27 results on '"S. Bassi"'
Search Results
2. Bruno e i 'munera Lulliani ingenii'. Appunti per una rilettura
- Author
S. Bassi, SCAPPARONE, ELISABETTA, S. Bassi, and E. Scapparone
- Subjects
Il rapporto tra Giordano Bruno e Raimondo Lullo costituisce certo una questione di indiscutibile complessità, ma anche una prospettiva molto feconda e molto precoce di interpretazione della «Nolana filosofia», così come, sul piano storiografico, un terreno di costante confronto per gli studiosi. A partire dall’analisi di una testimonianza finora sconosciuta sulle lezioni di logica lulliana tenute da Bruno a Wittenberg tra il 1586 e il 1588, individuata in un volume custodito dalla Biblioteka Uniwersytecka di Wrocław, il saggio si interroga sui caratteri della ricezione presso i contemporanei, soprattutto in area riformata, di un insegnamento, di un’attività di commento e di un percorso editoriale costantemente ispirato all’esibito proposito di accostarsi all’«ars Raymundi» non certo con il limitato intento di illustrarla o compendiarla, ma con l’ambizione di portarla ‘dentro’ la propria concezione filosofica e di farla reagire con le sue diverse componenti (prima fra tutte, la mnemotecnica), restituendola poi in forme potenziate e ormai «condotte a compimento». Nella seconda parte del lavoro vengono poi ripercorsi e tratteggiati i caratteri e i passaggi fondamentali dell’interpretazione del lullismo di Bruno fra Settecento e Novecento, riservando particolare attenzione al nesso fra ars lulliana e metafisica bruniana istituito da Hegel; ai motivi che fondano la lettura fortemente riduttiva di Felice Tocco; alle prospettive originali e innovative aperte dalle analisi di Frances Yates, e soprattutto di Paolo Rossi, sulla «logica fantastica» del Nolano.
- Published
- 2010
3. Dimostrazione
- Author
Ennio De Bellis, S. Bassi E. Fantechi, and DE BELLIS, Ennio
- Subjects
Dimostrazione - Abstract
La dimostrazione rappresenta, come è noto, lo strumento fondamentale dell’indagine scientifica che viene svolta nelle università europee nello spazio di tempo compreso tra il XIII e il XVII secolo.
- Published
- 2023
- Author
G. Rugna, G Merialdi, L Bardasi, S Bassi, S. Dell’Anna, M.C. Fontana, G. Galletti, P. Massi, A Santi, and M. Tamba
- Subjects
Campylobacter spp., broiler chickens, carcasses, zoonosis ,Food processing and manufacture ,TP368-456 - Abstract
Thermophilic Campylobacter spp. have been recognised as a major cause of foodborne infections in many countries throughout the world. Poultry meat is the most common source for foodborne cases of human campylobacteriosis. An European baseline study (Dec. 516/07/UE) was carried out in the year 2008 with the aim of determining the prevalence of Campylobacter spp. in broiler chickens and the contamination level on the broiler carcasses. One hundred broiler flocks were sampled in 4 poultry slaughterhouses in Emilia Romagna and 52% (IC 95%: 41,8%-62,1%) were positive for Campylobacter jejuni/coli. The prevalence of thermophylic Campylobacter on carcasses was 26,0% (IC 95%: 17,7%- 35,7%) and it was correlated to finding of these bacteria in the broilers’ gut (O.R.: 3,8; I.C. 95%: 1,4-9,9).
