410 results on '"IG"'
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2. Respectful pruning in young vineyards: impact on growth and potential implications
- Author
Mónica Galar-Martínez, Nazareth Torres, Bárbara Sebastián, Julián Palacios, Ignacio Arzoz, Nahiara Juanena, Ana Villa-Llop, Maite Loidi, Coralie Dewasme, Jean-Philippe Roby, and Luis Gonzaga Santesteban
- Subjects
Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 ,Plant culture ,SB1-1110 - Abstract
In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in grapevine pruning. This growing focus has emerged as a response to the long-term issues that poor pruning practices have caused in vineyards. Decades of neglecting fundamental principles of pruning, driven by a focus on increasing yields and reducing costs, have probably contributed significantly to vineyard decline. This renewed attention seeks to reverse the damage done by poor practices, emphasising the importance of proper wound management, sap flow preservation, and a more thoughtful approach to vine care - ultimately aiming to enhance vine longevity and health - which is commonly known as “gentle” or “respectful” pruning.
- Published
- 2025
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3. ‘Non-ordine’ economico mondiale, guerra e pace: un dibattito tra Emiliano Brancaccio e Ignazio Visco
- Author
Emiliano Brancaccio and Ignazio Visco
- Subjects
globalization ,protectionism ,war ,peace ,NIIP ,international economic order ,Finance ,HG1-9999 ,Economic theory. Demography ,HB1-3840 - Abstract
Nel dibattito prevalente sulle determinanti dei conflitti militari, sembra mancare un'indagine sulle possibili cause ‘materiali’ tra i fattori che alimentano gli odierni venti di guerra. In particolare, occorre valutare quanto contino gli squilibri nelle relazioni commerciali e finanziarie, le tendenze verso la centralizzazione dei capitali e le relative svolte nell’ordine economico globale dal libero scambio al protezionismo. Un dialogo tra il Governatore onorario della Banca d’Italia Ignazio Visco e l’economista Emiliano Brancaccio, promotore dell’appello su “le condizioni economiche per la pace”.
- Published
- 2025
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4. What is needed to successfully implement the EU HTA Regulation enabling broad patient access in Europe
- Author
Oriol Solà-Morales, Iga Lipska, Francois Meyer, Pier-Luigi Canonico, and Herbert Altmann
- Subjects
EU HTA Regulation ,HTA ,Implementation policy ,Medical technology ,R855-855.5 - Abstract
There has been a lot of discussion on the technical aspects of the soon to be implemented European Union’s Health Technology Assessment (EU HTA) regulation. However, there has been limited discussion on the implementation aspects and the potential limitations from a policy perspective. In May 2024, a group of HTA experts with previous policy responsibilities met in Rome to propose some policy aspects to be considered. As a result of the discussion, several proposals were made. Building mutual trust, improving collaboration and engaging all relevant stakeholders seems a must. Equally important are the communication aspects, and ensuring equal commitment by all parties, allocating the appropriate incentives at all levels. Finally, it is noted that the EU HTA regulation has to be seen from the perspective of a wider policy change within the large EU legal framework.
- Published
- 2025
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5. Virtual Anastilosis of a Baroque Dome Disassembled Two Decades Ago: The Case of the Presbytery of Valencia Cathedral
- Author
Eduard Maria Baviera Llópez, Jorge Llopis Verdú, and Ignacio Cabodevilla-Artieda
- Subjects
architectural survey, digital reconstruction, heritage preservation, cathedral of valencia ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 ,Architectural drawing and design ,NA2695-2793 - Abstract
This study presents the virtual anastilosis of the Baroque dome in the presbytery of Valencia Cathedral, a significant architectural piece demolished two decades ago to reveal Renaissance frescoes. Employing a novel integration of multi-temporal laser scanning data, the research reconstructs the dome’s previous state, showcasing the potential of digital techniques in preserving architectural heritage. Initially, the dome was digitally documented before its removal in 2005, following the discovery of frescoes by Paolo de San Leocadio and Francesco Pagano, hidden behind of it. This documentation utilized phase difference laser scanning, a method that captured the dome’s geometry with high precision. Recently, further scanning of the cathedral’s main chapel was conducted, providing a detailed current state against which the previous model could be aligned and integrated. The methodology involved evaluating and optimizing both sets of data to accurately position the digitally reconstructed Baroque vault within its original context, overcoming challenges such as the absence of normal information in earlier scans. The result is a high-fidelity 3D model of the cathedral’s main chapel, with the Baroque vault accurately reinstated, illustrating the harmony between Baroque and Renaissance elements that was disrupted by the dome’s demolition.This project highlights the critical role of digitized surveying and 3D modelling in architectural heritage preservation, offering insights into the importance of maintaining a digital archive for heritage sites, allowing for virtual reconstructions that honor their historical integrity and complexity.DOI: https://doi.org/10.20365/disegnarecon.32.2024.14
- Published
- 2024
6. No seas un cerdo: Imágenes de animales de Luis Palao Ortubia (1863-1930)
- Author
Ignacio Gil-Díez Usandizaga
- Subjects
Libros ilustrados infantiles ,Animales humanizados ,Ilustradores del siglo XX ,Imagen realista ,History of the arts ,NX440-632 - Abstract
Las imágenes de las producciones editoriales dirigidas a la infancia juegan un papel decisivo en la construcción de la cultura visual. Los ilustradores emplean muchos recursos que resultan de la combinación de su aprendizaje artístico y de su adaptación al medio profesional en el que se desenvuelven. El papel como ilustrador de Luis Palao Ortubia (Zaragoza, 1863- Madrid, 1930), pese a haber sido determinante en el ámbito de la producción editorial de libros infantiles y juveniles en lengua española en el primer tercio del siglo XX, es poco conocido y valorado. Su aportación al mundo gráfico infantil, más allá de los cánones establecidos sobre innovación y tradición, alcanzó el éxito entre el público más joven, analizándose en este artículo alguna de sus claves en el subgénero de la representación de animales humanizados.
- Published
- 2024
7. Pactos interpretativos en el cine documental chileno
- Author
Ignacio del Valle-Dávila, Claudio Salinas, and Hans Stange
- Subjects
Pactos interpretativos ,documental chileno ,historia ,memoria ,dictadura ,Language and Literature ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 ,Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
El presente artículo propone las siguientes preguntas de investigación: ¿Cómo los documentales audiovisuales chilenos producen estética y narrativamente las imágenes del pasado reciente en Chile? ¿Cómo le dan forma a ese pasado? Particularmente nos preguntamos por las relaciones entre la historia y la memoria en cuatro documentales realizados en los últimos años y que dicen relación con la dictadura y las consecuencias traumáticas que tuvo para cientos de chilenos y chilenas. Los documentales son: Para no olvidar (Ignacio Agüero, 1981); La flaca Alejandra (Carmen Castillo y Guy Girard, 1994), Estadio nacional (Carmen Luz Parot, 2002) y Allende, mi abuelo Allende (Marcia Tambutti Allende, 2015). Nuestro acercamiento teórico-metodológico imbrica perspectivas propias del campo de la comunicación con el de la estética y el documental. Reconocemos el filme documental como agente de una mediación entre los espectadores y las imágenes, mediación que vuelve presente, visible y audible el pasado. A este tipo de mediación lo hemos denominado "pactos interpretativos", e identificamos tres tipos que implican diferentes énfasis: en la historia, en la memoria, o en la imbricación de ambas.
