107 results on '"Ferrero, P."'
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2. Costruire comunità di ricerca dialogiche: quando l’aula accademica diventa uno spazio di formazione e possibilità interculturali
- Author
Isabella Pescarmona and Valeria Ferrero
- Subjects
innovazione ,didattica universitaria ,educazione interculturale ,aula accademica ,pratica filosofica di comunità ,Theory and practice of education ,LB5-3640 - Abstract
Questo saggio intende discutere le prospettive di innovazione relative alla didattica accademica nell’ambito delle scienze umane, approfondendo le modalità di formazione interculturale dei futuri insegnanti. Concentrandosi sull’aula universitaria come territorio plurale e proponendo la pratica filosofica di comunità di matrice lipmaniana come metodo attraverso cui gli studenti possono acquisire un habitus interculturale e co-costruire conoscenze disciplinari, si enfatizza la necessità di una trasformazione dei processi formativi tramite approcci che favoriscano la partecipazione attiva degli studenti e, al contempo, sollecitino un riposizionamento dei docenti per promuovere un contesto dialogico e plurale.
- Published
- 2024
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3. Subvertir la vida, transformar la societat. Les revoltes juvenils dels anys seixanta als Estats Units i França
- Author
Jordi Solé Blanch and Jordi Garcia Ferrero
- Subjects
joventut ,cultura de masses ,moviment estudiantil ,generació Beat ,hippies ,Internacional Situacionista ,Education ,History of education ,LA5-2396 - Abstract
En un projecte de recerca dedicat a l’anàlisi i revisió històrica dels moviments juvenils al llarg del segle XX fins a l’actualitat, la rebel·lió juvenil dels anys seixanta i principis dels setanta té una significació ideològica, política i cultural que no podem passar per alt. Amb el pas del temps, el Maig del 68 ha esdevingut una data icònica, tot i que sovint se l’ha caricaturitzat. En aquest treball posem el focus d’atenció en la caracterització d’aquella revolta als Estats Units i a França. No ens interessa tant presentar un relat descriptiu dels fets, sinó mostrar els corrents subjacents que trobem en el fons d’aquelles protestes, destacant el paper que tindrien grups artístics i culturals com la Beat Generation o la Internacional Situacionista (IS). En ambdós casos, ens fixarem en els elements més subversius a l’hora de connectar la crítica social i política amb la construcció de formes de vida alternatives que expressaven un desig profund de transformació social. Alguns dels moviments socials contemporanis continuen nodrint-se d’aquests corrents crítics i els successos d’aquella època en la mesura que ajuden a conformar una subjectivitat rebel i dissident. Recuperar la memòria d’aquells anys proporciona una temporalitat més àmplia a aquests moviments socials, tant pel que fa al coneixement del passat, com pel que fa a la projecció cap al futur, sovint limitada a consideracions abstractes sobre l’alliberament o l’emancipació.
- Published
- 2024
- Author
Carlota Boto and Tiziana Ferrero
- Subjects
letramento ,livro didático ,leitura ,escola. ,Education - Abstract
O presente artigo propõe-se a averiguar algum registro de práticas escolares entre final do século XIX e meados do século XX, a partir da figura do livro didático e da maneira pela qual esse artefato compreenderá o processo de ensino da habilidade do letramento. O caminho metodológico que se traçou para a pesquisa foi documental e bibliográfico, trafegando pelo discurso sobre o letramento, a partir da referência de Magda Soares e, também, pelo repertório da história das disciplinas escolares. Em relação aos procedimentos adotados, foi realizado um levantamento de obras didáticas entre o final do século XIX e meados do século XX localizadas no acervo da Biblioteca do Livro Didático e nas coleções especiais da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo. Por fim, concluiu-se que, a partir da leitura de textos existentes, estruturava-se uma linguagem partilhada, a qual proporcionava fundamentalmente códigos e princípios tidos por imprescindíveis ao convívio em sociedade.
- Published
- 2023
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5. Between social reproduction and new inequalities: the role of school leaders in guaranteeing equity
- Author
Valerio Ferrero
- Subjects
equity ,non-traditional factors of inequality ,school ,school leaders ,school autonomy ,Education ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Italian school is far from being that great equalizer enshrined in the Constitution. Social reproduction is still active, with the classic causes of inequality (socioeconomic and sociocultural status) regaining strength. Non-traditional factors of inequality produced by schools themselves are also emerging. School leaders have a key role in breaking these dynamics, also due to school autonomy. Thanks to issue-aware governance and distributed leadership, they can develop school policies with the entire school community that avoid distorting equity effects.
- Published
- 2023
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6. Tecnologías y diversidad en el aprendizaje de lenguas Presentación de los editores invitados
- Author
Carmen López Ferrero and Eduardo Negueruela Azarola
- Subjects
nuevas tecnologias en el aprendizaje ,diversificación lingüística y cultural ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 ,Language acquisition ,P118-118.7 - Abstract
Se trata de la presentación de la sección temática del número 35 de la Revista Nebrija de Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza de Lenguas.
- Published
- 2023
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7. Las células madre mesenquimales (MSC) como medicina regenerativa en la artrosis de rodilla (KOA)
- Author
Margarita Esther Parra Méndez, Francisco Ferreras de Andrés, Miguel Ángel Renilla Vega, Ascensión Rodríguez, Gema Rodríguez Ferrero, Rocío Taboada Taboada, and Isabel Jacinta Espada León
- Subjects
artrosis de rodilla ,medicina regenerativa ,terapia celular ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
La artrosis es una enfermedad degenerativa, un problema muy frecuente con un alto coste económico y un gran número de discapacidades. La articulación más frecuentemente afectada es la rodilla y se caracteriza por la destrucción del cartílago articular, pérdida de la matriz extracelular e inflamación progresiva. Un nuevo tratamiento con células estromales mesenquimales (MSC) supone una esperanza para pacientes con artrosis de rodilla. Sin embargo, la verdadera acción de esta terapia no es bien conocida. Esta revisión resume los mecanismos de acción, y otros factores coadyuvantes como los exosomas. De todos modos, el verdadero mecanismo de acción necesita hoy por hoy más estudios para una completa comprensión del mismo.
- Published
- 2023
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8. ¿Qué caracteriza a una buena sección RESULTADOS? Vinculación entre calidad y rasgos lingüístico-discursivos en Trabajos Finales de Grado de Ingeniería Informática
- Author
Fernando Lillo Fuentes, Carmen López-Ferrero, and René Venegas
- Subjects
Trabajo Final de Grado ,Discurso en Ingeniería ,Calidad lingüístico-discursiva ,Sección resultados ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
El presente estudio tiene por objetivo vincular rasgos lingüístico-discursivos con la calidad lingüísticodiscursiva (CLD) en la sección resultados de Trabajos Fin de Grado (TFG) de Ingeniería Informática. Con este propósito, medimos con apoyo de herramientas computacionales 24 rasgos que se han relacionado comúnmente con la CLD, además de otros que incluimos a partir de entrevistas realizadas a los miembros de la comunidad disciplinar. Se observa que la calidad de la sección se atribuye, principalmente, a: 1) los propósitos comunicativos ligados al macropropósito de la sección, 2) la relación entre el texto escrito y los artefactos multimodales, 3) la cohesión textual, 4) la complejidad sintáctica y 5) la extensión del escrito (número de palabras). A partir de lo anterior, sostenemos que para determinar la CLD de la sección, con apoyo de herramientas informáticas, se debe atender a las características del género discursivo, los aspectos formales, el contenido del texto y las convenciones propias de la comunidad. Nuestros hallazgos pueden ser de gran utilidad para la creación de material didáctico que apoye la escritura de esta compleja sección y para la determinación de los rasgos a incluir en herramientas informáticas que evalúen la CLD de manera automática, pues todos ellos han sido operacionalizados con el apoyo de ordenadores..
