11 results on '"Lorber, A."'
Search Results
2. Preeclampsia: Universal Screening or Universal Prevention for Low andMiddle-Income Settings?
- Author
Daniel Lorber Rolnik, Mario Henrique Burlacchini de Carvalho, Guilherme Antonio Rago Lobo, Stefan Verlohren, Liona Poon, Ahmet Baschat, Jon Hyett, Basky Thilaganathan, Emmanuel Bujold, Fabricio da Silva Costa, Leandro De Oliveira, Angélica Lemos Debs Diniz, Caio Antônio de Campos Prado, Edson Vieira Da Cunha Filho, Francisco Lázaro Pereira De Souza, Henri Augusto Korkes, José Geraldo Ramos, Maria Laura Costa, Mário Dias Corrêa Junior, Nelson Sass, Ricardo De Carvalho Cavalli, Sérgio Hofmeister De Almeida Martins-Costa, and José Carlos Peraçoli
- Subjects
Gynecology and obstetrics ,RG1-991 - Published
- 2021
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3. Clinical Procedures for the Prevention of Preeclampsia in Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review
- Author
Nádya Santos Moura, Maria Luziene Sousa Gomes, Ivana Rios Rodrigues, Daniel Lorber Rolnik, Fabrício Silva Costa, and Mônica Oliveira Batista Oriá
- Subjects
pregnant women ,preeclampsia ,prevention and control ,maternal health ,pregnancy complications ,Gynecology and obstetrics ,RG1-991 - Abstract
Abstract Objective To identify the most effective procedures recommended for the prevention of preeclampsia. Data Sources A systematic review was performed in the following databases: Pubmed/MEDLINE, CINAHL, Web of Science, Cochrane and LILACS via the Virtual Health Library (VHL). A manual search was also performed to find additional references. The risk of bias, the quality of the evidence, and the classification of the strength of the recommendations were evaluated using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations (GRADE) approach. Selection of Studies In the initial search in the databases, the total number of articles retrieved was 351, and 2 were retrieved through the manual search; after duplicate articles were removed, 333 citations remained. After a thorough review of the titles and abstracts, 315 references were excluded. Accordingly, 18 articles were maintained for selection of the complete text (phase 2). This process led to the exclusion of 6 studies. In total, 12 articles were selected for data extraction and qualitative synthesis. Data Collection The articles selected for the study were analyzed, and we inserted the synthesis of the evidence in the online software GRADEpro Guideline Development Tool (GDT) (McMaster University and Evidence Prime Inc. All right reserved. McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontário, Canada); thus, it was possible to develop a table of evidence, with the quality of the evidence and the classification of the strength of the recommendations. Data Synthesis In total, seven studies recommended the individual use of aspirin, or aspirin combined with calcium, heparin or dipyridamole. The use of calcium alone or in combination with phytonutrients was also highlighted. All of the studies were with women at a high risk of developing preeclampsia. Conclusion According to the studies evaluated, the administration of aspirin is still the best procedure to be used in the clinical practice to prevent preeclampsia.
- Published
- 2020
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4. Uterine Artery Doppler in Screening for Preeclampsia and Fetal Growth Restriction
- Author
Marianna Amaral Pedroso, Kirsten Rebecca Palmer, Ryan James Hodges, Fabricio da Silva Costa, and Daniel Lorber Rolnik
- Subjects
screening ,preeclampsia ,fetal growth restriction ,uterine arteries ,doppler ,Gynecology and obstetrics ,RG1-991 - Abstract
Abstract Objective To perform a comprehensive review of the current evidence on the role of uterine artery Doppler, isolated or in combination with other markers, in screening for preeclampsia (PE) and fetal growth restriction (FGR) in the general population. The review included recently published large cohort studies and randomized trials. Methods A search of the literature was conducted usingMedline, PubMed, MeSH and ScienceDirect. Combinations of the search terms “preeclampsia,” “screening,” “prediction,” “Doppler,” “Doppler velocimetry,” “fetal growth restriction,” “small for gestational age” and “uterine artery” were used. Articles in English (excluding reviews) reporting the use of uterine artery Doppler in screening for PE and FGR were included. Results Thirty articles were included. As a single predictor, uterine artery Doppler detects less than 50% of the cases of PE and no more than 40% of the pregnancies affected by FGR. Logistic regression-based models that allow calculation of individual risk based on the combination of multiple markers, in turn, is able to detect ~ 75% of the cases of preterm PE and 55% of the pregnancies resulting in small for gestational age infants. Conclusion The use of uterine artery Doppler as a single predictive test for PE and FGR has poor accuracy. However, its combined use in predictive models is promising, being more accurate in detecting preterm PE than FGR.
