A new species Evergestis impervialis Sinev et Korb, sp. n. is described from Central Tian-Shan, Katta-Kaindy Mountain Range (Kyrgyzstan). It differs from similar species (E. caesialis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1849), E. comealis Amsel, 1961 and E. lupalis Zerny, 1928) by the wing pattern (discal spot on the forewing absent, light middle fascia on the forewing present), by the male genitalia structure (gnathos with very tiny dents on dorsal side, ventral margin of valva distinctly S-shaped) and by the female genitalia structure (apophyses posteriores trifurcated). The new species was found on the southern exposition slopes at the elevations about 2500 m in xerophytic meadows with dominant Poaceae vegetation.