- Published
- 2009
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5. Cesare Vasoli interprete di Leonardo
- Author
Elisabetta Scapparone, S. Bassi, A. Sanna, V. Serio, and Elisabetta Scapparone
- Subjects
Leonardo da Vinci Cesare Vasoli Storia della filosofia del Rinascimento Storia della storiografia filosofica - Abstract
Il saggio analizza il contributo specifico che Cesare Vasoli ha dato allo studio della figura e del ruolo di Leonardo da Vinci nella cultura filosofica del Rinascimento, in una serie di contributi pubblicati fra il 1973 e il 2005. Nel caso di Leonardo Vasoli ha privilegiato ancora una volta un criterio di interpretazione volto a spostare l’attenzione dal concetto di 'originalità' a quello di 'tradizione': uno spostamento che si concretizza nel lavoro fatto per riconnettere Leonardo, anche attraverso una lettura accorta e sottile dei suoi elenchi di libri, alle diverse declinazioni della complessa cultura del suo tempo, cercando di determinare con maggiore esattezza il suo itinerario intellettuale e le sue fonti - queste ultime discusse, ricombinate e rinnovate «con l’eccezionale potere della sua “visione” di artista capace di comprendere e rappresentare […] lo sviluppo e l’andamento dei fenomeni e delle forze intrinseche della natura».
- Published
- 2022
6. Itinerari comuni. Istanti di vita e istantanee con Maria Antonella Galanti
- Author
BOCCI Fabio, in S. Bassi, D. Fantozzi, T. Zappaterra (a cura di), and Bocci, Fabio
- Subjects
Maria Antonella Galanti, pedagogia di confine, pedagogia impegnata e militante, inclusione - Abstract
Il cotributo ripercorre alcune tappe comuni con la studiosa Maria antonella Galanti alla quale è dedicato il volume evidenziandone lo spessore scientifico culturale e l'impegno socio-politico per una società inclusiva
- Published
- 2022
7. «Satiri, fauni, malenconici». Giordano Bruno e la 'malattia inglese'
- Author
Scapparone, Elisabetta, S. Bassi, M.A. Galanti, V. Serio, and Scapparone, Elisabetta
- Subjects
Giordano Bruno Malinconia Medicina Teologia Inghilterra elisabettiana - Abstract
Il saggio assume il motivo della malinconia come filo conduttore di alcuni tratti peculiari della riflessione di Giordano Bruno, intimamente legati, da un lato, al suo confronto incessante con la filosofia di Marsilio Ficino; dall'altro, al soggiorno del Nolano in Inghilterra, terra per eccellenza malinconica. Dopo aver delineato una topografia bruniana della malinconia, il saggio approfondisce due questioni più specifiche: il ricorso di Bruno al concetto e al lessico del «furor d'atra bile» all'interno della sua polemica antiapocalittica; la sua valutazione dei limiti propri dell'approccio teologico e di quello medico alla sofferenza e ai deliri del malinconico. Sotto quest'ultimo rispetto, in Bruno agisce piuttosto la preoccupazione di individuare una sorta di 'terza via', nella quale disciplina del corpo e disposizione dell'intelletto e della volontà sono chiamate a delineare un itinerario di perfezionamento conoscitivo ed etico, ormai affrancato dai miraggi vani e angosciosi di una fantasia turbata e sorretto da una precisa prospettiva di 'renovatio' postcristiana.
- Published
- 2020
8. «LUOGO PRESO IN PAROLA». Sul paesaggio lirico di ANDREA ZANZOTTO
- Author
carbognin francesco, J. Nimis, S. Dal Bianco, L. Cecchinel, A. Russo Previtali, N. Gardini, F. Carbognin, S. Bassi, D. Favaretto, L. Toppan, L. Manigrasso, G. Bongiorno, M. Kangro, M. Donat, G. Sjöberg, D. Capaldi, J. P. Welle, J. Demarcq, M. Rueff, G. Bongiorno, L. Toppan, and carbognin francesco
- Subjects
Zanzotto, paesaggio, poesia, fenomenologia, mappa, geocritica, filologia - Abstract
Per la prima volta nell'ambito degli studi zanzottiani, nel saggio si costruisce una mappatura completa del paesaggio Alto Trevigiano descritto da Andrea Zanzotto nelle poesie e nelle prose, opportunamente diviso per aree (montagna, colline, pianura, laghi e fiumi, altopiano del Montello). Tutti i toponimi presenti nell'opera di Zanzotto vengono elencati e rapportati al valore metaforico conferitovi dal poeta di Pieve di Soligo. Completa il saggio un'appendice fotografica e una mappa geografica del paesaggio lirico zanzottiano.
