application/pdf, Embryos and new-born young were studied in the appearence of ossification centers, relative growth (RG) of 11 measurements against the forearm length, and the ratio of 15 measurements of new-born against those of mothers. The specimens of 20 pregnant females and nine new-born young were collected from Manno, Nakatado Prefecture, and Yashimanishi, Takamatsu, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, from April to June 1985. The ossification centers appeared either from the distal end in the first finger and five hind feet, or from the proximal end in the third, fourth and fifth fingers. The following three patterns were recognized in coefficients of RG against the forearm length at three stages of embryos and one stage of new-born young : 1) coefficients in embryos show negative growth in the first stage, positive allometry in the second stage and isometry in the third stage and coefficients in new-born young are negative growth in the first finger and five hind feet; 2) coefficients in embryos show first negative growth, then positive growth and finally isometry, and coefficients in young are positive growth in the third, fourth and fifth fingers; 3) coefficients show isometry in the humerus, femus and tibia of embryos and young. Therefore, the first finger and five hind feet ossified from the distal end cease their growth in new-born young, whereas the third, fourth and fifth fingers ossified from the proximal end increase continuousely during embryos and new-born young. It follows that the third, fourth and fifth fingers show a specific feature for chiropterian wings., 1985年4月29日~同年6月8日までの計5回、香川県仲多度郡満濃町塩入隧道および高松市屋島西町の洞窟で, モモジロコウモリの妊娠雌20頭および幼獣9頭を捕獲した。妊娠雌より取り出した20個体の胎児と9頭の幼獣を用いて, 骨化の状態, 前腕長に対する11の部域の相対成長, 新生獣とその母獣との20個所の計測部域の比較について調べた。 骨化中心の出現は, 第1指と後足は遠位骨側から, 第3~第5指は近位骨側からおこることがわかった。また, 前腕長に対する相対成長係数の変動から, 成長のパターンを3つに分けることができた。第1指と後足は胎児期において劣成長, 優成長, 等成長を示し, 出生後は劣成長を示した。第3~第5指は胎児期において劣成長, 優成長, 等成長を示し, 出生後は優成長を示した。上腕骨, 大腿骨, 脛骨は, 胎児期から幼獣期にかけて等成長をつづけた。 これらのことから, 翼手類の特徴である指の長大化は, 骨化が開始されてから骨幹部の骨化が終了するまでの間に行われること, また, それは指の骨化順序とも密接な関連があることが推測できる。