598 results on '"Bogdan A"'
Search Results
- Author
Gabriel Rotundu, Diana Tatarciuc, Bogdan Amărioarei, Dana Budală, Ruxandra Stan, Oana Butnaru, Alexandra Mârțu, Liliana Păsărin, and Ionut Luchian
- Subjects
drug-induced gingival overgrowths ,molecular mechanism ,immunosuppressants ,cellular pathways ,gingival hyperplasia ,Dentistry ,RK1-715 - Abstract
Drug-induced gingival overgrowths (DIGO) represent a significant side effect of various pharmacological treatments, particularly anticonvulsants, immunosuppressants, and calcium channel blockers. This condition, characterized by the excessive growth of gum tissue, can lead to discomfort, aesthetic concerns, and periodontal complications. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying DIGO is crucial for developing effective preventive and therapeutic strategies. This review aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the cellular and molecular pathways implicated in DIGO, including the roles of fibroblasts, inflammatory mediators, and genetic predispositions. By elucidating the interactions between these factors, we seek to highlight potential targets for intervention. Additionally, the review discusses current research advancements and potential future directions in the study of DIGO. Through this comprehensive examination, we aim to enhance the understanding of the implications of these mechanisms.
- Published
- 2024
- Author
Bogdan Amărioarei, Diana Tatarciuc, Gabriel Rotundu, Ruxandra Stan, Oana Butnaru, Alexandra Mârțu, Liliana Păsărin, and Ionut Luchian
- Subjects
drug-induced gingival overgrowth ,hypertension ,calcium channel blockers ,collagen synthesis ,Dentistry ,RK1-715 - Abstract
Hypertension (HTA) is commonly treated with medications that can cause drug-induced gingival overgrowth (DIGO). This study investigates the mechanisms behind DIGO in hypertensive patients, focusing on the effects of calcium channel blockers, immunosuppressants, and anticonvulsants. We explore the cellular and molecular pathways involved, such as collagen synthesis, inflammation, and the role of integrins. Clinical implications include challenges in oral hygiene, periodontal health, and patient quality of life. Management strategies discussed include drug substitution, enhanced oral hygiene, and surgical options. Understanding the link between HTA treatment and gingival overgrowth can help healthcare providers better diagnose and manage this condition, improving patient outcomes and periodontal health.
- Published
- 2024
4. Studiu privind factorii care modelează comportamentul financiar al studenților
- Author
Ioana Claudia Pogăciaș and Bogdan Andrei Moldovan
- Subjects
financial behavior ,education ,financial planning ,investment ,budget planning ,financial management. ,Law ,Political science ,Political institutions and public administration (General) ,JF20-2112 - Abstract
The research aims to study the financial behavior of students from the Babeș-Bolyai University in the municipality of Cluj-Napoca and the factors that, according to the literature, are contributors to its formation and positive modeling. Several factors were studied using a quantitative paradigm: family financial socialization, the level of financial self-control, and exposure to financial education. The overall picture of the financial behavior of the students who took part in the research (Babeș-Bolyai University students filling a self-administered questionnaire) illustrates a relatively healthy financial behavior.
- Published
- 2023
5. Remote interpreting of Romanian Sign Language in the pandemic context
- Author
Ioana TUFAR and Bogdan ANICESCU
- Subjects
Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 ,Oral communication. Speech ,P95-95.6 - Abstract
Taking into consideration the current context, Sign Language remote interpreting is a topic often encountered in accessibility for Deaf people. Our study explores the aspects of remote Sign Language interpreting in Romania during the Covid-19 pandemic. After a short theoretic framework about remote interpreting and particularities in the context of using Sign Language, we resume the findings of our investigation in which we used survey data from 39 Romanian Sign Language Interpreters active in the pandemic context. We emphasize advantages and disadvantages of this variant of Sign Language interpreting and in the end, we share some findings and recommendations from the field practice.
- Published
- 2022
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6. Dezvoltare locală în spațiul rural din Regiunea Nord-Vest a României
- Author
Alexandru Pavel and Bogdan Andrei Moldovan
- Subjects
rural area, local development, de- velopment index, north-west region, romania. ,Law ,Political science ,Political institutions and public administration (General) ,JF20-2112 - Abstract
In the context of de-collectivization process started in the early 1990s, and later on faced with the conditions of EU accession, the Romanian rural area has passed through a wide transformation process in the last 27 years. In this context, rural communities developed and evolved differently, according to their capacity to seize opportunities like: being close to urban areas, direct access to European and national transport routes, access to non-reimbursable funding, existing human capital etc. This study aims to evaluate the evolution of Romanian North-West Region communes in the 2002-2011 period, using several determinant development factors (five independent variables). In this context we used the IDUL – a local development index created by the Romanian sociologist Dumitru Sandu.
