クラーレ化,人工呼吸下のネコを用い,大脳皮質の一部に凍結による障害をおこさせ,対照部と比較しつつ局所血流動態を検索した。凍結にはdry iceを用い15〜30min間の凍結を行なった。凍結に先立って1% Evansblueを静注し,実験終了後肉眼的ならびに顕微鏡的に組織の着色をみ,凍結による障害の程度を確かめた。凍結部位はmiddle suprasylvian gyrusとしたが,凍結15minでは表面からみてdry iceの当たった部分に限局し,割面では灰白質のみに障害が及んでいた。凍結30minでは表面からみての範囲も広く,割面からみてかなり深部まで着色がみられた。凍結部は血流のレベルが下がり,血圧の動揺に対する対応性に乏しく,薬物に対する反応も少ないか欠除していた。50%sorbitolは対照部に比して障害部の血流を増加させ,血流レベルを回復の方向に向かわせるとともに,norepinephrine, papaverineなどの薬物に対する血流変化を対照部のそれに近ずける効果を示した。これらのことは凍結による脳障害に浮腫が伴うこと,その際に薬物効果を期待するならば,まず浮腫を除くことを先決とすべきことなどを示唆している。, Regional blood flow was studied with thermoelectrical method on the cortex with localized cold injury and the intact cortex on the other side simultaneously. Small craniotomy was made over the middle suprasylvian gyrus bilaterally in the curarized unanesthetized cat. Cold injury was produced with application of dry ice on one side (15 min. and 30 min.). Previous intravenous administration of Evans Blue 1% showed strictly localized cerebral damage. Application of dry ice for 15 min. produced damage localized in the cortex and the longer application made damage spreading down to subcortical white matter. The used element was composed of three-folded copper-constantan thermocouple with heating coil on one junction, which permitts measurement of cortical blood flow of 2 mm depth. Cortical blood flow of the injuried side was significantly lower than the contrallateral control side and apparently lost the response to changes in systemic blood pressure or administration of various drugs. Sorbital 50% (2g/kg) improved cortical blood flow of the injuried side and response to norepinephrine and papaverine returned in considerable degree, however, cortical blood flow on the control side remained normal. These results suggest that circulatory disturbance at the site of cold injury was mainly caused by cerebral edema and response of blood flow was returned by improvement of edema.