- Published
- 2023
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9. The situation of vulnerability and the impact of the pandemic on climate refugees
- Author
Ofelia Ferrero Albero, Felipe Téllez Guzmán, and William Ivan Gallo Aponte
- Subjects
environmental refugees ,covid-19 ,vulnerability ,inequality ,crisis ,Law of nations ,KZ2-6785 ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 ,Public law ,K3150 - Abstract
The climate crisis brings with it environmental, social, and economic impacts, in addition to environmental ones. Within these social and economic impacts, the shelter context is one of the most alarming. Additionally, this crisis was coupled with the advent of the pandemic, which, in addition to the health crisis, widened the inequality gaps, harming the most vulnerable people. Faced with this situation, this article aims to analyze whether the current international legal framework offers straightforward solutions to the distress of climate migrants. In the end, it concludes that it is necessary to establish legal status for the environmental refugee. Such a status can combine the international human rights regime and experiences adopted in regional environmental protection systems. Environmental refugees are a reality and require a concrete response.
- Published
- 2022
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10. Philosophical dialogue to discover and connect the languages of the disciplines
- Author
Valerio Ferrero
- Subjects
philosophy for children ,philosophical dialogue ,community of inquiry ,interculture ,knowledge co-construction ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Dialogue represents an indispensable pedagogical dimension. In the current educational scenario, it is an extraordinary tool to encourage the active co-construction of knowledge by students and to promote transversal skills and metacognitive awareness. Among the different dialogical approaches, Philosophy for Children stands out for the philosophical connotation assumed by the dialogue and for the shared search for deep meanings related to the epistemology of knowledge itself. Just as Matthew Lipman, the author of the proposal, hopes, it can be qualified as a means for a teaching of disciplines that is open to the act of competence and the dimension of transdisciplinarity. This essay, theoretical in nature, aims to bring out the heuristic value inherent in the philosophical dialogue of community, then proposing operational strategies to overcome the transmissive and aseptic dimension of knowledge in favor of its collective structuring starting from the original contribution of each, even in an intercultural perspective.
- Published
- 2022
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11. Recursos lingüístico-discursivos de la voz del autor en informes universitarios: aprendizaje y evaluación en distintas disciplinas académicas
- Author
Carmen López Ferrero
- Subjects
informe ,competencia discursiva ,alfabetización académica ,retroalimentación efectiva ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
En los Estudios del Discurso y la Lingüística Textual, el informe se investiga en familias de géneros distintas según el contexto de producción: por ejemplo, en la de géneros evaluativos entre pares (Bosio, 2005; Sabaj et al., 2018), géneros escolares informativos (Rose y Martin, 2012/2018) o expositivos académicos en los estudios de pregrado, con límites difusos con otros géneros (cfr. la monografía, Moris y Pérez, 2014; Sologuren, 2020). Analizamos en un corpus de 30 informes de estudiantes de pregrado (10 de estudiantes de Lenguas Aplicadas, 10 de Traducción y 10 de Biomedicina) los recursos lingüístico-discursivos usados para implicarse discursivamente (Hyland y Sancho Guinda, 2012), valorar la información presentada (Martin y White, 2005) y dialogar con la comunidad académica (Gil-Salom y Soler-Monreal, 2014). Los resultados muestran que la voz del autor se manifiesta con recursos tentativos que requieren ser auto y coevaluados por los aprendices en cada disciplina particular.
- Published
- 2023
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12. Il livello di soddisfazione lavorativa in un campione di infermieri neolaureati.
- Author
Chiara Ferrero and Giorgio Bergesio
- Subjects
soddisfazione lavorativa ,infermieri neolaureati ,Nursing ,RT1-120 - Abstract
BACKGROUND: La carenza globale rende gli infermieri neolaureati (NGN) una risorsa preziosa per il sistema sanitario che richiede professionisti preparati e pronti nell’immediato. Il periodo di transizione dall’ambiente accademico a quello lavorativo può comportare stress, insoddisfazione, esaurimento e intenzione di abbandonare. È dimostrato che ambienti di lavoro positivo contribuiscono al miglioramento dell’autonomia, della soddisfazione e della collaborazione all’interno del team. OBIETTIVI: Valutare il livello di soddisfazione lavorativa in un campione di NGN dell’Università degli Studi di Torino sede Asti. METODI: Con disegno di studio osservazionale monocentrico è stato analizzato un campione di 159 NGN laureati tra il 2016 e il 2021. A tale scopo è stata utilizzata la Index of Work Satisfaction di Stamps (IWS). Per l’analisi dei risultati e stata utilizzata l’analisi fattoriale esplorativa (AFE). RISULTATI: Complessivamente le percentuali di punteggi positivi, neutri e negativi erano rispettivamente 29.6%, 57.9% e 12.6%. L’Autonomia ha ottenuto media di 5.42 (DS±0.937), l’Interazione con i colleghi infermieri media di 5.14 (DS±1.42), lo Status professionale media di 4.77 (DS±1.18), le Competenze richieste dal ruolo media di 2.98 (DS±1.05) e la Retribuzione media 2.69 (DS± 0.945). DISCUSSIONE: Gli indici di soddisfazione sono intorno a valori mediani. Dalle singole dimensioni emergono differenze significativamente positive, in particolare per l’Autonomia, lo Status professionale e le Interazioni, sia con i medici che con i colleghi infermieri. Al contrario Retribuzione, Competenze richieste dal ruolo e Politiche organizzative mostrano insoddisfazione.
- Published
- 2023
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13. Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna, Daniele Vignoli Piacere e fedeltà. I millennials italiani e il sesso
- Author
Raffaella Ferrero Camoletto
- Subjects
Sociology (General) ,HM401-1281 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
No abstract
- Published
- 2022
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14. Learning to participate: Experiencing democracy at school through the community of inquiry
- Author
Valerio Ferrero
- Subjects
Active citizenship ,Community of inquiry ,Equity ,Quality ,Democracy ,Education - Abstract
Schools are extraordinary laboratories of citizenship where students can learn to take a position, express their opinions and play an active role in the life of the community to which they belong with an openness to global challenges. Moreover, the need for a fair and quality education for all, enabling children to become people capable of acting in today’s complex and global reality, is expressed in numerous national, European and international documents. Therefore, it is necessary to ask ourselves which teaching practices can be used to foster a habitus oriented towards the exercise of citizenship rights in terms of participation in the social, political, cultural and economic life of one’s own living environment. Teaching through a community of inquiry inspired by Matthew Lipman and Ann M. Sharp’s Philosophy for Children could be the operational response to the urgent need to educate future citizens who are aware and able of taking part in public life in the name of democracy.
