76 results on '"Stepanova, E. A."'
Search Results
2. Resocialization of Prisoners Sentenced to Long Terms of Imprisonment
- Author
Stepanova, E. S. and Raspopin, E. V.
- Subjects
В работе анализируются проблемы ресоциализации осужденных к длительным срокам лишения свободы, выделяются факторы, способствующие повторному совершению преступлений после освобождения из мест лишения свободы. The article analyzes the problems of re-socialization of prisoners sentenced to long terms of imprisonment, highlights the factors contributing to the re-commission of crimes after release from prison.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Feshchenko, A. A., Stepanova, E. A., Lepalovskij, V. N., and Vas'kovskiy, V. O.
- Abstract
The results of an experimental study of the magnetic properties and crystal structure of the Co100-xWx films (x < 22 at. %) sputtered on the glass substrates without and with Ru buffer layer in the temperature range of 5-350 K are presented. Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Российского научного фонда, проект № 18-72-10044.
- Published
- 2020
4. 1,3-Dipolar cycloaddition reaction of fused 1H-pyrrole-2,3-diones with nitrones: a divergent approach to pyrroloisoxazoles
- Author
Stepanova, E. E. and Maslivets, A. N.
- Subjects
This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project № 19-13-00290.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Romanova, D. V., Gritsyuk, E. M., Kara-Ushanov, V. YU., and Stepanova, E. A.
- Abstract
A structural analysis of the analogues of the expert system for diagnosing retinopathy of premature infants (ESDRPI) was carried out, subsystems were examined to search for objects of improvement. The result of the work is the development of automated (ESDRPI).
- Published
- 2020
6. Leo tolstoy's faith: The equivalence of state of mind and content
- Author
Stepanova, E.
- Subjects
The article discusses Tolstoy's faith in the unity of its two sides: As the state of mind of its carrier, and in terms of its content and life principles that flow from it. It is shown that at the same time and in the same respect Tolstoy was the bearer of a faith and its investigator; therefore, its adequate interpretation is possible only if the principles established by him for himself are taken into account instead of abstract and outward interpretation of what faith should be. The article considers Tolstoy's expression of the essence of his faith in numerous works, letters, diaries, etc. during the last thirty years of his life. The article shows the equivalence of Tolstoy's state of mind and the content of his faith, as well as its purely individual character. The conclusion is made about the significance of Tolstoy's understanding of faith for us today. © 2020 Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2020
7. Facile approach to alkaloid-like polycyclic spiroheterocycles via thermal cycloaddition of pyrrolobenzothiazinetriones with olefins
- Author
Polivoda, D. A., Stepanova, E. E., and Maslivets, A. N.
- Subjects
This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (FSNF-2020-0008), Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project № 17-43-590035).
- Published
- 2020
8. Magnetic properties of soft magnetic cobalt-based alloy heat treated in presence of indium vapors
- Author
Feshchenko, A. A., Mikhalitsyna, E. A., Kulesh, N. A., Neznakhin, D. S., and Stepanova, E. A.
- Subjects
inorganic chemicals ,Condensed Matter::Materials Science ,digestive, oral, and skin physiology ,sense organs ,equipment and supplies ,human activities - Abstract
The effect of the indium presence on the magnetic properties of soft magnetic cobalt-based alloy during heat treatment (HT) was studied. It was shown that changes in magnetic characteristics were largely due to the impact mechanism of HT. The presence of indium vapors during HT increased the maximum magnetic permeability and changed magneto-optical hysteresis loops.
- Published
- 2019
9. Educational environment of the secondary professional school as a condition for ensuring psychological security of students
- Author
Stepanova, E. V.
- Subjects
The article discusses the creation of the psychological safety of the educational environment in the secondary vocational educational institution through an educational process that ensures the state of psychological protection of the participants in the educational process В статье рассматривается создание психологической безопасности образовательной среды в среднем профессиональном образовательном учреждении через учебно-воспитательный процесс, обеспечивающий состояние психологической защищенности участников образовательного процесса
- Published
- 2019
10. Secularity in socio-cultural context: The case of Denmark
- Author
Stepanova, E. A.
- Subjects
The article analyzes the meaning of the "secularity" in the socio-cultural context of Denmark, which is considered as one of the most secular nations in the world, while the Evangelical- Lutheran Church there has the status of the state Church. The special status of Folkekirke is enshrined in the 1953 Constitution of Denmark, stipulating state guarantees for favorable conditions of its activities, as well as partial financing. At the same time, the Constitution proclaims freedom of religion. As a subject of research, such situation gives rise to many theoretical problems related primarily to clarify the meaning of the basic concepts of Religious Studies, and the specifics of their applicability to the socio-cultural situation of each particular country. In the framework of the theory of secularization, Denmark is usually viewed as the intermediate model between the British "established" church, and the French principle of laicite. The term "secularity" is considered in the light of contemporary academic discussions on the theory of secularization, multiple modernities, and multiple secularities; the latter implies the isochronal existence of different types of secularity, which are formed within particular cultural-historical traditions of the given country, and constantly change under the influence of emerging societal realities. The article presents a critical review of the most popular theoretical versions in the Western Religious Studies aimed at the explanation of the causes and nature of secularity in Denmark, as well as in other Northern European countries. The author concludes that the considered options, in principle, do not contradict, but complement each other, and prove the fact that adequate interpretation of any complex phenomenon should not be one-sided and stocked within a single subject area. © 2019 Saint Petersburg State University. All Rights Reserved. Ural Federal University, 19, ul. Mira, Ekaterinburg, 620021, Russian Federation For citation: Stepanova E. A. Secularity in socio-cultural context: the case of Denmark. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 2019, vol. 35, issue 1, pp. 209–221. https://doi. org/10.21638/spbu17.2019.117 (In Russian) The article analyzes the meaning of the “secularity” in the socio-cultural context of Denmark, which is considered as one of the most secular nations in the world, while the Evangelical-Lutheran Church there has the status of the state Church. The special status of Folkekirke is * The research has been performed within the grant of Russian Science Foundation No. 17-18-01194 “Religious Majority/Minority in Public Space in Russia and Northern Europe: Historical-Cultural Analysis”.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Stepanova, E. and Kolchinskaya, E.
- Subjects
In this paper, the main characteristic features of Russian clusters are considered. The purpose of the study is to assess the effect for industrial enterprises from their inclusion to an economic cluster. The authors propose a methodology for calculating this effect on the basis of a regression model using the Cobb-Douglas production function. The authors provide calculations on the data of clusters specialized on "Chemistry and petrochemistry", which allow to evaluate the above mentioned effect. As a result of the calculations, a positive effect of the factor of a company's inclusion into a cluster on the company's economic indicators (revenue) was revealed. В данной работе рассматриваются основные характерные черты, присущие российским кластерам. Целью исследования стало проведение оценки эффекта для промышленных предприятий от включения их в экономический кластер. Авторами предлагается методология расчета данного эффекта на основе построения регрессионной модели с использованием производственной функции Кобба-Дугласа. Авторами приводятся расчеты на примере кластеров специализации «Химия и нефтехимия», позволяющие оценить указанный эффект. В результате проведенных расчетов выявлено положительное влияние фактора включенности предприятия в кластер на экономические показатели предприятия (выручку). Статья подготовлена при поддержке РФФИ. Грант № 16-06-00566\16.
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Golubeva, E. V., Chlenova, A. A., Stepanova, E. A., and Kurlyandskaya, G. V.
- Abstract
The work is devoted to a study of the effect of the coating different and both sides of amorphous Fe5Co70Si15B10 ribbon with GE varnish on its magnetic properties and magnetoinpedance (MI) effect. In all cases the decreasing of coercive force was observed, moreover the increasing of sensibility of MI ratio ΔZ/Z to a extend field H of 7 % took place in the case of covering only a free side of the ribbon.
- Published
- 2017
13. Seals and Eulogiai of the Monastery of Symeon Stylites the Younger
- Author
Stepanova, E.
