24 results on '"Game analysis"'
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2. Primerjava pojavljanja strukturnih elementov rokometne igre v različnih časovnih obdobjih tekem evropskega moškega prvenstva leta 2020
- Author
Kozelj, Vasja and Šibila, Marko
- Subjects
difference between different time periods ,razlike med časovnimi obdobji ,parametri igralne učinkovitosti ,analiza igre ,differences between match results ,rokomet ,European Men's Championship 2020 ,razlike med izidi tekem ,handball ,Evropsko prvenstvo 2020 za moške ,game analysis ,game efficiency parameters - Abstract
Namen magistrske naloge je ugotoviti razlike v pojavljanju strukturnih elementov med posameznimi časovnimi obdobji tekem in glede na izide tekem (zmaga, poraz, neodločeno). Vzorec tekem obsega 65 tekem Evropskega prvenstva 2020 za moške. Podatke smo pridobili iz uradnih statistik, objavljenih na uradni spletni strani Evropske rokometne zveze (EHF). Iz statistike smo izbrali 15 spremenljivk, ki smo jih razdelili na obrambne in napadalne parametre. Podatke smo statistično analizirali v programu IBM SPSS 23 (SPSS Inc., Armonk, New York, ZDA). Razlike v posameznih 10-minutnih odsekih tekem v izbrani spremenljivki igralne uspešnosti smo preverjali s Friedmanovim rang testom, primerjavo med izidi tekem v izbrani spremenljivki igralne uspešnosti pa s Kruskall-Wallisovim testom. V primeru, da so obstajale statistično pomembne razlike, smo s pomočjo Bonferonijevim popravkom za ponovljene meritve ugotavljali, med katerimi podskupinami prihaja do teh statistično pomembnih razlik.Ugotovljene so bile statistično pomembne razlike glede na izide tekem (med tistimi, ki so zmagali, in tistimi, ki so izgubili tekmo). Zmagovalci so dosegli statistično več golov, izvedli več strelov, dosegali več golov iz protinapada, dosegali več golov z linije šestih metrov iz sredine, imeli večje število asistenc, naredili manj tehničnih napak, odvzeli so več žog in vratarji so obranili več strelov. Ugotovili smo tudi, da do statističnih razlik prihaja tudi med poraženci in ekipami, ki so igrale neodločeno. Ekipe, ki so tekmo igrale neodločeno, so naredile manj tehničnih napak v primerjavi s poraženci. Do razlik v izbranih parametrih pa je prihajalo tudi v posameznih odsekih tekem. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da prihaja do razlik v številu napadov (0–10 min < 10–20 min, 20–30 min, 30–40 min, 40–50 min, 50–60 min in 20–30 min > 30–40 min, 40–50 min), številu strelov (0–10 min < 10–20 min, 20–30 min, 30–40 min, 50–60 min in 20–30 min > 40–50 min), številu golov z linije šestih metrov iz sredine (0–10 min < 30–40 min, 50–60 min) in številu dvominutnih izključitev (0–10 min < 30–40 min, 50–60 min). Magistrsko delo predstavlja pomembne značilnosti, ki ločijo uspešnejše ekipe od manj uspešnih, prav tako pa prispeva k razumevanju nastalih razlik igralne uspešnosti, ki so se pojavile v posameznih odsekih tekem. The purpose of the master's thesis is to identify the differences in the occurrence of structural elements between individual time periods of matches and according to the results of matches (win, defeat, and tie). The sample of matches comprises 65 matches of European Men’s Championship 2020. Data were obtained from official statistics from the official website of the European Handball Federation (EHF). We selected 15 variables from the statistics, which we divided into parameters related to activities attack and in defense. Data were statistically analyzed in program IBM SPSS 23 (SPSS Inc., Armonk, New York, ZDA). The differences between ten minutes periods of the matches in the selected variable of game efficiency were checked with Friedman rank test, and the comparison between results of the matches in selected variable with Kruskall-Wallis test. In the case, there were statistically significant differences we used Bonferoni’s correction for repeated measurements to identify between which subgroups there are statistically significant differences.It was found out that there are statistically significant differences according to the results of matches (between those who won the match and those who lost). Winners scored statistically more goals, attempted more shots, scored more goals from counterattack, scored more goals from the six-meter line from the middle, had more assists, made fewer technical fouls, took more balls and goalkeepers defended more shots. We also found out that statistical differences occur between losers and teams that played tie. Teams that played the match tie, made less technical fouls compared to losers. Differences in the selected parameters also occurred between individual sections of matches. It was found out that there were differences in the number of attacks (0–10 min < 10–20 min, 20–30 min, 30–40 min, 40–50 min, 50–60 min in 20–30 min > 30–40 min, 40–50 min), number of shots (0–10 min < 10–20 min, 20–30 min, 30–40 min, 50–60 min in 20–30 min > 40–50 min), number of goals from the six-meter line from the middle (0–10 min < 30–40 min, 50–60 min in 30–40 min > 10–20 min) and number of two minutes suspensions (0–10 min < 30–40 min, 50–60 min). The Master’s thesis presents the most important characteristics that differ more successful teams from less successful ones and it also contributes to the understanding of differences in playing performance which occurred in individual sections of matches.
- Published
- 2021
3. Razlike v pogostosti pojavljanja acikličnih aktivnosti pri krilnih igralcih na rokometnih tekmah, igranih s consko obrambo 6:0 in 3:2:1.