- Published
- 2024
8. Teaching Italian as L2 to adults in the Italian public school
- Author
Igor Deiana
- Subjects
teaching italian as l2/fl ,adult education ,school regulations ,literacy ,teaching italian to immigrants ,Theory and practice of education ,LB5-3640 ,Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 - Abstract
This paper explores the exploration of the history of teaching L2 Italian to adults in the Italian public school. The contribution examines courses of Italian as L2 organised by the "Centri Territoriali Permanenti per l’educazione degli adulti" (CTPs) and later by the "Centri Provinciali per l’Istruzione degli Adulti" (CPIAs). Focusing on the “Percorsi di alfabetizzazione e apprendimento della lingua italiana”, we discuss the main stages through which they have evolved and consolidated. The paper also considers some critical aspects and tries to understand their causes. Finally, the paper documents some of the impacts that the limits of the legislation may have on teaching.
- Published
- 2024
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9. Usefulness of dalbavancin in early discharge and non-hospitalization. It’s time to throw your heart over the obstacle?
- Author
Massimo Crapis, Sergio Venturini, Astrid Callegari, Giovanni Del Fabro, Igor Bramuzzo, Laura De Santi, Elisa Pontoni, Maurizio Tonizzo, and Barbara Basso
- Subjects
ABSSSI ,Antibiotic ,Health Technology Assessment (HTA) ,Long acting ,Medical technology ,R855-855.5 - Abstract
Introduction: Dalbavancin is a semisynthetic lipoglycopeptide long-acting antibiotic approved for the treatment of acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections (ABSSSIs). Its features can be useful in the current healthcare scenario characterized by the shortage of available hospital beds. Materials, methods and results: We implemented several actions in order to optimize the use of dalbavancin allowing an improvement strategy both from the healthcare system and the patient’s perspective in two hospital settings. In the Emergency Department we hospitalized only patients who met the clinical criteria and not the logistic criteria (i.e., the need for antibiotic therapy infusion). During the years 2017-2023, this strategy was applied in 40 cases, thus avoiding 40 hospitalizations for a total saving of 280 days of hospitalization. In the Internal Medicine ward and surgery department when there was no longer any need for hospitalization, we discharged the patient as early as possible. During the years 2017-2023, this strategy was applied in 189 cases, saving at least 1,134 days of hospitalization. The outcome of the treated patients was favorable in 228 out of 229 patients (99.5%). Conclusions: Our experience using dalbavancin in ABSSSI has been very satisfactory overall. The efficacy was close to 100%. Minor adverse events of slight severity occurred rarely. At the same time, this strategy allowed a more efficient allocation of hospital beds. Dalbavancin presents an ideal pharmacodynamic/pharmacokinetic profile for the management of ABSSSI especially in settings where shortage of hospital beds is critical.
- Published
- 2024
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10. Iskustva i potrebe u učenju hrvatskoga kao stranoga jezika na području poslovanja i ekonomije
- Author
Igor Ivašković
- Subjects
strani jezik ,visokoškolsko obrazovanje ,misija učenja ,preferencije studenata ,uloga učitelja ,Language and Literature - Abstract
U radu se proučavaju karakteristike, potrebe i iskustva slovenskih interesenata za učenje hrvatskoga jezika na području poslovanja i ekonomije. Rezultati dobiveni na uzorku od 308 ispitanika pokazuju da se s potrebom učenja hrvatskoga jezika susreće više od jedne trećine radno aktivnih slovenskih studenata i diplomanata na tom strukovnom području, dok bi 30 % ukupne studentske populacije odabralo učenje hrvatskoga jezika, ako bi im to bilo omogućeno unutar studija. U dijelu studenata diplomskoga studija taj je udio čak 44 %. Ispitanici su pokazali sklonost učenju kroz praktične primjere, putem igre, glazbe i filmova, kroz koje žele upoznati i kulturu druge zemlje uz sam jezik. S druge strane, kvalitetan je učitelj nužan preduvjet učenja jezika, dok su učenje napamet, naglasak na ocjenjivanju i ponavljanju gramatike oni elementi koji najčešće bude negativne asocijacije studenata. Naposljetku, treba istaknuti da bi četvrtina ispitanih studenata, koji bi odabrali hrvatski jezik među izbornim kolegijima u okviru besplatnoga studija, bili spremni platiti tržišnu cijenu za pohađanje nastave iz hrvatskoga jezika, dok je približno polovica te populacije spremna platiti nižu cijenu.
- Published
- 2024
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11. Il ritmo della trasformazione. Temporalità e ritmo nei processi e nelle pratiche formative
- Author
Cappa, F, Gamelli, IG, Cappa, F, and Gamelli, I
- Subjects
tempo educante, malessere temporale, ritmo del respiro, corpo, emancipazione - Abstract
How does the relationship between temporality and rhythm in training processes affect design and pedagogical action? The representation that dominates in education shows the time as something external, tyrannical, from which the need to have to scan it with absolute precision to control it. On the contrary, recent studies have indicated the positive relevance of time and rhythm in relation to the current possibilities of an emancipatory education. How to develop new forms of critical sensitivity of the experience of the time? Rhythm is a primarily bodily datum at the basis of self-formation and intersubjective communication, of the establishment of language and all the knowledge that derives from it. Beyond the rhetoric of fast / slow dualism, it's about exploring rhythmic patterns to understand how subjects present forms of time organization that have emancipatory and agency effects. Investigating the educational and personal rhythms reveals the possible role played by the experience of discontinuity in the process of educational emancipation.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Ignasi Brunet Icart
- Subjects
género ,feminidad ,masculinidad ,precariedad ,flexibilidad ,gender ,femininity ,masculinity ,precariousness ,flexibility ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Este artículo tiene como objetivo exponer los regímenes laborales de género en el capitalismo, a efecto de explicar la masculinización del privilegio en el ámbito laboral. El artículo emplea una metodología ajustada al análisis de textos tanto teóricos como empíricos. Análisis, interpretación y transformación de los regímenes de producción de la diferencia sexual que esencializan, mediante la ecuación naturaleza=heterosexualidad, la identidad sexo-genérica y las prácticas heteronormativas que rigen las organizaciones laborales. This article aims to expose gender labor regimes in capitalism, in order to explain the masculinization of privilege in the workplace. The article uses a methodology adjusted to the analysis of both theoretical and empirical texts. Analysis, interpretation, and transformation of the regimes of production of sexual difference that essentialize, through the equation nature=heterosexuality, sex-gender identity and the heteronormative practices that govern labor organizations.