- Subjects
Статья поступила в редколлегию 15.05.2017 г. Received on 15 May, 2017. Article is devoted to eulogiai and seals of the Monastery of Symeon Stylites the Younger, one of the most known centers of pilgrimage in Byzantium. If numerous eulogiai with the image of this Saint are well studied, the seals of this monastery and of its higoumenoi (about 10 specimens) dated to the 11th – early 12th c., are known much less. The iconography of these seals is more la-conic, than of eulogiai: it is limited by the figure of Saint Symeon himself on a colomn. The special group includes the objects with an inscription of “Eulogia of Saint Symeon” of the late 10th – 11th c. Possibly they intended for sealing con-tainers in which the miraculous earth gathered near the column footing of Saint Symeon was placed. Статья посвящена евлогиям и печатям монастыря св. Симеона Младшего Дивногорца, одного из самых известных центров паломничества в Византии. Если многочисленные евлогии с изображением этого святого, изготовленные в самом монастыре, хорошо изучены, то печати монастыря и его игуменов (около 10 экземпляров), ХI – начала XII в., известны намного меньше. Иконография печатей более лаконична, чем евлогий: она ограничена образом самого Святого Симеона на столпе. Особую группу представляют предметы с надписью «Евлогия Святого Симеона» конца X – XI в. Вероятно, они предназначались для опечатывания неких емкостей, в которые помещалась чудодейственная земля, собранная у подножия столпа св. Симеона.
- Published
- 2017
14. «The most sublime and benevolent code of morals which has ever been offered to man»: Debates on the jefferson bible
- Author
Stepanova, E.
- Subjects
The article discusses the origins, content, and meaning of two editions of the New Testament constructed by Thomas Jefferson in 1804 and 1819. He had launched these editions in accordance with his views on the interrelatedness of religion and reason, of the freedom of conscience, and the right to interpret the New Testament through the prism of one's own life experience. The article analyses the sources of Jefferson's perception of Christianity, the influence of the thinkers of the European Enlightenment upon him, as well as contemporary scholarly research on The Jefferson Bible. The author indicates that the religious views of Thomas Jefferson remain the subject of a fierce debate, which expresses a variety of positions: from labeling him as an atheist to imaging him as a deeply religious person. The intensity of these discussions proves that the issue of whether Jefferson could be regarded a Christian and in what sense, as well as what he himself meant by that, goes far beyond the specifics of the historical period of the formation of the USA. According to the author, Jefferson's interpretation of the New Testament is a remarkable example of the conflict between individual and institutional religiosity that manifested itself in the Enlightenment and escalates today. Jefferson's interpretations prove that there are still no simple answers to the critical inquiry Christianity faced over two centuries ago.
- Published
- 2017
15. Новое вино и старые мехи: христианство постсекулярной эпохи
- Author
Stepanova, E. A. and Департамент философии
- Subjects
- 2016
16. About the use of technology of rating in the university system of material incentives for lecturers
- Author
Rabinovich, M. J., Stepanova, E. Y., and Uman A. I.
- Subjects
Данная статья является кейсом, который описывает опыт построения системы материального стимулирования научно-педагогических работников (НПР) Технологического института им. Н. Н. Поликарпова (входящего в состав Орловского государственного университета им. И. С. Тургенева), раскрывает суть реализованных технологий по применению рейтинговой оценки профессиональной деятельности НПР во внутривузовской системе материального стимулирования работников. Актуальность создания в российских вузах систем материального стимулирования НПР возросла после перехода к новой системе оплаты труда в образовательной сфере, которая значительно расширила возможности стимулирования активности работников, что призвано способствовать поступательному росту их профессионального мастерства и, как следствие, повышению качества оказываемых образовательных услуг. Реализация дифференцированного подход к оплате труда НПР требует получения количественных оценок результатов их профессиональной деятельности. Для этих целей целесообразно использовать внутривузовскую рейтинговую систему, что стало традиционным для многих российских вузов. Целью написания данной работы является формирование технологии создания системы материального стимулирования работников вуза на основе рейтинговой оценки их профессиональной деятельности. Для достижения поставленной цели предложено использовать методы интерпретации рейтинговой информации, основанные на индивидуальных квалиметрических шкалах (индивидуальных для каждого рейтинг-листа). Применение предлагаемой технологии в рамках университетского менеджмента способствует созданию конкурентной среды и обеспечивает позитивные психолого-педагогические влияния внутривузовской системы материального стимулирования на рост профессионального уровня НПР и повышение их производственной активности. Практические рекомендации по созданию университетской системы материального стимулирования НПР включают в себя необходимость комплексного подхода при создании системы внутривузовского мониторинга, включающей сбор первичной информации о профессиональной деятельности работников, создание корректных методик рейтинговой оценки (на основе собираемых данных) и использование рейтинговой оценки в системе материального стимулирования на основе предложенной методики. Новым в предложенной нами технологии является метод интерпретации рейтинговых оценок НПР, использующий индивидуальные квалиметрические шкалы. This article falls under the case category and describes the experience of creating a financial stimulation system for teaching staff at the Technological Institute named after N. N, Polikarpov (part of Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev), unveiling the gist of implemented technologies of rating evaluation of teaching staff professional activities in the intra-university system of staff material stimulation. The importance of creating teaching staff material stimulation has grown because of a shift towards new labor payment system in the educational sphere which has considerably broadened opportunities for stimulating employers’ activities, urging them to improve professional skills and therefore leading to higher quality of their educational services. Implementing differentiated approach to teaching staff salary requires quantitative evaluation of the results of their professional activities. In order to achieve that it is reasonable to use intra-university rating system which is a traditional practice for many Russian universities. The aim of this article is to form a technology for creating material stimulation system for university employees based on rating evaluation of their professional activities. In order to achieve the stated aim authors suggest using the methods of interpreting rating information based on individual qualimetric scales (individual for each rating list). The use of suggested technology in the framework of university management facilitates creation of competitive environment and ensures positive psychological and pedagogical influence of intra-university financial stimulation on the growth of teaching staff professional level and improvement of their activities. Practical recommendations on creating university system of financial stimulation for teaching staff requires complex approach in creating intra-university monitoring system that covers initial input on professional activities of employees, creation of correct rating evaluation scale (on the basis of collected data) and use of rating evaluation on the basis of suggested method. A new element in the suggested technology is the method of interpreting teaching staff rating evaluation using individual qualimetric scales.
- Published
- 2016
17. The regularities of change of texture on the radius of an electrotechnical copper wire during the drawing
- Author
Zorina, M. A., Karabanalov, M. S., and Stepanova, E. D.
- Subjects
In the present work the texture parameters of electrotechnical copper wire have been investigated by means of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). It has been defined, that the complex texture is formed in the wire with increasing draw ratio. This texture consists of the limited and axial texture components. The intensity of the limited texture components increases with the degree of deformation. It has been found, that texture components are irregular mixture along the wire radius, and they are located in different areas of semifinished products. В данной работе проведено исследование текстурных параметров электротехнической медной проволоки методом дифракции отраженных электронов (ДОЭ). Установлено, что с увеличением коэффициента вытяжки в проволоке формируется сложная комплексная текстура, состоящая из аксиальных и ограниченных текстурных компонент. Причем с ростом степени деформации интенсивность ограниченной текстурной компоненты возрастает. Обнаружено, что текстурные составляющие представляют собой не равномерную смесь по всему радиусу проволоки, а присутствуют в различных областях полуфабриката.
- Published
- 2015
18. Development of protective coatings for single-crystal cooled turbine engine blades
- Author
Popov, N. A., Kuznetsov, V. P., Lesnikov, V. P., Stepanova, E. D., and Popova, E. N.
- Subjects
The data about the design and research of complex multi-layer protective coatings for cooled single crystal rotor blades of the high pressure turbine (HPT) has been provided. The structure, phase composition, complex reaction zone and coatings interaction with single-crystal alloys have been studied. Приведены сведения о разработках и исследованиях многослойных комплексных защитных покрытий для монокристаллических охлаждаемых рабочих лопаток турбины высокого давления (ТВД). Изучены структура, фазовый состав комплексных покрытий и реакционной зоны взаимодействия с монокристаллическими сплавами.