- Published
- 2018
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5. Predição do parto prematuro: avaliação sequencial do colo uterino e do teste para proteína-1 fosforilada ligada ao fator de crescimento insulina-símile
- Author
Daniel Lorber Rolnik, Roberto Eduardo Bittar, Mário Henrique Burlacchini de Carvalho, Marcelo Zugaib, and Rossana Pulcineli Vieira Francisco
- Subjects
Nascimento prematuro ,Medição de risco ,Colo do útero ,Medida do comprimento cervical ,Proteína-1 de ligação a fator de crescimento insulin-like ,Marcadores biológicos ,Gynecology and obstetrics ,RG1-991 - Abstract
OBJETIVOS: Averiguar a utilidade da medida do comprimento do colo uterino e do teste para proteína-1 fosforilada ligada ao fator de crescimento insulina-símile (phIGFBP-1), realizados de maneira sequencial, na predição do parto prematuro e a existência de correlação entre os testes. MÉTODOS: Foram submetidos a análise secundária os dados de 101 gestantes assintomáticas com antecedente de prematuridade. A medida ultrassonográfica do comprimento do colo e o teste para phIGFBP-1 foram realizados em paralelo a cada três semanas, entre a 24ª e a 34ª semana. O melhor valor de corte do colo uterino para cada avaliação foi estabelecido por meio de curva ROC, e ambos os testes foram comparados entre si por meio de testes não paramétricos. Foram obtidas a sensibilidade, a especificidade e os valores preditivos de cada teste e da associação dos exames para a ocorrência de parto antes de 37 semanas. RESULTADOS: Houve 25 partos prematuros (24,8%). O comprimento do colo apresentou maior sensibilidade e foi capaz de predizer o parto prematuro em todas as avaliações, com acurácia semelhante em diferentes idades gestacionais. O teste para phIGFBP-1 não foi útil na 24ª semana, porém foi capaz de predizer independentemente a prematuridade na 27ª à 30ª e 33ª semana. A associação dos exames elevou a sensibilidade (81,8%) e o valor preditivo negativo (93,7%) quando comparada à utilização isolada dos testes. O comprimento cervical médio foi menor em gestantes com teste positivo. CONCLUSÕES: Tanto o comprimento cervical quanto o teste para phIGFBP-1 foram capazes de predizer independentemente o parto prematuro, e a associação sequencial de ambos os exames apresentou elevada sensibilidade e alto valor preditivo negativo.
- Published
- 2013
6. 301 - Listeriose
- Author
Lorber, Bennett
- Published
- 2014
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7. Avaliação sequencial do colo uterino e do teste para proteína-1 fosforilada ligada ao fator de crescimento insulina -símile na predição do parto prematuro
- Author
Daniel Lorber Rolnik and Rossana Pulcineli Vieira Francisco
- Abstract
INTRODUÇÃO: O antecedente de parto prematuro espontâneo em gestação anterior é considerado o principal e mais importante fator de risco clínico para prematuridade, principal causa de morbidade e mortalidade neonatal. Cerca de 25% das pacientes que tiveram parto prematuro apresentarão recorrência. A prevenção secundária consiste na pesquisa de marcadores de maior risco, com o intuito de instituir medidas terapêuticas apropriadas e de evitar tratamentos desnecessários. A hipótese do presente estudo é a de que existe correlação entre os resultados da avaliação do colo uterino e do teste para proteína-1 fosforilada ligada ao fator de crescimento insulina-símile (phIGFBP-1) e que a utilização de ambos em associação possa predizer a ocorrência de parto prematuro com maior sensibilidade. OBJETIVOS: Averiguar a utilidade da medida do comprimento do colo uterino e do teste para phIGFBP-1 na predição do parto prematuro antes de 37 e de 34 semanas, a existência de relação dos testes entre si, o melhor valor de corte da medida do colo em diferentes idades gestacionais