- Published
- 2017
7. Contribuții la bibliografia românească veche
- Author
Bogdan Andriescu
- Subjects
library ,public library in hungary ,old romanian book ,orthodox religious book ,Language and Literature - Abstract
Széchényi National Library of Budapest preserves a valuable collection of old Romanian books, counting a number of 248 titles, both from the Special Collections of the institution, as well as from the General Book Collection. This article brings to the foreground a number of 6 titles, a part of them unknown to the Romanian bibliographic sources.
- Published
- 2016
8. Efectele accesului la finanțare nerambursabilă și la infrastructura de transport asupra dezvoltării economice locale în mediul rural din regiunea de dezvoltare nord-vest
- Author
Alexandru PAVEL and Bogdan Andrei MOLDOVAN
- Subjects
local economic development, rural, indicators, investment, access, connectivity ,Law ,Political science ,Political institutions and public administration (General) ,JF20-2112 - Abstract
Romanian rural areas are going nowadays through a prolonged period of transformation, due to shifts in the demographic structure caused by the national growth poles strategy and other factors. Our study scrutinizes the modifications of a set of socio-economic indicators in order to identify the evolution of the economic development rhythm in rural areas of the North-West Region, and to observe if the rhythm of evolution is different in communities that had access to different types of funding and access to main transportation routes.
- Published
- 2016
9. Instrumente de măsurare a performanței financiare a administrației publice locale
- Author
Bogdan Andrei MOLDOVAN
- Subjects
public administration, fnancial performance, decentralization, local authorities, indicators. ,Law ,Political science ,Political institutions and public administration (General) ,JF20-2112 - Abstract
Although in North American states there are many efforts to assess the fnancial performance of municipalities, and several models have been proposed, in the Romanian public administration and literature the initiatives are only in their infancy. At this moment, important steps have been made, and fnancial performance indicators are easily acces-sible. The only problem is with the measurement itself – there is no incentive for the local authorities to measure performance, and the Romanian public fnance literature does not seem to be interested in benchmarking fnancial performance. This article aims to review the main set of indicators available
- Published
- 2014
10. Contribuţii la bibliografia românească veche
- Author
Bogdan Andriescu
- Subjects
library ,public libraries in hungary ,public libraries in romania ,old romanian book ,Language and Literature - Abstract
This paper aims to present the results of our research of the Old Romanian book entered upon three institutions of culture: The ASTRA County Library in Sibiu, The Széchényi National Library, The Eötvös Loránd University Library in Budapest. The Széchényi National Library in Budapest and the Eötvös Loránd University Library in Budapest hold an important old Romanian stock of books. The study includes old Romanian book unknown to the Romanian bibliographical sources detected in the collections of the three institutions mentioned above. Mention must be made that we had into account three categories of books: old Romanian book unknown to the bibliographical resources, book known to the bibliographical sources only at the informational level (there has not been detected any copy; known copies without a complete bibliographical description); old Romanian book detected at the informational level, without the identification of any copy.
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Tirshu M., Uzun M., Speian A., Spivac V., and Bogdan A.
- Subjects
PV system ,Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering ,TK1-9971 ,Production of electric energy or power. Powerplants. Central stations ,TK1001-1841 ,Renewable energy sources ,TJ807-830 - Abstract
The paper deals with practical realization of efficient lighting system based on LED’s of 80W total power mounted on corridor ceiling total length of which is 120m and substitutes existing traditional lighting system consisting of 29 lighting blocks with 4 fluorescent lamps each of them and summary power 2088W. Realized lighting system is supplied from two photovoltaic panels of power 170W. Generated energy by PV cells is accumulated in two accumulators of 75Ah capacity and from battery by means of specialized convertor is applied to lighting system. Additionally, paper present data measured by digital weather station (solar radiation and UV index), which is mounted near of PV cells and comparative analyze of solar energy with real energy generated by PV cells is done. Measured parameters by digital weather station are stored by computer in on-line mode.
- Published
- 2011
12. Deficite bugetare și datoria publică
- Author
Bogdan Andrei MOLDOVAN, Alexandru PAVEL, and Mihaly HOGYE
- Subjects
deficits ,public debt ,crowding out effect ,outlays ,income ,budget ,budgetary system. ,Law ,Political science ,Political institutions and public administration (General) ,JF20-2112 - Abstract
In the recent years, in the context of the global economic crisis, governments are confronted with high levels of fiscal deficits and accumulating public debt. Therefore, it is justifiable to question the negative effects and the path towards future economic growth. This paper makes a short evaluation of the main macroeconomic indicators of the Romanian economy and attempts to identify the main theoretical approaches in the literature regarding the effects of deficits and debt.