- Published
- 2015
19. The features of structure of a single-crystal nickel alloy of turboprop working shovel of aircraft engines at operation
- Author
Popov, N. A., Kuznetsov, V. P., Lesnikov, V. P., Stepanova, E. D., and Popova, E. N.
- Subjects
The features of the structure and phase transformations in single-crystal nickel alloy ZHS32-VI after the operation on aircraft engines have been studied. The occurrence of topologically close-packed (TCP) phases during the operation has been investigated. Рассмотрены особенности структуры и фазовых превращений в монокристаллическом никелевом сплаве ЖС32-ВИ после эксплуатации на авиационном двигателе. Исследовано возникновение в ходе эксплуатации топологически плотноупакованных (ТПУ) фаз различного типа.
- Published
- 2015
20. Features of thermal expansion of deformed titanium alloy
- Author
Stepanov, S. I., Zorina, M. A., Gadeev, D. V., Popova, E. N., and Stepanova, E. D.
- Subjects
By means of thermal X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and dilatometry the effect cold deformation by tension (0,7; 1; 2; 3; 4; 6 и 8 % strain) on the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of titanium alloy was studied. For the bars of VT16 alloy 1D invar-type effect in the temperature range from -150 to +80 °C was observed. Abnormal thermal behavior was established to be determined by CTE-anisotropy along the axes of orthorhombic α″-martensite crystal lattice. В работе методами терморентгеноструктурного фазового анализа, дилатометрического анализа изучено влияние холодной деформации растяжением на степени 0,7; 1; 2; 3; 4; 6 и 8 % на температурный коэффициент линейного расширения (ТКЛР) из титанового сплава. На прутках из сплава ВТ16 зафиксировано состояние сплава с 1D (одномерным) инвар-эффектом в температурном интервале –150…+80 °С. Установлено, что аномальное поведение при нагреве сплава определяется анизотропией ТКЛР вдоль осей орторомбической решетки α″-титанового мартенсита.
- Published
- 2015
21. Byzantine seals and holy images of Kamoulianoi
- Author
Stepanova, E. V.
- Subjects
Article is devoted to two unique Byzantine seals of the 8th century from the State Hermitage museum. The legend of one of them is read as follows: «Sacred forces of Kamoulianoi, help Kosmas, hypatos and spatharokiandidatos». Probably, «Sacred forces of Kamoulianoi» refers to acheiropaeic image of Christ («image not made by the hand of man») from Kamoulianoi, the city in Cappadocia the First. This icon is mentioned only in three sources of the second half of the 6th – 8th centuries. Only George Kedrinos (9th / 12th centuries) writes about its transportation to Constantinople in 574 where it was esteemed some decades as palladium of the Empire and the leader of Christian troops in campaigns against unorthodoxes. In the 8th century traces of this holy relic are lost. John, anagnostos, doulos the Mother of God of Kamoulianoi was the owner of another molybdoboullos. Anagnostos is the reader, originally secular one, then the clergyman of a low rank, whose main service includes the reading of texts of apostolic constitutions from an ambon. The phrase «the doulos of the Mother of God» can indicate that John belonged to a diakonia, informal community of clergymen and laymen, established with the pious purposes (for example, for joint worship to some holy icon) and for mutual aid for its members. John was associate at the church of the Mother of God of Kamoulianoi in which the icon of the Mother of God of Kamoulianoi or its copy was stored. This icon is celebrated on May 28 on Gregorian Style or on May 15 on Old Style. It is interesting to note that some important data on this icon coincide with the legend of the acheiropaeic image of Christ from Kamoulianoi. Possibly, already in ancient sources there was an ambiguity con-cerning division of these two wonder-working images. In a number of manuscripts it is spoken about not made by hand icon of the Mother of God from Kamoulianoi instead of the image of Christ. The scholars propose even that there were two different images of Christ and the Mother of God which came from Kamoulianoi and had been equally revered in Constantinople. The future researches will probably answer this question and the seals of Kosmas and John will take there an important place, as the authentic evidences of worship of the image of Kamoulianoi (one or probably two) in the early Byzantine times.
- Published
- 2013
22. Religion and Education in Europe: Debates on Mutual Compatibility
- Author
Stepanova, E. A.
- Subjects
Статья посвящена анализу проблемы преподавания религии в школах в европейских странах. Рассматриваются отличия в подходах к решению этой проблемы, дискуссии по поводу содержания и форм преподавания и его основных целей. Автор делает вывод о том, что в целом преподавание религии рассматривается в качестве важной части воспитания гражданственности и в то же время зависит от историко-культурной традиции, конкретных социально-политических обстоятельств в той или иной стране. The article analyses the status of teaching religion at schools in European countries, taking into consideration different approaches, discussions about the substance, forms and purposes of religious education. The author concludes that religious education in general is seen as the important part of citizenship education, and at the same time, it depends on historical-cultural tradition and current socio-political situation in particular country.
- Published
- 2011
23. Дуки и катепаны Фессалоники XI в
- Author
Stepanova, E. V.
- Subjects
Im vorliegenden Artikel werden sieben Bleisiegel aus der Staatlichen Eremitage St.-Petersburg publiziert, die Verwaltern des Themas von Thessaloniki gehörten. 1. Gregorios, Proedros und Dux von Thessaloniki (M-2314, 11. Jh., Erstveröffentlichung). 2. Theodoros (?), Anthypatos, Patrikios und Dux von Thessaloniki (M-2477, 11. Jh., Erstveröffentlichung). 3. Pastilas (?), Proedros und Dux von Thessaloniki und Serrhai (M-2934 und M-3103, verfertigt mit demselben Matrizenpaar, Erstveröffentlichung). 4. Ioseph, Katepano von Thessaloniki (M-6786, 11. Jh., Erstveröffentlichung). 5. Baasakios Diogenes, Anthypatos, Patrikios und Katepano von Thessaloniki (M-6015, 11. Jh.). 6. Orestes, Protospatharios, Koitonites und Katepano von Thessaloniki und Bulgarien (M-12239, 11. Jh., Erstveröffentlichung).
- Published
- 2009
24. Design of typology of rating conformably to the evaluation of lecturer's activities and departments for the system of gratuity and moral incentive of professional activity at the university
- Author
Rabinovich, M. I. and Stepanova, E. Yu.
- Subjects
В статье рассматривается понятие «рейтинг» применительно к оценке деятельности вузовского преподавателя. Приводятся примеры, когда чисто механический перенос этого понятия из других сфер человеческой деятельности негативно сказывается на качестве всей системы материального и морального стимулирования в вузе. Основное внимание уделено формированию типологии рейтинговых оценок деятельности преподавателя, предназначенной для применения в системе поддержки принятия управленческих решений в вузе. In the paper the concept of rating conformably to the evaluation of lecturer's activities at the institute of higher education (college) is considered. The examples, when a purely mechanical transfer of this concept from other spheres of human activities adversely affects the quality of the whole system of gratuity and moral incentive at the institute of higher education are considered. Main attention is paid to the typology formation of rating evaluations in lecturer's activities meant for use in the system of support of management decision making in an institute of higher education.
- Published
- 2009
25. Карьера Ставракия: из провинции в столицу
- Author
Stepanova, E. V.