e a melhor época de realização de cada um dos exames. MÉTODO: Foram compilados e submetidos a análise secundária os dados de 101 gestantes com antecedente de parto prematuro atendidas no Setor de Baixo Peso Fetal da Clínica Obstétrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, entre 2003 e 2008. A medida do comprimento cervical e o teste para phIGFBP-1 foram realizados a cada três semanas, entre 24 e 34 semanas de gestação, e comparados com o desfecho de parto prematuro e nascimento com 34 semanas ou menos, e o melhor valor de corte do colo uterino foi estabelecido por meio de curva de características operacionais. RESULTADOS: Das 101 gestações estudadas, 25 (24,8%) terminaram em parto prematuro, das quais 12 (11,9%) ocorreram com 34 semanas ou menos. As idades gestacionais médias de avaliação foram de 24, 27, 30 e 33 semanas, e os valores de corte do colo uterino foram de 22, 21, 20 e 16 mm, respectivamente. A medida do comprimento do colo apresentou maior sensibilidade (cerca de 70%) e foi capaz de predizer o parto prematuro em todas as avaliações. O teste para phIGFBP-1 não foi útil com 24 semanas, porém foi capaz de detectar de forma independente o risco de prematuridade com 27, com 30 e com 33 semanas. Houve associação estatística dos exames entre si, de forma que o comprimento cervical médio foi menor em gestantes com teste positivo para phIGFBP-1. A associação dos exames elevou a sensibilidade e o valor preditivo negativo de forma significativa. CONCLUSÕES: A medida do comprimento do colo pela ultrassonografia transvaginal constitui bom marcador de risco para parto prematuro com 24 semanas, e o teste para phIGFBP-1 é útil após 27 semanas. A associação dos dois exames possui alta sensibilidade e alto valor preditivo negativo em gestantes de alto risco para prematuridade espontânea, e a realização do primeiro com 24 semanas e do segundo com 27 semanas constitui bom modelo preditivo para o parto prematuro INTRODUCTION: The history of spontaneous preterm birth in a previous pregnancy is considered the main and most important clinical risk factor for preterm birth, the leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. About 25% of these patients will deliver prematurely again. Secondary prevention consists in the search for markers of increased risk, in order to institute appropriate therapeutic actions and to avoid unnecessary treatments. The hypothesis of this study is that there is a correlation between the results of the evaluation of the cervix and the test for phosphorylated insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (phIGFBP-1) and that the use of both in combination can predict the occurrence of preterm delivery with higher sensitivity. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the usefulness of the measurement of the cervical length and phIGFBP-1 rapid test in the prediction of preterm birth before 37 and 34 weeks, the existence of a relationship between the tests themselves, the best cutoff value of cervical length measurement at different gestational ages and the best time to carry out each of the exams. METHODS: Data of 101 women with previous preterm birth assisted at the Obstetrical Clinic of the Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo between 2003 and 2008 were collected and subjected to secondary analysis. The measurement of cervical length and the phIGFBP-1 test were performed every three weeks, between 24 and 34 weeks gestation, and compared with the outcome of premature birth before 37 and 34 weeks, and the best cutoff value of the cervix was determined by receiver operator characteristic curves. RESULTS: Of the 101 pregnancies studied, 25 (24.8%) ended in preterm birth, of which 12 (11.9%) occurred at 34 weeks or less. The