- Author
Pori, Primož and Šibila, Marko
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2015
4. The role and tasks of the assistant coach in the analysis of the opponent's game and in the preparation of the senior basketball team for the game
- Author
Šentjurc, Jan and Drvarič, Janez
- Subjects
trener ,pomočnik trenerja ,analiza ,Košarkarski klub Šentjur ,basketball coach ,Sixt Primorska Basketball Club ,udc:796.323.2(043.2) ,assistant basketball coach ,košarka ,Košarkarski klub Sixt Primorska ,Šentjur Basketball Club ,basketball ,game analysis - Abstract
Namen zaključnega dela je predstaviti izkušnje pridobljene pri opravljanju vloge pomočnika trenerja v članskih moštvih Košarkarskega kluba Šentjur in Košarkarskega kluba Sixt Primorska, kjer sem deloval v zadnjih treh letih. Glavni namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti vlogo in naloge pomočnika trenerja v članskem moštvu pri pripravi na košarkarsko tekmo, pomen in vrednost analize nasprotnikove igre (taktike v obrambi, taktike v napadu, statistike in individualnih predispozicij posameznih igralcev). The purpose of this Bachelor's thesis is to share my hands-on experience gained in the past three years as an assistant coach on two Slovenian basketball teams who play in the Premier A Slovenian Basketball league (Slovene: 1. Slovenska Košarkarska liga), named Šentjur and Sixt Primorska. The aim of this Bachelor's thesis is to present the role and responsibilities of an assistant coach on a professional men's basketball team, including the groundwork for the next match, the purpose and importance of data and video analysis of the opposing team (offensive and defensive strategy, player statistics as well as analyzing their strong and weak points and other aspects of play).
- Published
- 2020
5. Značilnosti nogometne igre kluba Manchester City v skupinskem delu Lige prvakov v sezoni 2018/2019
- Author
Markič, Luka and Šibila, Marko
- Subjects
attach phase ,analiza igre ,model igre ,faza napada ,Liga prvakov ,Champions league ,game analysis ,game model ,Manchester City - Abstract
Liga Prvakov je najprepoznavnejše in medijsko odmevno klubsko nogometno tekmovanje v Evropi. V diplomskem delu smo se odločili podrobno analizirati tekme skupinskega dela Lige Prvakov, kjer je igral angleški prvoligaš Manchester City. Značilnosti njihove igre v napadu smo primerjali z igrami treh ostalih klubov, ki so igrali v skupini F (TSG 1899 Hoffenheim, Lyon in Shakhtar). Za analizo igre v napadu smo si večkrat podrobno ogledali tekme. V naprej pripravljene obrazce smo ročno zapisovali posamezne spremenljivke v fazi napada. Ti obrazci so prikazani v predlogi 2 in 3. Podatke smo zbirali ločeno za vsako ekipo posebej in to prikazali v prilogi. V vzorec spremenljivk smo vključili pet glavne in številne podrejenih spremenljivk, na podlagih katerih smo dobili kazalce značilnosti modela v fazi napada. Najprej smo analizirali vsako tekmo posebej, nato pa smo opazovane spremenljivke moštva Manchester City in nasprotnih moštev (NAM) sešteli in primerjali med seboj, rezultate in razprave se izbere s poglavja 4. Analiza dobljenih rezultatov je pokazala, da je moštvo Manchester Citya poizkušalo največ z kontinuiranimi napadi. Velika posest žoge v korist igralcev Manchester Citya na vseh tekmah kaže na kontinuirano napadanje. Nasprotna moštva so se v večji meri posluževala protinapadov, saj so bili obrambni igralci Manchester Citya postavljeno visoko na nasprotnikovi polovici, to je je omogočalo prostor za globino v napadu gostujočemu moštvu. Vratar Manchester Citya je večino svojih podaj izvedel s kratko podajo z nogo do najbližjega igralca. Kontinuirano napadanje in zgoščena obramba nasprotnega moštva je ekipo Manchester Citya prisililo, da so največ napadali preko krilnih položajev, kjer so potem zaključevali napad znotraj kazenskega prostora. Izredna tehnična podkovanost igralcev Manchester Citya je omogočala, da so večkrat poizkusili tudi z individualnimi prodori prek krilnih položajev in iskali podajo nazaj oziroma Zavrnjeno podajo na napadalce in sprednje vezne igralce, ki so vtekali v kazenski prostor in si tako ustvarjali priložnosti za dosego zadetka. Pridobljeni rezultati so lahko v pomoč vsem trenerjem pri tako slovenskim kot tujim pri oblikovanju taktike napada svojim ekipam. Champions league is the most recognizable, high media profile club football competiton in Europe. In this thesis, we decided to analyze in detail, matches of Manchester City football club of group stages. They were part of group F, alongside Hoffenheim, Lyon and Shakhtar. The purpose of this thesis is to find out game features of attacking phase of Manchester City game. The analysis includes every group stage match. We have watched matches several times and we wrote data down manually. In samples, which were prepared in advance, we wrote down variables in attack phase. We collected data for each team individually. The sample includes main and many subordinates variables, from which we obtained indicators of model significance in attack phase. Firstly we analyzed each match individually and after we did this, we put together observed variables from Manchester City and from other teams (NAM) and we compared variables obtained from Manchester City and from other teams. The results of each variable are shown in the attachment. Based on the obtained results, we verified the data according to our hypotheses. Obtained results analysis showed, that Manchester City team tried the most with continuous attacks. High ball possesion in every match proved that statement. Because Manchester City defence was standing high on opponents part of the pitch, opponents were trying with counter attack most of the time, because they had a lot of space for playing deep balls in oppositions half. Most of the passes from Manchester City goalkeeper, were short passes to the closest teammate. Continuous attack and concentrated defence of opponents, forced Manchester City to attack more from the wings, from where they finished attacks within penalty area. Extreme technical skills from Mancheter City players allowed them to try numerous times with individual attempts through wing areas and try to pass the ball backwards to free players, who were running into the penalty area and try to create opportunity to score a goal.