- Subjects
Theophanes Continuatus bezeichnet Staurakios und Kosmas als gewinnund goldgierige Kaufleute, die durch Vermittlung des Musikos, der im Dienste des allmächtigen Basileopator Zautzas stand, „ihr Geschäft mit den Bulgaren in die Stadt Thessaloniki verlegten und die Bulgaren auf üble Weise besteuerten". Infolgedessen brach im Jahr 894 zwischen Bulgarien und Byzanz der Krieg aus. Nach 894 verließ Staurakios Thessaloniki, war am Hofe Leons VI. tätig und wurde wegen Veruntreuung zum Mönch geschoren. Das geschah nicht lange vor dem Ableben des Zautzas Mitte 899. Die Laufbahn des Staurakios kann auf Grund von Siegeln näher bestimmt werden. Auf dem ersten Siegel aus der Sammlung der Ermitage, zu datieren auf die Zeit nach 867, begegnet uns Staurakios als Kommerkiarios von Thessaloniki. Auf dem zweiten Siegel (durch je ein Exemplar in Dumbarton Oaks und in der Ermitage bekannt) nennt er sich kaiserlicher Spatharios und Kommerkiarios von Thessaloniki. Die Avers-Seite des dritten Siegels aus der Sammlung des Numismatischen Museums zu Athen ist durch eine Darstellung geschmückt, deren Interpretation für die Bestimmung der Etappen der Laufbahn von Staurakios von grundlegender Bedeutung ist. Er ist bereits Spatharokandidatos und nimmt das Amt des Protonotarios wahr, das zweitwichtigste in der Themenverfassung. Gleichzeitig bleibt er Kommerkiarios von Thessaloniki. Die Vereinigung dieser beiden Ämter ist ein Sonderfall und begegnet in der Verwaltungspraxis von Byzanz sehr selten. Theophanes Continuatus teilt uns nicht mit, welche Stellung Staurakios am Hof in Konstantinopel einnahm. Darüber geben Siegel des Staurakios als έπί τῶν βαρβάρων Auskunft. Der Vergleich der Darstellungen auf dem Siegel des Staurakios, Protonotarios und Kommerkiarios von Thessaloniki, und der Komposition eines der Siegel des Staurakios έπί τῶν βαρβάρων zeigt, dass es sich um ein und dieselbe Szene der Segnung des hi. Nestor durch den hi. Demetrios handelt, d.h. auch in Konstantinopel hielt Staurakios als έπί τῶν βαρβάρων einige Zeit an diesem Sujet fest, das er in der Folge aufgab. Eine große Anzahl von Siegeln des Staurakios weist andere Motive auf. Das bekannteste ist seine Selbstdarstellung. Neben seinem Amt als έπί τῶν βαρβάρων trägt er auf den einen Siegeln den Hoftitel Richter des Velum, auf den anderen ist er als έπί τῶν οίϰειαϰῶν, Verwalter des kaiserlichen Privatvermögens, genannt. Eine bedeutende Anzahl von Siegeln dieses Beamten (ca. 25 Stück) bezieht sich offensichtlich auf den Charakter seiner Tätigkeit. Zuerst war er Kommerkiarios und versah sehr viele Dokumente mit seinem Siegel. Nach seinem Ruf an den Hof setzte er seine Aktivität fort. Die Matrizen seiner Siegel waren einem ständigen Verschleiß unterworfen und mussten durch neue ersetzt werden. Bei dieser Gelegenheit wurden auch die Darstellungen geändert. Da Staurakios noch zu Lebzeiten des Zautzas zum Mönch geschoren wurde, sind diese Bleisiegel nicht vor 894 und nicht nach Mitte 899 zu datieren. Der cursus honorum des Staurakios ist folgender: ϰομμερϰιάριος Θεσσαλονίϰης, βασιλιϰός σπαθάριος ϰαί ϰομμερϰιάριος Θεσσαλονίϰης, βασιλιϰός σπαθάροϰανδιδἄτος ϰομμερϰιάριος ϰαί πρωτονοτάριος Θεσσαλονίϰης, βασιλιϰός πρωτοσπαθάριος, έπί τῶν οίϰειαχῶν ϰαί έπί τῶν βαρβάρων.
- Published
- 2006
26. Связи Сицилии и Херсонеса по данным сфрагистических и нумизматических памятников
- Author
Stepanova, E. V.
- Subjects
Auf dem Territorium von Chersones wurden seit Beginn des 20. Jh.s Siegel mit folgenden Namen gefunden: Epiphanios, Patrikios, kaiserlicher Protospatharios und Stratege von Sizilien; Epiphanios, kaiserlicher Protospatharios und Stratege von Sizilien; Leon, Patrikios und Stratege von Sizilien; Prokopios. Darüber hinaus fanden sich auch mehr als 70 Münzen, die in der Münze von Syrakus geprägt wurden. Wahrscheinlich ist das Auftreten einer beachtlichen Menge von Pholeis Leons V. und Konstantins weder auf den Zustrom von Ikonodulen noch auf die Tätigkeit sizilianischer Händler noch auf die Stationierung eines sizilianischen Kontingents in Chersones zurückzuführen, sondern auf die Prägung von Pholeis in der Münze von Syrakus, die eigens für Chersones bestimmt waren.
- Published
- 2005
27. Печати монетариев Сицилии IX в
- Author
Stepanova, E. V.
- Subjects
Es sind neun Siegel von Monetarioi auf Sizilien bekannt, die auf das 9. 1. ein Siegel des Sergios, Hypatos und Monetarios (Museum von Reggio/Kalabrien), 2. ein Siegel des Ioannes, Hypatos und Monetarios (Museum von Palermo), 3. ein Siegel des Ioannes, des kaiserlichen Spatharios und Monetarios Siziliens (Ermitage, St.-Petersburg), 4. ein Siegel des Ioannes, des kaiserlichen Spatharios und Monetarios Siziliens (Dumbarton Oaks), 5. ein Siegel des Michael, des kaiserlichen Spatharokandidatos und Monetarios Siziliens (Munzkabinett Berlin), 6. ein Siegel des Michael, des kaiserlichen Protospatharios und Monetarios Siziliens (Museum in Messina), 7. ein Siegel des Michael, des kaiserlichen Protospatharios und Monetarios Siziliens (Zakos - Veglery), 8. ein Siegel des Niketas, Hypatos und Monetarios (Zakos - Veglery), 9. ein Siegel des Leon, Monetarios (Zakos - Veglery). Jh. datiert werden. Offenbar verfugte Sizilien auf Grund der großen Entfemung von Konstantinopel in der Münzpolitik über eine gewisse Eigenständigkeit, die zur Bestellung eines besonderen, für die Münze zuständigen Beamten gefuhrt haben mag. Wenn aber, wie das Material der Sphragistik zeigt, das Amt des Monetarios erst im 9. Jh. eingeführt wurde, so mag das auch mit der Veränderung der politischen Lage zusammenhängen, d.h. mit der allmaächen Verdrängung des byzantinischen Reiches aus dem italienischen Festland und von der Insel, als die Münzen von Ravenna, Rom und Neapel der Kontrolle Konstantinopels entzogen wurden. Dieser Umstand bedeutete auch eine Verschlechterung der Lage der Münze von Syrakus. Im letzten Viertel des 8. Jh.s stellte sie ihre Tätigkeit ein und nahm sie erst zu Beginn des 9. Jh.s wieder auf. Die Unterschiedlichkeit der unter Michael II. und Theophilos geprägten sizilischen Goldmünzen gibt zu der Vermutung Anlass, dass zu jener Zeit nicht eine, sondern mehrere Münzen bestanden und dass eben deshalb das Amt des Monetarios eingeführt wurde. Unter den gegebenen Umständen mochte es sich um eine Notmaß-nahme handeln.
- Published
- 2003
28. Das siegelarchiv von Sudak. Vorläufige ergebnisse
- Author
Stepanova, E. V.