- Published
- 2018
9. Bruno: tra enciclopedia, architettura, memoria e metodo
- Author
- Subjects
A partire da alcuni testi di Giordano Bruno (in part. De umbris, e Spaccio della Bestia trionfante, De immenso, Lampas, Sigillum Sigillorum), è messa in evidenza la relazione, negli scritti bruniani, tra le occorrenze architetturali e una nuova concezione di metodo, di acquisizione e di sistemazione del sapere. Il saggio cerca altresì di tratteggiare nessi sostanziali che collegano, sul significato accordato a tali lemmi, il pensiero di Bruno e quello di altri umanisti italiani ed europei (L. Valla, L. Alberti, G. Budé, P. de La Ramée, ecc.
- Published
- 2012
10. Dall'India: donne sull'orlo di una crisi di pathos
- Author
- Published
- 2005
11. 'Imposture' e 'maraviglie'. Note sul Cristo mago di Bruno
- Author
- Subjects
Il saggio esamina le variazioni cui la figura di Cristo è sottoposta nell'opera di Giordano Bruno, focalizzando l'attenzione su quei testi o gruppi di testi in cui trova spazio e senso il richiamo ai poteri magici di Cristo: il Sigillus sigillorum, lo Spaccio de le bestia trionfante e le opere magiche. Fra critica antitrinitaria e interpretazione del cristianesimo come impostura e consapevole mistificazione della verità filosofica, religiosa, civile presente nel mondo antico, il giudizio di Bruno su Cristo si misura sia sul terreno filosofico che su quello etico-civile. E alla falsa e ingannevole figura dell'uomo-Dio Bruno contrappone l'immagine del mago come strumento essenziale di civiltà, modello di un sapere positivo, portatore di una prassi efficace e feconda, che cerca di individuare e incanalare nella direzione voluta le forze varie e disuguali che operano nel mondo della natura e dell'uomo. Lontano, ed anzi, irriducibilmente alternativo al cristianesimo nelle sue diverse forme e ortodossie, Bruno si rivela però anche capace di svilupparne, nella prospettiva di una tolleranza essenziale alla vita associata, alcuni dei tratti più profondi e moderni. La riforma filosofica cui guarda Bruno contempla infatti anche la costituzione di una religione della composizione dei conflitti, nella quale possano riconoscersi tutte le confessioni cristiane, in una riduzione, drastica fino a dissolverli nella mera idea filosofica di Dio, dei fundamentalia fidei.
- Published
- 2005
12. [Radiologic diagnosis of spondylodiscitis: role of magnetic resonance].
- Author
Cusmano F, Calabrese G, Bassi S, Branislav S, and Bassi P
- Subjects
- Acute Disease, Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Chronic Disease, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Staphylococcal Infections diagnosis, Tuberculosis, Spinal diagnosis, Discitis diagnosis, Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Abstract
Purpose: To report the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) features of acute and chronic spontaneous spondylodiscitis as well as any typical patterns which can be useful for the differential diagnosis between pyogenic and tuberculous forms., Material and Methods: Eleven patients affected with spontaneous spondylodiscitis were selected for the study; they were 7 men and 4 women ranging in age 33-87 years (mean: 64). We excluded the patients with iatrogenic spondylodiscitis. MR images were acquired with a superconductive magnet at 1.5, with the following sequences: sagittal PD and T2-weighted TSE, sagittal T1-weighted SE, axial PD and T2-weighted TSE for the lumbar spine, axial T2-weighted GRE for the cervical and dorsal spine and axial and sagittal T1-weighted SE after contrast agent (gadolinium DTPA) injection. MR images were reviewed by three experienced radiologists and morphological and signal intensity changes of vertebral body and disk were recorded on a standard form. In 9 patients it was possible to compare MR to CT findings., Results: At the time of our observation all patients reported pain at the spine level, associated with fever and weight loss in 50% of cases and with increased values of the inflammatory markers. Three patients had infectious diseases in other organs and 2 were diabetics. Biopsy was performed in two cases only and demonstrated Staphylococcus aureus in one and Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the other patient. MRI allowed the correct diagnosis to be made in all cases, demonstrating the pathological involvement of the paravertebral structures and into the spinal canal earlier and more accurately than CT. A common finding in pyogenic and tuberculous spondylodiscitis was the low signal of the subcortical bone marrow on T1-weighted sagittal images, which enhanced after Gd-DTPA administration and became intermediate or high on T2-weighted images. Moreover, the steady high signal intensity of the disk on T2-weighted images and its contrast enhancement on T1-weighted images is typical for an acute inflammatory process., Conclusions: Based on our personal experience and literature data, we believe MRI to be the most sensitive technique for the diagnosis of spondylodiscitis in the acute phase, whereas it is comparable to CT in the chronic stage of the disease. At present MRI does not allow to differentiate pyogenic from tuberculous forms.
