This study investigated the relation between anger in the school context and stressors among elementary and junior high school children. The responses of 186 elementary school students and 294 junior high school students on the Japanese version of the Multidimensional School Anger Inventory, which consisted of Anger Experience, Hostility, Destructive Expression and Positive Coping subscales, and items for the stressors related to teacher, academics, friend, parent and self, were used.Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that teacher-related stressor significantly increased Hostility and Destructive Expression at school, and that Hostility moderated some of the impact of other stressors on behavioral expression of anger. Academic stressor had a significant effect on Destructive Aggression at junior high school age. Non-school-related stressors (parents-related and self-related) also had effects on cognitive and behavioral anger, depending on participants' gender and age level. Thus, together with building teacher-student rapport and reducing school stress, comprehensive approaches which include families and local communities would be needed to deal with anger-related problems and their prevention at school., 本研究では,学校での怒りとストレッサーに関して小中学生で同一の尺度を用い,学校での怒りにストレッサーが及ぼす影響について検討することを目的とする。両者の関連を明らかにすることで,学校での怒りに影響を及ぼす外的要因に関する知見が得られ,小中学生の学校での怒りを理解する一助となり,怒りが学校不適応に結びつく場合の環境調整や心理的支援に役立つことが期待される。なお学校以外のストレッサーとして,小学校高学年,すなわち思春期という特徴を踏まえると,成長に伴って変化する自分自身に関するものと,親子関係の変化に伴うものが考えられる。本研究では,この2つの領域を加味したストレッサーと怒りとの関連を検討することとした。