- Published
- 2019
6. Značilnosti nogometne igre portugalske reprezentance v napadu na evropskem nogometnem prvenstvu v Franciji 2016
- Author
Zemljarič, Luka and Šibila, Marko
- Subjects
portugalska reprezentanca ,football ,2016 UEFA European Championship ,nogomet ,analiza igre ,characteristics of the game in attack phase ,evropsko prvenstvo v nogometu ,game analysis ,značilnosti igre v napadu ,Portugal national football team - Abstract
Namen diplomskega dela je bil, da ugotovimo značilnosti modela igre portugalske reprezentance v fazi napada na evropskem prvenstvu 2016 na osnovi opazovanja izbranih spremenljivk. Omenjene spremenljivke smo primerjali z drugimi moštvi in skozi celoten proces skušali ugotoviti kateri parametri nogometne igre v fazi napada so tisti, ki bistveno vplivajo na potek in uspešnost igre Portugalcev. Opazovali in opisali smo tudi situacije in značilnosti doseženih zadetkov portugalske reprezentance. Da bi ugotovili značilnosti modela igre portugalske reprezentance v napadu na evropskem prvenstvu 2016, smo pridobili posnetke vseh sedmih tekem, ki smo jih nato natančno analizirali. Nasprotniki portugalske reprezentance na evropskem prvenstvu so bile reprezentance Islandije, Avstrije, Madžarske, Hrvaške, Poljske, Walesa in Francije. Portugalska reprezentanca je na evropskem prvenstvu 2016 zmagala in tako postala evropski prvak. Z analizo smo prišli do sledečih ugotovitev. Portugalska reprezentanca je samo na prvih treh tekmah imela večjo posest žoge kot nasprotniki, v povprečju vseh sedmih tekem pa so imeli žogo več časa v svoji posesti. V primerjavi z nasprotniki so si na celotnem prvenstvu skupno ustvarili večje število napadov. Njihova igra v napadu je temeljila predvsem na kontinuiranih napadih, veliko manj so napadali s preostalimi vrstami napada. Do največ priložnosti za zadetek so prišli po sredini igrišča, največ zadetkov pa so dosegli po predložku v kazenski prostor iz leve oziroma desne strani igrišča. V primerjavi z nasprotniki so Portugalci večkrat streljali proti vratom nasprotnika, prav tako pa so bili pri strelih bolj natančni. Na prvenstvu so imeli tudi večje število kotov in storili manj prekrškov od nasprotnikov. Neuspešni so bili pri izvajanju enajstmetrovke dosojene v rednem igralnem času, pri izvajanju enajstmetrovk po izteku dodatnega igralnega časa pa uspešni. The purpose of this undergraduate thesis was to determine the characteristics of the play of the Portuguese national football team in the attack phase at the 2016 European Championship, based on observation of selected variables. Those variables were compared with other teams and throughout the process it was determined which parameters in the attack phase of the football games are the ones that significantly influence the course and performance of the Portuguese game. We also observed and described situations and characteristics of the Portuguese national team's scored goals. In order to find out the characteristics of the Portuguese national football team in the attack phase at the 2016 European Championship we obtained the recordings of all seven matches, and carefully analyzed every attacking play. The opponents of the Portuguese national football team at the 2016 European Championship were national teams of: Iceland, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Poland, Wales, and France. The Portuguese national football team won the 2016 European Championship and became the European champion. After the analysis of the characteristics we came to certain conclusions. The Portuguese national team only had a larger possession of the ball than its opponent in the first three matches, but on average for all seven matches, they had higher ball possession. Compared with opponents, they created a greater total number of attacks overall in championship. Their game in the attack phase was based primarily on continuous attack, and less on the other types of attack. The Portuguese national team created most of their chances through the middle of the pitch, and scored the most goals off of a cross into the penalty area from both wings. Compared to the other teams in the championship the Portuguese national team had more shots on goal and those were more precise. They had more corner kicks and committed fewer fouls than their opponents. They missed one penalty in regular time, but were more successful at penalty shootouts after extra time.
- Published
- 2019
7. Analiza igre v napadu vseh ekip na turnirju elitnega kroga futsal lige prvakov v Mariboru leta 2016
- Author
Stržinar, Gašper and Bon, Marta
- Subjects
five-a-side ,attack phase ,analiza igre ,faza napada ,Liga prvakov ,mali nogomet ,Champions league ,game analysis ,futsal - Abstract
Predmet magistrskega dela je analiza igre v napadu vseh ekip na futsal turnirju elitnega kroga lige prvakov v Mariboru leta 2016. Namen analize je bil ugotoviti značilnosti igre posamezne ekipe v napadu, primerjati te značilnosti med ekipami, izpostaviti skupne značilnosti in razlike v igri v napadu in ugotoviti, zakaj so bile ene ekipe bolj uspešne kot druge. Na turnirju je bilo odigranih skupno 6 tekem, vsaka od štirih udeleženih ekip je odigrala po 3 tekme. Podatke smo pridobili z večkratnim ogledom tekem in beleženjem rezultatov v vnaprej pripravljen obrazec za analizo. Podatke smo pridobili za 8 glavnih spremenljivk: vrsta napada, analiza vodenja žoge, analiza izgubljenih žog, analiza ustvarjenih priložnosti, analiza priložnosti iz prekinitev, analiza podaj, analiza udarcev, analiza doseženih zadetkov. Glavne spremenljivke so bile razdeljene na 34 podspremenljivk. Po končanem ogledu tekem in beleženju podatkov smo podatke analizirali z ustrezno metodologijo (opisna statistika, merske karakteristike, ugotavljanje razlik). Za podrobnejšo analizo razlik v tekmovalni uspešnosti med posameznimi ekipami smo uporabili Kruskall-Wallisov test. Postavili smo 12 hipotez. Preverjali smo jih s 5-odstotno stopnjo tveganja. 11 hipotez smo potrdili, eno pa zavrnili. Statistično značilne razlike med ekipami se pojavljajo le v času trajanja napada do doseženega zadetka. Pri vseh ostalih opazovanih spremenljivkah ni prihajalo do statistično značilnih razlik. The subject of this master's thesis is the analysis of attack-related game aspects of all the teams participating in the elite round of the Champions league in Maribor in 2016. The purpose of the analysis was to identify the characteristics of the attack-related game aspects of the individual team, compare these characteristics between the teams, set out common characteristics and differences and determine why were some teams better than the other ones. 6 matches were played in the tournament and each one of the 4 participating teams played 3 matches. The data was collected by watching games and filling out the form. There were 8 main variables: type of attack, analysis of leading the ball, analysis of lost balls, analysis of created opportunities, analysis of opportunities from set pieces, analysis of passes, analysis of shots, analysis of scored goals. The variables were divided into 34 sub-variables. After we finished watching the matches and making notes, we collected, organized and counted all the gathered data. Each club was statistically described with variables from the individual match. For a detailed analysis of successfulness between clubs we used the Kruskall-Wallis test. We set up a total of 12 null hypotheses. They were tested with a 5% level of significance. 11 were accepted and 1 rejected. Statistical significant differences among teams were found only in the time of the attack until the scored goal. Otherwise, there were no statistical significant differences.