mean gestational age in each evaluation was 24, 27, 30 and 33 weeks, and the cutoff of the cervix were 22, 21, 20 and 16 millimeters, respectively. The measurement of cervical length showed the highest sensitivity (approximately 70%) and was able to predict preterm birth in all evaluations. The phIGFBP-1 test was not useful at 24 weeks, but was able to independently detect the risk of prematurity at 27, 30 and 33 weeks. Statistical association between the exams was observed, so that the mean cervical length was lower in pregnant women testing positive for phIGFBP-1. The combination of both tests significantly increased the sensitivity and negative predictive value. CONCLUSIONS: The measurement of cervical length by transvaginal ultrasound is a good marker of risk for preterm delivery at 24 weeks, and the test for phIGFBP-1 is useful after 27 weeks. The association of the two tests is valuable and shows high sensitivity and high negative predictive value in women at high risk for spontaneous preterm birth, when the first is preformed with 24 weeks, and the second with 27 weeks
- Published
- 2013
8. Cytogenetic analysis of material from spontaneous abortion
- Author
Rolnik,Daniel Lorber, Carvalho,Mário Henrique Burlacchini de, Catelani,Ana Lúcia Pereira Monteiro, Pinto,Ana Paula Almeida Rocha, Lira,Juliana Branco Gonçalves, Kusagari,Neusa Kiyomi, Belline,Paula, and Chauffaille,Maria de Lourdes
- Subjects
Cytogenetics ,Análise citogenética ,Chromosomal alterations ,Abortion ,Abortamento espontâneo - Abstract
OBJETIVO: Descrever as anormalidades cromossômicas em material de abortamento espontâneo. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se compilação retrospectiva da análise de cariótipo em lâmina corada com Banda G por microscopia óptica e em material de 428 produtos de abortamento encaminhados para estudo. RESULTADOS: Foram observados 145 resultados normais (33,9%) e 237 resultados anormais (55,4%). Em 46 amostras não houve crescimento celular (10,7%). As anormalidades numéricas foram as mais frequentes, destacando-se a trissomia do 16 (41 casos), a triplodia (27 casos), a monossomia do X (26 casos), a tetraploidia (13 casos) e a trissomia do 15 (13 casos). CONCLUSÃO: As alterações citogenéticas representam importante causa de perdas gestacionais e sua detecção auxilia o aconselhamento genético do casal. A trissomia do cromossomo 16 é a alteração mais frequentemente encontrada. OBJECTIVE: To describe chromosomal abnormalities in spontaneous abortion material. METHODS: A retrospective compilation of karyotype analysis of slides stained with Band G was carried out by optical microscopy with materials of 428 abortion products referred for study. RESULTS: There were 145 normal results (33.9%) and 237 abnormal results (55.4%). In 46 samples there was no cell growth (10.7%). Numerical abnormalities were the most frequent, especially trisomy 16 (41 cases), triplodia (27 cases), monosomy X (26 cases), tetraploidy (13 cases) and trisomy 15 (13 cases). CONCLUSION: Cytogenetic alterations are an important cause of pregnancy loss and their detection helps the genetic counseling to the couple. Trisomy 16 is the most often found change.
- Published
- 2010
9. Breast necrosis induced by the use of coumadin: case report and review of literature
- Author
Dani Ejzenberg, Lucienne Pereira Del Grossi Neusquen, Daniel Lorber Rolnik, Adriana Chebar Lozinsky, and José Roberto Morales Piato
- Subjects
Necrose/quimicamente induzido ,Varfarina/efeitos adversos ,Mama/patologia ,Relatos de casos ,Medicine - Abstract
The coumadin-induced skin necrosis is rare and occurs more frequently in the breasts, thighs and buttocks. We describe the first case of coumadin necrosis of the breast in Brazil in a 62-year-old patient.
