
Showing total 23 results
23 results

Search Results

1. [The dynamics of the fungal mycelial content in the soils of stationary posts in a 30-kilometer zone around the Chernobyl Atomic Electric Power Station].

2. [An attempt to study the psychological sequelae of the accident at the Chernobyl Atomic Electric Power Station].

3. [The radioecological lessons of Chernobyl].

4. [The use of ferrocyanides for obtaining pure meat production in contaminated areas following the accident at the Chernobyl Atomic Electric Power Station].

5. [Means of improving and characteristics of the use of beta spectrometry of 90Sr after the Chernobyl accident].

6. [Priority tasks of the common program for the clean-up of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl Atomic Electric Power Station].

7. [Chernobyl radionuclides outside the boundaries of the USSR. The European continent].

8. [Results of a follow-up of participants in the liquidation of the effects of the Chernobyl AES accident].

9. [Dynamics of the immunohematologic indices in patients with acute III-IV degree radiation sickness in the post-pancytopenia period].

10. [The hematological effects in those exposed to radiation in the accident at the Chernobyl Atomic Electric Power Station].

11. [Thyroid irradiation doses and organization of endocrinological monitoring of the inhabitants of the Ukrainian S.S.R. after the accident at the Chernobyl AES].

12. [Directives on bioeffects of the action of low levels of radiation].

13. [Assessment of oncogenic risk of the irradiation of the thyroid gland in humans].

14. [Nervous system function in persons receiving irradiation at different dose ranges during the cleanup after the accident at the Chernobyl Atomic Electric Power Station].

15. [Clinico-electrocardiographic evaluation of the state of the cardiovascular system inpersonnel engaged in liquidating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl Atomic Power Station].

16. [Establishing of doses from the internal irradiation for the personnel of the Chernobyl AES and persons detailed in 1986-1987].

17. [The regulations of radiation exposure, radiation loads on the population and the medical consequences of the Chernobyl accident].

18. [Health status of the adult population in Western districts of the Bryansk region in 1989].

19. [Functional status of the pituitary-thyroid system in children and adolescents exposed to radiation as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station].

20. [The relation of the times of onset of vomiting to the magnitude and power of the dose of ionizing radiation].

21. [Health-related evaluation of thyroid irradiation doses in inhabitants of the Ukrainian S.S.R. after the Chernobyl AES accident].

22. [National distribution registry of individuals exposed to radiation effects due to the Chernobyl AES accident].

23. [Experience in treating the victims of the accident at the Chernobyl Atomic Electric Power Station and the immediate disease outcomes].