- Published
- 2010
13. Buletin informativ EU FAR Aprilie 2023
- Author
Marin, Monica, Chiș, Alin, Corad, Bogdan, Rotaru, Viorica, and Glăvan, Eugen
- Subjects
LAU ,fonduri UE ,România ,rural ,perioadă de programare ,urban - Abstract
Buletinul informativ al proiectului EU FAR, aprilie 2023.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
MUCEA Bogdan Nicolae and MARINA Lucian
- Subjects
Roșia Montană, UNESCO, postsocialism, mining community - Abstract
After the fall of communism, the mining locality of Roșia Montană underwent significant structural changes and reconfigurations, physical and in the minds of the local people. Some of these changes were of symbolic nature. The last label associated with the mining town was that of UNESCO site. The present study presents the opinion of the local people and the displaced persons from the locality, regarding the inclusion of Roșia Montană in the UNESCO patrimony, one year before the accomplishment. The study correlates various characteristics of the people in the locality and the opinion expressed towards this situation. The results show significant differences in perception between respondents regarding the new status of the locality. At the same time, the paper presents the opinions of the local priests regarding the future of the locality and the area, after the RMGC company's activity was curtailed and before the inclusion of the locality in the universal heritage.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Nicolae, MUCEA Bogdan and Lucian, MARINA
- Subjects
Roșia Montană, UNESCO, postsocialism, mining community - Abstract
After the fall of communism, the mining locality of Roșia Montană underwent significant structural changes and reconfigurations, physical and in the minds of the local people. Some of these changes were of symbolic nature. The last label associated with the mining town was that of UNESCO site. The present study presents the opinion of the local people and the displaced persons from the locality, regarding the inclusion of Roșia Montană in the UNESCO patrimony, one year before the accomplishment. The study correlates various characteristics of the people in the locality and the opinion expressed towards this situation. The results show significant differences in perception between respondents regarding the new status of the locality. At the same time, the paper presents the opinions of the local priests regarding the future of the locality and the area, after the RMGC company's activity was curtailed and before the inclusion of the locality in the universal heritage.
- Published
- 2023
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16. Vizibilitate și infrastructură - Micii pași către eternitatea digitală a newsletter-ului APR
- Author
Cocoș, Bogdan
- Abstract
„Știința în România este o cenușăreasă în contextul social de astăzi.” – Petre T. Frangopol (2005, p. 124) Pornind de la vorbele părintelui scientometriei românești, am decis să facem cunoscut, cu ocazia unui nou an plin de oportunități, pentru newsletter-ul nostru, planul de a-l permanentiza și de a-i crește, implicit, vizibilitatea internațională. Vedeți voi, Cenușăreasa marelui chimist român Petre Frangopol a ajuns, astăzi, la maturitate. În ciuda numeroaselor versiuni ale basmului, vom încerca, împreună, să povestim o nouă versiune. Una poate ceva mai tehnică, ceva mai obscură, pe alocuri esoterică. Haideți să organizăm, cu toții, această nuntă împărătească!, {"references":["Florian, R., & Florian, N. (2006). Majoritatea revistelor științifice românești nu servesc știința. Ad Astra, 5(2), 1-26. https://web.archive.org/web/20221207082746/https://www.ad-astra.ro/journal/9/florian_reviste_locale.pdf","Frangopol, P. T. (2005). Mediocritate și excelență: O radiografie a științei și învățământului din România (Volumul 2). Casa Cărții de Știință. https://web.archive.org/web/20230227173130/https://www.ziuaconstanta.ro/images/stories/2019/06/ZIUA/carti-online/mediocritate-si-excelenta-de-petre-t-frangopol-vol-2-ocr-wm(1).pdf","Haiduc, I. (1997). De ce este \"invizibilă\" știința românească?. Revista 22, 16(374), 12. https://web.archive.org/web/20230227172722/https://revista22.ro/storage/arhivapdf/16_1997.pdf","Haiduc, I. (2001). Imaginea externă a științei românești. Conferința Internațională \"România și românii în știința contemporană\" 13-17 iunie 2001. Sinaia, România. https://web.archive.org/web/20230227172736/https://www.ad-astra.ro/library/open_files/haiduc_imaginea_externa.pdf"]}
- Published
- 2023
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17. Proiect EU FAR - EU Funds by Area Results: prezentare Atelier ICCV, 28 februarie 2023
- Author
Marin, Monica, Chiș, Alin, Corad, Bogdan, Rotaru, Viorica, and Glăvan, Eugen
- Subjects
știință deschisă ,LAU ,fonduri UE ,România ,rural ,perioadă de programare ,urban - Abstract
Prezentare realizată în cadrulAtelierului ICCV, online, 28 februarie 2023.În cadrul atelierului de prezentare și discuție a rezultatelor proiectului EU FAR organizat de ICCV, au mai susținut prezentări și reprezentanți ai Research Data Alliance (RDA) – despre EOSC și EOSC Future Open Calls (Matti Heikkurinen, RDA), despre RDA - punctul național de contact RDA (Andreea Popa, UEFISCDI), despre problemele de accesare a fondurilor europene pentru comunele din România (Emil Drăghici, Asociația Comunelor din România) și cele privind absorbția fondurilor europene pentru orașele din România (Alexandru Petrovici, Sabin Pascal, Asociația Orașelor din România).