- Published
- 2000
13. [Meniscal injuries of the knee. Diagnostic imaging].
- Author
Cusmano F, Uccelli M, Pedrazzini M, Bassi S, Lombardi A, Luccichenti G, D'Angelo G, and Pavone P
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Arthrography, Female, Humans, Male, Menisci, Tibial diagnostic imaging, Menisci, Tibial pathology, Middle Aged, Retrospective Studies, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Tibial Meniscus Injuries, Tomography, X-Ray Computed
- Abstract
Nowadays, treatment of meniscal tears is conservative with removal only of the broken part of meniscus. For this reason, before arthroscopy, the orthopaedic surgeon needs for an accurate preoperative diagnosis that could be obtained with computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR). Our purpose is to value the actual role of CT and MR in diagnosis of meniscal tears. We retrospectively evaluated CT and MR images of 128 patients (average age 32 years) who then underwent arthroscopy. On the basis of our findings CT and MR have been shown to be very accurate to detect meniscal tears, even if with both methodics false positives and false negatives are possible. Nevertheless, MR is able to give high resolution multiplanar images without using ionising radiations and is preferable because of its high accuracy in recognising associated lesions of ligaments or articular cartilage.
- Published
- 2000
14. [Cervical spine injuries: diagnostic imaging].
- Author
Cusmano F, Pedrazzini M, Ferrozzi F, Uccelli M, Bassi S, Armaroli S, Mineo F, and Pavone P
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Cervical Vertebrae diagnostic imaging, Cervical Vertebrae pathology, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Cervical Vertebrae injuries, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Tomography, X-Ray Computed
- Abstract
In past few years, traumas of cervical spine have increased, chiefly owing to rise of road accidents. Nevertheless, only in a small percentage of cases lesions of cervical spine occur and, in order to reduce many negative radiographs, a careful clinical examination is required. Our purpose is to verify the value of radiology in evaluation of acute trauma of cervical spine and to propose an adequate radiological protocol. In the course of two years (1998-99), 376 patients were admitted in consequence of cervical trauma of different degree of gravity. In all patients, conventional radiographs were obtained, in 93 a computed tomography (CT) examination was executed and only in 18 patients with neurological symptoms a magnetic resonance (MR) was required. Fractures of cervical spine wee identified in 91 cases and in patients in which MR images were obtained, neurological lesions of various severity were diagnosed. On the basis of our results, we think that, in a clinical suspicion of cervical spine lesions, a conventional radiographic study has first to be performed even if often good radiographs aren't obtained for technical difficulties. If doubts persist on conventional radiographs or a fractures has already been diagnosed on radiographs but we want to verify its stability, a CT needs to be performed. MR is required if neurological symptoms are present in order to diagnose lesions of spinal marrow, nerve roots or ligaments.
- Published
- 2000
15. [Rotator cuff rupture. Diagnostic imaging].
