7 results on '"Ferreira, Cristina Targa"'
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2. Esofagite eosinofílica em 29 pacientes pediátricos
- Author
Ferreira, Cristina Targa, Vieira, Mário C., Vieira, Sandra Maria Gonçalves, Silva, Giovana Stival da, Yamamoto, Danielle Reis, and Silveira, Themis Reverbel da
- Subjects
Esofagite ,Eosinofilia ,Eosinophilia ,Esophagitis ,Criança ,Child - Abstract
RACIONAL: A esofagite eosinofílica é uma entidade recentemente descrita, caracterizada por sintomas esofágicos, semelhantes aos da doença por refluxo gastroesofágico e importante eosinofilia esofágica. OBJETIVO: Apresentação de 29 pacientes com esofagite eosinofílica, discutindo as características clínicas, diagnóstico, tratamento e evolução. MÉTODOS: Foram identificados 29 pacientes (22 do sexo masculino) com idade entre 1 e 18 anos, nos quais as biopsias de esôfago demonstraram contagem de 20 ou mais eosinófilos/campo de grande aumento, sem infiltração eosinofílica em antro e/ou duodeno. Avaliaram-se as manifestações clínicas, achados endoscópicos e histológicos, tratamento e evolução. RESULTADOS: Os sintomas mais freqüentes foram vômitos em 15 pacientes (52%) e dor abdominal em 11 (38%). Os pacientes com idade inferior a 4 anos apresentavam recusa alimentar e baixo peso. Os com idades entre 5 e 8 anos apresentavam predominantemente dor abdominal e/ou pirose e/ou vômitos. Os pacientes com mais de 8 anos apresentavam dor abdominal, disfagia e/ou impactação alimentar eventual. Os achados endoscópicos incluíram estrias verticais em 14 pacientes (48%), pontilhado branco em 12 (41%), anéis circulares em 2 (7%) e esofagite erosiva em 3 (10%). Em sete pacientes a endoscopia foi normal (24%). O tratamento incluiu fluticasona tópica em 19 pacientes e restrição dietética em 7. Os pacientes acompanhados apresentaram resposta favorável ao tratamento, com melhora ou remissão dos sintomas. Onze pacientes que foram submetidos a endoscopia de controle pós-tratamento apresentaram diminuição significativa do número de eosinófilos no esôfago. CONCLUSÕES: A esofagite eosinofílica deve ser considerada quando há sintomas de refluxo, que não respondem ao tratamento habitual. Os exames endoscópicos devem ser acompanhados de biopsias com análise detalhada do número de eosinófilos. BACKGROUND: Eosinophilic esophagitis is a recently described entity with esophageal symptoms like gastroesophageal reflux disease and significant esophageal eosinophilic infiltration. AIM: To present our clinical series of 29 children with eosinophilic esophagitis, describing the clinical and diagnostic features, treatment and outcome. METHODS: We describe 29 patients (22 boys), 1-18 years-old, with 20 eosinophils per high-power field in esophageal biopsy specimens and absence of eosinophilic inflammation in the stomach and duodenum. Evaluation of the clinical, endoscopic and histologic findings, treatment and outcome was undertaken. RESULTS: The most common presenting symptoms included vomiting in 15 patients (52%) and abdominal pain in 11 patients (38%). Children under the age of 4 years presented with feeding disorder and failure to thrive. Patients between 5 and 8 years of age presented commonly with abdominal pain or symptoms that may be associated with reflux (heartburn and/or vomiting). Patients over the age of 8 presented most often with abdominal pain, dysphagia and occasional food impaction. Endoscopic features included vertical furrowing in 14 patients (48%), whitish papules in 12 (41%), corrugated rings in 2 patients (7%) and esophageal erosions in 3 patients (10%). In seven patients endoscopy was normal (24%). Treatment included swallowed fluticasone propionate in 19 patients and restriction diet in 7 patients. Patients who returned for follow-up had either improvement or remission of symptoms. After treatment, endoscopic biopsies were repeated in 11 patients, and a significant decrease in esophageal eosinophil counts was observed. CONCLUSIONS: The diagnosis of eosinophilic esophagitis must be considered when symptoms of reflux do not respond to conventional treatment. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy must be complemented by a detailed analysis of histologic findings and eosinophil counts.
