10 results on '"academism"'
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2. An overview of the opus of architect Đorđe Đorđević (1921-1940)
- Author
Gačić-Ivanov Jelena
- Subjects
đorđe đorđević ,private practice ,ministry of construction ,academism ,modernism ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 ,Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology ,HT101-395 - Abstract
In the historiography of modern Serbian architecture, the work of architect Đorđe Đorđević is characterized by evident marginalization. Although he was a public and private architect who collaborated with eminent civil engineers and bourgeois clients, biographical data and a chronology of his activites have not been consistently established. Many of his works were excluded during fragmentary reviews, due to the proxy signing of projects by civil engineers Lazar Kostić and Miloš Antić, in whose technical bureau he worked in the middle of the 1930s. Also, the circumstances that prolonged the recognition of architect Đorđević are his exclusion from professional associations and professional publishing activites; only one recorded exhibition activity and the devastation of his personal legacy during the Allied bombing of Belgrade in 1944. After a short time in the Ministry of Construction, his professional path was marked by private practice, which began with the establishment of a technical bureau with Aleksandar Kapović. From 1929, he operated as an independent certified architect, implementing capital public and residential buildings, one of which was located in Niš. He demonstrated a keen mastery of various stylistic tendencies, but quantitatively he designed a large number of objects in the style of academism. By consulting the Technical Directorate in the Historical Archive of Belgrade and the Ministry of Construction in the Archive of Yugoslavia, as well as other important primary and secondary sources, a systematic overview of Đorđević's opus was established.
- Published
- 2024
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3. The Belgrade opus of architect Milutin Jovanović (1930-1941)
- Author
Gačić-Ivanov Jelena
- Subjects
milutin jovanović ,belgrade ,architecture ,academism ,modernism ,private practice ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 ,Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology ,HT101-395 - Abstract
Milutin Jovanović belongs to the generation of architects who significantly contributed to the urban and architectural development of Belgrade between the two world wars. However, since there has been no adequate valorization of his creativity, a complete list of his achievements and basic biographical data have remained completely unknown. By reconstructing Jovanović's works, chronologically systematized data about his movement in the architectural profession was obtained. He began his professional engagement as an assistant at the architectural department of the Belgrade Technical Faculty, and later devoted himself to private practice. During the entire interwar period, Jovanović designed dozens of residential buildings and one hotel, and was also dedicated to other design tasks. He was hired by wealthy representatives of the middle class - merchants, clerks, doctors, entrepreneurs and many others, for whom he designed predominantly representative high-rise residential buildings throughout the central city core. In accordance with the developments on the architectural scene of that time, respecting the requests of the clients, his achievements were in two dominant stylistic directions - academicism and modernism. The discovery of buildings designed in the spirit of modernism is particularly significant, because for a long time it was considered that Jovanović's main style was academicism. Given the lack of personal legacy and complete historiographical sources, the research was based on studying of the fund of the Technical Directorate of the City of Belgrade stored in the Historical Archive of Belgrade. Therefore, this work is the first monographic review of the life and work of the architect Milutin Jovanović.
- Published
- 2023
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4. A contribution to the study of the construction of the National Theatre in Belgrade in the 19th century
- Author
Pokrajac Marija
- Subjects
national theatre ,19th century ,belgrade ,obrenović dynasty ,academism ,pozorišni trg ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 - Abstract
At a time when Belgrade began to regenerate itself after centuries of Ottoman rule, a desire to create national symbols that would restore faith and identity to the tortured Serbian people began to be expressed. The mechanisms by which the state sought to demonstrate its power were often based in the arts. Building a national theatre was one of the most successful - but at the same time one of the most difficult - ways by which to restore the national and patriotic spirit. On the other hand, it was also a means by which to adopt a path of Europeanization, one that the Principality of Serbia took up with much zeal. The aim of this work is to draw attention to the construction of a National Theatre in Belgrade in the 19th century, an undertaking that faced insurmountable challenges. From the study of newspaper sources, among others, new sources of information were obtained in relation to the establishment of the National Theatre. However, these sources also allowed us to reach the conclusion that the construction of the National Theatre in Belgrade in the 19th century led not only to the creation of the first national symbol, but also to a pioneering structure in terms of the dawning of Academicism within Serbian architecture.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Иванов, Јелена Гачић
- Abstract
Copyright of Arhitektura I Urbanizam is the property of Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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6. Nine decades of the building of the Serbian academy of sciences and arts
- Author
Pavlović Marina
- Subjects
Royal Serbian Academy ,Konstantin Jovanović ,Andra Stevanović ,Dragutin Đorđević ,Grigorije Samojlov ,Đorđe Smiljanić ,academism ,art nouveau ,socialist realism ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 - Abstract
The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts at 35 Knez Mihailova Street is one of the most representative buildings in the manner of Art Nouveau and French decorativism in Belgrade's architecture. The monumental edifice of the nation's highest scientific institution was built to a design by Andra Stevanović and Dragutin Đorđević in 1912-24. After the Second World War it was adapted to a design by Grigorije Samojlov and Đorđe Smiljanić which restructured the interior in such a way that its spatial and volumetric features in fact corresponded much better to the building's formal and stylistic features than the original design. In addition to shedding light on the history of the building, the paper offers a comparative analysis of the surviving plans and designs for the building and a look at the architectural trends and pursuits of the first half of the 20th century.