- Author
Cusmano F, Pedrazzini M, Uccelli M, Ferrozzi F, Bassi S, Corradi M, Vaienti E, and Pavone P
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Retrospective Studies, Rotator Cuff diagnostic imaging, Rotator Cuff pathology, Rupture, Arthrography methods, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Rotator Cuff Injuries, Tomography, X-Ray Computed
- Abstract
Conventional radiography, ultrasound, Magnetic Resonance (MR), Arthrography Computed Tomography (Arthro-CT) and Arthrography Magnetic Resonance (Arthro-MR) are available for diagnosis of rotator cuff tears. Our purpose is to assess the specificity and sensitivity of these examinations and if they could give to the surgeon all the informations to select the more accurate treatment. We have evaluated retrospectively the images of 68 patients, 43 male and 25 female (average age 51 years), which then have been surgically treated for rotator cuff pathology. On the basis of our findings, we think that conventional radiography and ultrasound are excellent in a first evaluation. MR images, particularly in the coronal and sagittal oblique planes, are able to demonstrate partial or complete rotator cuff tears. The use of intra-articular contrast medium (arthro-CT, arthro-MR) should be reserved for partial lesions on specific cases.
- Published
- 2000
16. [Cavernous angioma of the kidney. The color Doppler echographic, computed tomographic and magnetic resonance aspects in a case].
- Author
Ferrozzi F, Tognini G, Marchesi G, and Bassi S
- Subjects
- Adult, Female, Humans, Ultrasonography, Doppler, Color, Hemangioma, Cavernous diagnosis, Kidney diagnostic imaging, Kidney pathology, Kidney Neoplasms diagnosis, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Tomography, X-Ray Computed
- Published
- 1999
17. [Gastric duplication cyst: CT and MRI findings in a case].
- Author
Ferrozzi F, Pallavera L, and Bassi S
- Subjects
- Adult, Humans, Male, Cysts diagnosis, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Stomach Diseases diagnosis, Tomography, X-Ray Computed
- Published
- 1999
18. [Mesenchymal tumors of the pancreas: computed tomography patterns].
- Author
Ferrozzi F, Cusmano F, Zuccoli G, Tognini G, Bassi S, and Gabrielli M
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Child, Female, Humans, Leiomyosarcoma diagnostic imaging, Male, Mesenchymoma diagnostic imaging, Middle Aged, Neurilemmoma diagnostic imaging, Retrospective Studies, Teratoma diagnostic imaging, Pancreatic Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Tomography, X-Ray Computed
- Abstract
Purpose: To report the CT patterns of pancreatic mesenchymal lesions and to investigate the capabilities and limitations of this technique in terms of characterization., Material and Methods: We selected the CT examinations of 23 patients from all CT examinations of the pancreas performed from 1986 to 1998. The patients were 10 to 85 years old and all lesions but two (1 lipoma and 1 lymphoma) had pathologic confirmation. Two lymphangiomas, 2 lipomas, 4 Schwannomas (SCH), 1 plexiform neurofibroma, 1 cystic teratoma, 1 pancreatoblastoma, 9 non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL), 1 undifferentiated sarcoma and 2 leiomyosarcomas were diagnosed., Results: Lipomas had typically homogeneous negative HU values, and NHL a homogeneous hypodense pattern with mild contrast enhancement, with no necrosis or calcifications in both diffuse and nodular forms; SCH had variable appearance, with water/slightly negative HU numbers or highly enhanced patterns with a central necrotic core depending on the main Antoni A or B histology. Lymphangiomas appeared as complex cysts, with thin and regular or calcified walls and intracystic septa, while the plexiform neurofibroma had near-water homogeneous density with mild contrast enhancement and an infiltrating growth pattern. Our teratoma had multiple calcifications, mucinous and lipid components. The pancreatoblastoma, sarcomas, and leiomyosarcomas exhibited no specific findings., Conclusions: In selected cases, CT can provide virtually diagnostic information (lipoma and teratoma), or at least highly suggestive findings (NHL, plexiform neurofibroma, lymphangioma). Moreover, knowledge of the variable morphostructural patterns of mesenchymal histotypes (SCH, sarcoma etc.) permits to include them in the differential diagnosis of pancreatic masses.