- Published
- 2008
3. Alergia alimentar: atualização prática do ponto de vista gastroenterológico
- Author
Ferreira, Cristina Targa and Seidman, Ernest
- Subjects
IgE-mediated allergy ,cell-mediated allergy ,non-IgE-mediated allergy ,prevention ,treatment ,Food allergy ,alergia mediada por IgE ,alergia não-mediada por IgE ,Alergia alimentar ,alergia mediada por células ,tratamento ,prevenção - Abstract
OBJETIVOS: Apresentar uma revisão atualizada e crítica sobre alergias alimentares, focando principalmente em tratamento e prevenção. FONTES DOS DADOS: Revisão da literatura publicada obtida através do banco de dados MEDLINE, sendo selecionados os mais atuais e representativos do tema (2000-2006). A pesquisa incluiu os sites da European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) e American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: A prevalência de doenças alérgicas tem aumentado nas últimas décadas e alergia alimentar parece fazer parte desse aumento. Alergia alimentar é muito mais comum em pediatria e apresenta impacto médico, financeiro e social significativos em crianças menores e suas famílias. Tratamento e prevenção da alergia alimentar são desafios maiores do ponto de vista da saúde pública e para as comunidades médica e científica. Há muita informação incorreta e condutas médicas discutíveis nessa área. Apresentamos e discutimos as recomendações publicadas pelos Comitês de Nutrição da ESPGHAN juntamente com a Sociedade Européia Pediátrica de Alergologia e Imunologia Clínica (ESPACI) e AAP. CONCLUSÃO: Excesso de diagnósticos de alergia alimentar é bastante prevalente. Há necessidade de uniformização de definições e procedimentos diagnósticos. O objetivo primário do manejo deve ser o de instituir medidas efetivas de prevenção das alergias alimentares. Há necessidade de métodos precisos para confirmar ou excluir o diagnóstico. Os pacientes necessitam tratamento apropriado através da eliminação de alimentos que causam sintomas, ao mesmo tempo evitando os efeitos adversos nutricionais e o custo de dietas inadequadas. OBJECTIVE: To present an up-to-date and critical review regarding food allergies, focusing mainly on treatment and prevention. SOURCES: Review of published literature searched on MEDLINE database; those data which were the most up-to-date and representative were selected (2000-2006). The search included the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS: The prevalence of allergic diseases has increased over the last decades, and food allergy seems to be part of this increase. Food allergy is much more common in pediatrics and has a significant medical, financial and social impact on young children and their families. Treatment and prevention of food allergy is a major challenge for public health, scientific and medical communities. There is a lot of misinformation and the medical management of this condition is still discussable. We present and discuss the guidelines regarding criteria for the prevention of food allergy and atopic diseases published by the Nutrition Committees of ESPGHAN jointly with the European Society for Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology (ESPACI) and AAP. CONCLUSION: The overdiagnosis of food allergy is quite prevalent. There is a need for standardization of definitions and diagnostic procedures. The primary goal of therapy should be to first establish effective means of preventing food allergies. There is a need for accurate diagnostic methods to confirm or rule out the diagnosis. Patients need appropriate treatment by eliminating foods that cause symptoms, while avoiding the nutritional side effects and the cost of inappropriate diets.