- Subjects
Das Siegelarchiv von Sudak wurde im Meer gefunden, an der Stelle des Hafens der mittelalterlichen Stadt. Von ca. 500 aufgefundenen Exemplaren, von denen ein Großteil durch Korrosion unleserlich geworden ist, wählte die Autorin 131 aus, die sie auf verschiedene Zeitperioden verteilt: 1. Siegel aus der Zeit 2. H. VI.-VIII. Jh. (11,5 %): Siegel des Adrianos (άπό ύπάτων), des Andreas (άπό έπάρχων), der Kommerkarioi Kyriakos (άπό ύπάτων und Hauptrechnungsführer der άποθήκη von Konstantinopel, E. VII. Jh.), des Anastasios (Hypatos und kaiserlicher Bademeister [balnitor]), des Ioannes (Hypatos und Haupt-kommerkiarios der άποθήκη, beide zwischen 720 u. 741), und der kaiserlichen Kommerkiarioi der Provinzen von Opsikion (745/46). Der ersten Periode sind weiterhin die Siegel eines Ioannes (Tabularios, VII. Jh.) und eines Petros (Chartularios, 1. H. VII. Jh.) sowie solche von Personen zuzurechnen, von denen nur der Name bekannt ist. Ein Siegelfragment enthielt ursprünglich die Darstellung zweiter Kaiser (Leon III. u. Konstantin V.?) mit Kreuz in der Mitte. Eine Figur ist zerstört. 2. Siegel aus der Zeit vom VIII.-IX. Jh. (25, 2 %. Damals herrschten die Chazaren über Sugdaia): ein Siegel des Kosmas (Hauptkommerkiarios von Pontos Πολεμωνιακός, M. oder 2. H. IX. Jh.) und eines des Chalkoprates (Bronzehändlers) Theophanes (2. H. VIII. - A. IX. Jh.), drei Siegel von Logotheten des Genikon aus dem IX. Jh. (eines davon gehörte dem kaiserlichen Protospatharios Epiphanios) und eines des Strategen des Ostens Phokas (kaiserlicher Spatharios, IX. Jh.). elf gehörten Archonten von Cherson, drei Strategen von Cherson, eines dem Strategen der Klimata von Cherson. Sie alle stammen aus dem IX. Jh. Die Archontensiegel sind durch ein kreuzförmiges Monogramm mit der Inschrift τῶ σῶ δούλω auf der Avers-Seite gekennzeichnet. Ein Siegel gehörte einem Gregoras (kaiserlicher Spatharios), ein weiteres einem Leon (kaiserlicher Spatharokandidat). Andere Namen sind unleserlich. Ein fragmentarisch erhaltenes Siegel ist einem Spatharokandidaten und Strategen (?) der Klimata von (?) Cherson zuzuschreiben. 3. Siegel der 2. H. IX-X. Jh. (11,5% mit Stufenkreuz): Siegel von zwei Logotheten des Genikon (einer namens Theodulos, kaiserlicher Protospatharios, und ein anonymer, dem die Titel Anthypatos, Patrikios und Protosphatharios zuzuschreiben sind) und eines Erzbischofs von Sugdaia namens Petros (2. H. X. Jh.). Die sonstigen Siegel sind unleserlich. 4. X.-XI. Jh. (59%, gekennzeichnet durch folgende Kombinationen der Gestaltung von Avers- und Reverseite: Bild - Bild, Bild - Inschrift, Bild mit Umschrift - Inschrift, Inschrift - Inschrift), darunter Siegel des kaiserlichen Protospatharios und Strategen von Cherson Epiphanios mit Darstellung des hi. Nikolaos (E. X., A. 11. Jh.), des Logotheten des Genikon Niketas (Anthypatos, Patrikios und kaiserlicher Protospatharios, X. Jh. - 1. H. XI. Jh.), des Protospatharios und Strategen von Thrakesion Ioannes, des Protospatharios und Strategen von Cherson (?) Bardas, drei Exemplare vom Siegel des Protospatharios und Strategen von Sugdaia Georgios mit Brustbild auf dem Avers und das Siegel eines namentlich unbekannten Primikerios und Hebdomars am Hof von Konstantinopel. Hinzu kommt das Privatsiegel eines Niketas Piperis. Die letztgenannten Siegel entstammen alle dem XI. Jh. Siegel aus späterer Zeit sind nicht bekannt. Da das Thema weiterbestand, ist es möglich, dass die Dokumente irgendwo an anderer Stelle aufbewahrt wurden.
- Published
- 2001
- Author
Ajzikovich, A. Ja., Korotkikh, S. A., and Stepanova, E. A.
- Subjects
ПАТЕНТ ,PATENT ,A61L 27/00 ,ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ ,INVENTION ,A61L 27/04 ,A61F 2/14 ,A61L 27/14 - Abstract
FIELD: medicine, ophthalmology. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to polymethylmethacrylate-base material containing N, N'-ethylene- -bis-(1,1, 1,2,2,3,3,4,4-nonafluoro-7-aminooct-6-ene-5-one)-ate of copper, nickel or palladium as a light-filtering addition. Transplant material provides protection from UV-radiation below 480 nm as the natural eye lens. Invention can be used for making extra- and intraocular transplants used for ultraviolet protection of retina in aphakia. EFFECT: improved properties and enhanced effectiveness of the transplant. Изобретение относится к офтальмологии и предназначено для изготовления вне- и внутриглазных трансплантатов, используемых для ультрафиолетовой защиты сетчатки при афакии. Материал на основе полиметилметакрилата, содержащий в качестве светофильтрующей добавки N,N'-этиленбис-(нонафтор-7-аминоокт-6-ен-5-он)-ат меди, никеля или палладия. Материал трансплантата обеспечивает защиту от УФ-излучения до 480 нм аналогично естественному хрусталику глаза.
- Published
- 1999
30. Императорские печати иконоборческого периода. Некоторые наблюдения
- Author
Stepanova, E. V.
- Subjects
Das Kreuz als Zeichen des Sieges z. Zt. Konstantins I., die Zurückführung des Kreuzes aus Persien im J. 627 und die Konfrontation mit dem Islam verliehen dem Kreuz ständig steigende Bedeutung. Seit dem 4. Jh. finden wir Münzdarstellungen des Kreuzes in Händen der Viktoria, zwischen den Kaisern, als Einzelelement, auf dem Reichsapfel oder dem Diadem. Das Stufenkreuz erscheint zum erstenmal gegen Ende des 6. Jh. auf Solidi Tiberios' II. und hält sich auf ihnen bis zum J. 720, in welchem es auf die Miliarisien übertragen wird. Auf Bleisiegeln findet sich seit Iustinian I. das Bild der Gottesmutter mit Christusknaben, auf dem Revers gewöhnlich das Kaiserbildnis. Das Bild der Gottesmutter, schon von Konstantin IV. mitunter durch ein Kreuz ersetzt, weicht in den Jahren 720-741 dem Stufenkreuz mit Trinitätsanrufung, auf dem Revers finden sich die Namen der Kaiser. Daneben erscheint ein rein weltlicher Siegeltyp mit Brustbild von Kaiser und Mitkaiser auf jeweils einer Seite. In Fällen von Alleinherrschaft bleibt der Revers frei. Entsprechend weicht auf Solidi das zurerst unter Iustinian II. erscheinende Christusbild einer beidseitigen Kaiserdarstellung. Der Usurpator Artabasdos, der 742-743 den Bilderkult wiederherzustellen versprach, und sein Sohn Nikephoros behielten die ikonoklastische Siegelform -Stufenkreuz mit Trinitätsanrufung - bei. Auch die Rückkehr zum Bilderkult 787 schlug sich nicht in der Siegelgestaltung nieder. Aus der Zeit der Alleinherrschaft Konstantins VI. (790-792) blieb nur ein Siegel mit dem Brustbild des Kaisers und leerem Revers erhalten. Ein anderes Exemplar, vielleicht kein Siegel, zeigt das Brustbild und auf dem Revers das Stufenkreuz ohne Trinitätsanrufung. Siegel der von 797 bis 802 allein regierenden Eirene zeigen ausschließlich die Kaiserin. Hingegen erscheint auf dem Avers der Siegel Nikephoros' I. (802-811) und seines Mitkaisers Staurakios (802-811) das Bild der Gottesmutter mit Jesusknaben, das Nikephoros-Siegel zeigt auf dem Revers das Brustbild des Kaisers, das gemeinsame Siegel hingegen das Stufenkreuz. 815 stellten Leon V. und sein Mitkaiser Konstantin die Siegelform Leons III. und Konstantins V. wieder her. Sie hält sich bis zum Ende des Ikonoklasmus. Die Kaiser Michael II. (820-829) und Theophilos (829-842) führten auch Siegel mit ihrem Porträt. Stufenkreuz mit Trinitätsanrufung und Kaiserinschrift auf dem Revers finden sich zum letztenmal auf dem Bleisiegel Michaels III., Theodoras und Theklas (842/43).