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10. Colaboradores
- Author
Abrams, Charles S., Accurso, Frank J., Adler, Ronald S., Akin, Cem, Aksamit, Allen J., Jr., Al-Awqati, Qais, Allos, Ban Mishu, Altshuler, David, Aminoff, Michael, Anderson, Jeffrey L., Anderson, Larry J., Antony, Aśok C., Appel, Gerald B., Appelbaum, Frederick R., Apte, Suneel S., Armitage, James O., Arnaout, M. Amin, Arnold, Robert M., Atkins, David, Atkinson, John P., Bacon, Bruce R., Baddour, Larry M., Bagby, Grover C., Bain, Barbara J., Bajorin, Dean F., Baloh, Robert W., Barasch, Jonathan, Barbano, Richard L., Barrett-Connor, Elizabeth, Bartholomew, John R., Barton, Mary, Basner, Robert C., Baum, Stephen G., Bausch, Daniel G., Bayer, Arnold S., Bazari, Hasan, Beigel, John H., Beller, George A., Bennett, Robert M., Berger, Joseph R., Berk, Paul D., Berliner, Nancy, Bernat, James L., Bierman, Philip J., Bishop, Michael R., Bistrian, Bruce R., Biundo, Joseph J., Black, Adrian R., Blanke, Charles D., Blankson, Joel N., Blaser, Martin J., Blattner, William A., Bleck, Thomas P., Block, Joel A., Blom, Henk, Bodamer, Olaf A., Boden, William E., Bolognia, Jean, Bonomo, Robert A., Borish, Larry, Bosque, Patrick J., Brenner, David J., Brook, Itzhak, Brunetti, Enrico, Buchner, David M., Buffet, Pierre A., Bunn, H. Franklin, Bushinsky, David A., Bykerk, Vivian P., Calabresi, Peter A., Calfee, David P., Cameron, Douglas, Camilleri, Michael, Cannon, Grant W., Cappellini, Maria Domenica, Carabello, Blase A., Carvalho, Edgar M., Catherino, William H., Cauley, Jane A., Chalasani, Naga P., Chambers, Henry F., Cheshire, William P., Jr., Cho, Ilseung, Chockalingam, Arun, Christiani, David C., Chu, David H., Cieslak, Theodore J., Clancy, Carolyn, Clemmons, David R., Cohen, David, Cohen, Jeffrey, Cohen, Myron S., Cohen, Steven P., Cohn, Steven L., Colebunders, Robert, Connors, Joseph M., Cook, Deborah J., Cowan, Kenneth H., Craft, Joseph, Crandall, Jill Patricia, Croft, Simon L., Crothers, Kristina, Crow, Mary K., Crump, John A., Cullen, Mark R., Cunningham-Rundles, Charlotte, Damon, Inger K., Daniels, Troy E., Davidson, Nancy E., DeAngelis, Lisa M., DeCamp, Malcolm M., del Rio, Carlos, Deuster, Patricia A., Diasio, Robert B., Diemert, David J., Digre, Kathleen B., Doroshow, James H., Douglas, John M., Jr., Drazen, Jeffrey M., Dreskin, Stephen C., Drew, W. Lawrence, Drusano, George L., DuBose, Thomas D., Jr., Duffy, F. Daniel, DuPont, Herbert L., Duvic, Madeleine, Edwards, Kathryn M., Edwards, N. Lawrence, Einhorn, Lawrence H., Elin, Ronald J., Eliopoulos, George M., Elliott, Perry, Ellner, Jerrold J., Elston, Dirk M., Emanuel, Ezekiel J., Ernst, Joel D., Everson, Gregory T., Evoli, Amelia, Faigel, Douglas O., Falagas, Matthew E., Falk, Gary W., Feder, Gene, Feller-Kopman, David J., Firestein, Gary S., Fishman, Glenn I., Fleisher, Lee A., Flint, Paul W., Fogel, Evan L., Ford, Marsha D., Forsmark, Chris E., Fowler, Vance G., Jr., Franco, Manuel A., Freedman, David O., French, Martyn A., Freund, Karen, Gabay, Cem, Gage, Kenneth L., Galgiani, John N., Gallagher, Patrick G., Ganz, Leonard, Garan, Hasan, Garcia-Tsao, Guadalupe, Geisler, William M., George, Tony P., Gepstein, Lior, Gerber, Susan I., Gerding, Dale N., Gertz, Morie A., Ginder, Gordon D., Ginsberg, Jeffrey S., Ginsburg, Geoffrey S., Glogauer, Michael, Gnann, John