- Published
- 2019
8. Analiza igre prvih štirih futsal reprezentanc na Evropskem prvenstvu 2018 v primerjavi z njihovimi nasprotniki
- Author
Škafar, Žan and Šibila, Marko
- Subjects
Evropsko prvenstvo ,analiza igre ,model igre ,polfinalisti ,semi-finalists ,game analysis ,futsal ,European Championship ,game model - Abstract
Futsal je šport, ki ga igra več milijonov ljudi po vsem svetu. Moštvena igra je podprta s strani Mednarodne nogometne zveze (FIFA – International Federation of Association Football) in Združenja evropskih nogometnih zvez (UEFA – Union od European Football Associations) s svetovnimi in evropskimi prvenstvi (Plaznik, 2009). Cilja magistrske naloge sta bila analiza modela igre reprezentanc polfinalistk, na podlagi izbranih spremenljivk ter ugotavljanje značilnosti v fazi obrambe in napada, v primerjavi z nasprotnimi reprezentancami na EURO 2018, na osnovi izbranih spremenljivk. V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na igro reprezentanc polfinalistk in njihovih nasprotnikov na evropskem prvenstvu v futsalu 2018, ki je potekalo v Sloveniji. Na podlagi video posnetkov smo analizirali 10 tekem. Opazovali smo v naprej določene spremenljivke, ki smo jih sproti beležili. Skupno smo opazovali 7 spremenljivk v napadu (vrsta napada, analiza ustvarjenih priložnosti, analiza udarcev proti vratom, analiza doseženih zadetkov, analiza prekinitev, analiza izgubljenih žog in analiza izgubljenih žog glede na prostor) in 4 spremenljivke v obrambi (vrsta branjenja, postavitev obrambe glede na prostor, način pridobitve posesti žoge in analiza prekrškov). Glede na cilje raziskave smo postavili 5 hipotez, od katerih smo eno hipotezo potrdili in 4 hipoteze ovrgli. Statistično značilne razlike med reprezentancami, ki so se uvrstile v polfinale in njihovimi nasprotnicami, se pojavljajo le pri številu ustvarjenih priložnosti. Futsal is a sport played by millions of people around the world. The game is supported by the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) and European Football Associations (UEFA - Union of European Football Associations) with world and European championships (Plaznik, 2009). The goal of the master's thesis was model analysis of the semi-finalists’ game based on the selected variables and identification of their characteristics in the defense and the attack in comparison with their opponents on the EURO 2018 based on the selected variables. In the master's thesis, we focused on the semi-finalists’ game and their opponents at the European Championship in futsal 2018, held in Slovenia. Based on the video, we analysed 10 matches. We observed and recorded predetermined variables. In total, we observed 7 variables in the attack (type of attack, analysis of created opportunities, analysis of shots on goal, analysis of scored goals, analysis of interruptions, analysis of lost balls and analysis of lost balls depending on space) and 4 variables in defense (type of defense, setting up defense depending on the space, analysis of taking the ball from opponent and the analysis of fouls committed). Based on the research objectives, we formed 5 hypotheses, of which one was confirmed and 4 disproved. Statistically significant differences between the teams that qualify for the semi-finals and their opponents appear only at the number of opportunities created.
- Published
- 2019
9. Razlike v točkovnih modelih v mini in mali odbojki v kategoriji deklic
- Author
Napotnik, Patricija and Zadražnik, Marko
- Subjects
point model ,mini odbojka ,tehnical elements ,analiza igre ,mini volleyball ,small volleyball ,tehnične prvine ,točkovni model ,game analysis ,mala odbojka - Abstract
Mini in mala odbojka sta igri, kjer so pravila prilagojena otrokom do 12. leta. S temi pravili jim omogočimo čim hitrejše učenje odbojke glede na njihove lastnosti, sposobnosti in znanja v določeni starostni skupini. Od »velike« odbojke se mala in mini odbojka razlikujeta v velikosti in teži žoge, višini mreže, velikosti igrišča, številu igralcev in pravilih. Na osnovi video posnetkov finalnih tekem v kategoriji deklic mini odbojke in finalnih tekem v kategoriji deklic male odbojke v sezoni 2017/2018 smo ugotavljali nekatere značilnosti igre (dolžino trajanja tekme, dolžino trajanja niza, dolžino aktivne in pasivne faze igre). Analizirali smo vse tehnične prvine (servis, sprejem servisa, podajo, napad, blok in obrambo). S pomočjo rezultatov deleža točk in napak smo izdelali točkovni model za mini odbojko in malo odbojko. Dobljena točkovna modela smo primerjali med seboj ter ugotavljali razlike v odbojkarskih prvinah med posameznima kategorijama. Ugotovili smo, da so tekme male odbojke v povprečju daljše od tekem mini odbojke. V obeh kategorijah je pasivna faza daljša od aktivne faze. Igralke pri mini odbojki največ točk dosežejo z zgornjim/spodnjim odbojem, pri mali odbojki pa z udarcem, medtem ko v obeh kategorijah v napadu največkrat uporabijo zgornji odboj. V obeh kategorijah največ točk ekipe dosežejo z napadom, potem točkami nasprotnika, sledijo še točke bloka in servisa. Pri mini odbojki več točk dosežejo s servisom kot z blokom. Pri mali odbojki je ravno obratno. Magistrsko delo je lahko pripomoček trenerjem pri načrtovanju procesa treniranja. Podatke svojih ekip bodo lahko primerjali z rezultati, dobljenimi v naši raziskavi, ter tako načrtovali treninge v smeri, da bi se čim bolj približali točkovnemu modelu mini in male odbojke, ki sta bila izdelana s tem magistrskim delom. Mini and small volleyball are games where the rules are adapted to children up to 12 years of age. With these rules, we enable them the quickest way possible to learn volleyball, according to their characteristics, abilities and knowledge in specific age groups. Small and mini volleyball differ from normal volleyball in the size and weight of the ball, height of the net, size of the court, number of players and rules. We reseached the characteristics of the game (lenght of the game, lenght of a set, lenght of pasive and active game) on the basis of videotapes of final games of small and mini volleyball in girls category in the season 2017/2018. We analysed all the technical aspects of the game (serve, reception of a serve, pass, attack, block, defense). Based on the percentage of points and mistakes, we created a point model for mini and small volleyball. We compared the point models and researched the differences in volleyball elements between those two categories. We have found that the games of small volleyball are on average longer than the games in mini volleyball. In both categories the passive phase of the game is longer than the active phase. In mini volleyball the players got more points with upper/ lower pass, while in small volleyball they got most points with an attack. Meanwhile in both categories the teams got most points with attack, then with the opponents points, followed by the points of block and serve. In mini volleyball more points were achieved with a serve than with a block. In small volleyball the results are opposite. The master thesis can be a tool for the coaches in the training process. They can compare the data of their teams with the results of our reasearch and later plan the traning in the direction closest to the ponit model made in this master thesis.