- Published
- 1999
31. Cultural-Historical Prerequisites of Formation of Orientation Towards Corruption in Consciousness and Ways of Its Overcoming
- Author
Syuzeva, N. V., Kiselev, K., Stepanova, E., Emikh, V., and Rudenko, V.
- Subjects
The problem of combating corruption is one of the most important in Russia today. The counteraction includes all institutions of the civil society; however, the practice shows low efficiency. The author connects low productivity of anti-corruption measures with orientation of individual consciousness towards corruption, which has cultural and historical roots and is seen as the prejudice of public consciousness. The orientation towards corruption in consciousness is caused by presence of stereotypes of corruption behavior in national character, which is reflected not only in legal consciousness, but also in legal selfconsciousness; such orientation contributes to particular outlook tolerant towards corruption. The author considers possibility of combating corruption through destruction of corruption stereotypes, leveling of their influence on massive and individual consciousness by creating counterculture, which denies corruption in general.
- Published
- 2014
32. [Synchronous primary multiple cancer: distal cholangiocarcinoma of the intrapancreatic common bile duct and intraductal papillary mucinous tumor associated with ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreatic tail].
- Author
Setdikova GR, Stepanova EA, Verbovsky AN, and Semenkov AV
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Bile Duct Neoplasms surgery, Bile Duct Neoplasms diagnosis, Bile Duct Neoplasms pathology, Pancreatic Neoplasms surgery, Pancreatic Neoplasms diagnosis, Pancreatic Neoplasms pathology, Common Bile Duct Neoplasms surgery, Common Bile Duct Neoplasms diagnosis, Common Bile Duct Neoplasms pathology, Common Bile Duct surgery, Common Bile Duct pathology, Middle Aged, Pancreatectomy methods, Treatment Outcome, Aged, Tomography, X-Ray Computed methods, Cholangiocarcinoma diagnosis, Cholangiocarcinoma surgery, Cholangiocarcinoma pathology, Neoplasms, Multiple Primary surgery, Neoplasms, Multiple Primary pathology, Neoplasms, Multiple Primary diagnosis, Carcinoma, Pancreatic Ductal surgery, Carcinoma, Pancreatic Ductal diagnosis, Carcinoma, Pancreatic Ductal pathology, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous diagnosis, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous surgery, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous pathology
- Abstract
We present a combination of distal cholangiocarcinoma of the intrapancreatic common bile duct and intraductal papillary mucinous tumor associated with ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreatic tail. This clinical case is unique. When analyzing the literature, we found no any case of similar primary multiple malignant tumor. Importantly, final diagnosis of simultaneous malignant pancreatobiliary neoplasia is possible only via intraoperative biopsy after adequate morphological dissection and research of resected organ complex including molecular genetic analysis due to identical histological and immunohistochemical picture of ductal neoplasia.
- Published
- 2024
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33. [Difficulties in differential diagnosis of the AL- and ATTR-cardiac amyloidosis. Case report].
- Author
Orlov FI, Ansheles AA, Nasonova SN, Saidova MA, Zhirov IV, Stepanova EA, Suvorina MY, Shoshina AA, Tereshchenko SN, and Sergienko VB
- Subjects
- Humans, Diagnosis, Differential, Amyloid Neuropathies, Familial diagnosis
- Abstract
The article presents a clinical case describing a complex differential diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis types and verification of the diagnosis of AL-amyloidosis.
- Published
- 2023
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34. [A rare variant in the TTR gene (p.E112K) is associated with systemic amyloidosis and a new symptom - skin hyperemia in response to ethanol intake: family segregation analysis, literature review, and a clinical case. Case report].
- Author
Chumakova OS, Nasonova SN, Frolova YV, Stepanova EA, Mershina EA, Sinitsyn VE, Zateyshchikov DA, and Zhirov IV
- Subjects
- Humans, Mutation, Phenotype, Prealbumin genetics, Amyloid Neuropathies, Familial diagnosis, Amyloid Neuropathies, Familial genetics, Amyloid Neuropathies, Familial complications, Hyperemia complications
- Abstract
Transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR-amyloidosis) is a systemic disorder associated with extracellular deposition in the tissues and organs of amyloid fibrils, transthyretin-containing insoluble protein-polysaccharide complexes. The change in transthyretin conformation, leading to its destabilization and amyloidogenicity, can be acquired (wild type, ATTRwt) and hereditary due to mutations in the TTR gene (variant, ATTRv) [1, 2]. Hereditary ATTR-amyloidosis has an earlier onset and greater phenotypic diversity. The age of the manifestation, the predominant phenotype, and the prognosis are often determined by the genetic variant. To date, more than 140 variants in the TTR gene have been identified; however, most of them are described in single patients and do not have clear evidence of pathogenicity. The prospects of a new pathogenetic treatment of ATTR-amyloidosis [3], especially effective in the early stages of the disease, increases the relevance of timely diagnosis, which is challenging due to physicians' lack of awareness. This article presents a clinical case of ATTRv-amyloidosis associated with a rare pathogenic variant in the TTR gene and a newly described skin symptom. This article is a literature review.
- Published
- 2023
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35. [The effectiveness of transtympanic use of dexamethasone 4 mg in Meniere's disease, severe and moderate course of the disease].
- Author
Kryukov AI, Kunelskaya NL, Garov EV, Stepanova EA, Sudarev PA, Yanyushkina ES, Abramenko AS, Garova EE, and Larionova EV
- Subjects
- Dexamethasone, Humans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging methods, Endolymphatic Hydrops, Meniere Disease complications, Meniere Disease diagnosis, Meniere Disease drug therapy, Vestibule, Labyrinth
- Abstract
The results of transtympanic administration of 4 mg dexamethasone in 37 patients with moderate and severe Meniere's disease are presented. The endolymphatic hydrops was detected in all inner ear structures with predominant accumulation in vestibule and semicircular canals by MRI-visualization before therapy. After 1 month of 4 mg dexamethasone transtympanic therapy the hydrops degree decreased. Daily transtympanic administration of 4 mg dexamethasone for a month leads to reduction of vertigo attacks duration and expression in 92% of cases (follow-up period 24 months) and can be considered when conservative therapy is ineffective before destructive surgical interventions.
- Published
- 2022
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36. [Possibilities of morphological diagnosis of amyloid in the subcutaneous adipose tissue biopsy specimens].
- Author
Stepanova EA
- Subjects
- Adipose Tissue, Amyloid, Biopsy, Humans, Retrospective Studies, Subcutaneous Fat, Amyloidosis
- Abstract
Objective: To retrospectively analyze the results of histological examination of subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) biopsy specimens versus the diagnostic value of drugs manufactured by different procedures., Material and Methods: The investigators selected and analyzed the results of biopsy studies with the simultaneous production of two different types of tissue specimens (squashed native specimens, sections from the paraffin blocks) from the abdominal SAT biopsy specimens obtained from 118 patients. In each case, the tissue specimens were stained with Congo red and examined in polarized light, concurrently using the positive control. The criterion for amyloid was the ability of congophilic deposits to birefringence with a characteristic luminescence spectrum when examined in polarized light., Results: Compared to the sections from the paraffin blocks, the native specimens were shown to be of high diagnostic value. The advantages of different types of tissue samples made from SAT biopsy specimens were formulated., Conclusion: The SAT biopsy specimens are characterized by the minimal risk to a patient and by the easy way of sampling and are a frequent subject for screening biopsies. In addition to the type of amyloid, the volume, quality, and method of processing the biopsy specimen are responsible for the diagnostic value of SAT examination. The study of squashed native specimens stained with Congo red is most informative when using polarized light.
- Published
- 2022
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37. [Congenital cholesteatoma of the mastoid process: cases of diagnosis and surgical treatment].
