Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique ( on 2018-02-23T18:15:49Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) wellia_pimentel_santos.pdf: 1752566 bytes, checksum: 5948643445b92df68ed920163ec09bea (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz ( on 2018-03-09T19:11:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) wellia_pimentel_santos.pdf: 1752566 bytes, checksum: 5948643445b92df68ed920163ec09bea (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-09T19:11:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) wellia_pimentel_santos.pdf: 1752566 bytes, checksum: 5948643445b92df68ed920163ec09bea (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 A sa?de ? direito de todos e dever do Estado. Tendo como base esse Artigo da Constitui??o Brasileira de 1988 foi criado o Sistema ?nico de Sa?de ? SUS, a fim de garantir o acesso universal e igualit?rio ?s a??es e servi?os para promo??o, prote??o e recupera??o da sa?de dos brasileiros. A Constitui??o de 1988 concedeu cidadania aos direitos da sa?de, estabelecendo a sa?de como um direito de todos e dever do Estado, definindo em seu Art. 196, que a sa?de n?o depende apenas de a??es e servi?os de sa?de, assist?ncia m?dica, mas que a sa?de depende de pol?ticas sociais e econ?micas que melhorem o bem-estar, que atuem significativamente sobre as condi??es de vida e sa?de da popula??o. E, finalmente, a Constitui??o define que todo brasileiro tem direito ao acesso universal e igualit?rio a a??es e servi?os ? sa?de, desde a promo??o at? a sua reabilita??o. Isso, portanto, foi uma imensa conquista. De tal modo, ? por esta via que o presente estudo pretendeu balizar. Ou seja, de modo a apreender as representa??es sociais dos protagonistas do SUS tendo como recorte de estudo o munic?pio de S?o Gon?alo do Rio Preto/MG, pertencente ? mesorregi?o Jequitinhonha. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, por meio destas duas institui??es: Unidade Mista de Sa?de - UMS e Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia ? ESF, envolvendo uma an?lise bibliogr?fica. O corpus de an?lise deste trabalho se constitui a partir da coleta de dados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas a partir de entrevistas com usu?rios e profissionais da ESF. O estudo fundamentou-se na perspectiva te?rico-metodol?gica da Teoria das Representa??es Sociais, apoiando-se, especialmente, no primeiro te?rico que abordou sobre o assunto, Serge Moscovici, abarcando, por esta via, a an?lise do discurso enquanto dispositivo te?rico e anal?tico, a fim de que fossem apreendidos os sentidos do contexto social do p?blico-alvo, a partir da interpreta??o de elementos das pr?ticas sociais e da l?ngua. Vale tamb?m ressaltar que o m?todo utilizado para as entrevistas consistiu-se na Hist?ria Oral. Com isso pretendeu-se apreender subjetivamente as peculiaridades discursivas apresentadas nas entrevistas. Os principais resultados obtidos da pesquisa demonstram que os entrevistados possuem um conhecimento pouco mediano da pol?tica p?blica de sa?de. Espera-se que tal estudo possa ser utilizado como ferramenta para subsidiar profissionais e gestores de sa?de na busca de solu??es que tragam benef?cios para a realidade local. Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Ensino em Sa?de, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. Health is the right of everyone and the duty of the State. Based on this Article of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, the Unified Health System - SUS was created in order to guarantee universal and equal access to actions and services for the promotion, protection and recovery of the health of Brazilians. The Constitution of 1988 granted citizenship to the rights of health, establishing health as a right for all people and duty of the State, defining in its Art. 196, that health does not depend only on actions and health services, medical care, but it depends on social and economic policies that improve well-being, which act significantly on the living conditions and health of the population. And, finally, the Constitution defines that every Brazilian has the right to universal and equal access to health actions and services, from promotion to rehabilitation. This, therefore, was an immense achievement. Thus, it is by this way that the present study intended to mark. In other words, in order to apprehend the social representations of the protagonists of the SUS having as a study cut the municipality of S?o Gon?alo do Rio Preto / MG, belonging to the Jequitinhonha mesoregion. It was a qualitative research, through these two institutions: Mixed Health Unit - UMS and Family Health Strategy - ESF, involving a bibliographic analysis. The corpus of analysis of this work is constituted from the collection of data through semi-structured interviews conducted from interviews with users and professionals of the FHS. The study was based on the theoretical-methodological perspective of the Theory of Social Representations, based especially on the first theoretician who approached the subject, Serge Moscovici, covering, in this way, the analysis of discourse as a theoretical and analytical device, In order to capture the senses of the social context of the target audience, based on the interpretation of elements of social practices and language. It is also worth mentioning that the method used for the interviews consisted of Oral History. With this we tried to understand subjectively the discursive peculiarities presented in the interviews. The main results obtained from the research demonstrate that the enterviewed have a little median knowledge of public health policy. It is expected that such a study can be used as a tool to subsidize professionals and health managers in the search for solutions that bring benefits to the local reality.