V sodobni družbi medicina, kljub velikim napredkom in odkritjem znanosti nima zdravil za vse bolezni, ki pestijo človeštvo. Tehnologiji navkljub je smrt danes del življenja. Kljub številnim zdravilom umiranje ni nujno mirno, spokojno ali neboleče. Sodobna družba se še vedno sooča s strahom pred koncem življenja, pred smrtjo in trpljenjem, ki ga ta prinaša. Posledično se je oblikovalo razlikovanje med t. i. dobro in slabo smrtjo. Dobra smrt predstavlja zaželeno obliko umiranje, kjer bolnik namesto trpljenja le mirno zaspi. Strah pred trpečim umiranjem in želja po mirni smrti vodita do vprašanja evtanazije, ki prinaša rešitev trpljenju v obliki mirne smrti na željo pacienta. Težnje po uzakonitvi evtanazije v Sloveniji so podprte s številnimi argumenti osebne svobode, avtonomije posameznika, sočutja in dobrodelnosti do bolnih. Na drugi strani pa jim stojijo številni drugi argumenti proti legalizaciji evtanazije, kot je svetost življenja in strah pred zlorabami evtanazije. V diplomskem delu, ki je pred vami bom opredelila kaj evtanazija sploh je ter predstavila argumente za in proti uzakonitvi evtanazije v Sloveniji, ki jih je oblikovala slovenska stroka. Uporabila bom teoretični pristop raziskovanja, ter z metodo deskriptivne analize znanstvene in strokovne literature iskala odgovor na vprašanje kakšno je po mnenje Slovenske stroke vprašanju uzakonitve evtanazije v Sloveniji. In modern society despite great advances and discoveries of medical science society does not have the cure for all diseases that plague humanity. Despite advanced technology, death is still part of life. However, there is no certainty that the process of dying is peaceful, serene and painless. Moderns society still faces the fear of death, dying and all the suffering that it brings. As a result of the fear, a distinction was made between so-called good and bad death. A good death represents a desirable form of dying, where the patient falls asleep and dies peacefully with no suffering. The fear of death and suffering on one hand and the wish for peaceful death on the other leads to the question of euthanasia, which offers a choice for a peaceful death without suffering. The aspirations to legalize euthanasia in Slovenia are supported by numerous arguments, such as personal freedom, autonomy, compassion and charity towards the sick. At the same time, we can list several arguments against the legalization of euthanasia such as the sanctity of life and possible abuse of euthanasia. In my graduate thesis sitting in front of you, I will define what euthanasia is and present the arguments, created by experts from different professions, that stand for or against the legalization of euthanasia in Slovenia. With a theoretical approach to the research, I will use the method of descriptive analysis to analyse scientific literature to form and present arguments for and against the legalisation of euthanasia, while seeking an answer to the question of what is the opinion of Slovenian professionals on the issue of legalization of euthanasia in Slovenia.