- Author
Zelenkova VN, Zelenkov AV, Kryukov AI, Stepanova EA, and Moseykina LA
- Subjects
- Humans, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Cholesteatoma congenital, Cholesteatoma diagnosis, Cholesteatoma surgery, Mastoid pathology, Mastoid surgery
- Abstract
A brief review of the epidemiology and pathogenesis of congenital cholesteatoma (CC) of the temporal bone pyramid is presented, classifications reflecting the degree of spread or localization of the process are considered. Variants of local CCs of the mastoid process don't fit into these classifications, as well as there is no statistics on the frequency of their detection and treatment due to the rarity of this pathology. Clinical cases of diagnosis, surgical treatment of CC of the mastoid process and its results are described. Clinical examples indicate a long-term asymptomatic course of CC of the mastoid process, accompanied by a pronounced destructive process in the mastoid process. Early surgical treatment makes it possible to remove the neoplasm as radically as possible and preserve hearing function.
- Published
- 2022
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38. [Neuroimaging of the endolymphatic hydrops of the labyrinth in severe and moderately severe Meniere's disease].
- Author
Kryukov AI, Kunelskaya NL, Garov EV, Stepanova EA, Baybakova EV, Yanyushkina ES, Chugunova MA, Zaoeva ZO, Abramenko AS, and Larionova EV
- Subjects
- Contrast Media, Humans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Neuroimaging, Endolymphatic Hydrops diagnostic imaging, Meniere Disease diagnostic imaging, Vestibule, Labyrinth
- Abstract
The results of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the inner ear 24 hours after intratympanic administration of 1 ml of diluted (1:7) contrast substance for gadolinium-based MRI in 43 patients with moderate and severe Meniere's disease course are presented. It has been revealed that in case of severe and moderate course of Meniere's disease endolymphatic hydrops is presented in all departments of labyrinth: cochlea, vestibule, semicircular canals, but is most pronounced in vestibular department of labyrinth: horizontal semicircular canal and vestibule. The neuroimaging method according to the presented protocol is safe and can be applied in a wide practice both to assess the presence and localization, and the degree of expression of the endolymphatic hydrops.
- Published
- 2021
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39. [Clinical significance of radiological methods for diagnosing endolymphatic hydrops in Ménière's disease].
- Author
Svistushkin VM, Mukhamedov IT, Stepanova EA, Morozova SV, and Bidanova DB
- Subjects
- Humans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Temporal Bone diagnostic imaging, Ear, Inner, Endolymphatic Hydrops diagnostic imaging, Meniere Disease diagnostic imaging
- Abstract
Ménière's disease is a chronic disorder of the inner ear, a permanent sing of which is endolymphatic hydrops. For the diagnosis of Ménière's disease in clinical practice, criteria that are primarily based on the clinical picture. However, instrumental methods for diagnosing Ménière's disease, aimed at identifying endolymphatic hydrops, continue to be developed and improved. Radiation diagnostics contribute significant contribution and aimed at identifying the characteristic signs of Ménière's disease. Recently, it has become possible to visualize endolymphatic hydrops using MRI of the temporal bones. This publication presents an analysis of the current state of this topical aspect of the problem of diagnosing Ménière's disease. The purpose of this review is to conduct a comparative analysis of radiation methods for diagnosing Ménière's disease., Material and Methods: The study included publications in English and Russian found in the PubMed, eLibrary database related to the diagnosis of Meniere's disease., Results: A comparative analysis of computed tomography of the temporal bones, magnetic resonance imaging of the temporal bones and diagnostic possibilities for detecting signs characteristic of Ménière's disease are presented. The most diagnostically significant method of studying Ménière's disease is identified., Conclusion: MRI of the temporal bones with contrast enhancement is a promising method that can be used to develop an effective treatment algorithm.
- Published
- 2021
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40. [Combination of CT and MRT in the diagnostic of middle ear cholesteatoma. Fusion technology is precise localization tool].
- Author
Kosyakov SY, Pchelenok EV, Stepanova EA, and Tarasova OY
- Subjects
- Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Ear, Middle diagnostic imaging, Ear, Middle surgery, Humans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Technology, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Cholesteatoma, Middle Ear diagnostic imaging, Cholesteatoma, Middle Ear surgery
- Abstract
Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods of the middle ear cholesteatoma diagnostic have its advantages and disadvantages. Fusion technology is a post-processing process of CT and MRI images. Its main advantage is the localization of MR-hyperintensive cholesteatoma within the bony anatomical structures obtained on CT, which provides the surgeon with important information both before planning the primary surgical intervention and during a second revision for recurrent cholesteatoma.
- Published
- 2021
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41. [A case of diagnostics and surgical treatment of a patient with a neuroma of the facial nerve].
- Author
Krukov AI, Garov EV, Zelenkova VN, Zelenkov AV, Stepanova EA, and Panasova AS
- Subjects
- Facial Nerve surgery, Humans, Petrous Bone, Tympanic Membrane, Ear, Inner, Neuroma
- Abstract
The article provides a brief overview of the epidemiology of facial nerve neuromas (FNN, schwannomas), its clinical signs, methods of diagnostic and treatment and indications for their use. A rare clinical case of diagnostics, surgical treatment of FNN with intracranial spread and its results are described in detail. The presented case demonstrates a possible low-symptom course of FNN with intracranial spread. The use of a combined surgical approach (translabyrinthine and extradural subtemporal) in conjunction with neurosurgeons makes it possible to remove FNN with intracranial spread with simultaneous intratemporal neuroplasty of the nerve trunk from the tympanic part of the canal to the bottom of the internal auditory canal with a fragment of the sural nerve with an improvement in the function of the affected nerve.
- Published
- 2020
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42. [Intestinal manifestations of Behçet's disease].
- Author
Goloeva RG, Alekberova ZS, Lisitsyna TA, Stepanova EA, and Orlova LP
- Subjects
- Colon, Humans, Intestines, Ulcer, Behcet Syndrome complications, Behcet Syndrome diagnosis, Intestinal Diseases etiology
- Abstract
Behçet's disease (BD) is a systemic vasculitis of unknown origin, characterized by recurrences of the ulcerative process in the oral cavity and on the genitals, inflammatory damage of the eyes, joints, vessels and other organs. The severity and prognosis of BD determines organ pathology. Intestinal manifestations of BD (intestinal BD) are the least studied. Its verification in BD is complicated by the variety of clinical manifestations, their similarity with inflammatory bowel diseases, the lack of informative laboratory tests, pathognomonic endoscopic and histological signs. Intestinal BD can lead to serious complications (massive bleeding, intestinal perforation and fistula formation), which can not only significantly reduce the quality of the patient's life, but also cause death. Treatment of intestinal BD is not standardized; it is mainly empirical and conducted courses. The purpose of therapy is to achieve clinical remission, healing of intestinal ulcers and prevention of surgery. The article presents a case of severe refractory intestinal BD, requiring twice emergency surgical care - removal of half and then the whole of the colon because of multiple perforations. A brief review of the literature is given and diagnostic difficulties of intestinal BD are discussed.
- Published
- 2019
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43. [Clinical and diagnostic observations of a complicated course of chronic otitis media, cholesteatoma in children].
- Author
Sambulov VI and Stepanova EA
- Subjects
- Child, Chronic Disease, Ear, Middle, Facial Nerve pathology, Humans, Retrospective Studies, Cholesteatoma, Middle Ear complications, Cholesteatoma, Middle Ear diagnosis, Cholesteatoma, Middle Ear therapy, Otitis Media complications, Otitis Media diagnosis, Otitis Media therapy
- Abstract
Formation of labyrinth fistulas and destruction of the facial nerve canal in children with middle ear cholesteatoma is rare. Data of children with cholesteatoma of the middle ear, operated in the ENT department of MONIKI, is analyzed. Several clinical observations of multiple-aged patients with the presence of cholesteatoma intra-temporal complications are presented. The preoperative computer tomography made it possible to diagnose the presence of the labyrinth fistula and the destruction of the facial nerve channel, which was confirmed intraoperatively.
- Published
- 2019
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44. [Multiple pneumocele associated with temporal bone hyperpneumatization].
