5 results on '"Stable"'
Search Results
2. Financial investment analysis of building a small horse boarding resort
- Author
Sušek, Tine and Pažek, Karmen
- Subjects
investicija ,Economics ,ekonomika ,kalkulacije ,Investment ,hlev ,Calculations ,Horse ,konj ,Stable - Abstract
V zadnjih letih je v Sloveniji in tudi drugod po svetu opazen trend povečanja števila konj in zanimanja za konjeniški šport. Med leti 2000 in 2010 se je v Sloveniji število konj povečalo za 57 %, delež kmetijskih gospodarstev, ki redijo konje, pa za 28 %. V magistrskem delu smo na podlagi ocenjenih podatkov o stroških in prihodkih ter vrednosti investicije razvili simulacijski model, na podlagi katerega smo izdelali finančno analizo za postavitev hleva in pripadajočih objektov za konje z namenom nudenja storitve oskrbe konj. Za izračun smo uporabili metodo neto sedanje vrednosti (NSV). V skladu z uporabljenimi vhodnimi parametri smo ocenili lastno ceno (LC) v višini 195,68 € na žival mesečno ter koeficient ekonomičnosti (KE) 1,69. Neto sedanja vrednost (NSV), ocenjena na osnovi letnega denarnega toka (LDT) v višini 16.298,79 € ter višini investicije v skupni vrednosti 122.639,84 €, je v primeru 5 % obrestne mere pozitivna v desetem letu (3.215,07 €), v primeru 7,5 % obrestne mere pa v dvanajstem letu (3.435,81 €). In the recent years, an increase in the popularity of equestrian sport and the number of horses have been detected worldwide as well as in Slovenia. In Slovenia, the number of horses increased by 57 % between 2000 and 2010, while the percentage of farms that breed horses increased by 28 %. In this thesis, we developed a simulation model, based on the estimated data on the costs and incomes and the value of the investment, on the basis of which we made a financial analysis for setting up a stable and related facilities for horses with the purpose of providing horse boarding services to clients. The net present value (NPV) method was used for the calculation. According to the used input parameters, we estimated our own price at EUR 195.68 per animal per month and the coefficient of cost-effectiveness at 1.69. The net present value (NPV) estimated on the basis of the annual cash flow (ACF) of EUR 16,298.79 and the amount of the investment in the total value of EUR 122,639.84, is positive in the tenth year of the investment (EUR 3,215.07) at 5 % interest rate and in the twelfth year (EUR 3,435.81) in case of a 7.5 % interest rate.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Vogrinčič, David and Lobnik, Uroš
- Subjects
stable ,postajališča ,workshop ,ruralna arhitektura ,gostilna ,hiša ,rural architecture ,house ,stopping points ,hotel ,terme ,atelje ,restaurant ,hlev ,udc:728.6.012+711.3(043.2) ,spa - Abstract
Magistrsko delo se ukvarja s problematiko netrajnostne gradnje v ruralnem prostoru, katere izzivi se danes kažejo predvsem v spremenjenih vzorcih bivanja in gospodarskem položaju. Spremembe in razvoj na družbenem ter ekonomskem področju zahtevajo ponovni razmislek o pojmu bivanja in njenih alternacijah, prav tako postaja vedno večji izziv tudi gospodarstvo in ekonomsko stanje prebivalstva. Naloga arhitekture danes leži tako v njeni družbeni odgovornosti, v prepoznavanju omenjenih problemov ter iskanju ustreznih odgovorov na njih. Magistrsko delo tako obravnava več problemov, ki nastopijo pri snovanju sodobnega trajnostnega delovanja v ruralnem okolju. Ključni problem je, kako novo grajeno enoto umestiti v obsoječe ruralno-lokalno tkivo. To pomeni, da je potrebno temeljito raziskati osnove urbanizma in obdajajočo tipologijo. Ruralna identiteta je poseben, svojski značaj prostora, ki ta prostor prepoznavno zaznamuje in razlikuje od drugih urbanih prostorov. Kot tak predstavlja posebno kakovost v prostoru, saj omogoča lažjo orientacijo v prostoru. V času izrazite globalizacije postaja “lokalno in drugačno” posebna dragocena vrednota, saj se prebivalci z njo lažje poistovetimo, hkrati pa nam kakovostna ruralna struktura omogoča boljše pogoje bivanja. Bolj poenostavljeno pomeni ohranjanje identitete ruralne strukture to, da bomo pri zasnovi in gradnji objektov upoštevali merilo in postavitev drugih objektov na vasi in tako prispevali h kakovostnejšemu videzu celotnega območja, v katerem bomo živeli. The master's thesis deals with the issue of unsustainable construction in the rural area, which challenges today feature in changed patterns of living and economic situation. Changes and development in the social and economic sector require rethinking of the concept of residence and its alternations, also posing a growing challenge is the economy and economic situation of the population. The task of architecture today lies in its social responsibility, in identifying mentioned issues and to finding appropriate answers. The master's thesis deals with various problems that occur when planning a modern sustainable operation in rural areas. The main issue is how to fit the newly built unit in the existing rural-local fabric. This means that it is necessary to make a thorough investigation of the basics of urbanism and the surrounding typology. Rural identity is a particular, unique characteristic of an area, giving it a distinctive mark and distinguishing it from other urban areas. As such, it represents a special quality in the area, as it enables better orientation in that area. In a time of distinct globalization "local and different" becomes a special cherished value, since it is easier for the residents to identify with, simultaneously a high-quality rural structure allows for better living conditions. More simply put, preserving the identity of the rural structure means that when designing and constructing facilities, the scale and layout of other facilities will be put into account and thus it will contribute to a higher quality appearance of the whole area in which we will live.