- Published
- 2015
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7. Contribution to the study of Nikolaj Petrovič Krasnov's Belgrade work (1922-1939)
- Author
Mađanović Milica
- Subjects
architecture ,interwar period ,academism ,Russian émigrés ,Nikolaj Petrovič Krasnov's Belgrade work ,unexecuted designs ,Belgrade's residential architecture ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 - Abstract
A prominent figure of academic historicism in the architecture of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes/Yugoslavia between the two world wars, Nikolaj Petrovič Krasnov, academician of architecture of St. Petersburg's Academy of Arts, left a recognisable imprint on shaping the urban matrix of Belgrade. Krasnov's diverse and prolific output has begun to attract the attention of Russian and Serbian historians of architecture in the 1990s, becoming an unrivalled focus of the study of the legacy left by Russian-born architects in the former Yugoslavia. Despite significant advances made since then, the pace of research on Krasnov's Belgrade work is relatively slow. The goal of this paper, therefore, is to contribute to the body of historical work devoted to it by drawing attention to six as yet inadequately studied examples, three unexecuted concept designs and three residential/commercial buildings for private clients.
- Published
- 2015
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8. The endowment edifices of Nikola Spasic and his fund in Knez-Mihailova street
- Author
Borić Tijana
- Subjects
XIX century ,academism ,endowment ,Nikola Spasic ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 ,Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology ,HT101-395 - Abstract
Nikola Spasic (1838-1916), famous merchant and Serbian benefactor, gave a tremendous contribution to the architectural development of our recent past The area of Knez-Mihailova street preserves four magnificent edifices that Nikola Spasic bequeathed to the Serbian people, and those buildings are Spasic’s family house, the House of Serbian National Invalid Fund Saint George, Sloga palace and Grand passage. The plans for these buildings were drawn up by the most notable Serbian architects during the times of extreme scarcity and difficulties. Therefore, Spasic’s endowment edifices represent important testimony of the genesis of Serbian capital urban tissue. The creation of modern city and an uncritical hostile attitude toward the monuments of the epoch of academism, as well as the insufficiently researched field of our recent architectural past, have altogether made that many of valuable buildings have been destroyed or lost over the time. Because of carelessness and ignorance, Spasic’s endowment edifices sank into oblivion and reached us as neglected and of changed form. Nowadays, when the professional architectural revision of the role of the past is undertaken the researches of these important monuments, their evaluation and quality contribute to the creation of the proper critical judgment about our architecture.
- Published
- 2002
9. Архитектура у Црној Гори 1918-1941. године
- Author
Kadijević, Aleksandar, Ignjatović, Aleksandar, Popadić, Milan, and Putnik-Prica, Vladana
- Subjects
modernism ,national style ,национални стил ,стручњаци различитог поријекла ,Department of Engineering and the sectors of the Zetaʼ s Banovina Administration ,transitional conception of form ,модернизам ,the sections of Civil Engineering Administration of the third decade ,архитектура у Црној Гори ,академизам ,Техничко одјељење и одјељци Банске управе ,heterogeneity of stylistic directions ,professionals of different origin ,academism ,the architecture in Montenegro ,Russian emigrants ,грађевинске секције ,транзитивна обликовна концепција ,хетерогеност стилских токова ,руски емигранти - Abstract
Архитектура међуратног раздобља у Црној Гори 1918 -1941. године до сада није била предмет темељитих и цјеловитих историографских истраживања. Стога је основни циљ овог рада да се проучавањем њене генезе, стилских токова и обиљежја, анализом дјела и указивањем на центре, ауторе и наручиоце пројеката, тема освијетли са различитих аспеката, систематично сагледа и отвори за даљe научнo проучавање. Током истраживања заснованог на методама савремене архитектонске историографије извршено је прикупљање, систематизација и анализа архивске, фототечке и хемеротечке грађе, евидентирање стања већег дијела објеката, а затим темељито проучавање литературе у циљу извођења објективних закључака, укључујући и њихову компаративну анализу. Утолико су, услед недостатка примарних извора, различити подаци понекад били тешко провјерљиви... The architecture of the interwar period in Montenegro, from 1918 to 1941, hasn’t been the subject of detailed and complete researches of historiography until now. Therefore, the main goal of this dissertation is to highlight the topic from various aspects, to examine it systematically and make it open for further scientific studies, and all this through the examination of its genesis and stylistic directions and features, analyzing the works and pointing to the centers, authors and project purchasers. During the research, based on the methods of contemporary architectural historiography, next things were done: a lot of objects were noted; the collection, systematization and analysis of archival, photographic and newspaper material; the accurate study of the literature, in order to make objective conclusions, including their comparative analysis. Due to the lack of primary sources various data were sometimes difficult to verify...