- Published
- 2023
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13. Modeling singular neoclassical spaces in a procedural way
- Author
Eduard Baviera, Jorge Llopis, and Ignacio Cabodevilla-Artieda
- Subjects
architectural survey ,procedural modelling ,parametric modelling, neoclassical architecture ,grasshopper ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 ,Architectural drawing and design ,NA2695-2793 - Abstract
This research article aims to propose a new method for procedurally modeling unique architectural heritage spaces and explore new approaches to 3D-model parameterizable architecture, specifically focusing on neoclassical architecture. Procedural modeling, known for its time-saving benefits, has been used in CGI and architectural drawing alongside parametric modeling. The study applies these concepts to the field of architectural heritage digital modeling, which presents challenges due to deformations and imperfections that need to be parametrized. The research focuses on the side chapels of the Cathedral of Valencia, built in the neoclassical style, and develops an adaptable parametric model to account for their slight dimensional differences. The methodology involves using interior point cloud data from a 3D scan of the cathedral, creating an ideal model, dividing it into parts, and developing graphic scripts using Grasshopper for Rhinoceros. The research yields a new pipeline for 3D modeling parameterizable architecture, saving time and resulting in accurate digital models of the side chapels. The study concludes that procedural and parametric modeling can be used not only for projected architecture but also for surveying existing architecture and heritage. The proposed workflow reduces the time required to model similar architectural cases while maintaining accuracy.DOI: https://doi.org/10.20365/disegnarecon.30.2023.16
- Published
- 2023
14. إذا مات الأديب الذي شهد موته مفهوم الفناء والوطن الجريح في رواية 'دم الغزال' لمرزاق بقطاش
- Author
- Subjects
الأدب الجزائري ,مرزاق بقطاش ,السيرة الذاتية ,الرواية السياسية ,الموت الروائي ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Language and Literature ,Islam ,BP1-253 - Abstract
ملخص: تتناول المقالة سيرة الكاتب مرزاق بقطاش (1945-2021) وإنتاجه الروائي، الذي لم ينل قدرها الكافي من التقدير والاعتبار، وكذلك تأثيره في تطوير فن الرواية جزائريا وعربيا، كما تسلّط الضوء على أهم مكوناته الثقافية والاجتماعية والسياسية علما بأن بقطاش كان أديبا وصحافيا ورساما في آن واحد. ثم سنتوقف عند مفهومه للتجديد السردي، تحديدا في روايته "دم الغزال"، وبالأخص سبل توظيف هذا المفهوم في تجربته الشخصية مع الموت بعد محاولة الاغتيال التي تعرض لها في 1993، إذ أنه يستند إلى تلك الوقائع للتأمل في تجليات الفناء والزوال. ويتضح لنا أنه يستخدم محاولة الاغتيال تلك وكذلك مقتل عدد من الزملاء والأصدقاء والمعارف بمن فيهم رئيس الجمهورية للكناية عن أحوال بلاده المأسوية. هكذا، يتحول الموت بصفته ظاهرة فردية إلى قضية اجتماعية تختزل محنة تاريخ الجزائر المعاصر، في مقاربة أدبية وفلسفية تدلّ على مهارة كاتبنا في التعامل مع مادة غامضة وملتبسة كالموت دون التخلي عن أساليبه وتقنياته المعهودة المتسمة بالتهكم وقوة الترميز ووتفكيك آليات السردية التقليدية والالتزام بالواقع الاجتماعي-السياسي الذي اتصمت به "العشرية السوداء" في التسعينات من القرن الماضي.
- Published
- 2023
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15. Introducción
- Author
Mario Lafuente Gómez and Ignacio Álvarez Borge
- Subjects
History (General) and history of Europe ,History (General) ,D1-2009 ,Medieval history ,D111-203 - Published
- 2023
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16. Sobre nobleza y monarquía, tierra y dinero en el feudalismo castellano. Una primera aproximación a los cambios y transformaciones en el siglo XIII
- Author
Ignacio Álvarez Borge
- Subjects
castilla ,edad media ,monarquía ,nobleza ,feudalismo ,feudalismo bastardo ,History (General) and history of Europe ,History (General) ,D1-2009 ,Medieval history ,D111-203 - Abstract
La relación entre el rey y los nobles es uno de los factores clave de la configuración de la organización política en la Edad Media (la Monarquía). A lo largo del siglo XIII se produce un cambio muy importante en esa relación por la introducción y extensión del dinero en forma de feudos de bolsa (soldadas y situados) como elemento aglutinante de esa relación. En este artículo se estudia cómo se produce ese cambio en Castilla, tomando como puntos de referencia la situación hacia 1200 y hacia 1300 (reinados de Alfonso VIII y de Sancho IV). Pueden resumirse esos cambios en una transformación en la que “la política de la tierra” va dando paso al “feudalismo bastardo”.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Francesca Malagnini and Igor Deiana
- Subjects
Language and Literature ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Nell’ambito di una più ampia indagine sui fabbisogni dei docenti che insegnano italiano quale lingua materna (L1), lingua seconda (L2) e lingua straniera (LS) nelle scuole di ogni ordine e grado, il contributo si concentra su chi insegna nei Centri provinciali per l’istruzione degli adulti (CPIA), istituzioni scolastiche pubbliche frequentate prevalentemente da stranieri. Grazie a quanto emerso da un questionario proposto in tutti i 129 CPIA italiani, il lavoro offre un ampio numero di informazioni che permette di definire e capire i bisogni e gli interessi dei docenti che insegnano in queste scuole e, conseguentemente, di ipotizzare corsi di formazione e aggiornamento per insegnanti meglio dettagliati. Dopo una prima parte introduttiva, il contributo si concentra sulle specificità dei CPIA (§2), e descrive i contenuti del questionario e ne commenta le domande (§3). Il paragrafo 4 mette a fuoco alcune caratteristiche del corpo docente: la formazione iniziale, le precedenti esperienze di insegnamento e l’esperienza maturata nella stessa tipologia di scuola, la frequenza dedicata alla formazione e all’aggiornamento. Il paragrafo 5 analizza e commenta i bisogni formativi emersi; l’ultimo paragrafo, infine, offre alcune riflessioni conclusive. Between confirmations and surprises: the training needs of CPIA teachers As part of a broader survey on the needs of teachers who teach Italian as a mother tongue (L1), second language (L2) and foreign language (LS) in schools of all levels, this contribution focuses on those who teach in the Provincial Centres for Adult Education (CPIA), public school institutions attended mainly by foreigners. Thanks to what emerged from a questionnaire proposed in all 129 Italian CPIAs, the work offers a large amount of information that makes it possible to define and understand the needs and interests of the teachers who teach in these schools and, consequently, to hypothesise more detailed teacher training and refresher courses. After a first introductory part, the contribution focuses on the specificities of CPIAs (§2), and describes the contents of the questionnaire and comments on its questions (§3). Paragraph 4 focuses on some characteristics of the teaching staff: initial training, previous teaching experience and experience in the same type of school, frequency of training and refresher courses. Paragraph 5 analyses and comments on the training needs that emerged; finally, the last paragraph offers some concluding reflections.