- Published
- 2019
10. Analiza pogostosti pojavljanja strukturnih elementov na tekmah lige prvakov RK Celje v sezoni 2016/17
- Author
Potočar, Marko and Šibila, Marko
- Subjects
evropska liga prvakov ,Rokometni klub Celje Pivovarna Laško ,analiza igre ,strukturni elementi ,rokomet ,handball ,game analysis ,game efficiency ,tekmovalna učinkovitost ,structural elements ,European Champions League - Abstract
Namen in cilji: Glavni namen magistrske naloge je bil na podlagi zbranih podatkov ugotoviti, ali prihaja do statistično značilnih razlik v pojavljanju strukturnih elementov na tekmah lige prvakov RK Celje v sezoni 2016/17. Analizirali smo 14 tekem na podlagi desetminutnih intervalov. Za analizo pogostosti pojavljanja strukturnih elementov smo izbrali 22 spremenljivk, 16 spremenljivk v fazi napada in 6 v obrambi, in na podlagi le-teh oblikovali dve hipotezi. Metodologija: Podatke smo pridobili na uradni strani Mednarodne rokometne zveze (IHF) in jih obdelali v programu IBM SPSS 23. Za vse parametre smo izračunali osnovne statistične značilnosti, normalnost porazdelitve, homogenost varianc in enosmerno analizo variance. Kjer je bila sferičnost kršena, smo uporabili Greenhouse-Geisserjev test, medtem ko smo v primeru ostalih kršenih predpostavk uporabili Friedmanov in Kruskall-Wallisov test. V primeru ugotovljenih značilnih razlik med izidi tekem v igralni uspešnosti smo posamezne razlike testirali s testi mnogoterih primerjav. Ob izpolnjeni predpostavki o homogenosti varianc smo uporabili Tukeyev test, sicer pa Gamess-Howellov test. Rezultati dela: Rezultati kažejo, da prihaja do značilnih razlik med izidi tekem v strelski učinkovitosti drugega polčasa, v številu izključitev v drugem polčasu in v učinkovitosti branjenja strelov z razdalje v drugem polčasu. Ugotovili smo tudi večje število podaj po tekmah, ki so se končale z neodločenim izidom, in razlike v učinkovitosti s protinapada v prvem in drugem polčasu glede na končen izid ob zmagi ali neodločenemu rezultatu. Purpose and goals: The main purpose of the master thesis is to establish whether there are statistically typical differences in structural elements occurrence at the Champions League matches played by RK Celje in the season 2016/17. We have analysed 14 matches in 10-minute intervals. For frequency analysis of structural elements occurrence we chose 22 variables: 16 variables in the phase of attack and 6 in defence. Based on those variables, we formed 2 hypotheses. Methodology: Data was acquired at the official International Handball Federation (IHF) website and was processed in IBM SPSS 23. We calculated basic statistical characteristics, normality of distribution, homogeneity of variance and one-way analysis of variance for all parameters. Where sphericity was violated, we used Greenhouse-Geisser test. In other cases of violated assumptions, we used Friedman and Kruskal-Wallis test. Where characteristic differences in game efficiency among final results of matches were determined, individual differences were tested with tests of multiple comparisons. Where assumption about homogeneity of variance was confirmed, we used Tukey’s test, otherwise Games-Howell test was used. Results: Results have shown that there are characteristic differences among shot efficiency of the second half of the match, the number of exclusions in the second half, and in efficiency of defending shots from the distance in the second half. We have also determined that the number of passes at matches that ended as draws was higher and that there was a difference in effectiveness of fast breaks in the first and second halves when the match ended as a win or a draw.
- Published
- 2018
11. Značilnosti modela igre Kluba malega nogometa Sevnica v prvi članski ligi v sezoni 2015/16
- Author
Kos, Damjan and Šibila, Marko
- Subjects
five-a-side ,Futsal ,analiza igre ,model igre ,KMN Sevnica ,mali nogomet ,game analysis ,game model - Abstract
Predmet magistrskega dela je analiza nogometne igre kluba v 1. Slovenski futsal ligi KMN Sevnica v sezoni 2015/16. Problem je vezan na analizo igre in zadetkov. Z danimi podatki smo želeli ugotoviti značilnosti modela igre omenjenega kluba, v sezoni 2015/16. Ekipa KMN Sevnica je predstavljala vzorec merjencev na 18 odigranih tekmah. Analizo igre smo opravili na podlagi 3 glavnih spremenljivk za igro v obrambi (način pridobitve posesti žoge, odvzemanje žoge glede na prostor, število akumuliranih prekrškov), 8 glavnih spremenljivk za analizo igre v napadu (trajanje napada z dodatnim igralcem v polju, število podaj, število udarcev, mesto strela, vrsta napada, število prostih strelov, število kotov, število avtov) in 10 spremenljivk, vezanih na dosego zadetkov (povprečno število doseženih zadetkov, učinkovitost doseganja zadetkov, povprečno število prejetih zadetkov, učinkovitost streljanja proti nasprotnikovim vratom, vrsta napada pri dosegi zadetkov, način doseganja zadetka, čas trajanja napada, časovno obdobje, v katerem je bil dosežen zadetek, oddaljenost od vrat pri dosegi zadetka, število predhodnih podaj pri dosegi zadetka). Postavili smo skupno 21 ničelnih hipotez, od katerih smo jih 16 sprejeli in 5 zavrgli. Statistično značilne razlike med KMN Sevnico in ostalimi nasprotniki, se pojavljajo pri številu podaj, pri organiziranem napadu na postavljeno obrambo, pri napadih z menjavo ritma, pri napadih po dolgi podaji vratarja, pri številu prostih strelov in pri času trajanja napada pri zadetkih. The subject of the master's thesis extends to the analysis of the football game of the selected club. We have chosen a club KMN Sevnica from the 1st Slovenian futsal league in the season 2015/16. The problem is related to the game analysis of the club in the phase of defense, in the phase of attack and at the end on the analysis of the goals scored. With given data we want to determine the characteristics of the game model of this club in the season 2015/16. The team KMN Sevnica has played 18 matches altogether, which represents our model. The analysis was carried out on the basis of 3 main variables for the defense game (the way of KMN Sevnica is acquiring ball possesion, taking the ball according to the place, number of accumulated fouls), 8 main variables for the game analysis in the attack (duration of the attack with extra player in the field, number of passes, number of shots, shooting position, type of attack, number of free kicks, number of corner kicks, number of outs) and 10 variables related to scoring goals. These are: average number of goals scored, effectiveness of scoring goals, average number of goals received, the effectiveness of shooting against the opponent's goal, type of attack while scoring goals, way of scoring a goal, the duration of the attack, time period in which the goal was scored, distance from the goal when it was scored, the number of passes before scoring a goal. We have set up a total of 21 null hypothesis, of which 16 were accepted and 5 rejected. Statistical significant differences among KMN Sevnica and other opponents were found in "the number of passes", "organized attack against the defense", "attack by changing the rhythm", "attack by long pass from the goalkeeper", "the number of free kicks" and "the duration of the attack when scoring goals".