- Published
- 2022
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15. M.ª Pilar Panero García: Mirar, vivir, participar. Turismo y cultura en la Semana Santa
- Author
Florián Ferrero Ferrero
- Subjects
Semana Santa ,Religiosidad popular ,Turismo ,Liturgia ,Procesiones ,Recreation. Leisure ,GV1-1860 - Abstract
Reseña del libro: Mirar, vivir, participar. Turismo y cultura en la Semana Santa
- Published
- 2022
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16. Principali test di stimolo e di inibizione per la patologia antero-ipofisaria: avvertenze per l’uso nella popolazione di età superiore ai 65 anni
- Author
Caputo, Marina, Mele, Chiara, Ferrero, Alice, Leone, Ilaria, Marzullo, Paolo, Prodam, Flavia, and Aimaretti, Gianluca
- Published
- 2020
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17. Evaluación de las funciones ejecutivas en adultos con discapacidad intelectual: implicaciones para el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida
- Author
Marta Bestué Laguna, Elena Escolano-Pérez, and María Antonia Acero Ferrero
- Subjects
funciones ejecutivas ,discapacidad ,intervención ,educación no formal ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
Las funciones ejecutivas son procesos cognitivos de alto nivel que permiten adaptarnos a las situaciones complejas y novedosas. Son numerosos los trastornos y discapacidades en las que aparecen afectadas, limitando la calidad de vida de estas personas. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las funciones ejecutivas de adultos que presentaban distintas discapacidades y trastornos, para a partir de esta evaluación, diseñar en el ámbito de la educación no formal un programa de intervención destinado a su mejora. Participaron 11 adultos de edades comprendidas entre los 22 y 54 años (media = 34,5) y que presentaban las siguientes discapacidades/trastornos: discapacidad intelectual con un grado de dependencia desde el 34% hasta un 65%. Todos ellos eran miembros de una misma asociación. En cada uno de los participantes se evaluaron individualmente los componentes ejecutivos de memoria de trabajo verbal y no verbal, resistencia a la interferencia, inhibición conductual y flexibilidad cognitiva a través de las tareas de dígitos inversos, cubos de Corsi, Caras, Estatua y clasificación de cartas, respectivamente. Los resultados muestran que la inhibición es el componente ejecutivo más afectado en la muestra, seguido de la memoria de trabajo no verbal, la memoria de trabajo verbal y la flexibilidad. Estos resultados ofrecen una evaluación inicial del funcionamiento ejecutivo de los participantes, resultando útiles para el diseño de un programa de intervención en el ámbito de la educación no formal que responda a sus necesidades. La finalidad última de todo ello es contribuir al desarrollo de la autonomía de los participantes para una mejora de su calidad de vida.
- Published
- 2021
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18. From the Napoleonic domination until Italian Unity: legal restrictions and innovations for the Jewish Community of Mondovì
- Author
Ida Ferrero
- Subjects
Jewish Community ,Mondovì ,real estate property ,Terracini Jewish Archive of Turin ,Napoleonic domination ,Italian unity ,History of Law ,KJ2-1040 - Abstract
The documents conserved in the Terracini Jewish Archive of Turin allow the reader to examine the application of the legislation concerning Jewish communities during the period of time starting from the Napoleonic domination until the Italian unity. My research focuses in particular on the notarial deeds and judicial documents relating to the property of the synagogue and the cemetery of the Jewish community of Mondovì. Under the rule of France the Jewish people living in Piedmont were allowed to become real estate owners and the plots of land where the Jewish cemetery was located and the house that hosted the synagogue in Mondovì were allotted to the Jewish community. During the Restoration, the ban to become real estate property was introduced again. Even if the Jewish people of Mondovì had bought from its owner the house of the synagogue and they had obtained from the French administration the property of the plots of land of the cemetery, they were not anymore recognized as owners. After the emancipation of the Jewish population and the Italian unity, the Jewish community of Mondovì claimed its rights on those real estate properties: my essay would focus on the exam of the archive documents that show how the legislation concerning real estate property for Jewish people was applied over time.
- Published
- 2021
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19. Escribir colaborativamente un informe de resolución de problemas en el área de Biología para aprender la disciplina
- Author
Emmy Antonella González Lillo and Carmen López Ferrero
- Subjects
escritura colaborativa ,escritura disciplinar ,aprendizaje basado en problemas ,discurso académico ,texto expositivo ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
RESUMEN Este estudio de caso tiene como objetivo determinar los resultados de aprendizaje que alcanzan estudiantes universitarios que escriben en equipo un trabajo en el área de Biología con la metodología del Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (Meza et al., 2019; Rodríguez & Fernández, 2017). Se recogen datos (orales y escritos) dentro y fuera del aula tanto de los procesos de composición escrita y de aprendizaje (regulatorio y disciplinar) como del producto textual final. Los resultados del análisis de contenido de los datos muestran que los aprendizajes de los estudiantes se desarrollan en tres espacios de enculturación (Prior & Bilbrio, 2012), en relación con 1) el discurso académico-científico, 2) los procesos regulatorios (auto y corregulación) (Allal, 2018, 2019) al escribir en grupo este discurso y 3) la construcción del conocimiento disciplinar. Concluimos que los procedimientos de enculturación en cada uno de estos tres tipos de habilidades requieren ser explicitados para que la resolución del problema científico sea posible.
- Published
- 2021
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20. La correspondencia de Felipe II con su secretario Pedro del Hoyo conservada en la British Library de Londres (1560-1568)
- Author
Juan Hernández Ferrero
- Subjects
History of the arts ,NX440-632 ,History (General) and history of Europe - Published
- 2020
21. Bibliographic review of the project 'in my house' of the Junta de Castilla y León
- Author
Verónica Becerril Alonso, María Díaz Gutiérrez, Loreto Diego Santiago, Lorena Fernández Ramos, Rebeca Ferrero Carbajo, Katherine Michell Guaman Sinchiguano, María López Trigueros, Ariadna Magdaleno Sobrido, Laura Santos Rodríguez, and Cristina Tobal Lorenzo
- Subjects
envejecimiento ,ancianos ,enfermería geriátrica ,autocuidado y dependencia ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
Introduction: the increase in life expectancy and the number of people over 65 years of age implies a change in sociodemographic patterns, which is why health services are evolving, the “In my house” project being a great example. The objective of this work is to investigate and investigate the “In my house” project, as well as determine the role of nursing and the scientific basis of said project. Material and methods: of the 147 articles found in metasearch engines such as Tripdatabase or secondary information sources such as Pubmed, 12 were selected, in addition to the use of other scientific search engines to complete the research. Results: Around 90% of the elderly state their desire to reside in their homes during the fullness of their lives and 4 out of 5 older people report that home care has a more structured support network than residential care. 14% of the elderly living alone report family abandonment. In 2031, 33.2% of the elderly will live alone at home. Discussion: due to the loss of family contact, as well as decision-making and changes in the lifestyle of the elderly living in residences, the project “In my house”emerges, which isinspired and followsthefoundations of the Nordic model Housing, which aims to eradicate those negative items mentioned above, favoring the individuality, autonomy and family intimacy of each of these elderly people. Conclusions: both the “In my house” and “At home in my house” project carry out a series of activities and aids to promote independence whether they are institutionalized or live in their own home.
