- Author
Jančar, Miha and Škraba, Andrej
- Subjects
evacuation plan ,Javascript ,evakuacijski načrt ,algorithem A ,internet ,disperzija škodljivih snovi ,GIS ,air pollution dispersion ,algoritem A - Abstract
Magistrsko delo obravnava problematiko disperzije škodljivih snovi v ozračje s pomočjo vnaprej preverjenih modelov, kodiranih v MATLAB-u in oblikovanje kriznih scenarijev, ki vključujejo evakuacijske poti v primeru izbruha škodljivih snovi v okolje. Opredeljena je metodologija za izračun disperzije škodljivih snovi ter način, kako izračunati ustrezne najkrajše evakuacijske poti. S pomočjo programskega jezika Javascript smo na podlagi omenjenih metodologij razvili spletno aplikacijo za uporabo na terenu. Sistem je sestavljen iz površine za prikaz rezultatov tj. zemljevida, uporabniškega vmesnika ter funkcionalnosti povezanih z evakuacijo, ki jih upravljamo s pomočjo uporabniškega vmesnika. Delovanje aplikacije smo testirali s pomočjo testnih scenarijev, katerih rezultate smo primerjali s preverjeno aplikacijo za disperzijo snovi v ozračju — ALOHA (Jones et al., 2013). Podali smo končne ugotovitve glede rezultatov in predlagali možnosti za izboljšave. The master's thesis deals with the issue of the dispersion of pollutants into the atmosphere by using the previously ascertained models coded in MATLAB and establishing crisis scenarios that include evacuation routes in case of an outbreak of the harmful gas into the environment. It defines the methodology for calculating the dispersion of pollutants and the way how to calculate the shortest appropriate evacuation routes. Based on the analysis of above methodologies we have developed a web application for use in the field, using the programming language Javascript. The system consists of the surface to see the results i.e. map, user interface and functionality associated with the evacuation, which is operated by using the user interface. Application performance was tested using the test scenarios, the results of which were compared with the verified application for the dispersion of substances — ALOHA (Jones et al., 2013). We have given final conclusions regarding the results and propose opportunities for improvement.
- Published
- 2015