- Published
- 2023
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18. Lumina undă sau corpuscul? Scurt istoric
- Author
Bancia, Bogdan
- Published
- 2023
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19. Principiul localității în fizică
- Author
Bancia, Bogdan
- Published
- 2023
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20. Buletin informativ EU FAR Decembrie 2022
- Author
Marin, Monica, Chiș, Alin, Corad, Bogdan, and Glăvan, Eugen
- Abstract
Buletinul informativ al proiectului EU FAR, decembrie 2022.
- Published
- 2022
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21. Proiect EU FAR: Pliant RO
- Author
Marin, Monica, Chiș, Alin, Corad, Bogdan, and Glăvan, Eugen
- Subjects
știință deschisă ,fonduri europene ,localități ,România - Abstract
Pliant al proiectului EU FAR, versiunea în limba română.
- Published
- 2022
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22. Raport final privind distribuția speciilor de nevertebrate terestre alogene din hot-spot-uri și căile prioritare de pătrundere (an 3 cartare)
- Author
ADAM Costică, CONSTANTINESCU Ioana Cristina, DRĂGHICI Andreea-Cătălina, FUSU Lucian, FUSU Maria-Magdalena, GHEOCA Voichița, IORGU Ionuț Ștefan, IRIMIA Angel-Gabriel, MAICAN Sanda, MANCI Cosmin Ovidiu, MANU Minodora, MITROIU Mircea-Dan, OLOȘUTEAN Horea-George, PERJU Mirabela, PETRESCU Ana Maria, PINTILIOAIE Alexandru-Mihai, POPA Alexandra Florina, POPESCU Irinel Eugen, POPOVICI Ovidiu Alin, PRUNAR Florin Vasile, RĂDAC Ioan Alexandru, RUICĂNESCU Adrian, SAHLEAN Constantin Tiberiu, SITAR Cristian, STANCIU Cătălin-Răzvan, SZEKELY Levente, TĂUȘAN Ioan, TOMOZII Ionuț Bogdan, TÖRÖK Sergiu-Cornel, and ZAHARIA Lăcrămioara Gabriela
- Subjects
specii invazive, invasive alien species, nevertebrate terestre, terrestrial invertebrates - Abstract
Raport final privind distribuția speciilor de nevertebrate terestre alogene din hot-spot-uri și căile prioritare de pătrundere (an 3 cartare)
- Published
- 2022
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23. 14 liste de urmărire nevertebrate terestre invazive (liste negre) pentru ariile naturale protejate (13 parcuri naționale și Delta Dunării)
- Author
ADAM Costică, CONSTANTINESCU Ioana Cristina, DRĂGHICI Andreea-Cătălina, FUSU Lucian, FUSU Maria-Magdalena, GHEOCA Voichița, IORGU Ionuț Ștefan, IRIMIA Angel-Gabriel, MAICAN Sanda, MANCI Cosmin Ovidiu, MANU Minodora, MITROIU Mircea-Dan, OLOȘUTEAN Horea-George, PERJU Mirabela, PETRESCU Ana Maria, PINTILIOAIE Alexandru-Mihai, POPA Alexandra Florina, POPESCU Irinel Eugen, POPOVICI Ovidiu Alin, PRUNAR Florin Vasile, RĂDAC Ioan Alexandru, RUICĂNESCU Adrian, SĂHLEAN Constantin Tiberiu, SITAR Cristian, STANCIU Cătălin-Răzvan, SZEKELY Levente, TĂUȘAN Ioan, TOMOZII Ionuț Bogdan, TÖRÖK Sergiu-Cornel, and ZAHARIA Lăcrămioara Gabriela
- Subjects
specii invazive, invasive alien species, nevertebrate terestre, terrestrial invertebrates - Abstract
14 liste de urmărire nevertebrate terestre invazive (liste negre) pentru ariile naturale protejate (13 parcuri naționale și Delta Dunării)
- Published
- 2022
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24. Raport final privind distribuția speciilor de nevertebrate terestre alogene rezultată din activitatea de inventariere cu efort redus (an 3 cartare)
- Author
ADAM Costică, CONSTANTINESCU Ioana Cristina, CRISTESCU Mihaela, DRĂGHICI Andreea-Cătălina, FUSU Lucian, FUSU Maria-Magdalena, GHEOCA Voichița, ILIE Daniela Minodora, IORGU Ionuț Ștefan, IRIMIA Angel-Gabriel, MAICAN Sanda, MANCI Cosmin Ovidiu, MANU Minodora, MITROIU Mircea-Dan, PETRESCU Ana Maria, PINTILIOAIE Alexandru-Mihai, POPA Alexandra Florina, POPESCU Irinel Eugen, POPOVICI Ovidiu Alin, PRUNAR Florin Vasile, RĂDAC Ioan Alexandru, RUICĂNESCU Adrian, RUȘTI Dorel Marian, SAHLEAN Constantin Tiberiu, SITAR Cristian, STANCIU Cătălin-Răzvan, SZEKELY Levente, ȘERBAN Cecilia, TĂUȘAN Ioan, TOMOZII Ionuț Bogdan, TÖRÖK Sergiu-Cornel, URÁK István, and ZAHARIA Lăcrămioara Gabriela