W., Jr., Golden, Matthew R., Goldman, Lee, Goldstein, Larry B., Goodnough, Lawrence T., Gotuzzo, Eduardo H., Grady, Deborah, Grammer, Leslie C., Greco, F. Anthony, Greenberg, Harry B., Greenberg, Steven A., Griggs, Robert C., Grinberg, Lev M., Grossman, Daniel, Guay-Woodford, Lisa M., Guerrant, Richard L., Gulick, Roy M., Hagspiel, Klaus D., Hainsworth, John D., Hamsten, Anders, Hande, Kenneth R., Handsfield, H. Hunter, Hansson, Göran K., Harris, Raymond C., Hauser, Stephen Crane, Hayden, Frederick G., Heimburger, Douglas C., Hewlett, Erik L., Hift, Richard J., Hill, David R., Hill, Nicholas S., Hillis, L. David, Hirsh, Jack, Holland, Steven M., Hollenberg, Steven M., Hook, Edward W., III, Hunter, David J., Hussain, Khalid, Hyman, Steven E., Iannuzzi, Michael C., Inman, Robert D., Inouye, Sharon K., Isbister, Geoffrey K., Ison, Michael G., Jabbour, Elias, Jaff, Michael R., Jen, Joanna C., Jensen, Dennis M., Jensen, Michael D., Jensen, Robert T., Johnson, Stuart, Jordan, Richard C., Józefowicz, Ralph F., Kaler, Stephen G., Kamya, Moses R., Kao, Louise W., Kaplan, Steven A., Kastner, Daniel L., Kathiresan, Sekar, Katzka, David A., Katzman, Debra K., Kauffman, Carol A., Kaushansky, Kenneth, Kaye, Keith S., Keating, Armand, Kelley, Robin K., Kern, Morton, Keusch, Gerald T., Khuri, Fadlo R., Kim, David H., Kim, Matthew, Kirchhoff, Louis V., Knopman, David S., Knox, Tamsin A., Kontoyiannis, D.P., Koppel, Barbara S., Korenblat, Kevin M., Korf, Bruce R., Korman, Neil J., Kortepeter, Mark G., Kovacs, Joseph A., Kovacs, Thomas O., Kraft, Monica, Kramer, Christopher M., Krasnewich, Donna M., Krause, Peter J., Kuemmerle, John F., Kuipers, Ernst J., Ladenson, Paul W., Laheru, Daniel, Landry, Donald W., Lang, Anthony E., Lange, Richard A., Lederle, Frank A., Lee, Thomas H., Lee, William M., Leggett, James E., Levin, Stuart, Levine, Stephanie M., Lichtenstein, Gary R., Lim, Henry W., Lima, Aldo A.M., Ling, Geoffrey S.F., Little, William C., Lloyd-Jones, Donald M., Lorber, Bennett, Low, Donald E., Lucey, Daniel R., Lupski, James R., Lyness, Jeffrey M., Lytle, Bruce W., MacKenzie, C. Ronald, MacMillan, Harriet L., Madoff, Robert D., Maldarelli, Frank, Malhotra, Atul, Manary, Mark J., Mancini, Donna, Mandell, Lionel A., Manu, Peter, Marelli, Ariane, Mariette, Xavier, Marks, Andrew R., Marr, Kieren A., Marrie, Thomas J., Martin, Paul, Mason, Joel B., Masur, Henry, Matteson, Eric L., Matthay, Michael A., Maurer, Toby A., Mayer, Emeran A., Mayer, Stephan A., McClave, Stephen A., McCool, F. Dennis, McCulloch, Charles E., McKenna, William J., McLaughlin, Vallerie, McMurray, John J.V., McQuaid, Kenneth R., Michel, Marc, Mink, Jonathan W., Mitch, William E., Molitch, Mark E., Molitoris, Bruce A., Montoya, Jose G., Morris, Alison, Moy, Ernest, Muehlenbachs, Atis, Murr, Andrew H., Musher, Daniel M., Myerburg, Robert J., Nagamani, Sandesh C.S., Naides, Stanley J., Naka, Yoshifumi, Nash, Theodore E., Nath, Avindra, Neilson, Eric G., Neinstein, Lawrence S., Nelson, Lewis S., Nestler, Eric J., Newman, Anne B., Newman, Thomas B., Nichols, William L., Nicolle, Lindsay E., Nieman, Lynnette K., Niewoehner, Dennis E., Norrby, S. Ragnar, O’Brien, Susan, O’Connor, Christopher M., O’Connor, Francis G., O’Connor, Patrick G., O’Dell, James R., O’Donnell, Anne E., Oh, Jae K., Olgin, Jeffrey