- Published
- 2019
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22. Evoluzione della chirurgia sostitutiva del polso e mano
- Author
Dutto, Elisa, Ferrero, Matteo, Teodori, Julien, Piccato, Alice, and Battiston, Bruno
- Published
- 2019
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23. Arcobacter spp. in raw milk from vending machines in Piedmont and occurrence of virulence genes in isolates
- Author
Amaranta Traversa, Silvia Gallina, Francesca Martucci, Cvetelina Boteva, Elisa Baioni, Cristiana Maurella, Laura Chiavacci, Elisa Benvenuto, Irene Ferrero, Elena Ferrero, Federica Giacometti, Silvia Piva, Francesco Chiesa, Daniela Manila Bianchi, Andrea Serraino, and Lucia Decastelli
- Subjects
Arcobacter spp., Raw milk, Vending machine, Virulence genes ,Food processing and manufacture ,TP368-456 - Abstract
Arcobacter spp. has been recognized as an emerging foodborne pathogen and a hazard to human health. In the dairy chain, it has been isolated from different sources, nevertheless data on Arcobacter occurrence in raw milk provided by vending machines are few. This study aimed to identify potentially pathogenic Arcobacter spp. in raw milk intended for human consumption sold through vending machines located in Piedmont. In an 8-month period, 37 raw milk samples were collected from 24 dairy farms: 12 (32,4%) were collected directly in farm from bulk tank milk and 25 (67,6%) from vending machines. Eight (21,6%) out of the 37 milk samples and 7 (29,2%) out of the 24 dairy farms were positive for Arcobacter spp. by culture examination. Four (16%) out of the 25 samples from vending machines and 4 (33,3%) out of the 12 samples from bulk tank milk were positive. All 8 isolates were identified as A. butzleri both by MALDI-TOF MS and multiplex end-point PCR. According to the detection of virulence genes, a total of four Patho-types were highlighted: 5 isolates in P-type 1 and only one isolate for each of the P-types 2-3-4. A. butzleri isolates carrying encoding virulence factors genes were isolated from raw milk intended for human consumption: these findings strengthen the compulsory consumption after boiling as required by current legislation and suggest the need of enlarging the analytical investigations to other microorganisms not yet included in the food safety criteria.
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Ernesto Ferrero
- Subjects
voltaire ,pensieri ,filosofia ,morale ,religione ,politica ,Political theory ,JC11-607 - Abstract
"Preface" to Voltaire, "Thoughts on Various Subjects. Third Millennium Guide", edited by Domenico Felice, Milan, Mimesis, 2019, 533 p.
- Published
- 2020
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25. 1959: los intentos de derrocamiento de las dictaduras de Trujillo, Stroessner y Luis Somoza
- Author
María Dolores Ferrero Blanco and Matilde Eiroa San Francisco
- Subjects
Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, Luis Somoza, Alfredo Stroessner, dictaduras iberoamericanas, revolución cubana, oposición a las dictaduras ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Abstract
El triunfo de la revolución cubana trajo, entre sus múltiples consecuencias, la reanimación de la oposición a las tres dictaduras fuertes en 1959: la República Dominicana, Nicaragua y Paraguay. En el presente artículo se analizan las características generales de las mismas, los paralelismos y diferencias entre Trujillo, Stroessner y Somoza, al tiempo que se exponen los diversos intentos de los opositores exiliados para acabar con los regímenes tiránicos implantados en sus respectivos países. Las fuentes utilizadas proceden de los archivos nacionales y de relaciones exteriores, especialmente la documentación diplomática, que aporta una visión singular de los embajadores dependiendo de los destinos. Palabras clave: Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, Luis Somoza, Alfredo Stroessner, dictaduras iberoamericanas, revolución cubana, oposición a las dictaduras._______________________________Abstract: Cuban revolution success brought, among its multiple consequences, the liveliness of the political opposition against the three dictatorships in 1959: the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Paraguay. In the present article it is analyzed their general characteristics of the same ones, the differences between Trujillo, Stroessner and the Somoza's, as same as it is exposed the several attempts of the exiles op-ponents to end the implanted tyrannies' regimes in their respective countries. The sources used come from the national archives and foreign relations, especially the diplomatic docu-mentation, that contributes with a singular vision of the ambassadors depending on their destinies, an optics that serves us to know the relations established between the three dictators.Keywords: Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, Luis Somoza, Alfredo Stroessner, latinoamerican dictatorships, Cuban Revolution, dictatorships political opposition.
- Published
- 2016
26. Libertà limitata in tempo di guerra. Memorie dal tribunale militare territoriale di Torino (1915-1918)
- Author
Ida Ferrero
- Subjects
Prima Guerra Mondiale ,Torino ,Tribunale militare ,History of Law ,KJ2-1040 - Abstract
Durante la prima Guerra Mondiale, diversi settori della società civile italiana furono posti sotto il controllo dell’autorità militare. Il settore produttivo fu quello che più di altri fu sottoposto ad un vero e proprio inquadramento militare, sia a livello disciplinare sia giuridico. In questo processo furono coinvolte tutte le zone di guerra, inclusi i territori che comprendevano attività necessarie allo sforzo bellico. Fu questo il caso di Torino che fu proclamata zona di guerra nel 1915. Il mio contributo mira a studiare quali siano state le ricadute dell’applicazione del nuovo ordinamento militare anche ai civili e le limitazioni alle libertà personali che questo cambiamento impose.
- Published
- 2018
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27. «La peine a commencé, dès lors, à devenir la pénitence»: Tancredi Canonico penalista europeo
- Author
Ida Ferrero
- Subjects
Tancredi Canonico ,Andrea Towianski ,riforme penitenziarie ,riformatori minorenni ,History of Law ,KJ2-1040 - Abstract
Il professore di diritto penale Tancredi Canonico ebbe, fin dagli albori della sua carriera, interessi non limitati all’ambito locale ma rivolti verso l’Europa, grazie anche ai viaggi compiuti. Uno sguardo al panorama europeo caratterizzò la sua carriera accademica e politica. Alla sua impostazione europeista contribuì la conoscenza del giurista e mistico polacco Andrea Towianski. Il contributo si concentra sulla sua attività come penalista nell’ambito delle riforme carcerarie a livello europeo, testimoniata dalla sua produzione scientifica e accompagnata dal resoconto delle visite alle carceri europee.