- Subjects
specii invazive, invasive alien species, nevertebrate terestre, terrestrial invertebrates - Abstract
Raport final privind distribuția speciilor de nevertebrate terestre alogene rezultată din activitatea de inventariere cu efort redus (an 3 cartare) Anexa II – Bază de date privind distribuția speciilor de nevertebrate terestre alogene din low effort (LE)/efort redus și căile prioritare de patrundere în format tabelar
- Published
- 2022
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25. Raport intermediar privind distributia speciilor de nevertebrate terestre alogene rezultata din activitatea de inventariere cu efort redus (an 2 cartare)
- Author
ADAM Costică, CONSTANTINESCU Ioana Cristina, CRISTESCU Mihaela, DRĂGHICI Andreea-Cătălina, FUSU Lucian, FUSU Maria-Magdalena, GHEOCA Voichița, IANCU Lavinia, ILIE Daniela Minodora, IORGU Ionuț Ștefan, IRIMIA Angel-Gabriel, MAICAN Sanda, MANCI Cosmin Ovidiu, MANU Minodora, MITROIU Mircea-Dan, PETRESCU Ana Maria, PINTILIOAIE Alexandru-Mihai, POPA Alexandra Florina, POPESCU Irinel Eugen, POPOVICI Ovidiu Alin, PRUNAR Florin Vasile, RĂDAC Ioan Alexandru, RUICĂNESCU Adrian, RUȘTI Dorel Marian, SAHLEAN Constantin Tiberiu, SITAR Cristian, STANCIU Cătălin-Răzvan, SZEKELY Levente, ȘERBAN Cecilia, TĂUȘAN Ioan, TOMOZII Ionuț Bogdan, TÖRÖK Sergiu-Cornel, URÁK István, VIZAUER Tibor-Csaba, and ZAHARIA Lăcrămioara Gabriela
- Subjects
specii invazive, invasive alien species, nevertebrate terestre, terrestrial invertebrates - Abstract
Raport intermediar privind distributia speciilor de nevertebrate terestre alogene rezultata din activitatea de inventariere cu efort redus (an 2 cartare)
- Published
- 2022
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26. Raport intermediar privind distribuția speciilor de nevertebrate terestre alogene din hot-spot-uri și căile prioritare de pătrundere (an 2 cartare)
- Author
ADAM Costică, CONSTANTINESCU Ioana Cristina, DRĂGHICI Andreea-Cătălina, FUSU Lucian, FUSU Maria-Magdalena, GHEOCA Voichița, IANCU Lavinia, IORGU Ionuț Ștefan, IRIMIA Angel-Gabriel, MAICAN Sanda, MANCI Cosmin Ovidiu, MANU Minodora, MITROIU Mircea-Dan, OLOȘUTEAN Horea-George, PERJU Mirabela, PETRESCU Ana Maria, PINTILIOAIE Alexandru-Mihai, POPA Alexandra Florina, POPESCU Irinel Eugen, POPOVICI Ovidiu Alin, PRUNAR Florin Vasile, RĂDAC Ioan Alexandru, RUICĂNESCU Adrian, SAHLEAN Constantin Tiberiu, SITAR Cristian, STANCIU Cătălin-Răzvan, SZEKELY Levente, TĂUȘAN Ioan, TOMOZII Ionuț Bogdan, TÖRÖK Sergiu-Cornel, VIZAUER Tibor-Csaba, and ZAHARIA Lăcrămioara Gabriela
- Subjects
specii invazive, invasive alien species, nevertebrate terestre, terrestrial invertebrates - Abstract
Raport intermediar privind distribuția speciilor de nevertebrate terestre alogene din hot-spot-uri și căile prioritare de pătrundere (an 2 cartare)
- Published
- 2022
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27. Conducerea Autentică (Authentic Leadership)
- Author
Bogdan Cocoș, Anca Vlăduți, and Marius-Gabriel Amzulescu
- Subjects
leadership ,conducerea ,authentic ,autentică - Abstract