- Published
- 2023
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18. Technological Unemployment and Meaning in Life, a Buen Vivir Critique of the Virtual Utopia
- Author
Ignacio Cea, Anja Lueje Seeger, and Thomas Wachter
- Subjects
meaning in life ,automation ,buen vivir ,virtuality ,technological unemployment ,nature ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
In this article, we address the problem of the potential crisis in people’s life’s meaning due to massive automation-driven technological unemployment. Assuming that the problem of (re)distribution of economic resources to the whole of society in such a scenario will be solved (e.g. through provision of a Universal Basic Income), the question arises concerning the meaning of people’s lives in a world in which almost everyone does not have to (or even could not) work in order to live. Here, we side with many current proposals that paid work is not the only possible source of meaning and hence, that a meaningful life could indeed be led in a post-work society. We especially focus on one of the most developed accounts, Danaher’s Virtual Utopia (Danaher, 2016, 2019, 2022). According to him, living immersed in playful virtual worlds where new, expanded and personalized possibilities of personal and collective experiences and actions, could not only be perfectly meaningful lives, but furthermore, “be the utopia we are looking for” (Danaher, 2019, p. 270). However, our analysis will suggest that although it is a very well thought and carefully articulated position, it suffers from various important problems. Our criticism will be based on an alternative framework to think about life’s meaning and the conditions for leading a good life in general. This alternative is based on the philosophy of buen vivir (“good living”). This notion has its roots in common aspects of various Latin American indigenous cultures regarding a community-centered way of life where humans, society and nature are taken to be deeply interconnected and interdependent, and where the notions of respect, harmony and balance are at the core of this interrelationship (Gudynas, 2011; Acosta, 2008; Beling et al., 2021). Buen vivir has many facets, but we will focus on three: the importance of healthy human communities, the human-nature relationship, and the intrinsic value of nature. Based on these, we argue that the Virtual Utopia is not a good candidate for human’s post-work utopia because i) it unnecessarily augments the environmental damage that is already involved in massive labor automation; ii) it entails an unnecessary and detrimental dependence on technology for human relationships; and iii) increases the severance of the link between humanity and nature. We conclude that the buen vivir approach is a promising candidate for an alternative utopian project, but one that needs further construction.
- Published
- 2023
19. Reseñas
- Author
Ignacio Marcio Cid, César García de Castro Valdés, M. Mercè Viladrich Grau, Ivan Armenteros Martínez, Ángel M. Rañales, Helena Casas Perpinyà, Alba Barceló Plana, and Mercè Puig Rodríguez-Escalona
- Subjects
Medieval history ,D111-203 - Published
- 2023
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20. La Historia suspendida en los discursos de Lions for lambs de Robert Redford
- Author
Ignacio Roldán Martínez
- Subjects
Guerra de Afganistán ,soldado ,discurso ,Historia ,espacio narrativo ,interpretación ,Literature (General) ,PN1-6790 - Abstract
Lions for Lambs (2007), de Robert Redford, fue filmado seis años después de la caída de las Torres Gemelas, la cual dio lugar a la invasión de Afganistán e Irak por parte de una coalición occidental. Es, según declara el director y se aprecia en el guion de Carnahan, una reflexión sobre las causas del desconcierto que parece imperar en la sociedad estadounidense y una llamada a que la juventud asuma su responsabilidad en la construcción del mañana. Catorce años después del estreno, Occidente ha abandonado de manera vertiginosa Kabul, interpretando una retirada que en su imaginario recuerda a la retirada de las últimas legiones romanas frente a los bárbaros; además, Rusia ha invadido Ucrania, fronteriza con países de la OTAN y de la Unión Europea, trayendo de nuevo la guerra a un continente cuya reciente identidad se ha elaborado en torno a la paz. La trama se desarrolla en tres espacios: la oficina de un senador con aspiraciones presidenciales, entrevistado por una veterana periodista televisiva; el despacho de un profesor universitario, que anima a un alumno con talento, pero frívolo, a asumir responsabilidades; y una cumbre nevada y nocturna de Afganistán, en la que un soldado de color y otro hispano han quedado cercados por los talibanes. Las suaves transiciones de un espacio a otro y la articulación de los distintos discursos -político, periodístico, docente y cívico militar- confieren unidad a la acción. Sin embargo, la pregunta de cuál de los tres discursos es el más congruente con la realidad queda sin respuesta. De esta manera, la interrelación de los discursos nos entrega un significado caracterizado por su apertura y, por lo tanto, por su indefinición: la Historia queda en suspenso.
- Published
- 2023
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21. El primer asentamiento europeo estable en las Islas Canarias: San Marcial de Rubicón (Yaiza, Lanzarote) y el comienzo de la circulación monetaria en el archipiélago en los umbrales del siglo XV1
- Author
María del Cristo González Marrero, Esther Chávez-Álvarez, Patricia Prieto Angulo, Miguel Ángel Hervás Herrera, Luis Alejandro García García, and Ignacio Montero Ruiz
- Subjects
Monedas ,arqueología medieval ,arqueometría ,restauración ,San Marcial de Rubicón ,Lanzarote ,Medieval history ,D111-203 ,Geography. Anthropology. Recreation - Abstract
La ciudad de San Marcial de Rubicón fue la primera ciudad europea fundada en Canarias, unos años después de que los conquistadores Jean de Bethencourt y Gadifer de La Salle arribaran a la isla de Lanzarote y diera comienzo, en 1402, la conquista señorial del archipiélago canario. Este artículo pretende dar a conocer el singular lote monetal hallado durante las excavaciones arqueológicas que se llevaron a cabo en 2021, así como el contexto en el que apareció. Su interés radica en que se trata de la primera muestra documentada de los inicios de la circulación monetaria en las islas. A ello se suma que la mayoría de ellas lleva una contramarca que consiste en una letra B gótica que evoca, casi sin lugar a duda, la inicial del conquistador normando. Por último, la aparición de estas monedas en contextos arqueológicos sellados podrá alimentar el debate abierto hoy en día en torno a las emisiones monetarias de los monarcas Enrique II y de su nieto, Enrique III, precisamente el soberano a quien Bethencourt rindió pleito-homenaje por primera vez, según relata Le Canarien, crónica francesa de la conquista.
- Published
- 2023
22. Palabras que se lleva el río. Historia oral y memoria léxica de las actividades productivas en el Guadalquivir
- Author
Juan de Dios López López and Ignacio Alcalde Sánchez
- Subjects
historia oral ,patrimonio industrial ,léxico ,transcripción ,antropología lingüística ,History (General) and history of Europe ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Abstract
El artículo presenta el proceso de elaboración de un vocabulario sobre las actividades productivas que se daban a mediados del siglo XX en el curso medio del río Guadalquivir, a su paso por Córdoba, Andalucía. El objetivo de este repertorio léxico es mostrar la relevancia cultural de los vocablos seleccionados para comprender los relatos orales producidos en torno a dicho contexto histórico y geográfico. El vocabulario, incluido en el anexo, ha sido elaborado a partir de un conjunto de entrevistas biográficas realizadas en un proyecto sobre el patrimonio industrial de la ciudad, en el que participaban los autores de este texto en calidad de etnógrafos y antropólogos. En el artículo se analiza cómo el proceso de transcripción de las entrevistas influyó en la decisión del elaborar dicho vocabulario y cómo se seleccionaron los lemas. Como muestra, se analiza en profundidad una de las voces incluidas en el vocabulario, la forma vernácula súa. Finalmente, se reflexiona sobre la posible utilidad social de este vocabulario y su posible estatus patrimonial. En este sentido, se justifica la necesidad de la documentación de estas particularidades léxicas y se señalan las paradojas y riesgos asociados a perspectivas patrimoniales excesivamente conservacionistas.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Igor Deiana
- Subjects
Language and Literature ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
I Percorsi di alfabetizzazione e apprendimento della lingua italiana sono il principale strumento per la formazione linguistica delle e degli adulti stranieri frequentanti i CPIA. Attraverso l’analisi di testi prodotti da corsisti frequentanti questi corsi, il presente contributo offre uno sguardo privilegiato su questa realtà didattica. Malgrado non sia mancata l’attenzione per gli aspetti linguistici, l’analisi qui proposta si concentra sul contesto didattico e i diversificati bisogni di chi frequenta questi corsi. Lo studio dei testi, inoltre, permette di mettere a fuoco la specifica formazione richiesta al corpo docente e di osservare come i limiti della normativa hanno ricadute nella didattica. Some reflections on a corpus of texts produced in the literacy and italian language learning paths of the CPIA This paper is about the Italian language courses for foreigners (Percorsi di alfabetizzazione e apprendimento della lingua italiana or Percorsi AALI) offered by the Provincial Centre for Adult Education, commonly called CPIA (Centro Provinciale per l’Istruzione degli Adulti). Thanks to a corpus of texts produced in these courses, this paper focuses on the most important Percorsi AALI’s educational and didactic issues. Through the analysis of this corpus, it has been possible to identify some critical aspects and to understand their causes. On the one hand some texts document how these courses are attended by a heterogeneous group of learners in which different literacy profiles can be identified. On the other hand, the study has underlined the importance of teachers' training and attitudes about teaching students from immigrant backgrounds.
