Cilj doktorskog istraživanja je bio da utvrdi da li postoji prostor da se razvije novi ili unaprede postojeći modeli upravljanja znanjem koji će omogućiti holističko sagledavanje svih veza socijalnog kapitala sa upravljanjem znanjem, a bazirano na prethodno utvrđenim ključnim karakteristikama socijalnog kapitala u kontekstu upravljanja znanjem u organizaciji. Analizom predmetne literature je utvrđen značajan obim međusobnih veza i uticaja koji su potom empirijski ispitivani u neprofitnom sektoru tj. na organizacijama civilnog društva Evropske Unije i Zapadnog Balkana. Osim što su utvrđene karakteristike internog i eksternog mrežnog poslovanja ovih organizacija kao i stepen razvijenosti upravljanja znanjem, potvrđene su sve teoretske pretpostavke ali su utvrđene i određene specifičnosti. Utvrđena je očigledna nadmoć dimenzija i elemenata internog socijalnog kapitala nad eksternim što govori o tome da OCD očigledno pridaju veći značaj vezama koje dolaze izunutra tj. veza koje se ostvaruju preko pojedinaca kao i svih onih elemenata koje karakterišu te odnose a nalaze se u relacionim, kognitivnim i nodusnim dimenzijama. U tom smislu, eksterni socijalni kapital, pre svega strukturne forme kroz koji se on uspostavlja i neguje nije dovoljno prepoznat te tako predstavlja oblast koju treba značajnije unapređivati. Ove specifičnosti su primećene i kod ukrštanja dimenzija i elemenata socijalnog kapitala sa fazama, kvalitetom i zrelošću uravljanja znanjem. Empirijsko istraživanje jeste pokazalo da se elementi socijalnog kapitala mogu ugrađivati u postojeće modele upravljanja znanjem ali da je zbog njihovih ograničenja, koji se najviše ogledaju u odsustvu procesne prirode funkcionisanja, praktičnije koristiti projektne modele upravljanja znanjem te je tako način na koji se socijalni kapital može integrisati u proces upravljanja znanjem prikazan na modifikovanom Gasikovom modelu. Primena tako integrisanog modela upravljanja znanjem je analizirana i u kontekstu njegove praktične upotrebe kojom bi se OCD obezbedila nova paradigma poslovanja koja bi bila bazirana na znanju kao preduslovu za konkurentnije i održivije poslovanje. The goal of the doctoral research was to establish whether there exists a space for development of a new or improvement of the existing models of knowledge management that would allow holistic view of all links that exist between social capital and knowledge management, based on the previously established theoretical findings related to key characteristics of social capital in the context of knowledge management in the organisation. Through analysis of the literature a significant scope of mutual relations and infuences were discovered that set a basis for afterwards empirical research in the nonprofit sector that is on the civil society organisations that work in the European Union and the Western Balkans. The research disclosed not only key characteristics of internal and external network operations of these organisations and their level of knowledge management maturity but confirmed all the theoretical assumptions and established certain specificities. There was discovered an obvious dominance of the dimensions and elements of internal social capital over the external ones which speaks to the fact that CSOs probably are more inclined to the links that come from their organisational inner operations that is from the links realized through individuals and the elements that characterize these links and are found in relational, cognitive and nodus dimensions. In that sense, external social capital, first of all structural forms through which it is established and nurtured, have not been sufficiently recognized and therefore represent a field that should be further significantly improved. These specificities were also noticed when dimensions and elements of social capital were crossed with knowledge management phases, quality and maturity. The empirical research did show that the elements of social capital may be integrated in the existing knowledge management models but that due to the limitations, mostly reflected through absence of process based nature of their functioning, it would be more practical to use the project based models of knowledge management. To that end a modified Gasik model was used to provide a clear presentation on how the social capital may be integrated in the knowledge management process. Application of such integrated knowledge management model has been analysed in the context of its practical usage through which a new paradigm of CSO working could be obtained emphasizing the knowledge as a key precondition for organizational competitive and sustainable work.