Background & Aims: Coping Disorder is a type of destructive behavior disorder in childhood and adolescence that includes a set of behaviors based on stubbornness, disobedience, inattention, hostility, resentment, arguing, and trying to upset others. One of these important components in these children is interpersonal cognitive distortion. . It is defined as very exaggerated, rigid, irrational and absolute beliefs about the nature of relationships, and the relationship of people with others. People with confrontational disobedience disorder experience individual and interpersonal cognitive distortions and are part of aggressive behaviors. These people are the result of these distortions. There is a strong relationship between cognitive distortions and extrinsic disorders, with high levels of cognitive distortions being associated with high levels of extrinsic problems. Therefore, in the treatment of people with confrontational defiant disorder, this variable also needs clinical attention. . Interventions based on cognitive behavioral therapy have a significant effect on reducing the symptoms of defiant disobedience disorder and is one of the most important components in the field of hypnotherapy. However, although research reports suggest that these two therapies may be effective in reducing adolescent distortion with coping disobedience disorder, it has not yet been addressed. Given these cases, the present study in a quasi-experimental study addresses the question of whether there is a difference between cognitive-behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy in terms of effectiveness in reducing cognitive distortions in adolescents with confrontational defiant disorder? Methods: The study was a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design with a control group and a one-month follow-up period. The statistical population of this study included all high school students of the first period (seventh, eighth, ninth) in Urmia city who had symptoms of confrontational disobedience disorder who were studying in the educational schools of this city in the academic year 1400-1399. Among them, students suspected of having symptoms of confrontational defiant disorder were purposefully selected using the help of school principals and teachers and examined by a psychologist using a structured clinical interview to accurately diagnose the disease. After identifying these adolescents, their parents were interviewed and asked to respond to Aachenbach's behavioral checklist of their children's behaviors. They were selected from among the 75 people who were interviewed, 51 (17 for the cognitive-behavioral therapy group; 17 for the hypnotherapy and 17 for the control group) and after completing the research tools in the pre-test stage, they were randomly selected. Groups were placed. Then, the cognitive-behavioral therapy group was intervened according to the standard protocol of Houghton et al. However, the members of the control group did not receive any intervention and after one month, a follow-up test was performed. At the end of the sessions, the research scales were used again. SPSS software version 22 and repeated measures analysis of variance were used to analyze the data. Results: In the studies, cognitive distortion in the cognitive-behavioral therapy group had a significant reduction both in the post-test and in the follow-up stage compared to the control group. While in the hypnosis group, there is no significant difference in any of the three stages, because in this study, repeated measures analysis of variance is the basis of the analysis. Mouchley and Looney's value can be said to hold the assumptions of repeated analysis of variance . . Then, the effects of hypnotherapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy on cognitive distortion in adolescents with coping disobedience disorder in the post-test and follow-up stages were discussed. By referring to the significant level values that this value is less than 0.01, which shows a significant difference in the pre-test, post-test and follow-up stages. Also, considering the effect of the group, it was observed that the significance level of this test is less than 0.01, which indicates the difference between the two treatment groups in reducing interpersonal cognitive distortion . Therefore, it can be said that the rate of cognitive distortion in the two groups has changed differently and between the two groups in terms of power to reduce cognitive distortion is different. As can be seen, the course of hypnosis treatment has not had much effect on the rate of cognitive distortion in the post-test and follow-up phase, while this effect is significant through the course of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Conclusion: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy on reducing interpersonal cognitive distortion in adolescents with confrontational disobedience. has done Because the main philosophy of cognitive and behavioral therapy is to reduce distortions and cognitive errors, and this treatment has been able to be effective in both stages of post-test and follow-up in this area. In the sessions, using direct and indirect questions and interaction with adolescents, a list of problems and types of dysfunctional and distorted cognitions was presented to confirm or disapprove them, and thus the list of the most important cognitive distortions of each client in the form of Separately extracted and with the help of the therapist and by examining these distortions in the context of their own real life, they have a more logical view of the facts around them and evaluate the facts with more analysis. Although in the present study and in the intervention sessions, the cognitions of cognitive distortion were also discussed and these skills were taught, but in general, cognitive distortions seem to be resistant to change through indoctrination and hypnotherapy and to direct treatments. The more they respond the better. One of the limitations of this study is the coronary conditions that caused parents and adolescents to have serious doubts about attending face-to-face meetings. Meetings were held online at the height of the Corona crisis. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]