- Published
- 2015
4. Ocena investicije v izgradnjo hleva za krave molznice - študija primera
- Author
Jezernik, Andrej and Rozman, Črtomir
- Subjects
stable ,investicija ,krave molznice ,investicije ,hlevi za govedo ,upravičenost ,dairy cows ,investment ,udc:636.2.083:336.532(043.2) ,hlev ,NSV ,eligibility - Abstract
Namen diplomske naloge je ugotoviti ekonomsko upravičenost investicije v izgradnjo hleva za krave molznice. Izračunaval sem jo po različnih parametrih uporabil sem metodo NSV (neto sedanje vrednosti) in ISD (interno stopnjo donosnosti) ter štiri scenarije. V scenariju A sem uporabil vrednost, ki se uporablja v današnjem času. Ugotovil sem, da bi se nam vrednost investicije upravičila v devetnajstem letu. V scenariju B sem povišal mlečnost, odkupno ceno mleka in telet, kar bi vrednost investicije upravičilo v dvanajstih letih. V scenariju C in D sem odkupne cene zmanjšal, pri tem pa se pokaže neupravičenost investicije. The purpose of this work is to determine the economic viability of investments in the construction of stables for dairy cows. Eligibility will be calculated by different parameters. For the purposes of calculating the eligibility of the investment, the NPV method (Net Present Value) has been used and IRR (Internal Rate of Return). We used four scenarios. In scenario A, we used the values used nowadays. We found that we could justify the investment value in nineteen years. In scenario B, we increased the milk yield, milk and calves redemption price and determine the value to justify the investment in twelve years. In scenario C and D, we reduce the purchase price and determine that the investment would not be justified.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Bregar, Marjetka, Jeraj, Miroslav, and Jeraj, Miro
- Subjects
udc:005.51:636(043.2) ,prenova proizvodnega procesa ,stable ,Logistika ,prenova ,renovation ,kmetija ,hlev ,Logistics ,renovation of production process ,farm - Abstract
V diplomski nalogi z naslovom Prenova proizvodnega procesa na kmetiji Zupančič bomo prikazali, da je tudi v kmetijstvu in na sami kmetiji zelo veliko procesov, ki so povezani z logistiko. Če želi kmetija uspešno delovati in poslovati, mora uporabljati tudi znanje iz logistike. V diplomski nalogi se bomo posvečali točno določeni kmetiji, to je kmetija Zupančič, ki jo bomo potem preučevali. Kmetija se ukvarja z živinorejo in prirejo mleka. Po prenovi proizvodnega procesa pa bi se ukvarjala z rejo bikov pitancev. Opisali bomo predvsem, kako iz kmetije, ki se je do sedaj ukvarjala z živinorejo in prirejo mleka, preiti na rejo bikov pitancev. Pri prenovi proizvodnega procesa bomo podrobno opisali vse od gradnje novega hleva, silosov, menjave strojne mehanizacije do skrbi za nove živali. Skušali bomo prikazati, da bi delo na kmetiji po prenovi proizvodnega procesa potekalo lažje in z večjim dobičkom. The diploma thesis with the title Renovation of the production process on the Zupančič farm will show that even agriculture or life on a farm is full of processes connected with logistics. If the farm wants to be successful, it has to use knowledge from logistics. The thesis will deal with the Zupančič farm which is engaged in lifestock farming and milk production. After renovation the farm will be engaged in bull production. The thesis will illustrate how the farm involved in lifestock farming and milk production can switch to bull production. The renovation will include everything: building a new stable, a silo, replacing old machinery, taking care of new animals. We will try to indicate that work on the farm will be easier after the renovation. Furthermore, it will also bring more profit.
- Published
- 2011
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