- Published
- 2018
12. Razlike v nekaterih parametrih igralne učinkovitosti med zmagovalci, poraženci in ekipami, ki so igrale neodločeno na OI 2016 za moške
- Author
Stegne, Matic and Šibila, Marko
- Subjects
olimpijske igre 2016 za moške ,parametri igralne učinkovitosti ,differences between winning ,analiza igre ,poraženci in ekipami ,rokomet ,playing efficiency parameters ,2016 Olympic Games – Men’s tournament ,losing and drawing ,handball ,game analysis ,razlike med zmagovalci ,ki so igrale neodločeno - Abstract
Namen in cilji: Osnovni namen in cilj preučevanja magistrskega dela je bil s pomočjo zbranih podatkov analizirati vse tekme moškega rokometnega turnirja in ugotoviti razlike v nekaterih pokazateljih igralne učinkovitosti med zmagovalci, poraženci in ekipami, ki so igrale neodločeno na olimpijskih igrah 2016 za moške v Rio de Janeiru. Na ta način želimo pojasniti bistvene razlike v pojavljanju različnih igralnih parametrov med uspešnejšimi in manj uspešnimi moštvi. Metodologija: V vzorec analiziranih tekem smo vključili vseh 38 tekem (76 končnih izidov). Od tega je bilo 36 (47,4 %) zmagovalcev in prav toliko (36) poražencev (47,4 %). Dve tekmi (5,3 %) sta se končali z neodločenim izidom. Nadalje smo izbrali 17 spremenljivk iz aktivnosti v napadu in obrambi in izoblikovali 17 hipotez. Vse podatke smo pridobili na uradni strani mednarodne rokometne zveze (IHF) in jih obdelali s pomočjo računalniškega programa za statistično analizo (SPSS). Za vse parametre smo izračunali osnovne statistične značilnosti, normalnost porazdelitve, homogenost varianc in enosmerno analizo variance. Za vse parametre, ki ne izpolnjujejo predpostavk normalnosti porazdelitve in homogenosti varianc, smo uporabili Brown-Forsythov test. Z uporabo LSD post hoc testa pa smo ugotovili, med katerimi podskupinami prihaja do statistično pomembnih razlik. S pomočjo teh izračunov smo ugotovili razlike med zmagovalci, poraženci in ekipami, ki so igrale neodločeno. Ugotovitve dela: Rezultati so pokazali, da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike (med zmagovalci, poraženci in ekipami, ki so igrale neodločeno) pri naslednjih parametrih: skupno število golov, število golov iz protinapada, število golov izpred črte 6 metrov na sredini, število golov izpred črte 9 metrov in blokirani streli. Aims and objectives: The main research purpose and objective of the Master's thesis has been to analyse all the matches played in the men’s handball tournament by using the collected data and to determine differences in some playing efficiency indicators between winning, losing and drawing teams at the 2016 Olympic Games – Men’s tournament – in Rio de Janeiro. In this way, we want to explain the significant differences in the occurrence of various playing parameters between the most and least successful teams. Methodology: 38 matches (76 final results) were included in the sample of analysed matches, of which 36 (47.4%) were winning teams and just as many (36) losing teams (47.4%). Two matches (5.3%) ended in a tie. Moreover, we defined 17 variables that represented the activities of offence and defence and developed 17 hypotheses. All data were obtained from the official website of the International Handball Federation (IHF) and were processed by using a computer program for statistical analysis (SPSS). For all parameters we calculated basic statistical characteristics, normal distribution, homogeneity of variance and one-way analysis of variance. For all the parameters that do not satisfy the assumption of the normal distribution and homogeneity of variance we used the Brown-Forsythe test. By using the LSD Post-Hoc test, we found among which subgroups the statistically significant differences occur. Using these calculations, we determined the differences between the winning, losing and drawing teams. Findings: The results showed that there are statistically significant differences between the winning, losing and drawing teams in the following parameters: total number of goals scored, number of goals scored in counterattack, number of goals scored in front of the 6-meter goal line, number of goals scored in front of the 9-meter goal line and blocked shots.