- Published
- 2023
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24. El laboratorio de los Anales. Peritaje, enseñanza, edición y comercio en el laboratorio de análisis químico de la calle Carretas, Madrid, 1867-1880
- Author
Antonio García Belmar, Ignacio Suay-Matallana, and Inés Antón Dayas
- Subjects
Laboratorio ,Análisis químico ,Expertos ,Espacios de la química ,Siglo XIX ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,History of medicine. Medical expeditions ,R131-687 - Abstract
El laboratorio de análisis químico abierto, entre 1867 y 1880, en la calle Carretas de Madrid, es estudiado aquí en el contexto de las disputas corporativas por el control de un nuevo espacio de actividad académica y profesional surgido en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX en torno a la determinación de composición química de alimentos, bebidas y productos de la industria, la agricultura y el comercio. Se analiza la ubicación y el diseño de los espacios, la interacción entre las diferentes actividades desarrolladas dentro y fuera del laboratorio, así como las razones y los intereses que atrajeron a los diferentes públicos que hicieron uso de sus servicios. El objetivo es comprender mejor el significado y el funcionamiento de un espacio híbrido en el que actividades diversas y dispersas como el análisis químico, la producción industrial, la enseñanza, la divulgación y la edición interactuaron de forma sinérgica para sustentar la autoridad y la credibilidad que sus promotores necesitaban para conquistar la confianza de quienes estuvieron dispuestos a pagar por sus productos, en su mayoría escritos.
- Published
- 2023
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25. Specyfika relacji reporterskiej po 24 lutego 2022 na przykładzie 'Tygodnika Powszechnego'
- Author
Igor Borkowski
- Subjects
reportaż wojenny ,korespondencja wojenna ,dziennikarstwo prasowe ,wojna w Ukrainie ,History (General) and history of Europe ,Language and Literature - Abstract
Tekst jest analizą technik i narzędzi relacjonowania konfliktu wojennego po agresji Rosji na Ukrainę (24 lutego 2022 r.) na przykładzie materiałów reporterskich publikowanych w "Tygodniku Powszechnym". Badania wskazują na linie tematyczne, geopolityczną koncentrację na wybranych przestrzeniach Ukrainy, także na trafny dobór przykładów biograficznych łatwych do deszyfracji i utożsamienia przez czytelnika tygodnika społeczno-politycznego.
- Published
- 2023
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26. La imagen del maestro español, entre el miedo y la parodia (1876-1931)
- Author
Ignacio Gil-Díez Usandizaga
- Subjects
ilustraciones ,educación ,maestros ,premio escolar ,castigo escolar ,History (General) and history of Europe ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Abstract
Las imágenes que representan al maestro y el aula escolar han desempeñado un papel fundamental en el desarrollo de los sistemas educativos. Este artículo constituye una búsqueda del origen iconográfico de las representaciones que tuvieron una utilización dominante en España entre 1876 y 1931. Para ello se analizan estampas europeas del siglo xvi al xix, realizadas mediante diferentes técnicas de grabado, que muestran a maestros y escolares. La continuidad de algunas de esas caracterizaciones y su actualización española, identificando al docente con el tradicional dómine, es reveladora. Su presencia, tanto en la prensa satírica destinada a los adultos como en los libros ilustrados para niños, así lo refleja. Esta imagen dedicada a la crítica y el entretenimiento tiene su contrapartida en otras escenas, también protagonizadas por maestros y escolares, que representan premios y castigos en los libros de lectura para niños en ese mismo periodo. Los factores contextuales permiten situar todo este reportorio —el desarrollo de la escolaridad y de sus protagonistas, las intenciones de los editores de los medios en las que aparecen— pero no pueden componer una interpretación suficiente sin atender al papel del ilustrador. La formación artística que este posee y los recursos que maneja en su oficio o las influencias de otros ilustradores, son aspectos concluyentes a la hora de construir el sentido final, la plena visualidad de sus imágenes estableciendo el potencial de su significado.
- Published
- 2022
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27. Uma missão eminentemente humanitária? Operação Acolhida e a gestão militarizada nos abrigos para migrantes venezuelanos/as em Boa Vista- RR
- Author
Iana dos Santos Vasconcelos and Igor José de Reno Machado
- Subjects
gestão migratória ,migração venezuelana ,Operação Acolhida ,militarização ,ajuda humanitária ,Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration ,JV1-9480 - Abstract
Resumo. Em 2018, o governo brasileiro lançou mão das Forças Armadas para administrar abrigos e gerir o crescente fluxo de migrantes venezuelanos/as na fronteira norte, estado de Roraima. Justificada enquanto missão humanitária, a Operação Acolhida, com sede em Boa Vista, revela os paradoxos de um duplo comprometimento entre acolher e manter a ordem. Por um lado, militares organizam abrigos, distribuem comida e doações e, por outro, seguem protocolos que exigem a vigilância e controle sobre os corpos e documentos. Com base em pesquisa de campo, com visita aos abrigos militarizados, o artigo aborda as políticas que circunscrevem as novas práticas; os critérios que legitimam a intervenção militar na gestão do acolhimento; as críticas da sociedade civil organizada; e algumas implicações desse processo para as políticas migratórias no Brasil.
- Published
- 2022
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28. The 'Temple' of E. M. Forster's A Passage to India: towards ultimate unity
- Author
Igor Grbić
- Subjects
A Passage to India ,E. M. Forster ,'Temple' ,temple ,Marabar Caves ,Gokul Ashtami ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 - Abstract
This paper aims at a re-evaluation of the 'Temple', the final part of E. M. Forster's novel A Passage to India. Unlike its first two parts – 'Mosque' and 'Caves' – it is still, more often than not, perceived as somewhat lacking, a failure in general literary terms and, more specifically, even superfluous in terms of the novel's composition. To read the novel in this way is to misunderstand it, to favour the external, the event, over the internal, the innermost experience. This paper thus contributes to redirecting the reading of the novel from the political, sociological, postcolonial – as is usually the case – towards the contemplative, even mystical. It is argued that only such an approach does justice to the full scope of the novel, which is a symphonic movement from a world of fragmented visions and agonizing multiplicity towards a vision of ultimate unity. Due to spatial limitations, only the Hindu framework of the 'Temple' is here taken into consideration, with the festival of Gokul Ashtami as its focal point.