E., Orenstein, Walter A., Osmon, Douglas R., Otto, Catherine M., Papania, Mark, Pappas, Peter G., Pasricha, Pankaj Jay, Paterson, David L., Patrono, Carlo, Pawlotsky, Jean-Michel, Pearson, Richard D., Perl, Trish M., Perlman, Adam, Petri, William A., Jr., Pfeffer, Marc A., Pickhardt, Perry J., Pisetsky, David S., Posner, Marshall R., Powell, Frank, Pyeritz, Reed E., Quinn, Thomas C., Radhakrishnan, Jai, Rafailidis, Petros I., Raghu, Ganesh, Ragni, Margaret, Raja, Srinivasa N., Rajkumar, S. Vincent, Ralston, Stuart H., Raoult, Didier, Rebar, Robert W., Reboli, Annette C., Reddy, K. Rajender, Redelmeier, Donald A., Reef, Susan E., Resnick, Neil M., Reuben, David B., Rivers, Emanuel P., Rogers, Joseph G., Rolain, Jean-Marc, Romero, José R., Rosene-Montella, Karen, Rosenthal, Philip J., Rothenberg, Marc E., Russell, James A., Rustgi, Anil K., Rusyniak, Daniel E., Salata, Robert A., Salmon, Jane E., Salvana, Edsel Maurice T., Santos, Renato M., Sawka, Michael N., Scanlon, Paul D., Scanzello, Carla, Schafer, Andrew I., Schaffner, William, Scheld, W. Michael, Schiff, Manuel, Schilsky, Michael L., Schooley, Robert T., Schriger, David L., Schroeder, Steven A., Schuchter, Lynn M., Schulman, Sam, Schwartz, Lawrence B., Seas, Carlos, Seifert, Steven A., Seifter, Julian L., Selcen, Duygu, Semenkovich, Clay F., Semrad, Carol E., Shamoon, Harry, Shaw, James C., Shaw, Pamela J., Sheridan, Robert L., Sherman, Stuart, Shy, Michael E., Sidransky, Ellen, Siegel, Richard M., Siliciano, Robert F., Simberkoff, Michael S., Simel, David L., Singh, Kamaljit, Skorecki, Karl, Slotki, Itzchak, Slutsky, Arthur S., Small, Eric J., Smetana, Gerald W., Southwick, Frederick S., Spiegel, Allen M., Spiera, Robert F., Spinola, Stanley M., Spriggs, David, Stankiewicz, Paweł, Stark, Paul, Steensma, David P., Steinberg, Martin H., Steiner, Theodore S., Stephens, David S., Stevens, David A., Stoller, James K., Stone, John H., Stone, Richard M., Strikas, Raymond A., Su, Edwin P., Sutter, Roland W., Swerdloff, Ronald S., Swygard, Heidi, Sykes, Megan, Tanofsky-Kraff, Marian, Tarlo, Susan M., Taylor, Victoria M., Tefferi, Ayalew, Teirstein, Paul S., Telford, Sam R., III, Thakker, Rajesh V., Tosti, Antonella, Trehan, Indi, Turner, Ronald B., Uldrick, Thomas S., Valeri, Anthony M., Varga, John, Vaughn, Bradley V., Venook, Alan P., Verbalis, Joseph G., Victor, Ronald G., Vincent, Angela, Wachter, Robert M., Wagner, Edward H., Walsh, Edward E., Walsh, Thomas J., Walston, Jeremy D., Wang, Christina, Wanke, Christine, Wasserman, Stephen I., Weber, Thomas J., Weinberg, Geoffrey A., Weinstein, David A., Weinstein, Robert S., Weiss, Roger D., Weisse, Martin, Weitz, Jeffrey I., Wells, Samuel A., Jr., Wenzel, Richard P., Werth, Victoria P., West, Sterling G., White, A. Clinton, Jr., White, Christopher J., White, Perrin C., Whitley, Richard J., Whyte, Michael P., Wiebe, Samuel, Wiener-Kronish, Jeanine P., Wijdicks, Eelco F.M., Wilber, David J., Winikoff, Beverly, Wormser, Gary P., Yanoff, Myron, Yarchoan, Robert, Young, Neal S., Young, William F., Jr., Yu, Alan S.L., Zaki, Sherif R., Zeidel, Mark L., Ziegler, Thomas R., and Zimetbaum, Peter
- Published
- 2017
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11. 293 - Listeriose
- Author
Lorber, Bennett
- Published
- 2017
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