- Published
- 2017
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28. La valutazione della malnutrizione in emodialisi con il punteggio Malnutrition Inflammation Score (MIS): esperienza infermieristica
- Author
Daria Motta, Arianna Ferrero, Chiara Riposio, Simona Ellena, and Roberto Boero
- Subjects
Dietary counseling ,Hemodialysis ,Inflammation ,Malnutrition ,MIS score ,Internal medicine ,RC31-1245 ,Diseases of the genitourinary system. Urology ,RC870-923 - Abstract
Abstract non disponibile
- Published
- 2017
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29. Tancredi Canonico, professore di diritto penale all’Università di Torino, fautore di rigenerazione spirituale e riforme penali - Tancredi Canonico, Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Turin and Promoter of Spiritual Renewal and Reforms
- Author
Ida Ferrero
- Subjects
Tancredi Canonico ,Criminal Law ,Religious Beliefs ,History of education ,LA5-2396 - Abstract
Tancred Canonico was a professor of criminal law at the University of Turin during the second half of the eighteenth century. He had the chance to travel across Europe and to get in touch with many important jurists like Karl J. Mittermaier. During his journey, he met the polish Andrea Towianski whose religious beliefs determined a wide-ranging change in the attitude of Tancredi Canonico towards his personal life and his academic career. This contribution aims to analyze the development of his thought in the field of criminal law during his long academic career.
- Published
- 2017
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30. Análisis observacional de una intervención en procesos de monitorización en un niño con T.G.D.
- Author
Marian Acero-Ferrero, Mª Luisa Herrero-Nivela, and Elena Escolano-Pérez
- Subjects
funciones ejecutivas ,trastornos generalizados del desarrollo ,metodología observacional ,monitorización ,infancia ,intervención ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
El presente estudio pretende examinar el progreso en la monitorización de la actividad de un niño de 5 años y nueve meses con Trastorno Generalizado del Desarrollo aplicando un programa piloto de mejora en función ejecutiva. Tanto por la edad como por las características del participante, la metodología observacional es la más adecuada para esta investigación. Los resultados indican que loslas conductas de monitorización de la actividad se van perfeccionado y la intervención del adulto disminuye conforme avanza la intervención. Durante las últimas sesiones, el niño toma la iniciativa de las acciones demostrando así más autonomía y rigor en la monitorización de su actividad.
- Published
- 2014
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31. Evaluación mediante observación de la motricidad en niños de educación infantil
- Author
Mª Luisa Herrero Nivela, Elena Escolano-Pérez, Mª Teresa Anguera, and Marian Acero-Ferrero
- Subjects
motricidad ,metodología observacional ,evaluación ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
El desarrollo psicomotor en un proceso dinámico producto de la maduración del sistema nervioso, la función neuromuscular y los órganos sensoriales, que ocurre en la medida que el niño interactúa con el entorno, se traduce en la adquisición sistemática de habilidades y respuestas cada vez más compleja. El estudio que presentamos muestra un ejemplo de cómo los docentes pueden utilizar la observación para la evaluación de la conducta motriz de los escolares. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es analizar la posible existencia de patrones de conducta motriz y su evolución en un grupo de escolares de la etapa de educación infantil en clase de eduación física cuando realizan actividades tanto de juego espontáneo como dirigido.
- Published
- 2014
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32. Maddalena exploratory adit: feedback on hydrogeological and geothermal aspects
- Author
Antonio Dematteis, Piergiuseppe Gilli, Maria Elena Parisi, Lorenzo Ferrero, and Fabio Furno
- Subjects
Turin-Lyon, Maddalena exploratory adit, groundwater flow ,geothermal energy ,Geology ,QE1-996.5 - Abstract
The 7.5 km long and 6,3 m diameter La Maddalena pilot tunnel is part of the international project of the new high speed rail link between Turin and Lyon, on the Italian side of the project (Chiomonte, TO). Among the geological surveys that are systematically performed during the excavation of the pilot tunnel, groundwater inflow and temperature of water and rock mass are measured. This paper analyses the recorded data to April 2016 in order to verify the hydrogeological and geothermal forecasting models and assess the energy potential of the inflows that are expected to be intercepted by the future base tunnel excavation. The collected data confirm the possibility of a sustainable management of groundwater and heat geoexchange.
- Published
- 2016
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33. La Facoltà legale di Torino ed i progetti di riforma dell’insegnamento universitario nel Regno di Sardegna risorgimentale - The Faculty of Law at the University of Turin and the Legislative Changes that Shaped the Teaching in the Kingdom of Sardinia
- Author
Ida Ferrero
- Subjects
History of education ,LA5-2396 - Abstract
Abstract The reform of the legal studies brought in by Cesare Alfieri di Sostegno in 1846 was a turning point for the Faculty of law of the University of Turin. This paper aims to underline the contributions given by the professors of law, in particular Felice Merlo, Luigi Amedeo Melegari and Pietro Lugi Albini, to the debate arisen in this field. The analysis highlights their belief of the importance of the legal studies, and details the subsequent legislative changes that shaped the legal cursus studiorum up to the accomplishment of national unity, with a special focus on the Bon-Compagni and the Casati laws. Keywords Legal studies – Legislative reforms-University of Turin
- Published
- 2016
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34. Imaging studies of crystalline arthritides
- Author
G. Garlaschi, D. Camellino, M. Revelli, R. Piccazzo, G. Ferrero, E. Fabbro, F. Paparo, and M.A. Cimmino
- Subjects
gout, calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease, calcium hydroxyapatite deposition disease, crystal-induced arthritides, dual-energy CT ,Medicine ,Internal medicine ,RC31-1245 - Abstract
Gout, calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) deposition disease, and calcium hydroxyapatite deposition disease (HADD) are the three most common crystal-induced arthropathies. Multimodality imaging may help in their diagnosis, and is useful for a precise and comprehensive assessment and grading of the related osteoarticular damage. Plain film radiography, due to its low cost and wide availability, is the first imaging technique to be used in crystal deposition diseases, providing well-known and specific findings for CPPD deposition disease and HADD, while it may undergrade the early osteoarticular lesions in gouty patients. Ultrasonography (US) is a radiation-free approach that accurately depicts crystal deposits in cartilage, peri- and intra-articular soft tissues, but it does not give a panoramic view of the affected joints. Cross-sectional imaging techniques can examine crystal deposits in the spine and axial joints. CT has the potential to distinguish monosodium urate (MSU) crystals from calcium containing crystals, due to their different attenuation values. MRI may demonstrate synovitis, erosions and bone marrow edema in gouty patients and it may differentiate tophi from other soft tissue nodules due to its high contrast resolution and power of tissue characterization.
- Published
- 2012
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35. L'invenzione del west(ern). Fortuna di un genere nella cultura del Novecento a cura di Stefano Rosso
- Author
Paola Ferrero
- Subjects
Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar ,P101-410 ,Style. Composition. Rhetoric ,P301-301.5 ,Literature (General) ,PN1-6790 ,Oratory. Elocution, etc. ,PN4001-4355 - Abstract
Review of Stefano Rosso (ed.). L’invenzione del west(ern). Fortuna di un genere nella cultura del Novecento, Verona: Ombre Corte, 2010.
- Published
- 2011
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36. La revolución húngara de 1956: el carácter político y la organización social
- Author
María Dolores Ferrero Blanco
- Subjects
consejos obreros ,economía mixta ,elecciones ,socialismo democrático ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Abstract
Este artículo trata fundamentalmente de cuáles fueron las bases ideológicas de la Revolución Húngara de 1956 y la reforma del socialismo que pretendió. Qué tipo de revolución se deseaba y cuáles fueron los planteamientos de los distintos grupos que se sublevaron contra el sistema pro-estalinista impuesto en Hungría desde 1947. En definitiva, a qué se denominó socialismo democrático en Hungría, cual fue su singularidad y en qué disentía del "modelo soviético".____________________ABSTRACT:This article basically focuses on which were the ideological bases and the reform of socialism that the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 pursued. What type of revolution was aimed and what requested the different groups who revolted against the pro-Stalinist system imposed in Hungary since 1947. In short, what was the so-called democratic socialism, why it was original and how it differed from the "soviet model".