- Published
- 2022
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29. Psychologiczny pomiar religijności uczniów poznańskiej szkoły niepublicznej oraz młodzieżowej wspólnoty parafialnej w okresie pandemii Covid-19
- Author
Igor Kozak
- Subjects
religiosity ,adolescence ,youth ,pandemic Covid-19 ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion ,Doctrinal Theology ,BT10-1480 - Abstract
The topic of this article is religiousness of adolescents from Poznan (Poznań) archdiocese. It is based on a survey research, carried out in elementary community school and in St. John XXIII parish in Komorniki near Poznan (Poznań). Students of the facility, mainly girls, were examined with three tests measuring religiousness in the following aspects: emotions towards God, personal relationship with God and the consistency of religious beliefs of the adolescents. The theoretical part of the article discusses the issues of the specificity of adolescence, including the development of religiosity at this stage of development.
- Published
- 2023
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30. Chapter Movimento portuale, reti marittime e diversità dei mercati a Valenza nel XV secolo
- Author
Igual Luis, David
- Subjects
economic history ,valencia ,commercial networks - Abstract
An analysis of Valencia’s fifteenth-century port activity functional to the study of the city’s diverse maritime networks and markets based on first-hand archive research mainly focusing on the second half of the fifteenth century. The text also takes into account an assortment of further late-fourteenth to early-sixteenth century data collected and analysed by other authors.
- Published
- 2022
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31. La cooperazione militare italo-sovietica negli anni 1930 (secondo le memorie di I. A. Machanov, capo progettista d’artiglieria presso lo stabilimento di Kirov)
- Author
Igor O. Tyumentsev
- Subjects
History (General) and history of Europe ,Military Science - Abstract
The published fragment of memoirs of the chief designer of artillery weapons of the Kirov plant I. A. Machanov allows us to assess the depth of militarytechnical cooperation between the USSR and Italy in a new way. The author shows that despite the acute ideological confrontation between communism and fascism between the USSR and Italy in the 30s of the twentieth century, military-technical cooperation was constantly expanding. Italy was in dire need of funds for the construction of a Navy and was ready to sell its latest developments to the USSR. The Soviet Union needed the latest technologies to rebuild its Navy, and it was willing to pay for them in gold and currency. Analysis of the memoirs shows that Italian specialists introduced I. A. Machanov and other members of the Soviet delegation to the latest developments of art systems, seriously considered their production and delivery to the USSR. It was the cooperation of Italy that played a key role in the revival and development of the Soviet Navy.
- Published
- 2021
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32. The Contested Charm of Dunciad Minor by A. D. Hope
- Author
Igor Maver
- Subjects
intertextuality ,Alexander Pope ,A. D. Hope ,Australian poetry ,English 18th century poetry ,Language and Literature - Abstract
How literature is made from literature, what kind of procédés are used in expressing or covering a text with the fabric of quotations in it, how a meta-text regulates the reception of the original text and to what degree it is part of the latter, how a palimpsestic superscription unveils the reading and the understanding of tradition? All these questions pertaining to intertextuality (e. g. citations, allusions, parody, literary travesty, pastiche, etc) are addressed in the article. This is not done purely theoretically, but is applied in the examination of literary affiliations between two poets and their satirical works, the English Augustan poet of the 18th century Alexander Pope and a major twentieth-century Australian Augustan poet A. D. Hope.
- Published
- 2022
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33. La novela 'a la española'
- Author
Ignac Fock
- Subjects
novela española ,novela francesa ,Ilustración ,origen de la novela ,manuscrito encontrado ,Language and Literature - Abstract
El presente artículo trata de la recepción de España y de su tradición narrativa en la novela europea del siglo XVIII. Los primeros teóricos de la novela atribuyen su origen a los pueblos orientales, pero Sade menciona España entre los primeros sucesores de estos, añadiendo que la capacidad de, o inclinación a, escribir novelas es una debilidad humana. Por la así llamada Leyenda Negra, la Inquisición, la intolerancia religiosa y el retraso económico España tenía mala fama en la Europa ilustrada. Además, la producción novelesca en España atrofió justo en el período crucial para la articulación de este género literario. Este artículo demuestra un oxímoron: el desarrollo de la novela europea del siglo XVIII se apoyó en dos modelos españoles, el picaresco y el cervantino, y también el espíritu de España, visto desde Europa, se adecuaba al espíritu de la ficción novelesca, cuyo origen, según Sade, estaría relacionado con una engañosa debilidad generadora de invenciones. En el Quijote el manuscrito encontrado es obra de un historiador arábigo, puesto que la falsedad y engaño de esas naciones eran proverbiales en aquel tiempo. Pero en el siglo XVIII, su lugar fue ocupado precisamente por la patria del Quijote, que en el contexto de la novela se convirtió en “el nuevo Oriente” mucho antes de la aparición del estereotipo romántico de la España orientalizada.
- Published
- 2022
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34. Portugueses ilustres en los paratextos de Lope de Vega: las dedicatorias a Ferreira y Sampayo (1620), Rodrigo Mascareñas (1623) y Faria y Sousa (1625)
- Author
Ignacio García Aguilar
- Subjects
Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 - Abstract
En el período 1620-1625 Lope de Vega introduce y desarrolla una innovación paratextual en sus recopilaciones de comedias adocenadas, consistente en la inclusión de una dedicatoria al frente de cada una de las doce obras teatrales compendiadas en sus volúmenes. Con esta multiplicación de los dedicatarios persigue obtener ventajosos réditos por parte de importantes agentes del sistema literario de su época. Del casi centenar de dedicatorias teatrales que redactó durante este lustro, únicamente tres se dirigen a ingenios portugueses. El presente trabajo examina esos paratextos y los interpreta atendiendo a las estrategias que desarrolla el Lope de senecute en el marco de su complejo contexto histórico-literario. Keywords: Lope de Vega, dedicatorias, paratextos, Partes de comedias.
- Published
- 2022
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35. Acque minerali in bottiglia e fluoro
- Author
Gessa, Ig, Fontanella, L., Belli, M., and Brugnoletti, Orlando
- Published
- 2009
- Author
Ignacio M. Soba Bracesco
- Subjects
sistema de justicia ,amicus curiae ,intervención de terceros ,imparcialidad ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 - Abstract
El amicus curiae es una figura que escapa de los cánones clásicos del Derecho procesal y, por tanto, de las regulaciones procesales tradicionales (como, por ejemplo, la de intervención provocada o espontánea de terceros o la prueba pericial). Los sistemas de justicia asumen diversos desafíos al momento de contemplarlo. Es más, su impacto trasciende lo estrictamente jurídico, ya que al menos potencialmente puede tener implicancias políticas y en el debate acerca de cuestiones de interés público ante la justicia. Resulta oportuno propiciar la reflexión acerca de cuestiones que hacen al diseño del instituto, la generalización (o no) de su ámbito de aplicación, así como diversos aspectos procedimentales.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Igor Alves Noberto Soares and Isabella Miguez Achtschin
- Subjects
criminal procedure ,democratic procedural ,damning sentence ,absolutory request ,public prosecutor ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 - Abstract
The aim of this research was to confront the unconstitutionality of the criminal sentence in view of the absolutory manifestation by the Public Prosecutor, and, consequently, the incompatibility between article 385 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Republic’s Constitution of 1988. This is because, from the legal-procedural construction of the Democratic State of Law, several provisions still present in the Code of Criminal Procedure, as a result of its historical-political conception, do not fit with the current constitutional order. Based on the hypothetical-deductive method, the legal literature and jurisprudence were reviewed to conclude that article 385 of the Code of Criminal Procedure violates the democratic procedural established in the Republic’s Constitution of 1988, mainly because of the mitigation of the impartiality of the judgment, the inertia of the jurisdiction and the separation of the functions established to the procedural subjects.