Literatura de specialitate din management, respectiv din psihologia industrială și organizațională este populată de numeroase teorii legate de conceptul de leadership (Ulrich, 2020). Poate chiar prea multe teorii, cum ar susține anumiți autori, ceva mai critici în legătură cu statutul metaștiințific al literaturii din domeniul managementul-ului (e.g., Anderson, 2007; Ghoshal, 2017; Hambrick, 2007). Putem sesiza, în acest sens, după cum spunea și Gary Yukl (1989), faptul că leadership-ul reprezintă un subiect crucial pentru cercetarea și dezvoltarea organizaționale; după cum urmează să descoperim, în capitolele și pasajele următoare (i.e., raportându-ne, firește, la subiectul conducerii autentice), Yukl a militat activ pentru utilizarea metodelor diverse de cercetare, atunci când vine vorba de leadership (Leigh, 2019, p. 278)., {"references":["Anderson, M. H. (2007). \"Why are there so many theories? \" A classroom exercise to help students appreciate the need for multiple theories of a management domain. Journal of Management Education, 31(6), 757–776. https://doi.org/10.1177/1052562906297705","Ausar, K., Kang, H. J. A., & Kim, J. S. (2016). The effects of authentic leadership and organizational commitment on turnover intention. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 37(2), 181–199. https://doi.org/10.1108/LODJ-05-2014-0090","Avolio, B., & Gardner, W. (2017). Authentic leadership development: Getting to the root of positive forms of leadership. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 45(3), Article 8048450. https://doi.org/10.1109/EMR.2017.8048450","Avolio, B. J., Walumbwa, F. O., & Weber, T. J. (2009). Leadership: Current theories, research, and future directions. Annual Review of Psychology, 60(1), 421–449. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.psych.60.110707.163621","Avolio, B. J., Wernsing, T., & Gardner, W. L. (2018). 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- Published
- 2022
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- Author
RUSNAC, Constantin and P��un, C��t��lin-Bogdan
- Subjects
perchezi��ie ,cauz�� penal�� ,��nregistrare video ,urm��rire penal�� ,fixare tehnic�� ,procedeu probator - Abstract
Studiul ��tiin��ific este dedicat regulilor tactico-criminalistice care necesit�� a fi respectate de c��tre participan��ii la perchezi��ie ��n cazul ��n care ca modalitate de fixare a perchezi��iei este ��nregistrarea video. ��n cadrul articolului se men��ioneaz�� c�� ��nregistrarea video a procesului de perchezi��ie, ��n condi��iile actuale, reprezint�� o necesitate ��i un mijloc tehnic eficient de probare a respect��rii normelor procesuale ��i ar evita existen��a abuzurilor asupra ��i din partea persoanelor ce efectueaz�� perchezi��ia.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
RUSNAC, Constantin and Păun, Cătălin-Bogdan
- Subjects
percheziție ,înregistrare video ,fixare tehnică ,urmărire penală ,cauză penală ,procedeu probator - Abstract
Studiul ştiinţific este dedicat regulilor tactico-criminalistice care necesită a fi respectate de către participanții la percheziție în cazul în care ca modalitate de fixare a percheziției este înregistrarea video. În cadrul articolului se menţionează că înregistrarea video a procesului de percheziție, în condițiile actuale, reprezintă o necesitate și un mijloc tehnic eficient de probare a respectării normelor procesuale și ar evita existența abuzurilor asupra și din partea persoanelor ce efectuează percheziția.  
- Published
- 2022
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30. Cercetarea Emoțiilor - Un Miraj Empiric?
- Author
Bogdan Cocoș
- Abstract
Există, curent, o „modă”, în a promova psihoeducația, anume acel aspect ce se referă la a informa cetățenii în legătură cu rezultatele cercetărilor din psihologie, pentru a le optimiza procesul de luare a deciziilor. Ce se întâmplă, însă, în momentul în care rezultatele cercetărilor respective sunt amplificate artificial, prin practici chestionabile de cercetare? Vom încerca să aflăm, împreună, răspunsul la această întrebare, prin prisma analizei descrise în următoarelor capitole.
- Published
- 2022
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31. De ce spatiul si timpul sunt curbe in relativitatea generala?