- Published
- 2019
10. Живот и дело архитекте Николе Несторовића (1868-1957)
- Author
Pavlović, Marina S., Kadijević, Aleksandar, Makuljević, Nenad, and Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana
- Subjects
Ministry of Construction ,објекти јавне намене ,Берлин ,Никола Несторовић ,Велика школа ,Архитектонски факултет ,Министарство грађевина ,Nikola Nestorovic ,академизам ,public buildings ,residential and commercial buildings ,Faculty of Architectural design ,Berlin ,the Great School ,стамбено- пословни објекти ,academism ,сецесија ,secession - Abstract
Никола Несторовић један је од најзначајнијих архитеката у Србији, чије је стваралаштво обележило и обогатило, београдску и српску архитектуру током последње деценије деветнаестог и прве деценије двадесетог века. Иако је у историографији препознат као носилац новог стила сецесије, као и да је његов градитељски опус имао утицај на развој новије српске архитектуре, целокупан стваралачки, научни и стручно-публицистички рад, до сада није био предмет посебног истраживања. Ова дисертација има за циљ да истражи све аспекте деловања Николе Несторовића, са посебним освртом на контекст у коме је стварао, кроз дефинисање утицаја и извора под којим су дела настајала, као и подстицајних али и негативних утицаја средине, који су се одразили на његово стваралаштво. Тежиште рада је на расветљавању појединачних фаза и појава, поређењем са примерима из окружења, као и из средина које су могле да имају непосредни утицај на његово професионално деловање и градитељски опус. У складу са предметом и циљевима проучавања, истраживање је темељено на историографском методу заснованом на прикупљању, анализирању, класификацији и квалификацији свих доступних примарних и секундарних извора од значаја за исцрпно истраживање улоге и стваралаштва Николе Несторовића. До данас је познато да је пројектовао шездесетосам објеката, углавном јавне, пословне и стамбене намене, док се у домену сакралне архитектуре опробао на два пројекта, односно конкурсна рада. Стваралачка делатност од три деценије и велика продуктивност, омогућили су свеобухватно сагледавање, не само пројектантског опуса аутора, него и српске архитектуре тог периода и појединих њених најзначајнијих примера, чији је управо Несторовић аутор. Образован у духу академизма, а савремен у схватањима, током целог стваралачког рада кретао се између академских постулата и савремених сецесијских тежњи, под утицајем средине у којој је стварао. На почетку каријере канони академизма су му послужили као сигурни и проверени ослонац, да би кроз сарадњу са архитектом Андром Стевановићем, остварио већу сигурност и слободу у индивидуалнијем уметничком изразу... Nikola Nestorović is one of the most important Serbian architects, whose work marked and enriched architecture of Belgrade and Serbia during the last decade of the nineteenth century and the first decade of the twentieth century. Although recognized in historiography as the representative of a new style of Secession, and despite the fact that his architectural oeuvre had a strong impact on the development of modern Serbian architecture, his entire creative, scientific and professional-journalistic work so far has not been the subject of a separate study. This thesis aims to explore all aspects of the work of Nikola Nestorović, with special reference to the context in which it was created, by defining influences and sources under which the work evolved, as well as incentives and negative environmental impacts which reflected to his creativity. The focus of this research is to shed light on the individual phases and phenomena, by comparing them with examples from the vicinity, as well as the cultural centers that could have the direct influence on his professional activities and architectural opus. In accordance with the object and purpose of the study, the research is found on historiographical method based on the collecting, analyzing, classification and qualification of all available primary and secondary sources relevant to exhaustively research the role and creativity of Nikola Nestorović. Until now, it is known that he designed sixty eight buildings, mostly public, commercial and residential, while in the domain of religious architecture he participated on two architectural competition. Highly productive creative opus, which lasted for three decades, provided the ground for the comprehensive understanding, not only of the works of the author, but also of the Serbian architecture of that period, period in which some of most important examples have been created by Nestorović. Educated in the academic style, having contemporary perceptions, throughout his creative work Nestorović ranged from academic postulates to contemporary Secession tendencies, influenced by the environment in which he created. At the beginning of his career, the academic canons served as a safe and proven base ground for his creations. Afterwards, through collaboration with the architect Andra Stevanović, Nestorović reached more confident and highly individual artistic expression. Acceptance of Secession and modern aspirations had a deeper basis in Nestorović contemporary personality and his constant search of new formal, functional and structural possibilities of architecture...
- Published
- 2014
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