In this study, Alevism is discussed in terms of structures, epistemological assumptions, stove system, Sufi traditions and successions. Alevism is an umbrella concept and this umbrella includes communities continuing a social structure based on "generation-clan-tribe"system and a mystical approach according to this structure. Traditional Alevi groups seen as a source ofinformation inspiration and clairvoyance in terms of epistemological differences have different ocak, different Sufi traditions and different successions. These groups is structured on the shape the main lodge and lower lodge as depending on main ocak and lower ocak system. In this context, The Village Bektashi- City Bektashi; Alevi-Bektashi, Alevi/Bektashi, 'Every Alevi is Bektashi’ etc. usages should be reviewed again. f it is taken into account "Hakk, Muhammed, Ali/Divinity, Prophethood, Sainthood”, the four gates-forty levels, cem(dhikr), succession, dervish lodge, etc.the basic properties of these groups, Alevism needs to explain in mystical life patterns. So, the Alevism in history of Islamic thought should be assessed in the enlightenment tradition. In this context to compare Alevism and Sunnism is not correct. If between Alevism and Sunnism will be made a comparison, this comparison can be made between those who belong to sufi schoob from Alevb and Sunnb. Abo, it b unfavourable to use Alevi theology etc. Concepts