1. Sodelovanje med medicinskimi sestrami in zdravniki:: an evaluation of the attitudes of nursing and medical students: Cooperation between nurses and doctors: ocene študentov zdravstvene nege in medicine
- Author
Goriup, Jana, Koželj, Anton, Križmarić, Miljenko, and Strauss, Maja
- Abstract
Introduction: Good cooperation between doctors and nurses enables a higher quality of patient treatment. The purpose of the study was to determine how students of medicine and students of nursing evaluate the relationships between nurses and doctors.Methods: In a non-experimental quantitative study, a Jefferson scale was used to evaluate co-operation between doctors and nurses. 428 students were included in a convenience sample of whom 235 (54.9 %) were nursing students and 193 (45.1 %) were medical students. The data were analysed with bivariate statistics and the t-test.Results: The findings have shown statistically significant differences regarding the gender of the respondents and with some claims also with respect to the students' study programme. The female respondents in general agreed more with the claims than the male respondents. The biggest difference regarding gender was with respect to the claim that students of medicine and nursing students should participate in teamwork during their studies, so that they could understand their roles better (t = 2.59, p = 0.010). In general, the nursing students agreed with the claims more than the medical students. Comparing the two study programmes, the greatest difference was found with respect to the claim that "The nurse should be seen as a doctor's co-worker and colleague, and not as a doctor's assistant" (t = 15.24, p < 0.001).Discussion and conclusion: The findings have shown statistically significant differences in the evaluation of the relationship between nurses and doctors according to gender and study programme. The differences in the views of the students from the two faculties provide an opportunity for future curriculum design of these two study programmes. Uvod: Dobrosodelovanje med zdravniki in medicinskimi sestrami omogoča višjo kakovost zdravstvene obravnave pacientov. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako odnose med medicinskimi sestrami in zdravniki ocenjujejo študenti zdravstvene nege in medicine.Metode: V neeksperimentalni kvantitativni raziskavi je bila uporabljena Jeffersonova lestvica za oceno sodelovanja med zdravniki in medicinskimi sestrami. V priložnostni vzorec je bilo zajetih 428 študentov. Od tega 235 (54,9 %) študentov zdravstvene nege in 193 (45,1 %) študentov medicine. Podatki so bili analizirani z bivariatno statistiko in t-testom. Rezultati: Ugotovitve kažejo statistično pomembne razlike glede na spol anketirancev, pri nekaterih trditvah pa tudi glede na vrsto študija. Anketiranke so se v večji meri strinjale s trditvami. Največja razlika glede na spol anketiranih je bila pri trditvi, da bi morali biti študentje medicine in zdravstvene nege vključeni v timsko delo, da bi razumeli svoje vloge (t = 2,59, p = 0,010). Študentje zdravstvene nege so se večinoma bolj strinjali s trditvami kot študentje medicine. V primerjavi med vrstama študija je bila največja razlika glede strinjanja pri trditvi %Na medicinsko sestro je treba gledati kot na zdravnikovo sodelavko in kolegico in ne kot na pomočnico% (t = 15,24, p < 0,001). Diskusija in zaključek: Ugotovitve kažejo statistično pomembne razlike v oceni odnosov med medicinskimi sestrami in zdravniki glede na spol anketiranih ter vrsto študija. Razlike glede različnih pogledov študentov obeh fakultet ponujajo priložnost za načrtovanje obeh izobraževanih programov.
- Published
- 2018