- Author
Bancia, Bogdan
- Published
- 2022
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32. Funcția legitimantă a trecutului în relația Stat-Biserică din Rusia secolelor XV-XVI
- Author
Honciuc, Bogdan
- Published
- 2022
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33. Filozofia Fizicii in Universul Matematic
- Author
Bancia, Bogdan
- Published
- 2022
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34. Originea Fizicii Teoretice
- Author
Bancia, Bogdan
- Published
- 2022
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35. Canalele ionice voltaj dependente se comporta in mod analog tranzistorilor electronici, amplificand curentii electrici mici, fenomen explicat in contextul rezonantei stochastice
- Author
Bancia, Bogdan G
- Published
- 2022
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36. Fizica Teoretica
- Author
Bancia, Bogdan
- Published
- 2022
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37. Ingineria genetica pe intelesul fizicienilor
- Author
Bancia, Bogdan
- Published
- 2022
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38. Canalele ionice se comporta in mod analog tranzistorilor electronici
- Author
Bancia, Bogdan G
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
- Subjects
Scoliosis, Physiotherapy, Physical recovery, Rehabilitation - Abstract
Idiopathic adult scoliosis. What are we really treating? Introduction Studying the literature will allow the physiotherapist to better understand the patient with scoliosis and not to perceive him more pathological or healthier than he is. This approach allows him to create a patient-oriented approach, not a diagnostic approach. It is necessary that the impact of scoliosis on the lives of a patient to be considered from a biopsychosocial point of view, not only from a purely postural - structural - biomechanical perspective. The motivation of the article This article aims to identify whether physiotherapy can be a solution in the treatment of adult scoliosis by studying the existing literature. Thus, four key aspects in which physiotherapy is considered effective were followed: the treatment of musculoskeletal pain, body awareness, physiotherapeutic exercises specific to scoliosis (Physiotherapeutic scoliosis-specific exercises) and quality of life through a bibliographic analysis using the PubMed search engine and from the personal experience of the author.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
- Subjects
musculoskeletal diseases ,muscle inhibition, continuous reflex, inhibition of the muscles, joint, rehabilitation - Abstract
THE PHENOMENON OF MUSCULAR INHIBITION OF ARTHROGENIC CAUSE IN PHYSIOTHERAPEUTIC PRACTICE Abstract Arthrogenic muscle inhibition (A.M.I.) is a presynaptic, continuous reflex inhibition of the muscles surrounding a joint, due to edema or damage to the structures that make up the joint. It is a natural response designed to protect the joint from further damage. It is a phenomenon most often encountered in patients, both after a trauma or surgery, but also in a degenerative process, in the joints of the knee or ankle. The symptoms encountered in the case of A.M.I. are decreased muscle strength, decreased muscle volume and decreased voluntary muscle activity. It is very important in this case to differentiate between the decrease in muscle strength caused by immobilization or non-use of the muscles and the involvement of the phenomenon of arthritic muscle inhibition. This can have major implications for recovery time, the effectiveness of therapy and the prevention of subsequent injuries. It is reported and highlighted in studies that patients undergoing A.M.I. they have a higher prevalence of injuries and in many cases result in long-term joint instability, muscle hypotrophy or decreased strength that is very difficult to recover through classic treatment. The importance for physiotherapists of recognizing this phenomenon and appropriate treatment is very high and has a positive impact on the quality of treatment of patients. This paper aims to conduct a bibliographic research that aims to find conclusive information about this phenomenon and its treatment to improve the quality of services that physiotherapists can provide.
- Published
- 2021
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41. Considerații privind divorțul prin acordul soților pe cale administrativă sau notarială
- Author
Bogdan Dumitru Moloman and Lazăr Ciprian Ureche
- Subjects
JF20-2112 ,extrajudicial procedure ,divorce certificate ,spouses ,Political institutions and public administration (General) ,divorce ,Law ,Political science ,marriage - Abstract
In the study, the authors have examined the provisions of the Romanian Civil Code (art. 375-378) concerning the marriage dissolution through extrajudicial agreement, indicating administrative and notarial divorce. Today’s media coverage of divorce often gives the impression that divorce is a new and modern phenomenon. But this is not so. Divorce has been around as long as bad marriages. However, the ways we divorce have changed. In the beginning, divorce was a personal decision determined by individuals, not by religion or the law.