- Published
- 2021
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38. Direito médico à objeção de consciência e a recusa em realizar procedimentos de reprodução assistida em casais homossexuais: a discriminação travestida de direito
- Author
Igor de Lucena Mascarenhas, Ana Paula Correia de Albuquerque da Costa, and Ana Carla Harmatiuk Matos
- Subjects
reprodução assistida ,homossexuais ,objeção de consciência ,discriminação ,Law ,Civil law ,K623-968 - Abstract
O presente artigo debate o direito à objeção de consciência médica e a eventual recusa em realizar procedimentos em pessoas ou casais homossexuais. O direito à objeção de consciência médica, em que pese não tratado na legislação stricto sensu, é reconhecido pelo Código de Ética Médica como direito médico fundamental. O grande debate repousa nos limites ao exercício do direito. Através de uma revisão bibliográfica, observou-se que o exercício da objeção de consciência em razão de aspectos subjetivos do paciente e não em relação ao aspecto objetivo do procedimento representa uma grave discriminação, na medida em que limita o acesso ao direito fundamental à reprodução assistida, além de não representar uma objeção apriorística, mas fruto de reflexão apenas em razão da orientação sexual do(s) paciente(s) envolvido(s). Desta forma, o exercício da objeção de consciência em desfavor de pessoas ou casais homossexuais representaria o exercício abusivo de um direito, posto que, a pretexto de proteger a autonomia profissional, viola direitos e garantias fundamentais dos pacientes.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Igor Raatz, Natascha Anchieta, and William Galle Dietrich
- Subjects
legal process as a guarantee ,procedural flexibility ,adaptability of jurisdictional command ,ordinariness ,legal dogmatics ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 - Abstract
The article deals with the issue of procedural flexibility from the perspective of the theory of the legal process as a guarantee. Starting from a dogmatic method, it seeks to differentiate the flexibility of the procedure and the adaptability of jurisdictional protection. It demonstrates that the criticisms made to the common procedure and procedural rigidity in Brazil follow premises of Italian doctrine. It clarifies that the criticism of procedural flexibility by the judge does not mean a disregard for material right. Finally, it looks at issues of comparative law. The bibliographic review method is used, in the construction of premises, and the deductive method in the formulation of the theses defended by the study.
- Published
- 2021
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40. El papel de la infraestructura en la reactivación de espacios deshabitados del Pirineo aragonés: el entorno de Sobrepuerto
- Author
Ana Ruiz-Varona, Ignacio Galán-Fernández, and Yves Schoonjans
- Subjects
landscape ,heritage ,mountainous territories ,pyrenees ,depopulated settlements ,Cities. Urban geography ,GF125 - Abstract
Mountainous territories have undergone significant transformations, as a result of the changing human land-occupation and interaction with their environment. This research in the surrounding area of Sobrepuerto (Aragonese Central Pyrenees, Spain), investigates the role of infrastructure in the reactivation of depopulated spaces, identifying different land-occupation processes which enable to discern these environments. The study is conducted through the comparative spatial analysis of the use of the land, and the realisation of semi-structured interviews. The obtained results provide novel insights into the factors which facilitate the development of these practices, and the conditions which allow to intervene in depopulated spaces.
- Published
- 2021
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41. Collin McKinney and David F. Richter. Spanish Graphic Narratives. Recent Developments in Sequential Art
- Author
Ignacio Fernández Sarasola
- Subjects
Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Published
- 2022
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42. Giovani newcomers a Milano ai tempi del Covid-19: la nuova vulnerabilità urbana
- Author
Alessandra Terenzi, Silvia Mugnano, and Igor Costarelli
- Subjects
housing affordability ,newcomers ,inequalities ,young people ,housing vulnerability ,Sociology (General) ,HM401-1281 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
La riconversione dell’economia urbana in chiave di industria creativa e della conoscenza ha richiesto un forte investimento strategico nel migliorare la capacità attrattiva delle città, puntando soprattutto sui giovani talenti. Tale processo è avvenuto senza considerare la distanza tra alto capitale culturale e basso capitale economico di questa popolazione che, dal punto di vista abitativo, si traduce in una condizione di particolare fragilità, mostrando il tema dell’affordability in tutta la sua incoerenza, che non sempre, tra l’altro, interessa solo ed esclusivamente il segmento del mercato immobiliare più marginale, ma può assumere anche altre forme di fragilità. Il paper si basa su una un ricerca empirica effettuata durante il primo lockdown su un campione di 849 famiglie di newcomers residenti a Milano da meno di 5 anni. L’obiettivo della ricerca è stato quello di indagare come la popolazione dei newcomers abbia vissuto la fase di emergenza della pandemia tra il 30 aprile e il 24 maggio 2020. La ricerca sulla qualità abitativa ha messo in evidenza aspetti di fragilità economica e di isolamento sociale, principalmente dovuto alla mancanza di reti sociali nel quartiere. L’esperienza di confinamento nella città attrattiva ha cambiato le preferenze residenziali future per molti neo-residenti, ipotizzando nuovi possibili scenari nella città post-pandemica.