- Published
- 1999
19. [Upper cervical spine fracture: sources of misdiagnosis].
- Author
Cusmano F, Ferrozzi F, Uccelli M, and Bassi S
- Subjects
- Cervical Vertebrae diagnostic imaging, Diagnostic Errors, Humans, Retrospective Studies, Spinal Fractures classification, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Cervical Vertebrae injuries, Spinal Fractures diagnostic imaging
- Abstract
Purpose: Missing cervical spine fractures during the initial plain film study may lead to severe neurological complications for patients and to medicolegal responsibilities for the physician. The upper cervical spine tract (C1-C2) is considered to be at high risk for misdiagnoses. We decided to investigate the possible causes of mistake in the cases of missed fractures on the initial plain film, performed in the emergency room., Material and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the radiological reports, the original plain films and the CT findings, of 32 patients with upper cervical (C1-C2) fractures, admitted January 1994 to December 1998. Twenty-eight of these patients (87.5%) had multisystem trauma, 4 (12.5%) had minor craniocervical trauma. None of these patients had neurological signs correlated to the cervical injuries, 30 of them had normal consciousness and reported only neck pain, 2 of them were unconscious for the associated head trauma and were hospitalized in the intensive care unit. All the patients with normal consciousness underwent conventional three-view cervical spine radiography; the two unconscious patients in the intensive care unit were submitted to bedside examination with an anteroposterior and a lateral views of the cervical spine. All patients underwent spiral CT of the upper cervical tract., Results: In 9 of 32 patients (28%) a cervical fracture was missed on the plain film and CT was performed only because of persistent neck pain. We found 2 Jefferson's fractures, 2 type II dens fractures, one type I dens fracture and 4 hangman's fractures. In 8 of the 9 patients (89%) the fracture was potentially unstable. Misdiagnoses resulted from overlapping bone structures (3%), suboptimal film quality (3%), satisfaction of search phenomenon (3%), missed mild tilting of the dens (6%), missed double cortex sign (16%), missed C1-C2 lateral subluxation (6%) and marked osteoporosis (3%). Prevertebral soft tissue swelling was not seen in any of the 9 cases of missed fractures. Considering the group of patients with C1-C2 fractures separately, the false negative rate is 28%, which corresponds to 10.7% of the total number of patients with cervical fractures and dislocations examined during the same period., Conclusions: Among the causes of false-negative interpretation, osteoporosis, suboptimal film quality due to associated fractures and overlapping bone structures must be considered unavoidable. On the other hand these possibilities should be indicated on the X-ray report because, if painful symptoms persist, a CT exam is strongly advised. Subtle alterations like dens tilting, double cortex sign, lateral subluxation of C1 and prevertebral soft tissue swelling should be regarded as highly suspicious for fracture. Missing these lesions might be considered a true diagnostic mistake with possible legal consequences, which may also expose the patient to the risk of neurological complications. The satisfaction of search phenomenon can be avoided only by trying to use a search pattern for every film, which includes checking all the visible anatomical structures even in the presence of a particularly evident lesion. In all questionable cases or high-risk fracture patients, even with an apparently negative plain film, it is advisable to perform CT instead of additional plain films. Finally, in all the patients treated in the intensive care unit for head trauma, an upper cervical CT scan should be routinely carried out at the same time as the brain scan.
- Published
- 1999
20. [Myeloma on dialysis and radiogram of problematic thorax].
- Author
Micciché C, Bassi S, Zorzi F, and Bergonzini R
- Subjects
- Aged, Amyloidosis pathology, Biopsy, Bronchoscopy, Diagnosis, Differential, Female, Humans, Kidney Failure, Chronic therapy, Lung pathology, Amyloidosis diagnostic imaging, Kidney Failure, Chronic complications, Lung Diseases pathology, Multiple Myeloma complications, Radiography, Thoracic, Renal Dialysis, Tomography, X-Ray Computed
- Published
- 1998
21. [Electromyographic study with repeated stimulation of a case of lipid storage disease with carnitine deficiency].