- Published
- 2009
37. Las contradicciones entre las políticas interior y exterior en la Rumania de la Guerra Fría (1956-1975)
- Author
María Dolores Ferrero Blanco
- Subjects
Ceaucescu ,China ,Guerra Fría ,Rumanía ,URSS ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Abstract
Este artículo va a tratar del desarrollo paralelo de las políticas interior y exterior del gobierno rumano en la Guerra Fría. Para ello se ha utilizado documentación proveniente del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de la Hemeroteca Nacional. Se ha buscado contrastar la información proveniente de medios oficiales (informes de embajadores, cónsules o representantes comerciales) con la ofrecida por los rumanos exiliados en España (principalmente a través de su publicación El Boletín Rumano). Asimismo, se han consultado los fondos de periódicos como Ya, ABC o Arriba. Como principal conclusión, se extrae que entre las políticas interior y exterior funcionó un mecanismo de retroalimentación que las completaba entre sí, apuntalando el régimen. Este mismo efecto fue provocado por las relaciones y contactos mantenidos por países del exterior del bloque.________________ABSTRACT:This article deals with the parallel development of domestic and foreign policy of the Rumanian government during the Cold War. For it, documentation of the Foreign Ministry and the National Hemeroteque has been used. The aim was to contrast the information coming from official sources (such as reports of ambassadors, consuls or sales representatives) with attestations made by the Romanians exiled in Spain (principally thanks to their publication, called El Boletín Rumano). Likewise, the newspaper archives of Ya, ABC or Arriba have been consulted. The most important result, is that it is attested that there were a feedback mechanism between domestic and foreign policy which matched them, supporting the regime. The same effect was caused by relations and contacts with western countries.
- Published
- 2009
38. La crisis del socialismo real. Semejanzas y diferencias entre las disidencias del Bloque del Este
- Author
María Dolores Ferrero Blanco
- Subjects
consejos ,descentralización económica ,modelo soviético ,partidos políticos ,socialismo real ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Abstract
Este artículo trata de las causas de la crisis del socialismo real en los países de Europa Centro-Oriental y las disidencias que surgieron frente al “modelo soviético”. En él se analizan la diversidad de sus orígenes y fundamentos teóricos; las alternativas políticas y socioeconómicas que pretendieron implantar y, finalmente, las consecuencias que se derivaron de los diferentes movimientos insurreccionales.___________________ABSTRACT:This paper deals with the causes of the real socialism’s crisis in the East Center European countries and the dissidences that arose in opposition to the “soviet model”. Here it analyses their differences in tehir origins and theoretical bases, the political and socic-economic alternatives they tried to implant and, finally, the consequences derived from the different insurrectional movements.
- Published
- 2009
39. Quasi-anelli con particolari semigruppi di Clay
- Author
Celestina Cotti Ferrero and Giovanni Ferrero
- Subjects
Mathematics ,QA1-939 - Abstract
See directly the article.
- Published
- 1996
40. Una vecchia storia: il processo di individualizzazione nella seconda modernità
- Author
Raffaella Ferrero Camoletto
- Subjects
Sociology (General) ,HM401-1281 - Published
- 2003
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41. Episodios caballerescos del Espejo de príncipes y cavalleros en La tempestad de Shakespeare: posibles transferencias
- Author
Marta Martínez Ferrero
- Subjects
Espejo de príncipes y caballeros ,Shakespeare ,La tempestad ,traducción castellano-inglés ,Language and Literature ,French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature ,PQ1-3999 - Abstract
El artículo pretende profundizar en el tema de las posibles influencias que Espejo de príncipes y caballeros, un popular libro de caballerías, traducido al inglés, pudo haber ejercido en el dramaturgo William Shakespeare en el proceso creativo de La tempestad. Se estudian en especial los paralelos entre los episodios marítimos, los personajes de Artidón y Calibán, los sabios y magos (Artemidoro, Polisteo y Próspero), la maga Artimaga y la bruja Artimaga y la bruja Sycorax.
- Published
- 2014
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42. Sindrome compressiva del nervo mediano al muscolo pronatore rotondo
- Author
Bernardi, A., Colzani, G., Dutto, E., Ferrero, M., Bertolini, M., and Pontini, I.
- Published
- 2011
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43. Testimonianze di edifici religiosi del Medioevo veneto: la chiesa di San Salvatore a Montecchia di Crosara
- Author
Marco Ferrero and Alessandro Padoan
- Subjects
medioevo ,san salvatore ,montecchia ,chiesa ,History (General) and history of Europe ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Published
- 1998
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44. BaBELI 2011
- Author
Ferrero, Marta, Di Maio, Alessandra, Mariotti, Elisa, Lengué Kwamen , Paulin Bertrand, Di Pietro, Alessandra, Armellino, Elisa, Pireddu, Silvia, Garrigues, Lucie, Biasio, Nicola, David , Yesaya, Medugno, Marco, Lacirignola, Donato, Véronique, Porra, Simonini, Jessy, Ravera, Elena, Aly Shoieb, Sara, Bohoun, Sessia Inesse, Célot, Stéphanie, Gueye , Secka, Thiam, Oumar Mamoudou, and Balboni, Paolo E.
- Subjects
Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar ,P101-410 - Published
- 2012
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- Author
P. Mogliotti, P. Guaraldo, A. Rosso, P. Ferrazzi, R. Ferrero, and F. Brusa
- Subjects
honey, Piedmont region, quality ,Food processing and manufacture ,TP368-456 - Abstract
In september-october 2008 Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Piemonte Liguria e Valle d'Aosta – Asti section and Centro Apistico Regionale, analyzed the quality aspects of 111 samples of honey coming from Piedmont region. The aim of this study was to evaluate the piedmontese honey quality by checking the content of humidity and HMF on seleced samples. The humidity content was between 5 g/100g and 20,2 g/100g, while the HMF amount was between 0,19 mg/kg and 9,71 mg/kg. Only 1 sample was up to 18% on humidity, but no sample was above law limits concerning HMF, this shows the good quality of piedmontese honey.