- Published
- 2019
42. Rezultate sintetice ale procesului de consultare publică privind opțiunile strategice pentru dezvoltarea politicii forestiere [Results of the public consultation process regarding strategic alternatives for the forest policy development]
- Author
Popa, Bogdan, Nichiforel, Liviu, Ionuţ Barnoaiea, Bouriaud, Laura, Dragoi, Marian, Enescu, Cristian Mihai, Halalisan Aureliu-Florin, Indreica, Adrian, Pacurar, Victor, Baban, Gabriela, Sfîrlogea, Sorin, and Scriban, Ramona
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
VOICU, Alexandru-Virgil and VOICU, Bogdan-Iosif
- Subjects
fair play ,legal liability ,social responsibility ,sports ,law ,legal ethics ,ethics - Abstract
The subject proposed to be treated is very important - both for the author and for the general public. The value and function of sport in a society must remain in line with the realities and values of social life in general. Being one of theessential elements of any civilization, we should consider the truth that “sport reflects the society from which it was created.” Thus, we are obliged to be aware of the need to combine the social framework of contemporary sport with the social consciousness of all active and / or passive participants in sports activities. The Olympic ideal of the ancient world, supported by Pierre de Coubertin - the father of the modern Olympic Games, begins to leave the sports field, moving to the field of profitable activities. Sport has become professional - sports professions have appeared, performed in sports enterprises, which are sometimes covered by an amateur mask, which is harmful for everyone. The declarative ethics of sport is transferred, with a wide range of arguments, to legal ethics. Today, we must consider sports activities not only in relation to the ethical norms of society, but also together with the establishment of legal responsibilities and the effects they can have.
- Published
- 2020
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44. Conferinta nationala Comunitati virtuale in epoca Regulamentului General privind Protectia Datelor (CVRGPD) – ediția a IV-a, 5 noiembrie 2020
- Author
Stefan, Oana, Pusca, Andy, Alexe, Irina, Dumitrache, Ana Alina Ionescu, Goanta, Catalina, Ploesteanu, Nicolae, Georgescu, Alexandru, Panait, Bogdan, Pana, Nicolae, Savescu, Andrei, Hodos, Raul Felix, Schiopu, Silviu Dorin, Pintilie, Alexandra, and Sandru, Mihai
- Published
- 2020
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45. Utilizarea dronelor în vederea cartării habitatelor, în cazul unor specii rare de plante, din Estul României
- Author
Bogdan-Mihai Negrea and Pricop, Emilian
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Grigorescu, Mihaela Zamfir, Ciobanu, Ileana, Marin, Andreea Georgiana, Dragos-Cristian Bogdan, and Mihai-Viorel Zamfir
- Published
- 2020
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47. Education system and legal values
- Author
CRAIOVAN, Ion and CUZA, Bogdan
- Subjects
education ,axiology ,value ,philosophy ,legal values ,system - Abstract
The systemic perspective on the educational phenomenon reveals, among others, its complexity and interactions as a social process of formation, development and social integration of the human personality, of transmitting the social experience and of the culture of formation of the capacities and abilities of the individuals, of social innovation. Cardinal landmarks of general systems theory have an important methodological role in the study, understanding and scientific design of education. The philosophy of education integrates the component of the systemic approach, but it is not limited to this, exploring the holistic and metatheoretical aspects. It reveals that, a structural dimension is also the axiological dimension, of integration in education of social values. The law, which includes: legal truth, freedom, justice, legal security, public good, evokes so many constitutive values of educational systems in democratic countries. The concentrated expression of this system, its paradigm could be the human dignity that represents a major educational objective. Therefore the integration and promotion of legal values in the educational system, represents an educational purpose of the most important.
- Published
- 2019
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48. Un sport englezesc învățat din Franța
- Author
Popa, Bogdan
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Contribuția de față analizează apariția rugby-ului în România ca o disciplină sportivă a elitei sociale, limitată la București. Teza mea este că, în timp ce caracterul elitist provine din originea socială a jucătorilor, tocmai acest element a reprezentat o problemă structurală prin nediseminarea acestei discipline în celelalte regiuni ale țării. Dar cea mai interesantă trăsătură a rugby-ului românesc este originea pur franceză a acestuia, fapt ce a fost afirmat public și în timpul perioadei comuniste. Aceste două elemente caracteristice (originea franceză și elitismul) pot fi excelent investigate prin analiza participării la două turnee internaționale importante, Jocurile Inter-aliate (sau Pershing) din 1919 și Jocurile Olimpice din 1924, ambele organizate la Paris., apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania], Nr. 2 (2019): Rugbykultur (in) der Romania
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Mihnea, Ionuț Bogdan and Ceban, Vasile
- Subjects
lcsh:Social Sciences ,lcsh:H ,resistance ,methodological system ,mountain biking ,force ,special means ,special resistance - Abstract
Muscle system represents the main object of attention during the tied up trainingfor developing resistance. The training works on the skeleton muscles that determine theactivity requirements for all the physiological systems. The means of resistance duringgeneral training are actions of movement which are created by the use of different types ofloads and devices. The force in the resistance regime represents the cyclist body capacity toresist the tiredness in the situation of a continuous force activity.
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Baeră, Cornelia, Gruin, Aurelian, Enache, Felicia, Bolborea, Bogdan, and Jurca, Avram
- Published
- 2019
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