- Author
Garov EV, Zelenkova VN, Stepanova EA, and Meparishvili AS
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Hearing Loss diagnosis, Hearing Loss etiology, Humans, Male, Mastoid diagnostic imaging, Mastoid pathology, Mastoid surgery, Otologic Surgical Procedures methods, Temporal Bone diagnostic imaging, Temporal Bone pathology, Temporal Bone surgery, Tomography, Spiral Computed methods, Treatment Outcome, Bone Diseases diagnosis, Bone Diseases etiology, Bone Diseases physiopathology, Bone Diseases surgery, Pneumocephalus diagnosis, Pneumocephalus physiopathology, Pneumocephalus surgery
- Abstract
The authors consider in brief epidemiology, diagnostics, and variants of the surgical treatment of the rare clinical condition pneumocele and pneumoencephalocele of the temporal bone. Diagnostic and surgical modalities for the management of multiple pneumocele associated with temporal bone hyperpneumatization are discussed.
- Published
- 2017
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45. [The role of heat shock proteins 27 and 70 in redox-dependent regulation of apoptosis in Jurkat tumor cells].
- Author
Nosareva OL, Ryazantseva NV, Stepovaya EA, Shakhristova EV, Stepanova EA, and Gulaya VS
- Subjects
- Anisoles pharmacology, HSP27 Heat-Shock Proteins antagonists & inhibitors, Heat-Shock Proteins, Humans, Isoxazoles pharmacology, Jurkat Cells, Molecular Chaperones, Oxidation-Reduction, Apoptosis, Glutathione metabolism, HSP27 Heat-Shock Proteins metabolism, HSP70 Heat-Shock Proteins metabolism
- Abstract
Heat shock proteins Hsp) act as molecular chaperones, protecting enzymes and other proteins against reactive oxygen species. The objective of the study was to investigate the role of Hsp27 in maintaining the balance of the glutathione system and Hsp70 concentrations as well as in implementing Jurkat tumor cell apoptosis. Addition of the Hsp27 inhibitor KRIBB3 (5-(5-ethyl-2-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-4-(4-methoxyphenyl)-isoxazol) to Jurkat cells resulted in glutathione redox imbalance (increased GSSG and increased glutathione reductase activity), a decrease in Hsp70 concentrations, and also increased cell apoptosis as compared with to the intact cell culture. The proposed selective regulation of chaperone activity is a promising direction in regulating apoptosis at the cellular level.
- Published
- 2016
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46. [The role of oxidative protein modification and the gluthatione system in modulation of the redox status of breast epithelial cells].
- Author
Stepovaya EA, Shakhristova EV, Ryazantseva NV, Nosareva OL, Yakushina VD, Nosova AI, Gulaya VS, Stepanova EA, Chil'chigashev RI, and Novitsky VV
- Subjects
- Cell Line, Female, Humans, Oxidation-Reduction drug effects, Dithioerythritol pharmacology, Epithelial Cells metabolism, Glutathione metabolism, Mammary Glands, Human metabolism, Protein Processing, Post-Translational drug effects
- Abstract
The effects of the SH-group blocker N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) and thiol group protector 1,4-dithioerythritol (DTE) on the redox status of cells HBL-100 cells, oxidative modification of their proteins and the state of glutathione and thioredoxin systems have been investigated. Breast epithelial cells cultivated in the presence of NEM were characterized by decreased redox status, increased glutathione reductase activity, and increased concentrations of products of irreversible oxidative modification of protein and amino acids. Cultivation of HBL-100 cells in the presence of DTE resulted in a shift of the redox status towards reduction processes and increased reversible protein modification by glutathionylation. The proposed model of intracellular redox modulation may be used in the development of new therapeutic approaches to treat diseases accompanied by impaired redox homeostasis (e.g. oncologic, inflammatory, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disease).
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
Mravyan SR, Shuginin IO, Pronina VP, Budykina TS, Mikhailova IS, Popov VV, Khorikova EN, and Stepanova EA
- Subjects
- Adult, Anti-Bacterial Agents administration & dosage, Antithrombins administration & dosage, Echocardiography methods, Female, Humans, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Outcome, Tomography, X-Ray Computed methods, Treatment Outcome, Dabigatran administration & dosage, Daptomycin administration & dosage, Endocarditis, Bacterial complications, Endocarditis, Bacterial diagnosis, Endocarditis, Bacterial drug therapy, Endocarditis, Bacterial microbiology, Endocarditis, Bacterial physiopathology, Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus drug effects, Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolation & purification, Mitral Valve diagnostic imaging, Mitral Valve pathology, Pregnancy Complications, Cardiovascular diagnosis, Pregnancy Complications, Cardiovascular drug therapy, Pregnancy Complications, Cardiovascular microbiology, Pregnancy Complications, Cardiovascular physiopathology, Venous Thromboembolism drug therapy, Venous Thromboembolism etiology, Venous Thromboembolism physiopathology
- Abstract
A case of primary infectious endocarditis with the lesion of mitral valve in a pregnant woman is reported The diseases was caused by meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Special attention is given to inefficiency of beta-lactame antibiotics against this infection and beneficial effect of daptomycin therapy. This observation confirms literature data about high frequency of thromboembolic complications of S aureus-induced infectious endocarditis due to the production of various coagulases and von Willebrand factor-binding protein by these microorganisms. An increase of coagulation caused by S. aureus is mediated through activation of prothrombin, factor XIII, and fibrin-binding fibronectin. It requires prescription of direct thrombin inhibitor pradax that proved to yield good results in the treatment of our patient. It is concluded that infectious endocarditis in pregnant women is characterized by an atypical clinical picture due to impaired immunity associated with rapid progression of the process after delivery, high frequency of thromboembolic and DIC syndromes.
- Published
- 2015
48. [Noncompaction myocardium].
- Author
Paleev FN, Abudeeva IS, Demina OV, Vedernikov AV, and Stepanova EA
- Subjects
- Aged, Arrhythmias, Cardiac physiopathology, Arrhythmias, Cardiac therapy, Cardiovascular Agents therapeutic use, Defibrillators, Implantable, Echocardiography, Electrocardiography, Female, Genetic Predisposition to Disease, Heart Failure physiopathology, Heart Failure therapy, Humans, Pulmonary Embolism physiopathology, Pulmonary Embolism prevention & control, Arrhythmias, Cardiac etiology, Heart Failure etiology, Heart Ventricles pathology, Isolated Noncompaction of the Ventricular Myocardium complications, Isolated Noncompaction of the Ventricular Myocardium genetics, Isolated Noncompaction of the Ventricular Myocardium pathology, Isolated Noncompaction of the Ventricular Myocardium physiopathology, Pulmonary Embolism etiology
- Published
- 2011
49. [Role of secondary pathogenic factors in the pathogenesis of primary open-angle glaucoma].
- Author
Lebedev OI and Stepanova EA
- Subjects
- Glaucoma, Open-Angle drug therapy, Humans, Glaucoma, Open-Angle metabolism, Glaucoma, Open-Angle physiopathology
- Abstract
This review deals with the influence of secondary pathogenic factors that include impaired circulatory autoregulation, altered axonal transport, a glutamate calcium cascade of reactions, reduced natural antioxidant system, and accumulated lipid peroxidation products in the eye tissues, pseudoexfoliation syndrome, diminished ciliary muscle function on the pathogenesis of primary open-angle glaucoma. The above factors serve as an element of the major pathogenic factors (elevated intraocular pressure, hemodynamic disorders), aggravate the course of a glaucomatous process and should be kept in mind when complex treatment for the disease is used.
- Published
- 2010
50. [Kawasaki disease in an adult European].
- Author
Stotskaia TV, Mravian SR, Vishniakova MV, Vashchenko AV, Stepanova EA, Denisova LB, and Grigor'eva NM
- Subjects
- Adult, Humans, Male, Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome drug therapy, White People, Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome diagnosis
- Abstract
A case of Kawasaki disease is reported with manifestations of autoimmune vasculitis and predominant affection of coronary arteries. The relevant literature review describes major symptoms of this pathology and risk factors of its atypical forms. It is emphasized that rare occurrence of Kawasaki disease among non-mongoloid subjects should not make the general practitioner les suspicious of this condition.
- Published
- 2009
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