- Published
- 2007
4. Viral hepatitis prevention by immunization
- Author
Ferreira,Cristina Targa and Silveira,Themis Reverbel da
- Subjects
imunização ,hepatitis B ,Hepatitis A ,vaccines ,immunization ,Hepatite A ,vacinas ,hepatite B - Abstract
OBJETIVO: Apresentar uma revisão atualizada e crítica da prevenção das hepatites virais A e B, através de imunização. FONTE DOS DADOS: Revisão de artigos médicos obtidos através do banco de dados MEDLINE, sendo selecionados os mais atuais e representativos do tema (2000-2006). Foram também pesquisados os sites do Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) e American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), da Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria (SBP) e do Ministério da Saúde do Brasil. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: A prevenção das hepatites virais é um enorme desafio para o sistema de saúde pública dos países e das comunidades médica e científica. Os vírus das hepatites ocasionam importante morbimortalidade no mundo, causando doença hepática aguda e crônica. Vacinas altamente eficazes estão disponíveis no mercado para prevenir novas infecções pelos vírus A e B. Entretanto, as hepatites virais A e B continuam a estar entre as doenças preveníveis por vacinas mais comumente notificadas. Neste artigo, revisamos as vacinas usadas para prevenir essas infecções com o objetivo de expandir o conhecimento e o uso da prevenção dessas doenças infecciosas. CONCLUSÃO: Embora as vacinas contra as hepatites A e B sejam recomendadas para vários grupos de risco, a cobertura vacinal estimada ainda é modesta e existem muitas oportunidades perdidas de vacinação. Para que haja diminuição na incidência das hepatites A e B, duas doenças preveníveis por vacinas, é necessário que os médicos incentivem seus pacientes a receber as vacinas. OBJECTIVE: To present an updated review and criticism of viral hepatitis A and B prevention by immunization. SOURCES OF DATA: Review of medical articles obtained from the MEDLINE database. The most recent and representative articles on the subject (2000-2006) were selected. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Brazilian Society of Pediatrics and Brazilian Ministry of Health websites were also researched. SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS: Viral hepatitis prevention is an enormous challenge to the public health systems of countries and the medical and scientific communities. Hepatitis viruses produce important morbidity and mortality in the world, causing acute and chronic hepatic disease. There are highly efficient vaccines available on the market to prevent new infections by the A and B viruses. However, A and B viruses continue to be among the most commonly notified diseases preventable by vaccines. In this article, we discuss the vaccines used to prevent these infections, with the aim of expanding knowledge and the practice of prevention of these infectious diseases. CONCLUSIONS: Although the vaccines against A and B hepatitis are recommended for various risk groups, estimated vaccine coverage is still modest and many vaccination opportunities are lost. In order to reduce the incidence of A and B hepatitis, which are preventable by vaccines, it is necessary for physicians to encourage their patients to be vaccinated.
- Published
- 2006
5. Viral Hepatitis: epidemiological and preventive aspects
- Author
Ferreira,Cristina Targa and Silveira,Themis Reverbel da
- Subjects
Hepatites virais ,Hepatite C ,Epidemiology ,Prevention ,Viral hepatitis ,Hepatitis A ,Epidemiologia ,Hepatite B ,Prevenção ,Hepatitis B ,Hepatite A ,Hepatitis C - Abstract
As hepatites virais são doenças causadas por diferentes agentes etiológicos, de distribuição universal, que têm em comum o hepatotropismo. Possuem semelhanças do ponto de vista clínico-laboratorial, mas apresentam importantes diferenças epidemiológicas e quanto à sua evolução. As últimas décadas foram de notáveis conquistas no que se refere à prevenção e ao controle das hepatites virais. Entre as doenças endêmico-epidêmicas, que representam problemas importantes de saúde pública no Brasil, salientam-se as Hepatites Virais, cujo comportamento epidemiológico, no nosso país e no mundo, tem sofrido grandes mudanças nos últimos anos. A melhoria das condições de higiene e de saneamento das populações, a vacinação contra a Hepatite B e as novas técnicas moleculares de diagnóstico do vírus da Hepatite C estão entre esses avanços importantes. As condições do nosso país: sua heterogeneidade socioeconômica, a distribuição irregular dos serviços de saúde, a incorporação desigual de tecnologia avançada para diagnóstico e tratamento de enfermidades, são elementos importantes que devem ser considerados na avaliação do processo endemo-epidêmico das hepatites virais. O números de pacientes infectados é incerto, relacionado geralmente a alguns Estados e municípios brasileiros, e o esclarecimento dos agentes causadores das hepatites, cuja identificação requer técnicas laboratoriais complexas de biologia molecular, é realizado de maneira insuficiente. Por outro lado, "a progressiva integração