- Published
- 2011
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46. Sunti delle comunicazioni presentate al XLVII Congresso della società
- Author
Abate, E., Bellini, G., Fiorini, E., Ratti, S., Abbattista, N., Minafra, A., Mongelli, S., Romano, A., Waloschek, P., Ageno, M., Felici, C., Agodi, A., Giordano, R., Alitti, J., Alles-Borelli, V., Baton, J. P., Berthelot, A., Bidan, U., Daudin, A., Deler, B., Goussu, O., Jabiol, M. A., Lévy, F., Lewin, C., Neveu-René, M., Rogozinski, A., Shively, F., Laberrigue-Frolow, J., Ouannès, O., Sené, M., Vigneron, L., Abbattista, N., Mongelli, S., Romano, A., Benedetti, E., Litvak, J., Puppi, G., Waloschek, P., Whitehead, M., Allen, J. E., Bartoli, C., Brunelli, B., Nation, J. A., Rumi, B., Toschi, R., Boschi, A., Magistrelli, F., Allen, J. B., Coville, C., Martone, M. U., Segre, S. E., Amaldi, U., Cocconi, V. T., Fazzini, T., Fidecaro, G., Gesquière, C., Legros, M., Steiner, H., Andreassi, G., Budini, P., Calucci, G., Furlan, G., Peressutti, G., Cazzola, P., Archetti, I., Bocciarelli, D. Steve, Argan, P. E., Bendiscioli, G., Ciocchetti, G., Ferrero, I., Gigli, A., Piazzoli, A., Picasso, E., Piragino, G., Ascarelli, G., Rodriguez, S., Ascenzi, A., Bonucci, E., Bocciarelli, D. Steve, Ascenzi, A., François, C., Bocciarelli, D. Steve, Ascoli, A., Fuhrman, Z. A., Ascoli-Bartoli, U., De Angelis, A., Martellucci, S., Asdente, M., Friedel, J., Aubert, B., Brisson, V., Hennessy, J., Mittner, P., Six, J., Baglin, C., Bloch, M., Bressy, A., Hennessy, J., Lagarrigue, A., Mittner, P., Orkin-Lecourtois, A., Rançon, P., Rousset, A., Sauteron, X., Auer, P. L., Nation, J. A., Aurisicchio, S., Frontali, C., Graziosi, F., Aurisicchio, S., Frontali, C., Graziosi, F., Toschi, G., Bachelet, F., Balata, P., Lucci, N., Baldassarre, F., Caforio, A., Ferilli, A., Ferraro, D., Merlin, M., Semeraro, S., Fisher, C. M., Gibson, W. M., Mason, A., Venus, W., Evans, D., Hossain, A., Lock, W. O., Votruba, M. F., Wataghin, A., Kasim, M. M., Shaukat, M. A., Fedrighini, A., Herz, A. J., Sichirollo, A. E., Tallone, L., Vegni, G., Balzarotti, A., Chiarotti, G., Frova, A., Baracchi, F., Perilli-Fedeli, R., Pierucci, M., Saltini, G., Barbiellini, G., Bologna, G., Diambrini, G., Murtas, G. P., Barone, A., Frontali, C., Baroni, G., Bizzarri, R., Guidoni, P., Manfredini, A., Stajano, A., Brautti, G., Ceschia, M., Chersovani, L., Sessa, M., Amaldi, U., Fazzini, T., Fidecaro, G., Steiner, H., Bassetti, M., Pompei, A., Bassi, P., Bertolini, G., Cappellani, F., Ferretti, B., Restelli, G. B., Rota, A., Venturini, G., Baton, J. P., Battaglia, A., Iannuzzi, M., Polacco, E., Bellini, G., Antoni, G. Degli, Fiorini, E., Negri, P., Ratti, S., Bellini, G., Fiorini, E., Fretter, W. B., Herz, A. J., Hoang, T. F., Negri, P., Ratti, S., Baglin, C., Bingham, H., Drijard, D., Lagarrigue, A., Mittner, P., Orkin-Lecourtois, A., Rançon, P., Rousset, A., De Raad, B., Salmeron, R., Voss, R., Bellini, G., Fiorini, E., Herz, A. J., Negri, P., Ratti, S., Baglin, C., Bloch, M., Bingham, H., Drijard, D., Lagarrigue, A., Mittner, P., Orkin-Lecourtois, A., Rançon, P., Rousset, A., De Raad, B., Salmeron, R., Voss, R., Bellini, G., Fiorini, E., Herz, A. J., Negri, P., Ratti, S., Cresti, M., Limentani, S., Santangelo, R., Fretter, W. B., Hoang, T. F., Boreani, G., Perrero, I., Garelli, C. M., Baglin, C., Bingham, H., Drijard, D., Lagar-Rigue, A., Mittner, P., Orkin-Lecourtois, A., Rançon, P., Rousset, A., Bloch, M., De Raad, B., Salmeron, R., Voss, R., Beltrametti, E. G., Beltrami, M., Colombo, M., Fieschi, R., Berkelman, K., Cortellessa, G., Reale, A., Bernè, A., Boato, G., De Paz, M., Bertolotti, M., Grasso, V., Papa, T., Sette, D., Bertolotti, M., Sette, D., Bertoluzza, C., Bisi, A., Fasana, A., Gatti, E., Zappa, L., Bisi, A., Fasana, A., Zappa, L., Bisi, A., Fasana, A., Zappa, L., Boato, G., Casanova, G., Levi, A. C., Bonazzola, G., Borello, O. A., Costa, S., Ferroni, S., Bonera, G., Borsa, F., De Stefano, P., Rigamionti, A., Bonera, G., De Stefano, P., Rigamonti, A., Bordoni, P. G., Giua, P. E., Palmieri, L., Verani-Borgucci, M., Bordoni, P. G., Nuovo, M., Verdini, L., Bordoni, P. G., Nuovo, M., Verdini, L., Borello, O. A., Ferrero, F., Malvano, R., Molinari, A., Borgonovi, G., Caglioti, G., Ricci, F. P., Santoro, A., Scatturin, V., Bortolani, M. V., Lendinara, L., Monari, L., Braccesi, A., Ceccarelli, M., Budini, P., Weber, T., Buttino, G., Cecchetti, A., Drigo, A., Caglioti, G., Ricci, F. P., Caianiello, E. R., Caianiello, E. R., Marinaro, M., Caianiello, E. R., Preziosi, B., Caldirola, P., De Baebieri, O., Calvi, G., Parisi, R., Rubbino, A., Camagni, P., Chiarotti, G., Manara, A., Caimpolattaro, A., Marinaro, M., Campos Venuti, G., Matthiae, G., Canobbio, E., Cappelletti, R., Dalla Croce, L., Careri, G., Cunsolo, S., Mazzoldi, P., Carrara, N., Checcacci, P. F., Ronchi, L., Carrara, R., Cresti, M., Grigoletto, A., Loria, A., Peruzzo, L., Santangelo, R., Venchiarutti, D., Carrelli, A., Grossetti, E., Pauciulo, L., Carreli, A., Grossetti, E., Tartaglione, E., Carrelli, A., Grossetti, E., Brescia, G., Carrelli, A., Porreca, F., Cattaneo, F., Germagnoli, E., Cattaneo, F., Germagnoli, E., Cavaliere, A., Auer, P. L., Cavallaro, S., Potenza, R., Ricamo, R., Rubbino, A., Cavalleri, G., Gatti, E., Redaelli, G., Cavalleri, G., Giovanellt, R., Ceresara, S., Federigih, T., Cernigoi, C., Gabrielli, I., Iernetti, G., Villi, C., Chadwick, C. B., Davies, W. T., Derrick, M., Mulvey, J. H., Radojicic, D., Wilkinson, C. A., Cresti, M., Limentani, S., Loria, A., Santangelo, R., Chiarotti, G., Nardelli, G., Chiozzotto, A., Valente, F., Cocconi, V. T., Fazzini, T., Fidecaro, G., Legros, M., Lipman, N. H., Merrison, A. W., Colli, L., Bassani, G., Sona, P. G., Cristofori, F., Franceschetti, M. O., Colli, L., Iori, I., Bassani, G., Krzuk, G., Colli, L., Mangialajo, M., Marcelja, F., Merzari, F., Sona, P. G., Conforto, G., Conversi, M., Di