell’espressione artistica tenuta a Bologna nell’anno 2017/18 da Maria Teresa Moscato, dall’altro mette in evidenza i caratteri di “cantiere aperto”, un vero e proprio “cantiere pedagogico”, del libro, nel quale sono confluite le riflessioni di studiosi di diverse discipline artistiche, oltre che pedagogiche su una disciplina accademica di recente istituzione e alla ricerca di uno statuto epistemologico condiviso.
- Published
- 2019
36. La Via del nō nei trattati tardi di Zeami: un’ascesa per l’attore, un’ascesi per l’uomo
- Author
Matteo Casari, M. Caputo, G. Pinelli, and Matteo Casari
- Subjects
Giappone, Zeami, teatro nō, attore, kyūi-shidai - Abstract
L'influsso del buddhismo, in particolare dello zen, sulle arti giapponesi è stato determinante, a partire dal XII-XII secolo, nel trasformare alcuni percorsi artistici in vere e proprie discipline nel cui alveo l'arte diventa strumento di perfezionamento umano. In tal senso l'articolo discute, sulla scorta dei trattati tardi di Zeami Motokiyo, il percorso di ascesa professionale dell'attore nō in chiave di ascesi spirituale. L'approccio antropologico sotteso allo studio riconnette le questioni di ordine filosofico e religioso alle prassi della scena.
- Published
- 2018
37. Il processo educativo tra religiosità ed espressione artistica: intersezioni sovrapposte e crocevia dimenticati?
- Author
Michele Caputo, Giorgia Pinelli, M. Caputo, G. Pinelli, Michele Caputo, and Giorgia Pinelli
- Subjects
Educazione estetica ,Processo educativo ,Religiosità ,Educazione religiosa ,Senso estetico - Abstract
Il nostro saggio, così come il volume, intende esplorare i nessi tra educazione, esperienza religiosa e dimensione estetico-artistica. L’ipotesi di lavoro che guida la nostra esplorazione ha carattere pienamente pedagogico perché riteniamo che la comprensione del processo educativo in tutta la sua complessità passi necessariamente per la “scoperta” della sua natura contemporaneamente religiosa ed estetica. Il modo in cui pensiamo questi ambiti dell’esperienza umana e le categorie che vi applichiamo risentono della particolare storia culturale dell’Occidente, che ci ha consegnato rappresentazioni così consolidate e diffuse da essere ormai divenute “implicite” e irriflesse. Difatti l’articolato e complesso percorso della modernità, giunto al culmine tra il XVIII e il XIX secolo, appare attraversato dal prevalere di approcci razionalistici, di tipo metafisico o empirico-storico. Da un lato la ragione pensata come intima struttura del mondo; dall’altro la sottolineatura della sua affidabilità limitata, circoscritta ad un orizzonte “chiuso”, applicabile solo a comparti definiti della realtà e dell’esperienza. In entrambe le curvature, comunque, è la ragione a definire il terreno di gioco e le regole del sapere scientifico. Il nuovo metodo viene costruito sull’Io: il punto di partenza non è più l’evidenza di un dato di realtà/di natura che si offre all’interpretazione del soggetto, ma l’evidenza del pensiero rispetto a se stesso. Lo studio mostra il permanere della necessità di mantenere aperta la domanda di significato del reale, come Oggetto che trascende l’Io: come già il senso religioso/religiosità, anche il supposto “senso estetico” si configura come struttura educabile; e che un’educazione estetica non possa prescindere dalla consapevolezza del “potere germinativo” di concetti e parole, preoccupandosi non tanto di stabilire cosa sia bello e cosa non lo sia, ma di lasciare aperta per l’educando la possibilità dell’incontro con l’eccedenza di significato che si lascia scoprire nell’impatto con la bellezza stessa, attraverso l’incontro con gli enti finiti. Dimensione estetica e religiosa si situano allora al cuore del processo educativo in quanto domanda consapevole ed esperienza di un significato presente e contemporaneamente trascendente, senza il quale il viaggio dell’educando non potrebbe compiersi.
- Published
- 2018
38. I percorsi di mobilità territoriale degli insegnanti: quel che dicono le statistiche disponibili
- Author
Buonomo Alessio, Impicciatore Roberto, Strozza Salvatore, Colucci M., Gallo S., Causarano P., Buonomo A., Impicciatore R., Strozza S., Gargiulo E., D'Onofrio G., Orientale Caputo G., Perrotta D., Tuorto D., Ruscica V., Barcella P., Carbone D., Buonomo, Alessio, Impicciatore, Roberto, and Strozza, Salvatore
- Subjects
Stock insegnanti, Trasferimenti insegnanti di ruolo, Mobilità insegnanti precari, Migrazioni interne, Italia - Abstract
Il capitolo è così strutturato: dopo aver fornito qualche elemento in più per comprendere come ha funzionato negli ultimi anni il sistema che regola la mobilità degli insegnanti in Italia (paragrafo 2), si passerà a una descrizione delle fonti di dati e della strategia di ricerca (paragrafo 3); nel paragrafo 4 si mostrano i dati sul corpo docente nel suo complesso mentre i paragrafi 5 e 6 contengono l’analisi della mobilità attraverso, rispettivamente i dati delle liste Gae (graduatorie a esaurimento) e dei trasferimenti di docenti in ruolo. Infine, nel paragrafo 7 trovano spazio alcune considerazioni conclusive.