entre as instâncias gestoras dos programas de vigilância e controle das doenças com grupos de pesquisa e desses com os serviços" e a disponibilização de bancos de dados nacionais mais confiáveis apontam para novos e melhores caminhos. No presente artigo é feita uma revisão sucinta das hepatites A, B e C, as mais freqüentes no nosso país, assim como de sua epidemiologia e das estratégias preferenciais para a prevenção dessas doenças. Viral hepatitis is a disease caused by different etiological agents with universal distribution and that have hepatotropism as a common characteristic. They are similar from a clinical-laboratorial point-of-view, but present significant differences in their epidemiology and outcome. The past few decades have brought remarkable victories in relation to the prevention and control of viral hepatitis. Viral hepatitis is very important among the endemic-epidemic diseases that are major public health problems in Brazil, and its epidemiological behavior has undergone major changes over the past few years, both in our country and worldwide. The expansion of substantial improvement in sanitary conditions, the increase in the coverage of hepatitis B vaccination, and the new molecular diagnostic assays of Hepatitis C virus were all decisive factors that contributed to these changes. Various important conditions in our country (socio-economic heterogeneity, irregular distribution of health services, unequal incorporation of advanced techniques for diagnosis and treatment of diseases) must be taken into account when assessing the endemic-epidemic process of viral hepatitis. The number of infected patients is uncertain, especially in some Brazilian states and cities, and the elucidation of the causal agents of hepatitis, whose identification requires complex molecular biology laboratory techniques, is insufficiently performed. On the other hand, "the progressive integration of agencies that manage disease surveillance and control programs and research groups, and between the latter and services," and the availability of more reliable national databases, suggest new and better possibilities. In the present paper, we have briefly reviewed hepatitis A, B and C, the most frequent forms in our country, and the epidemiology and the preferred strategies for preventing this disease.
- Published
- 2004
6. [Eosinophilic esophagitis in 29 pediatric patients].
- Author
Ferreira CT, Vieira MC, Vieira SM, Silva GS, Yamamoto DR, and Silveira TR
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Androstadienes therapeutic use, Child, Child, Preschool, Enzyme Inhibitors therapeutic use, Female, Fluticasone, Humans, Infant, Male, Omeprazole therapeutic use, Eosinophilia complications, Eosinophilia diagnosis, Eosinophilia drug therapy, Esophagitis complications, Esophagitis diagnosis, Esophagitis drug therapy
- Abstract
Background: Eosinophilic esophagitis is a recently described entity with esophageal symptoms like gastroesophageal reflux disease and significant esophageal eosinophilic infiltration., Aim: To present our clinical series of 29 children with eosinophilic esophagitis, describing the clinical and diagnostic features, treatment and outcome., Methods: We describe 29 patients (22 boys), 1-18 years-old, with 20 eosinophils per high-power field in esophageal biopsy specimens and absence of eosinophilic inflammation in the stomach and duodenum. Evaluation of the clinical, endoscopic and histologic findings, treatment and outcome was undertaken., Results: The most common presenting symptoms included vomiting in 15 patients (52%) and abdominal pain in 11 patients (38%). Children under the age of 4 years presented with feeding disorder and failure to thrive. Patients between 5 and 8 years of age presented commonly with abdominal pain or symptoms that may be associated with reflux (heartburn and/or vomiting). Patients over the age of 8 presented most often with abdominal pain, dysphagia and occasional food impaction. Endoscopic features included vertical furrowing in 14 patients (48%), whitish papules in 12 (41%), corrugated rings in 2 patients (7%) and esophageal erosions in 3 patients (10%). In seven patients endoscopy was normal (24%). Treatment included swallowed fluticasone propionate in 19 patients and restriction diet in 7 patients. Patients who returned for follow-up had either improvement or remission of symptoms. After treatment, endoscopic biopsies were repeated in 11 patients, and a significant decrease in esophageal eosinophil counts was observed., Conclusions: The diagnosis of eosinophilic esophagitis must be considered when symptoms of reflux do not respond to conventional treatment. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy must be complemented by a detailed analysis of histologic findings and eosinophil counts.
- Published
- 2008
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7. [Biliary atresia: diagnostic methods].
- Author
Ferreira CT, Santos J, Kieling CO, and da Silveira TR
- Subjects
- Humans, Infant, Infant, Newborn, Biliary Atresia diagnosis
- Published
- 2003
- Full Text
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