Biljke iz porodice Brassicaceae su bogate nutrijentima, vitaminima C, E i K, folatima i mineralima. Pored njih, sadrže glukozinolate, grupu jedinjenja čiji proizvodi metabolizma predstavljaju antinutritivne materije zbog čega je upotreba mnogih vrsta iz ove porodice u ishrani ljudi i životinja ograničena. Glukozinolati i fenolne komponente daju karakterističan opor ukus ovoj grupi biljaka. Savremenim tehnološkim postupcima obrade moguće je smanjiti udeo ovih komponenti u finalnim proizvodima. Razgradnjom glukozinolata tokom varenja nastaju indoli, nitrili, tiocijanati i izotiocijanati, koji predstavljaju biološki aktivne materije. Dokazano je inhibitorno dejstvo indola i izotiocijanata na razvoj ćelija raka jetre, pluća, stomaka i bešike kod pacova i miševa. Utvrđeno je da ove materije sprečavaju oštećenja na DNK, da imaju antibakterijsko, antivirusno i antiinflamatorno dejstvo, kao i da indukuju apoptozu. Crna i bela slačica su jednogodišnje zeljaste biljke iz porodice kupusnjača. U Srbiji su najviše zastupljene na teritoriji Vojvodine. Pored ovog regiona, primećeno je da su uslovi za uspevanje slačice, kao i drugih jestivih vrsta iz porodice Brassicaceae povoljni i na jugoistoku Srbije. S tim u vezi, započeto je sakupljanje i evaluacija divljih vrsta kupusnjača u okviru EUBRASSWILD projekta evropskog programa saradnje za biljne genetičke resurse kako bi se utvrdilo njihovo stanje biodiverziteta i rasprostranjenost. Crna slačica, Brassica nigra, začinska je biljka rasprostranjena u Evropi, Aziji i Americi. Sreće se u prirodi u divljoj formi, a pored toga se gaji za industrijske svrhe. Preferira osunčana staništa. Široko je adaptirana na promenljive uslove spoljne sredine. Njeni zeleni listovi i tanko stablo su prekriveni sitnim dlačicama. Meki listovi ih čine različitim od drugih predstavnika porodice koji uglavnom imaju glatke i glaukozne listove. Destilacijom semena crne slačice dobija se etarsko ulje koje ima antiseptički i paraziticidni efekat. Zbog veće količine magnezijuma u semenu, ulje crne slačice stimuliše rast kose tako što pomaže rastvaranje naslaga na vlasištu oslobađajući folikul dlake, a pored toga povećava prokrvljenost. Preparati na bazi crne slačice (kreme, emulzije, masti) koriste se u lečenju reumatizma i artritisa. Redovnom upotrebom crne slačice jača se odbrambeni sistem tela. Bela slačica, Sinapisalba, je takođe začinska biljka, koja se sreće divlja kao korovska biljka na njivama, uz puteve, ili kao gajena. Rasprostranjena je na svim kontinentima. Od njenog semena se pravi senf. Postoje dokazi da se još pre 4000 godina p.n.e. u Kini i Pakistanu koristilo seme slačice. Pre nego što je postala poznata kao začin, slačica se prvobitno smatrala lekovitom biljkom. Pitagora je u svojim zapisima naveo da se usitnjeno seme bele slačice pomešano sa sirćetom može koristiti kod ujeda zmija i škorpija. Čaj od bele slačice se koristi za olakšavanje varenja, a u narodnoj medicini u formi obloga za lečenje reumatizma. Sveži mladi listovi bogati vitaminom A, C i E koriste se kao salata i za „čišćenje“ krvi. U slučaju zubobolje, preporučuje se žvakanje slačice radi umanjenja bola, a postoje navodi da isti efekat ima i mlečni sok iz stabljike. Takođe, bela slačica je dobra za pčelinju ispašu, jer su njeni cvetovi bogati nektarom. Pored navedenih mogućnosti upotrebe bele i crne slačice kao lekovitog bilja, one se mogu koristiti za zelenišno đubrivo, ishranu ptica i u industrijske svrhe. Plants from the Brassicaceae family are rich in nutrients, vitamins C, E and K, folates and minerals. In addition, they contain glucosinolates, a group of organic compounds whose metabolic products have antinutritional effect, which is why the use of many species from this family in human and animal nutrition is limited. Glucosinolates and phenolic components give pungent bitter taste to this group of plants. With modern technological processing procedures, the share of these components in the final products can be reduced. During digestion, glucosinolates are degraded into indoles, nitriles, thiocyanates and isothiocyanates, which are biologically active compounds. Indole and isothiocyanates have inhibitory effect of on the development of liver, lung, stomach and bladder cancer cells in rats and mice. These compoundsalso prevent DNA damage, have antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects, andstimulate apoptosis. Black and white mustard are annual herbaceous plants from the cabbage family. In Serbia, they are mostly distributed in Vojvodina province. Apart from this region, it was noticed that growing conditions for mustards and other edible Brassicas, are favorable in southeastern Serbia. In this regard, the collection and evaluation of wild species from Brassicaceae family started off within the EUBRASSWILD project of the European Cooperative Program for Plant Genetic Resources in order to determine their biodiversity status and distribution. Black mustard, Brassica nigra, is a spice plant widespread in Europe, Asia and America.In addition to cultivated mustard that is grown for industrial purposes, it also occurswild innature. Black mustardprefers sunny habitats and is widely adapted to changing environmental conditions. Its green leaves and thin stem are covered with hairs. Soft leavesdistinguish them from other family members who mostly have smooth and glaucous leaves. Distillation of black mustard seeds yields essential oil that possesses antiseptic and parasiticidal effect. Due to the higher content of magnesium in the seed, black mustard oil stimulates hair growth by dissolving deposits on the scalp, thusreleasing the hair follicle, and additionally increase blood circulation. Remedieswith black mustard (creams, emulsions, ointments) are used in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis. Regular use of black mustard strengthens the body's immune system. White mustard, Sinapis alba, is also a spice plant, which is found in wild form as a weed in fields, along roadsides, or as cultivated. It is widespread on all continents. Mustard is made from its seeds. There is evidence that as far back as 4000 BC in China and Pakistan mustard seedswere used. Before it became known as a spice, mustard was originally considered a medicinal plant. Pythagoras stated in his notes that powdered white mustard seeds mixed with vinegar can be used to heal bite of snakes and scorpions. White mustard tea is used to facilitate digestion, and in traditional medicine in the form of a poultice to treat rheumatism. Fresh young leaves rich in vitamins A, C and E are used as a salad and to "cleanse" the blood. In case of toothache, chewing mustard is recommended to reduce pain, and there are indications that milk juice from the stem has the same effect. Also, white mustard is good for bee grazing, because its flowers are rich in nectar. In addition to the mentioned applications of white and black mustard as medicinal plants, they can be used for green manure, as part of bird diet and for industrial purposes.