- Published
- 2017
39. Politiche del lavoro e integrazione
- Author
ORIENTALE CAPUTO, Giustina, Serpieri R., Gambardella G., Orientale Caputo G., and ORIENTALE CAPUTO, Giustina
- Subjects
Politiche del lavoro, integrazione delle politiche, politiche pubbliche, Mezzogiorno - Abstract
Il capitolo prova a descrivere lo stato delle politiche del lavoro in Italia e le difficoltà di integrazione dei livelli di politiche pubbliche attuale. Capire il governo delle politiche attraverso le pratiche e gli strumenti messi in campo è esercizio molto istruttivo da questo punto di vista.
- Published
- 2012
40. Resistenza e adattamento: una lettura di sintesi
- Author
- Published
- 2012
41. La metodologia, le fasi, gli strumenti
- Author
- Published
- 2012
42. Il profilo del campione
- Author
RAGOZINI, GIANCARLO, Orientale Caputo G., and Ragozini, Giancarlo
- Published
- 2012
43. 44 Schede in catalogo di mostra (nrr. 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 54, 63, 66, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 82, 83)
- Author
Manuela De Giorgi, G. Caputo, G. Gentili, and DE GIORGI, Manuela
- Subjects
mostra Torcello ,Arti minori - Abstract
Torcello; Mostra; Arti minori
- Published
- 2009
44. 21. Placchetta con Deesis
- Author
DE GIORGI, Manuela, G. Caputo, G. Gentili, and DE GIORGI, Manuela
- Published
- 2009
45. I tempi e lo spazio delle immagini
- Author
G. Wolf, DE GIORGI, Manuela, G. Caputo, G. Gentili, G., Wolf, and DE GIORGI, Manuela
- Subjects
Santa Maria Assunta ,Mosaici ,Torcello - Abstract
Il saggio, a quattro mani (con G. Wolf) analizza la decorazione della chiesa di Santa Maria di Torcello, in particolare il mosaico dell'abside e della cappella meridionale, in relazione all'antera 'machina' decorativa della chiesa (come doveva essere in origine, fino alla fase quattrocentesca), considerandola anche sin rapporto al portato scultoreo e alla decorazione dell'iconostasi lignea. Sono considerate altresì le istanze teologiche e filologiche sottese al portato epigrafico dell'abside.
- Published
- 2009
46. 12. Calamaio
- Author
DE GIORGI, Manuela, G. Caputo, G. Gentili, and DE GIORGI, Manuela
- Published
- 2009
47. La metodologia dell'indagine
- Author
RAGOZINI, GIANCARLO, Orientale Caputo G., and Ragozini, Giancarlo
- Published
- 2008
48. Le caratteristiche socio-demografiche dei soggetti intervistati
- Author
RAGOZINI, GIANCARLO, Orientale Caputo G., and Ragozini, Giancarlo
- Published
- 2008
49. Valutazione dei tempi di montaggio di un sottoassieme ferroviario in ambiente virtuale
- Author
DI GIRONIMO, GIUSEPPE, MARZANO A., PAPA, STEFANO, TARALLO, ANDREA, F. Caputo, G. Di Gironimo, DI GIRONIMO, Giuseppe, Marzano, A., Papa, Stefano, and Tarallo, Andrea
- Subjects
ergonomia ,Sistemi di produzione ,realtà virtuale - Abstract
Nel presente lavoro gli autori hanno sviluppato l’analisi del ciclo di montaggio di un sottoassieme ferroviario utilizzato un software di simulazione del comportamento umano, nello specifico Delmia della Dassault Systemes. Scopo principale della simulazione è stato di valutare il tempo necessario (in gergo tecnico “il costo”) per il montaggio di una parte dell’impianto pneumatico di una rimorchiata di una metropolitana di nuova generazione. Tale attività ha consentito di analizzare ed ottimizzare il ciclo di lavoro della discesa dell’impianto pneumatico in questione ottenendo una analisi preventiva dei tempi di assemblaggio relativa alla sequenza ottimale del processo. L’uso delle tecniche di realtà virtuale ha permesso un enorme risparmio sui costi di investimento e sul tempo di produzione; grazie a simulazioni sempre più efficienti ed intuitive gli utenti possono navigare graficamente all’interno dell’ambiente di lavoro digitale, facendo verifiche, valutando la visibilità, rilevando eventuali anomalie prima della realizzazione e della messa in opera dell’impianto.
- Published
- 2008
50. Un fenomeno in crescita: rilevazioni e stime della presenza immigrata
- Author
- Subjects
Contributo alla dinamica demografica ,Evoluzione presenza straniera globale ,Metodi di stima alternativi della presenza globale ,Campania - Abstract
In questo primo capitolo del volume viene proposta un'attenta analisi delle fonti disponibili per valutare la dimensione della presenza straniera in Campania e nelle sue province. L'utilizzazione congiunta di fonti differenti consente di pervenire a valutazioni della presenza globale (comprensiva della componente irregolare) per diversi anni relativi al periodo 1991-2004. I risultati delle stime più recenti sono confrontati con quelli emersi attraverso un'indagine su testimoni privilegiati.
- Published
- 2007
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