1. Uživanje alkoholnih pijač med nosečnostjo in dojenjem
- Author
Damjanović, Andrijana and Benedik, Evgen
- Subjects
alcohol consumption ,škodljivost alkohola ,embryo ,dojenje ,lactation ,fetal alcohol spectrum disorder ,spekter fetalnih alkoholnih motenj ,nosečnost ,alkohol ,plod ,otrok ,child ,alcohol ,alcohol-related harm ,priporočila ,infant ,fetus ,fetalni alkoholni sindrom ,dojenček ,recommendations ,zarodek ,presnova alkohola ,alcohol metabolism ,pregnancy ,udc:612.63:613.953.11:615.45 ,uživanje alkohola ,fetal alcohol syndrome - Abstract
Namen diplomske naloge je bil opraviti pregled literature o vplivu uživanja alkohola v času nosečnosti na zarodek oz. plod ter v času dojenja na dojenčka. Zanimala nas je presnova alkohola v nosečnosti, prenos alkohola preko posteljice na zarodek oz. plod ter med dojenjem preko humanega mleka na dojenčka. Alkohol preko krvnega obtoka matere prečka posteljico in koncentracija alkohola se v krvnem obtoku ploda približa materini ter povzroča negativne učinke na razvoj živčnega sistema zarodka oz. ploda. Alkohol je znan teratogen in uživanje med nosečnostjo pri otroku povzroča več prirojenih težav, imenovanih spekter fetalnih alkoholnih motenj. Alkohol je toksičen ter teratogen v vseh obdobjih nosečnosti in priporočljivo se mu je izogniti, saj varna količina uživanja kot tudi varno obdobje, ko ne bi pustila trajnih zdravstvenih posledic na otroku, še nista znana. Dojenje je najbolj naraven način prehranjevanja za dobro rast in razvoj otroka. V kolikor doječa mati uživa alkohol, se ta izloča v mleko in doseže podobno koncentracijo, kot jo ima mati v krvi. Uživanje alkohola med dojenjem ima negativen učinek na spanje, razvoj ter vedenje otroka. V pregledani literaturi priporočila o uživanju alkohola med nosečnostjo priporočajo abstinenco, medtem ko se priporočila o uživanju alkohola med dojenjem med seboj nekoliko razlikujejo, vendar je zopet najvarnejša popolna abstinenca. The aim of this thesis was to review the literature concerning the impact of alcohol consumption during pregnancy on the embryo or fetus and on the infant during lactation. We were interested in the metabolism of alcohol during pregnancy, the transfer of alcohol through the placenta to the embryo or fetus and during lactation through human milk to the infant. Alcohol crosses the placenta through the mother's bloodstream and the concentration of alcohol in the bloodstream of the fetus is comparable to the mother's, which can cause negative effects on the development of the of the embryo's oz. fetus' nervous system. Alcohol is a known teratogen, the consumption of which during pregnancy causes several congenital problems in the child, called the fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Alcohol is toxic and teratogenic in all stages of pregnancy and it is recommended to be avoided, as there is no known minimum safe amount of consumption as well as a safe period that would not leave lasting consequences on the health of the child. Breastfeeding is the most natural way of eating for good growth and development of a baby. If a mother consumes alcohol during lactation, it is excreted in the milk and reaches a similar concentration as in the mother's bloodstream. Drinking alcohol during lactation has a negative effect on the baby's sleep, development and behavior. In the reviewed literature, it is recommended for pregnant mothers to practice abstinence of alcohol consumption, while the recommendations on alcohol consumption during lactation slightly differ, but again, complete abstinence is the safest option.
- Published
- 2020