1. Segmentno usmerjanje v jedrnem omrežju
- Author
GARBAJS, URBAN and Kos, Andrej
- Subjects
segment list ,segmentna lista ,traffic engineering ,source routing ,prometni inženiring ,multiprotocol label switching ,segmentno usmerjanje ,segment routing ,flexible algorithm ,segment policy ,fleksibilni algoritem ,izvorno usmerjanje ,jedrno omrežje ,segment ,core network - Abstract
Zaradi večanja števila uporabnikov in višanja nazivnih hitrosti dostopovnega omrežja, se operaterji soočajo z večanjem prometa v jedrnem omrežju. Za zagotavljanje delovanja vseh storitev, se operaterji jedrnih omrežji spogledujejo s tehnikami prometnega inženiringa, s katerimi želijo poenostaviti upravljanje omrežja in zvišati kakovost storitve. Fleksibilni algoritem je nadgradnja prometnega inženiringa, z vpeljavo usmerjevalnega protokola segmentnega usmerjanja, ki v operaterskem jedru nadomesti protokol distribucije label. Z vpeljavo segmentnega usmerjanja, ki omogoča razširljivost, želimo poenostaviti upravljanje prometa v omrežju in omogočiti prometni inženiring. Z vpeljavo segmentnega usmerjanja na usmerjevalnikih v laboratorijskem omrežju sem preizkusil delovanje protokola usmerjanja in prometnega inženiringa. Ugotovil sem, da nova arhitektura usmerjanja omogoča optimizacijo omrežja in je hkrati fleksibilna pri podpiranju novih načinov uporabe. Fleksibilni algoritem prometnega inženiringa predstavlja tudi določene omejitve, ki sem jih zbral v izsledkih, to pa zahteva nadaljnji razvoj in testiranje pred vpeljavo v omrežja. Due to the increase in the number of users and the increase in speeds of the access network, operators are faced with increasing traffic in the core network. To ensure the operation of all services, the core network operators are considering traffic engineering techniques that aim to establish network management and increase the quality of services. The flexible algorithm is an upgrade to traffic engineering, with the introduction of the segment routing protocol, which replaces the label distribution protocol in the core network. By introducing segment routing, we aim to simplify network traffic management and enable traffic engineering. By implementing segment routing on the routers in the lab environment, I tested the performance of the routing protocol and traffic engineering. I found that the new routing architecture allows for network optimization while being flexible in supporting new use cases. The flexible traffic engineering algorithm presents certain limitations that I gathered in the findings. It requires further development before being implemented in production networks.
- Published
- 2022