1. Supportive Care Needs for Gynecologic Cancer Survivors in the Early Postoperative Period
- Author
Mashiro, Erina, Yamamoto, Sena, Tatsumi, Yukiko, Morooka, Yuki, and Arao, Harue
- Subjects
surgery ,cancer survivor ,supportive care needs ,gynecologic cancer ,手術療法 ,婦人科がん ,がんサバイバー ,支援ニーズ - Abstract
原著論文, Original Articles, 本研究の目的は、術後早期の婦人科がんサバイバーの支援ニーズの実態を明らかにすることである。病期や術式を問わず婦人科がんと診断されて手術療法を受けた70名に、情報と医療・身体機能・心理・社会・人生観の5領域の支援ニーズについて尋ねる自記式質問紙を配布し、退院1か月後に郵送で回収した。分析は記述統計を用いた。55名(78.6%)より回答を得た。支援を「やや必要としている~非常に必要としている」と答えた者の割合において、「情報と医療」の領域における婦人科がんに関する情報の支援ニーズは約6~7割、「心理」の領域における再発不安に関する支援ニーズは5割以上、「身体機能」の領域における症状マネジメントに関する支援ニーズは5割未満であった。術後早期から婦人科がんサバイバーが自分らしい生活を送ることができるように、婦人科がんそのものの影響を考慮しつつ、多角的に支援ニーズの内容を検討することの重要性が示された。, This study aimed to describe the supportive care needs of gynecologic cancer survivors during the early postoperative period. Participants comprised 70 patients with gynecologic cancer who had undergone surgery, regardless of disease stage and surgery type. A self-administered questionnaire evaluating the supportive care needs was distributed and collected by mail one month after the patients had left the hospital. In the questionnaire, we have defined the supportive care needs as the five areas: information and medical, physical, psychological, social, and life perspectives. The data were subjected to descriptive statistics. A total of 55 patients (78.6%) responded to the questionnaire. The findings revealed the percentage of respondents who answered that they “somewhat to very much need” support. About 60–70% of the respondents needed support for information on gynecological cancer in the area of “information and medical care” whereas more than 50% needed support for anxiety about recurrence in the area of “psychological aspects” and less than 50% needed support for symptom management in the area of “physical functions.” This indicates the importance of considering supportive care needs from various perspectives while taking into account the impact of gynecological cancer itself so that gynecological cancer survivors can lead independent lives from the early postoperative period.
- Published
- 2023