- Published
- 2022
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43. Un recorrido por la literatura sobre planes de estabilización y reformas estructurales en la Argentina (1970-1980)
- Author
Ignacio Andrés Rossi
- Subjects
Estabilizacion ,Reformas ,Neoliberalismo ,Estados ,Argentina ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Las discusiones en torno a la estabilización económica y su posterior avance reformista han sido de vital importancia en los años 1970 y 1980. Las crisis internacionales pusieron en jaque los modelos de desarrollo latinoamericanos, arrinconándolos en un juego de presiones cruzadas entre los cambios del sistema capitalista y los déficits económicos a nivel nacional. El trabajo propone abordar los debates entre la estabilización económica y las reformas estructurales entre las décadas de 1970 y 1980 en la Argentina. Consideramos que el avance del reformismo económico ligado al neoliberalismo, como instancia posterior a la estabilización económica, tiene importantes claves que aportar a los países de la región. Para avanzar en la propuesta se ha analizado un profuso caudal bibliográfico sobre el tema con los objetivos de sintetizar algunas premisas y reflexiones relevantes. Concluimos en que dicha revisión da cuenta de cómo, los intentos de avance reformista neoliberales se beneficiaron y superpusieron a una crisis de los modelos keynesianos de posguerra. También, que las principales tensiones fueron entre las propuestas que buscaban una estabilización con un reformismo prodemocrático de adecuación a los nuevos patrones de reconfiguración económica mundial y entre quienes apuntaban a uno de apertura neoliberal, ligado a la financiarización económica.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Igor Deiana
- Subjects
Language and Literature ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Attraverso un’analisi delle caratteristiche del corpo docente dei Percorsi di alfabetizzazione e apprendimento della lingua italiana, il presente contributo si propone di evidenziare alcuni dei punti di forza e debolezza di questi corsi. Sulla base di quanto emerso da un’indagine rivolta ai docenti che vi insegnano si metterà a fuoco il profilo degli insegnati della scuola primaria e degli altri docenti che lavorano in questi corsi. Ci si concentrerà sulla loro formazione iniziale, l’eventuale conseguimento di specializzazioni in italiano L2, l’esperienza maturata rispetto all’insegnamento dell’italiano L2 e LS, la frequenza di momenti di formazione e aggiornamento e i bisogni formativi dichiarati dagli stessi intervistati. Inoltre, grazie a quanto emerso da un’indagine rivolta esclusivamente ai docenti di Lingua italiana per discenti di lingua straniera, noti anche come A23, si proporranno alcune riflessioni rispetto alle caratteristiche dei docenti che lavorano in questi corsi. Some reflections on teachers who teach in “literacy and Italian language learning courses” This paper concentrates on the the Provincial Centre for Adult Education, commonly called CPIA (Centro Provinciale per l’Istruzione degli Adulti) and in particular on Literacy and Italian language courses for foreigners (Percorsi di alfabetizzazione e apprendimento della lingua italiana or Percorsi AALI). Based on the results of two surveys administrated to a sample of CPIA’s teachers in 2019 and 2020, the focus is on the teachers of Percorsi AALI. Starting from the analysis of the teacher profiles, the quality of Percorsi AALI is examined by the critical aspects in order to understand the causes.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Igor Raatz, Natascha Anchieta, and William Galle Dietrich
- Subjects
scientific proceduralism ,legal science ,legal dogmatics ,methodological phases ,philosophy of science ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 - Abstract
The essay has as its theme the investigation of the meaning of the adjective "scientific" within the "scientific" processualism as well as the content of the "new methodological phases". The investigation is delimited within the Legal Science and its tripartite division. The objective is to demonstrate that the adjective “scientific” is not related to the methodological requirements from Legal Science. The existence of methodological phases is questioned. The hypothesis is that the adjective “scientific” and the “new phases” were used, respectively, as a discursive strategy to disqualify a theory with different epistemological bases and to claim for the “new” phases an authority that is not justified.
- Published
- 2020
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46. Crime e compensação: uma análise do insider trading no Brasil
- Author
Felipe Deodato, Igor de Lucena Mascarenhas, and Patricia Carvalho
- Subjects
insider trading ,informação assimétrica ,mercado de ações ,crime ,ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. ,Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 - Abstract
Este texto busca fomentar discussão a respeito da figura do insider trading, o detentor de informação privilegiada em negociação de ações, no âmbito da legislação brasileira. Em vários países essa prática do insider é condenada, pois acarreta um desequilíbrio nas transações de agências. Nos EUA a prática do insider vem regulada em rígidas disposições legais, dentre elas no Securities Exchange Act, ao passo que no Brasil a legislação é extremamente tolerante e insuficiente para dissuadir e prevenir a conduta penalmente tipificada. Torna-se imperiosa a revisão da legislação nacional para endurecer as penalidades e, sobretudo, tornar a fiscalização mais efetiva.
- Published
- 2020
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47. The use of cork in the thermoregulation of the hive: an innovation attempt to enhance non-wood products and beekeeping in Mediterranean forests
- Author
Ignazio Floris, Michelina Pusceddu, Elia Raccimolo, Antonio Casula, Giuliano Patteri, and Alberto Satta
- Subjects
cork beehives ,thermal insulation ,thermoregulation ,forest product. ,Agriculture - Abstract
Hive thermoregulation is fundamental for the normal development of bee colonies and, consequently, hive productivity and honey bee health. External conditions mainly affect the walls of the hive. Therefore, hive construction materials and thermal conductivity features can influence its thermoregulation efficiency. The present trial made a comparison of experimental hives (modified Dadant-Blatt of 10 frames) made with cork as thermal insulator and conventional hives made entirely with firwood to evaluate their effects on thermoregulation of Apis mellifera ligustica colonies in Northwerstern Sardinia (Italy). The cork-modified beehives consisted of common conventional beehives modified by replacing the wooden walls with cork walls (pressed cork), whereas the control beehives (wooden hives) consisted of standard Dadant Blatt beehives entirely made of firwood. Environmental (especially nest internal temperature) parameters were assessed periodically. The daily temperature pattern of cork-modified beehives was more regular than that of control beehives. In addition, bees had a more efficient winter thermoregulation in cork-modified beehives compared with control hives.
- Published
- 2020
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48. Valentía, feminismo y resiliencia. La (in)visibilidad de la mujer musulmana a través del cine
- Author
Igor Barrenetxea Marañón
- Subjects
mujer musulmana ,cine ,historia ,feminismo ,visibilidad ,History (General) and history of Europe ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Abstract
El cine es una ventana abierta al mundo que nos rodea. Las diferentes cinematografías nos acercan y revelan, al mismo tiempo, preocupaciones y realidades sociales de muy diversa naturaleza. En este caso, esta investigación se centra en analizar a través de una serie de filmes seleccionados las diferencias problemáticas de la mujer musulmana (sus padecimientos en las guerras, indefensión, pérdida de derechos y libertades, acoso, abusos, resiliencia, etc.) en diferentes países y entornos. Cada una de estas producciones desvela un universo femenino con una intención muy importante y crucial: sensibilizarnos y alterar las inercias sociales que se dan en muchos países. El cine se convierte, así, en una palanca de cambio histórico que no solo hace visible a la mujer (al mostrar su sufrimiento), sino que se adentra, además, en recalcar su imprescindible protagonismo en todos los órdenes de la vida y la importancia que cobra la educación a la hora de materializar su empoderamiento.
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Ignacio M. Soba Bracesco
- Subjects
standard of proof ,legal certainty ,certainty ,probability ,reasonable doubt ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 - Abstract
Much has been written about the existence and formulation of different standards of proof, both in civil and criminal proceedings. However, one point on which it is worth deepening into is that of the normative anchor of those standards. The issue presents interesting and problematic trims while in the legislation the test standards are not always predetermined. The individualization and cognizability of the standard thus becomes a previous question on which it is necessary to reflect, before analyzing how a particular evidentiary standard is applied. The recognition of judicial standard before the jurisdictional decision favors legal certainty and allows the control of judicial decisions.
- Published
- 2020
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50. Salvem também os idosos: etarismo e a alocação de recursos na realidade brasileira de combate à COVID
- Author
Luciana Dadalto, Igor de Lucena Mascarenhas, and Ana Carla Harmatiuk Matos
- Subjects
ageísmo ,discriminação ,alocação de recursos para a alocação à saúde ,infecções por coronavirus ,Law ,Civil law ,K623-968 - Abstract
O presente artigo se propõe a debater o ageísmo no Brasil durante a pandemia da Covid-19 e a alocação de recursos escassos. Por intermédio de uma revisão bibliográfica e análise documental, observa-se que o Ministério da Saúde do Brasil e o Conselho Federal de Medicina foram omissos na fixação de critérios de alocação de recursos escassos, cabendo a Associações Médicas, Entidades Bioéticas e Hospitais Privados definirem que o critério etário não pode ser utilizado como parâmetro de garantia do acesso à saúde, sob pena de prática discriminatória e inconstitucional. Conclui-se que o Estado não pode adotar um critério etário para alocação de recursos, na medida em que representaria um privilégio para população mais jovem quando, em verdade, o ordenamento jurídico prevê um dever de proteção aos idosos, tidos como população excessivamente vulnerável.
- Published
- 2020
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