1. Pregled ogrodij za hiter razvoj podatkovno usmerjenih aplikacij
- Author
Špiler, Saša and Lavbič, Dejan
- Subjects
computer and information science ,računalništvo ,Web 2.0 ,prepletene storitve ,mashups ,computer science ,Google Spreadsheets ,univerzitetni študij ,udc:004.77(043.2) ,računalništvo in informatika ,diploma ,diplomske naloge ,quick development ,tools ,hiter razvoj ,Splet 2.0 ,ogrodja ,Yahoo Pipes - Abstract
Na svetovnem spletu obstajajo številni med seboj nepovezani podatkovni viri, odprti programski vmesniki in storitve, ki jih je mogoče s pomočjo različnih ogrodij povezovati v prepletene storitve. Njihov začetek sovpada s pojavom spletnih aplikacij druge generacije znanih kot Splet 2.0. V diplomskem delu so ogrodja za hiter razvoj podatkovno usmerjenih aplikacij kategorizirana glede na svoje ključne lastnosti in medsebojne razlike. Izbrani predstavniki so podrobneje raziskani ter nato ocenjeni znotraj večkriterijskega odločitvenega modela na podlagi uporabniške izkušnje, podpore uporabnikov in funkcionalnosti. V najbolje ocenjenih ogrodjih Yahoo Pipes in Google Spreadsheets je zgrajena prepletena storitev, ki uporabniku prikaže dodatne informacije o izbrani državi v obliki zemljevida, videoposnetkov ter novic. On the World Wide Web there are many unrelated data sources, application programming interfaces and services. Nowadays it is possible to link them with the help of different tools to a unified mashup application. Their appearance coincides with the start of the second generation of the web called Web 2.0. In this thesis tools for quick development of data-oriented applications are put in different categories according to their mutual properties and differences. Selected representatives are later on explored and assessed in a multi-attribute decision model according to their user experience, user support and functionalities. Based on results of the model a mashup is developed in the Yahoo Pipes and the Google Spreadsheets tool. With this mashup, the user is able to see additional information about the selected country including map, videos and news feed.
- Published
- 2014