- Published
- 2017
13. Značilnosti igre ekipe NK Nafta 1903 v jesenskem delu sezone 2016/17
- Author
Zagorec, Adam and Šibila, Marko
- Subjects
značilnosti igre ,football ,nogomet ,analiza igre ,3. slovenska nogometna liga ,football club Nafta 1903 ,game analysis ,characteristics of the game ,3rd Slovenian football league ,nogometni klub Nafta 1903 - Abstract
Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti značilnosti igre nogometnega kluba Nafta 1903 v jesenskem delu sezone 2016/17 v 3. slovenski nogometni ligi vzhod. Primerjali smo izvedbo tehnično-taktičnih elementov nogometne igre v napadu in obrambi lendavskega kluba z njegovimi nasprotniki. Analizirali smo pet tekem, ki jih je NK Nafta 1903 odigrala v jesenskem delu sezone 2016/17. Opazovali smo osem spremenljivk, na podlagi katerih smo sklepali o značilnostih igre v napadu in obrambi ekipe NK Nafta 1903. Nasprotniki Nafte 1903 so bili NK Lušt Beltinci, NŠ Mura, NK Hotiza, NK Odranci in NK Čarda. Vsako tekmo smo analizirali ter primerjali določene spremenljivke obeh ekip. Nafta 1903 je bila na koncu jesenskega dela sezone na vrhu prvenstvene lestvice. Po koncu analize značilnosti igre smo prišli do določenih pomembnih ugotovitev. NK Nafta 1903 je bila boljša od večine nasprotnikov v posesti žoge in si je največ priložnosti ustvarila po hitrih kontinuiranih napadih na krilnih položajih. Največ zadetkov je dosegla v kazenskem prostoru po predložku ali povratni podaji. Analize kažejo, da je imela Nafta 1903 veliko število protinapadov, iz katerih so poskušali hitro doseči zadetek. Ugotovili smo, da je največ udarcev uspešno zaključila znotraj kazenskega prostora in le malo iz večje razdalje. Izkazalo se je tudi, da je naredila manj prekrškov in imela več kotov od svojih nasprotnikov. Prav tako so bili igralci NK Nafte uspešni po izvedbi dveh enajstmetrovk. Največ žog pa so izgubili zaradi napačnih in neprevidnih podaj. Značilnosti igre obrambe kažejo, da je pridobila Nafta 1903 največ žog v svoji obrambni tretjini. Veliko žog je bilo pridobljenih na sredini igrišča. Obramba je bila postavljena bolj proti zadnjemu delu igrišča. Nasprotnikom od sredine igrišča ni dovolila, da razvijejo svojo igro ali daljši kontinuiran napad. Največ žog si je priborila zahvaljujoč napačni podaji nasprotnika in s prestreženimi podajami. Največje težave so se pojavljale pri organizaciji obrambe po protinapadu nasprotnika, saj je prav po protinapadu Nafta 1903 prejela največ zadetkov. V povprečju je bila Nafta 1903 v dvobojih uspešnejša od nasprotnikov. The purpose of this undergraduate thesis was to assess the characteristics of the game of the football club Nafta 1903 in the fall part of the 2016/17 season in the 3rd Slovenian football league east. We compared the football club’s execution of technical-tactical elements of the game, in both offense and defense, to its opponents. We analysed the five matches that FC Nafta 1903 played in the fall part of the 2016/17 season. We were observing eight variables, on the basis of which we inferred the characteristics of the game, in both offence and defense, of the FC Nafta 1903 team. Nafta 1903 opponents were Lušt Beltinci, FC Hotiza, FC Odranci, and FC Čarda. We analysed each game and compared certain variables of both teams. By the end of the fall part of the season, Nafta 1903 was at the top of the championship ladder. After the analysis of the characteristics, we came to certain important conclusions. FC Nafta 1903 was better with regard to ball possession than most of its opponents and created the most chances after quick and continuous attacks on the wing. The club scored most goals in the penalty area through return passes and crosses. The analyses show that Nafta 1903 had a great number of counter attacks with which they tried to score goals quickly. We found out that the club scored the most goals inside the penalty area and a few from a greater distance. It also turned out that FC Nafta 1903 made the fewest fouls and had the more corner kicks than its opponents. Furthermore, they successfully executed two penalty kicks. They lost the most balls due to incorrect and unwary passes. The characteristics of the game show that Nafta 1903 acquired most balls in its defensive third. Many balls were acquired in the middle of the field. The defense was positioned more to the backmost part of the field. From the middle of the field, Nafta 1903 did not allow its opponents to develop their game or have a longer continuous attack. Most balls were acquired due to the opponent’s incorrect passes and due to intercepted passes. The most difficulties were had with the organising of the defense after a counterattack. It was through counterattacks that Nafta 1903 received the most goals. The opponents scored most goals inside the penalty area. With regards to duels, Nafta 1903 was, on average, more successful than its opponents. Nafta 1903’s players gained most balls through successful duels. They were successful in both clearing the balls and duels in the air.
- Published
- 2017
14. Analiza hokejske tekme.
- Author
Burnik, Aleš
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2012
- Author
Vampl, Blaž and Bračič, Rudolf
- Subjects
football ,udc:796.332(043.2) ,nogomet ,primerjava ,Champions League ,comparison ,analiza igre ,model igre ,Liga prvakov ,FC Barcelona ,game analysis ,game model ,Juventus FC - Abstract
Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti značilnosti modela igre nogometnih klubov FC Barcelona in Juventus FC, finalistov Lige prvakov sezone 2014/2015. Dobljene rezultate smo primerjali, da bi ugotovili glavne razlike v načinu igre teh dveh klubov. Podatke smo pridobili z opazovanjem vseh tekem, ki sta jih oba kluba odigrala v omenjeni sezoni Lige prvakov. Vsak klub je odigral po šest tekem v skupinskem delu tekmovanja in po šest tekem v izločilnih bojih ter še zadnjo, finalno tekmo, v kateri sta se kluba pomerila med seboj. V finalnem dvoboju je Barcelona premagala Juventus z rezultatom 3 : 1. Opazovane spremenljivke se nanašajo na model igre obeh klubov. Razdelili smo jih v dve tabeli. V prvi tabeli so osnovni statistični podatki z vsake tekme, v drugi tabeli pa so izbrane spremenljivke, ki smo jih na vsaki tekmi opazovali za oba kluba. Na koncu smo za vsako spremenljivko, z osnovnimi postopki opisne statistike, izračunali povprečja na tekmo. Dobljene rezultate smo primerjali med seboj in tako sklepali o značilnostih modela igre tako Barcelone kot Juventusa. The purpose of the diploma was to determine the characteristics of the game model of the football clubs FC Barcelona and Juventus FC, the finalists of the Champions League in the 2014/2015 season. The obtained results were compared to determine the key differences in the way the two clubs play the game. The results were obtained by observing all games each of the clubs played in the aforementioned season of the Champions League. Each club played six games in the group stage of the competition, six games in the knockout stage, and then the final game, where the clubs competed against each other. In the final game, Barcelona defeated Juventus with the result 3 : 1. The observed variables relate to the game model of both clubs. The variables were classified into two tables. The first table contains basic statistics data from each game, the second table contains select variables that were observed during each game. Finally, the average value for each variable was calculated using basic methods of descriptive statistics. The obtained results were compared and then the characteristics of the game model for each of the clubs were inferred from the comparison.
