5 results on '"job interview"'
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2. Vpliv verbalne in neverbalne komunikacije na zaposlitvenem razgovoru
- Author
Rogelj, Alison and Marvin Derganc, Tatjana
- Subjects
zaposlitveni razgovor ,verbalna komunikacija ,nonverbal communication ,job interview ,neverbalna komunikacija ,poslovno komuniciranje ,business communication ,verbal communication ,udc:81'1 - Abstract
Komuniciranje predstavlja eno izmed najpomembnejših sposobnosti, ki se je razvila skozi evolucijo pri številnih živih bitjih. Pomen komuniciranja se pravzaprav navezuje na vse ritualne interakcije, ki so posledica človekovega neprestanega stika z ljudmi. Področje komunikacije sicer proučujejo številne discipline, to diplomsko delo pa se osredotoči predvsem na povezavo med verbalno in neverbalno komunikacijo, saj le kot celota predstavljata pogoj za dobro in uspešno sporazumevanje. V prvem delu sta predstavljena osnovni pomen in psihologija komuniciranja ter elementi uspešne komunikacije. V jedru so natančneje opisani elementi verbalne in neverbalne komunikacije ter njihova medsebojna povezava. Vse omenjene vsebine so na koncu tega dela povezane s specifiko poslovnega komuniciranja, z osredotočenjem na zaposlitveni razgovor. V zaključku so strnjena vsa dognanja in podani praktični predlogi za dober zaposlitveni razgovor, kar predstavlja tudi cilj diplomskega dela. Communication is one of the most important abilities that have evolved through evolution in numerous living beings. The importance of communication is actually related to all ritualized interactions as a result of the continuous contacts among humans. Although the field of communication is studied by many disciplines, this thesis focuses mainly on the link between verbal and nonverbal communication, since only as a whole do they constitute a precondition for good and successful communication. In the first part of the thesis, the basic meaning and psychology of communication and the elements of successful communication are presented. The body of the text elaborates on the elements of verbal and nonverbal communication and their correlation. The above-mentioned content is then linked to the specifics of business communication at the end of the thesis, focusing on the job interview. In the conclusion, all the findings are summarised and practical suggestions for a good job interview are provided, which is also the aim of the thesis.
- Published
- 2022
3. Metode selekcije kadrov v izbranem podjetju
- Author
Čok, Karin and Trnavčevič, Anita
- Subjects
kadrovanje ,selekcijski intervju ,employment ,zaposlovanje ,management kadrovanja ,selection methods ,job interview ,personnel ,udc:658.3(043.2) ,human resource ,metode selekcije ,management - Published
- 2019
4. The importance of non-verbal communications in finding a job
- Author
Trampuš, Sabina and Ferjan, Marko
- Subjects
komunikacija ,kandidat ,zaposlitveni razgovor ,Communication ,Non-verbal communication ,neverbalna komunikacija ,Job interview ,kadrovik ,Candidate ,HR manager - Abstract
V diplomskem delu sem se lotila preučevanja, kako lahko neverbalna komunikacija iskalca zaposlitve vpliva na odločitev delodajalca, da ga zaposli. Zanimalo me je tudi, koliko razgovorov je bilo potrebnih, da je iskalec zaposlitve dobil zaposlitev in če je na to odločitev delodajalca o zaposlitvi vplivala tudi neverbalna komunikacija s strani iskalca zaposlitve. Predvidevala sem, da je neverbalna komunikacija zelo pomembna za iskalce zaposlitve pri razgovorih za službo, saj menim, da je ta za delodajalce zelo pomembna in vpliva tudi na njihovo odločitev, katerega kandidata bodo zaposlili. Na podlagi teh predvidevanj sem postavila nekaj hipotez o tem, če naključni anketiranci menijo, da neverbalna komunikacija resnično vpliva na odločitev delodajalca o izbiri kandidata za določeno delovno mesto in koliko razgovorov je potrebnih, da prideš do željene službe. Zanimalo me je tudi, če potencialni delodajalci menijo, da je neverbalna komunikacija ključna pri izbiri kandidata na določeno delovno mesto. V sklopu raziskave sem izpostavila tudi nekaj elementov neverbalne komunikacije, z namenom, da ugotovim ali se pogled s strani delodajalcev na njihov pomen na razgovoru za zaposlitev kaj razlikuje od vidika kandidatov za zaposlitev. Pojasnila sem tudi nekaj teoretičnih interpretacij, ki se nanašajo na komunikacijo, medsebojne odnose in pripravo na zaposlitvene razgovore. Vse to namreč vpliva na možnost zaposlitve kandidata na željeno delovno mesto. Končne ugotovitve raziskave so potrdile domneve, da neverbalna komunikacija močno vpliva na odločitev delodajalca o izbiri kandidata, vendar je težko opredeliti ali je vsakokrat ključnega pomena pri odločitvi. Delodajalci in kandidati za zaposlitev se, sodeč po rezultatih, v veliki meri strinjajo glede pomena posameznih elementov neverbalne komunikacije, a nekaj razlik se je vseeno pokazalo. The essence of my diploma work is to study the impact of non-verbal communication in the job interview and how much influence non-verbal communication has on the employer's decision who will he give the job to. I have also studied how many job interviews had the respondents made, before they got the job and I have asked them if they think that their non-verbal communication had helped them to get the job. I assumed that non-verbal communication is very important for job seekers in job interviews, because the employers give it a great importance and therefore non-verbal communication also effects their decision of which candidate will be recruited. Based on these estimates, I set out some