Lella, L., Penso, G., Toller, M., Rubbia, C., Conforto, G., di Lella, L., Penso, G., Toller, M., Rubbia, C., Contursi, G., Pozzi, A., Cortellessa, G., Reale, A., Salvadori, P., Cortellessa, G., Reale, A., Salvadori, P., Costa, S., Crosignani, E., Franzosini, P., Siragusa, G., Zanotti, L., Cutolo, M., Cutolo, M., Cuzzocrea, P., Ricci, R. A., Vingiani, G. B., Da Prato, G., Debiasi, G. B., Rostagni, G., De Carvalho, H., Celano, A., Cortini, G., Del Giudice, E., Potenza, G., Rinzivillo, R., Ghigo, G., de Carvalho, H. G., Celano, A., Potenza, G., Rinzivillo, R., de Carvalho, H. G., Manfredini, A., Muchnik, M., Severi, M., Combe, J., Goebel, K., de Carvalho, H. G., Manfeedini, A., Muchnik, M., Severi, M., Goebel, K., Vanderhaeghe, G., de Carvalho, H. G., Manfredini, A., Muchnik, M., Severi, M., Bösch, R., Lang, J., Müller, R., Wölfli, W., de Carvaiho, H. G., Muchnik, M., de Carvalho, H. G., Salvetti, F., Ghigo, G., de Carvalho, H. G., Potenza, G., Rinzivillo, R., Sassi, E., Lock, W. O., Degli Antoni, G., Boella, G., Cantù, C., Herz, A. J., Della Valle, F., Frontali, L., Orlando, P., Tecce, G., Delli Santi, S., Mannino, G., Setti, G., Demanins, F., Pisent, G., Poiani, G., Villi, C., De Martini, F., Gatti, E., Desalvo, A., Gondi, P., Levi, F. A., Zignani, F., Desalvo, A., Gondi, P., Levi, F. A., Zignani, F., De Tollis, B., Verganelakis, A., Di Corato, M., Geisema, E. S., Minguzzi-Ranzi, A., Belltère, J., Bingham, H. H., Bloch, M., Drijard, D., Hennessy, J., Mittner, P., Orkin-Lecourtois, A., Garelli, M., Vigone, M., Ferrero, I., Grigoletto, A., Limentani, S., Loria, A., Waldner, P., Baglin, C., Bingham, H. H., Drijard, D., Lagarrigue, A., Mittner, P., Orkin-Lecourtois, A., Rançon, P., Rousset, A., de Raad, B., Salmeron, R., Voss, R., Emma, V., Milone, C., Rubbino, A., Iannelli, S., Mezzanares, F., Erra, E., Saetta Menichella, E., Facchini, U., Erdas, F., von Gehlen, G., Fabri, G., Germagnoli, E., Fabiani, F., Fidecaro, M., Finocchiaro, G., Giacomelli, G., Harting, D., Lipman, N. H., Torelli, G., Fidecaro, M., Finocchiaro, G., Gatti, G., Giacomelli, G., Middelkoop, W. C., Yamagata, T., Fidecaro, M., Finocchiaro, G., Giacomelli, G., Fieschi, R., Spinolo, G., Freindl, L., Niewodniczański, H., Nurzyński, J., Slapa, M., Strzalkowski, A., Frontali, L., Mangiantini, M. T., Tecce, G., Toschi, G., Galzenati, E., Pusterla, M., Gasparini, F., Gatti, E., Svelto, V., Tamburello, C., Gellt, D., Gelli, D., Federighi, T., Gondi, P., Grilli, A., Noblli, D., Greenlees, G. W., Grotowski, K. A., Robbins, A. B., Grimaldi, M., Hossain, A., Votruba, F. M., Wataghin, A., Evans, D., Iori, I., Principi, P., Rossini, T., Linhart, J. G., Knoepfel, H., Gourlan, C., Liotta, R. S., Luccio, A., Pavanati, G., Resmini, F., Rosatelli, C., Succi, C., Tagliaferri, G., Luccio, A., Pavanati, G., Resmimi, F., Succi, C., Tagliaferri, G., Luccio, A., Pavanati, G., Resmini, F., Succi, C., Tagliaferri, G., Maisonnier, Ch., Linhart, J. G., Haegi, M., Malvano, R., Molinari, A., Omini, M., Marcazzan, M. G., Merzari, F., Tonolini, F., Facchini, U., Martelli, G., Chapman, K., Galbraith, W., van der Raay, H. B., Reading, D. H., Rubinstein, R., Martelli, G., Chapman, K., van der Raay, H. B., Reading, D. H., Rubinstein, R., Marx, G., Milone, C., Missiroli, G., Valdrè, U., Missoni, G., Motz, J. W., Monti, D., Quareni, G., Quareni Vignudelli, A., Gottntein, K., Püschel, W., Tietge, J., Morchio, R., Borsellino, A., Notarrigo, S., Parisi, R., Ricamo, R., Rubbino, A., Paić, M., Antolković, B., Tomaš, P., Turk, M., Paoletti, A., Ricci, F. P., Pappalardo, G., Potenza, R., Ricamo, R., Vinciguerra, D., Pelosi, V., Picasso, E., Tomasini, G., Dascola, G., Gainotti, A., Lamborizio, C., Porreca, F., Pozzi, A., Pratesi, R., Ronchi, L., Scheggi, A. M., di Francia, G. Toraldo, Quercia, T. F., Turrisi, E., Ricci, R. A., Jean, M., Van Lieshout, R., Ricci, R. A., Vingiani, G. B., Monaro, S., Chilosi, G., Cuzzocrea, P., Van Lieshout, R., Van Nooyen, B., Sargentini, A., Sgarlata, F., Sette, D., Wanderlingh, F., Somon, J. P., Linhart, J. G., Knoepfel, H., Toschi, R., Valdrè, U., Verdini, L., Verdini, L., Verdini, L., Waldner, F., Zin, G., Demanins, F., and Vinci, F.
- Published
- 1962
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47. F. Laruelle: más allá de Heidegger.
- Author
Luis Ferrero Carracedo
- Subjects
Metaphysics ,BD95-131 ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
Sin resumen
- Published
- 1977
48. Efficacia dei Servizi di Prevenzione e Sicurezza negli Ambienti di Lavoro (Servizi PSAL) nella riduzione degli infortuni professionali in Regione Lombardia.
- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of La Medicina del Lavoro is the property of Mattioli 1885 SpA and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
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49. Parametri di propagazione sonora in corpi assorbenti granulosi
- Author
Ferrero, M. and Sacerdote, G.
- Published
- 1948
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50. Univac 1108: I Linguaggi conversazionali nell'ambito della exec 8
- Author
Ferrini Bronzoni, M. and Ferrero, I.
- Published
- 1968
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