- Published
- 2016
16. Analiza igre slovenske moške mladinske rokometne reprezentance na svetovnem prvenstvu leta 2009 v Egiptu
- Author
Stopar, Urban and Šibila, Marko
- Subjects
moški ,svetovno prvenstvo ,udc:796.322-055.1 ,Egipt 2009 ,analiza igre ,rokomet ,handball ,championship ,game analysis - Published
- 2014
17. Analiza nogometne igre v obrambi na svetovnem prvenstvu v Južnoafriški republiki leta 2010
- Author
Opeka, Tomaž and Pori, Primož
- Subjects
zadetki ,defense ,football ,svetovno prvenstvo ,nogomet ,analiza igre ,obramba ,udc:796.332 ,videoanaliza ,game analysis ,t-test ,Južna Afrika 2010 - Published
- 2014
18. Analiza obrambnih aktivnosti na moškem evropskem prvenstvu v rokometu 2008 na Norveškem s pomočjo video tehnike
- Author
Povše, Igor and Šibila, Marko
- Subjects
defence ,moški ,udc:796.332-055.1 ,obramba ,analiza igre ,rokomet ,računalniški program ,evropsko prvenstvo ,videoanaliza ,Norveška 2008 ,handball ,game analysis ,DVD - Published
- 2014
19. Značilnosti igre v fazi prehoda iz obrambe v napad v 1. slovenski nogometni ligi
- Author
Repič, Beno and Verdenik, Zdenko
- Subjects
defence ,football ,nogomet ,liga ,obramba ,analiza igre ,taktika ,udc:796.332 ,videoanaliza ,game analysis - Published
- 2014
20. Analiza napadalnih aktivnosti slovenske reprezentance na moškem evropskem prvenstvu v rokometu 2010 v Avstriji s pomočjo video tehnike
- Author
Lipovž, Marko and Šibila, Marko
- Subjects
moški ,Avstrija 2010 ,udc:796.332-055.1 ,analiza igre ,attack ,offensive activity ,rokomet ,evropsko prvenstvo ,videoanaliza ,handball ,game analysis ,napad ,DVD - Published
- 2014
21. Analiza doseženih zadetkov na svetovnem prvenstvu v nogometu leta 2010
- Author
Toporišič, Peter and Verdenik, Zdenko
- Subjects
zadetki ,football ,svetovno prvenstvo ,nogomet ,analiza igre ,udc:796.332 ,videoanaliza ,goals ,game analysis ,Južna Afrika 2010 - Published
- 2014
22. Analiza igre RK Zagorje v končnici 1. A ženske državne rokometne lige v sezoni 2008/2009
- Author
Ržišnik, Katarina and Šibila, Marko
- Subjects
udc:796.322-055.2 ,liga ,analiza igre ,rokomet ,ženske ,handball ,championship ,game analysis - Published
- 2014
23. Analiza napadalnih aktivnosti na ženskem evropskem prvenstvu v rokometu 2008 v Makedoniji s pomočjo video tehnike
- Author
Belšak, Aleš and Šibila, Marko
- Subjects
udc:796.332-055.2 ,analiza igre ,attack ,rokomet ,evropsko prvenstvo ,videoanaliza ,ženske ,Makedonija 2008 ,women ,handball ,game analysis ,napad ,DVD - Published
- 2014
- Author
Korat, Dejan and Bračič, Rudi
- Subjects
attack phase ,udc:796/799(043.2) ,analiza igre ,faza napada ,vrste napadov ,the transition into attack mode ,Football ,način prehoda v napad ,Nogomet ,game analysis ,types of attacks - Abstract
Cilj in namen diplomske naloge je ugotoviti strukturo igre, torej ugotavljanje sestavnih situacij v fazi prehoda iz obrambe v napad ter priprava in zaključek napada. Sestavne situacije so sestavni deli igre v fazi napada. Diplomsko delo z naslovom analiza igre AC Milan s poudarkom na pripravi in zaključku napada je sestavljeno iz dveh glavnih sklopov. V prvem delu smo se posvetili teoretični vsebini. Predstavili smo značilnosti sodobnega modela igre, predstavili AC Milan, analizirali ekipo v fazi napada ter na kakšen način so si ustvarili priložnosti za izvedbo udarca na vrata oziroma dosego zadetka. V drugem delu smo AC Milan s pomočjo prirejenih tabel oziroma obrazcem za spremljanje vrste napadov, posest žoge, način prehoda v napad preko vratarja za pripravo napada in skupne podaje, primerjali z njegovimi nasprotniki na posameznih tekmah v določenih spremenljivkah v napadu, ter skicirali tipične situacije kluba AC Milan. The aim and purpose of this work is to determine the structure of the game, therefore identifying the component in situations phase transition from defense to attack, and the preparation and completion of an attack. Components situations are integral parts of the game to stage an attack. The thesis entitled Analysis of AC Milan game with an emphasis on the preparation and completion of attack is composed of two main blocks. The first part was devoted to theoretical content. We presented the characteristics of the modern form of the game, presented AC Milan, the team analyzed the attack phase, and how they have created opportunities for performance impact on the door or reach hit. In the second part we have AC Milan through manipulated tables or forms to monitor the types of attacks, possession of the ball in attack mode transition over the goalkeeper for the preparation of an attack and total assists, compared to its opponents in various matches in certain variables in the attack, and sketch typical situation AC Milan.
- Published
- 2012
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