hypotheses if random respondents believe that non-verbal communication has a real impact on the employer's decision on the selection of the candidate for a job and how much job interviews is needed to get to the desired job. I was also wondering if employers believe that non-verbal communication is the key in the selection of the right candidate for a job. As a part of my research I have also higlihted some elements of non-verbal communication in order to determine if the employers see the impact of these elements in any way differently than job seekers. I explained some theoretical interpretations, which relate to communication, relationships and preparation for job interviews. All this has an impact on the possibility that a candidate for a job will get the desired position. The final findings of the study have confirmed the assumption that non-verbal communication has a strong influence on the employer’s decision-making who is the righ candidate for the job, but it is still difficult to determine whether non-verbal communication is crucial in the final decision. Employers and candidates for the job, as seen from the results of my research, agree on the importance of individual elements of non-verbal communication, but there are also some small differences between their answers.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Manjalli, Sara and Miglič, Gozdana
- Subjects
govorica telesa ,recruitment ,Nebesedno sporočanje ,zaposlitveni intervju ,body language ,Non-verbal communication ,job Interview ,izbira kadrov - Abstract
Naši gibi so odraz naših misli, svoje misli pa težko kontroliramo, zato lahko rečemo, da težko kontroliramo svoje gibe, geste, kretnje, mimiko. Govorica telesa, kot del nebesedne komunikacije je niz sporočil, ki jih sogovorniku, bolj kot zavedno, posredujemo podzavestno. Izraža naše iskreno mnenje, resnična stališča, ki jih kdaj pa kdaj, zaradi različnih razlogov, skušamo prirediti ali skriti. Če smo pozorni nanje, lahko sogovornika opazujemo in med njegovim govorjenjem preverjamo njegovo ujemanje besednega z nebesednim. Proces izbire kadrov je proces, ki ga organizacija uporabi, ko želi na delovno mesto sprejeti novega zaposlenega. Med pisanjem diplomskega dela smo se osredotočili na eno izmed mnogih metod za izbiro kadrov, in sicer na intervju. Pri zaposlitvenem razgovoru ali intervjuju sta kandidat in spraševalec v neposrednem stiku. Je metoda, na katero se mora spraševalec dobro pripraviti, če želi od kandidata pridobiti želene informacije, pri tem pa spremljati in opazovati vse informacije, ki bi mu tako ali drugače pripomogle h končni odločitvi izbire. V diplomskem delu smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšen vpliv ima govorica telesa kandidata pri zaposlitvenem intervjuju, koliko vpliva ta pri končni izbiri, koliko jo spraševalci poznajo in jo upoštevajo pri zaposlitvenem razgovoru s kandidati. Na podlagi teoretičnih osnov, zapisanih v prvem delu diplomskega dela, smo v raziskovalnem delu z intervjuji, izvedenimi pri treh manjših zaposlovalcih, prišli do rezultatov, ki so nam dali odgovore na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja. Lahko trdimo, da bolje kot spraševalec pozna govorico telesa, bolj jo upošteva, jo lažje spremlja in jo tako tudi upošteva pri končni izbiri. Tako kot lahko trdimo, da so v povprečju kandidatove izjave skladne z njegovo govorico telesa, lahko trdimo tudi, da boljše poznavanje govorice telesa pripomore k lažjemu odločanju izbranega kandidata. Our movement is a reflection of our thoughts, and because our thoughts are difficult to control, we could say it is quite demanding to control our movements, gestures and facial expression. Body language, as part of non – verbal communication, is a set of messages, which we intermediate, rather consciously, then subconsciously. It expresses our sincere opinion, the real point of view, which sometimes, for various reasons, we try to manipulate or hide. If we pay attention to it, we can observe the other person, and during his talking, we can check his correspondence of verbal communication to non-verbal. The process of personnel selection is a process that an organization reaches for when it wants to recruit a new employee to a workplace. While writing the thesis, we focused on one of the many methods of personnel selection in an interview. In a job interview, the candidate and interviewer are in direct contact. It is a method in which the interviewer must prepare well, if he wants to obtain the desired information from the candidate, and observe other information that would in one or another way contribute to the final decision. In this thesis we wanted to determine what impact the candidate’s body language in the job interview could have, how this effects on the final choice, and how much does the body language mean and it is accepted by the interviewer through a job interview with the candidates. On the basis of the theoretical ground, written in the first part of the thesis which was based on the interviews carried out with three smaller employers, we have come to the results, which give us the answers to the research questions. We can say the better the interviewer knows the body language the more he can consider it, it is much easier to monitor it, and thus, it is also taken into account in the final selection. At the end we can conclude the average candidate's statements are consistent with his body language, and we can also say that a good knowledge of body language makes easier to choose a successful candidate.
- Published
- 2013
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