- Author
Albizzati MG, Bassi S, Crespi V, and Passerini D
- Subjects
- Adult, Electric Stimulation, Electromyography, Humans, Lipidoses physiopathology, Male, Muscular Diseases etiology, Muscular Diseases physiopathology, Ulnar Nerve, Carnitine deficiency, Lipidoses diagnosis, Muscles physiopathology, Muscular Diseases diagnosis
- Published
- 1978
22. [Clinical and anatomical features of a case of Schilder's disease (author's transl)].
- Author
Albizzati MG, Bassi S, Mariani C, and Allegranza A
- Subjects
- Adrenal Insufficiency etiology, Child, Diagnosis, Differential, Diffuse Cerebral Sclerosis of Schilder diagnosis, Diffuse Cerebral Sclerosis of Schilder physiopathology, Humans, Male, Brain pathology, Diffuse Cerebral Sclerosis of Schilder pathology
- Abstract
A case of a Schilder's disease (1912 type) in a seven year old boy is described. The patient died after four months and autopsy was performed. The most important clinical features are represented by repeated electroencephalograms, immunologic investigations in both plasma and CSF as well as tests of adrenal function. Histopatological examination of the brain shows a diffuse sudanophilic orthocromatic demyelinating process of both hemispheres with intense vascular cuffing, microglial proliferation and astrocytic hypertrophy. These findings are in contrast with some recent statements in the literature which reject a nosographic individuality to Schilder's disease and describe "Adrenoleukodystrophies" on doubtful criteria.
- Published
- 1976
23. [Multifactor analysis of the influence of blood volume, renin activity and plasma potassium on aldosterone levels in chronic uremia].
- Author
Cannella G, Mileti M, Cecchettin M, Ghielmi S, Bassi S, Castellani A, Mioni G, and Maiorca R
- Subjects
- Adult, Chronic Disease, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Aldosterone blood, Blood Volume, Potassium blood, Renin blood, Uremia blood
- Published
- 1976
24. [Behavioral of evoked potentials in repeated stimulation of the facial nerve and electromyographic diagnosis of myasthenia gravis].
- Author
Bassi S, Crespi V, Passerini D, and Smirne S
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Electric Stimulation, Electromyography, Humans, Middle Aged, Myasthenia Gravis diagnosis, Neuromuscular Junction physiopathology, Synaptic Transmission, Time Factors, Ulnar Nerve physiopathology, Evoked Potentials, Facial Nerve physiopathology, Myasthenia Gravis physiopathology
- Published
- 1975
25. [Some electromyographic and morphological findings in myotonic dystrophy].
- Author
Bassi S, Passerini D, Scarlato G, and Smirne S
- Subjects
- Adult, Biopsy, Electric Stimulation, Electromyography, Evoked Potentials, Humans, Middle Aged, Muscles physiopathology, Myotonic Dystrophy diagnosis, Myotonic Dystrophy pathology, Myotonic Dystrophy physiopathology
- Published
- 1973
26. [On a case of solitary plasmacytoma of the spleen].
- Author
Malacarne P and Bassi S
- Subjects
- Blood Proteins analysis, Female, Humans, Immunoglobulins analysis, Middle Aged, Splenectomy, Plasmacytoma surgery, Splenic Neoplasms surgery
- Published
- 1974
27. [New dialytic therapy programs with disposable dialyzers].
- Author
Maiorca R, Castellani A, Cristenelli L, Migozzi G, Bassi S, Guerra U, Peroni A, and Rembado R
- Subjects
- Acid-Base Equilibrium, Calcium blood, Female, Hemostasis, Humans, Kidney Failure, Chronic blood, Kidney Failure, Chronic therapy, Male, Phosphorus blood, Disposable Equipment, Kidneys, Artificial, Renal Dialysis
- Published
- 1973
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