9 results on '"mineral wool"'
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2. The influence of specific components in simulated lung fluid used for in vitro glass dissolution tests
- Author
Trivunčević, Daša and Strlič, Matija
- Subjects
bio-topnost ,bio solubility ,mineralna volna ,mineral wool ,simulirana pljučna tekočina ,simulated lung fluid - Abstract
Varnost mineralnih voln, ki se uporabljajo za toplotno in akustično izolacijo, se pred vstopom na trg, zaradi možnosti vdihavanja vlaken, dokazuje z in vivo testi. Zaradi želje in zaveze EU po zmanjševanju testov na živalih, se raziskave usmerjajo na in vitro metode, ki posnemajo biološko okolje. Metode za in vitro določevanje topnosti in obstojnosti vlaken niso standardizirane, zato rezultati med posameznimi raziskovalnimi okolji in laboratoriji med seboj niso primerljivi. V diplomskem delu sem določila vpliv posameznih komponent v simulirani pljučni tekočini na topnost stekla. Test sem izvedla na steklenih ploščicah, ki so nadomestile običajni vlaknasti vzorec. S tem je bilo omogočeno bolj kontrolirano sledenje raztapljanja predhodno izbrane komponente simulirane pljučne tekočine. Koncentracijo izluženih ionov sem določila z induktivno sklopljeno plazmo (ICP-MS). Največjo topnost glede na gravimetrično določeno izgubo mase so imeli vzorci izpostavljeni raztopinam, ki so vsebovale kalijev hidrogen ftalat, natrijev citrat in natrijev tartrat, pri čemer je bil opazen vpliv koncentracije citrata in tartrata. Večja sprememba pH vrednosti je bila opazna pri raztopinah z višjo koncentracijo natrijevega citrata in tartrata, ki sta povzročila povečano raztapljanje namočenega vzorca. V raztopinah soli in raztopini z dodatkom aminokisline glicina so bili vzorci slabo topni, kar pomeni, da sta pomembni komponenti za raztapljanje v simulirani pljučni tekočini organski fazi natrijev citrat in natrijev tartrat. Gravimetrično določena topnost je bila podobna topnosti določeni z merjenjem koncentracije raztopljenih ionov z ICP-MS metodo. Pri primerjavi organskih pufrov KHP in MES, je imel KHP na raztapljanje znaten vpliv, medtem, ko pufer MES na raztapljanje vzorca ni imel vpliva. Pri raztapljanju kalija v raztopini z ultra prečiščeno vodo in kalijevim hidrogen ftalatom je bilo tudi vizualno opaziti obarjanje, saj je na vzorcu nastala plast bakrene barve. V tej tekočini, se je raztopila tudi največja količina vzorca. The safety of mineral wool used for thermal and acoustic insulation must be tested in vivo in case of inhalation before entering the market. Due to the EU's desire and commitment to reduce animal testing, research is focused on in vitro methods that mimic the biological environment. Methods for in vitro determination of solubility and durability of fibres are not standardized, consequently the results between individual research environments and laboratories are not comparable. In this research I determined the influence of individual components in the simulated lung fluid on the solubility of glass. The test was performed on glass chips that replaced the usual wool fibres, which enabled more controlled dissolution of the components in the simulated lung fluid. I determined the concentration of leached ions by using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Samples exposed to solutions containing potassium hydrogen phthalate, sodium citrate and sodium tartrate had the highest solubility in terms of gravimetrically determined mass loss. The concentration of sodium citrate and tartrate that is used in test has fundamental role on the solubility of the fibres. In the salt solutions and the solution with the addition of the amino acid glycine, the samples were poorly soluble, which means that the important components for dissolution in the simulated lung fluid are the organic phase sodium citrate and tartrate. The gravimetrically determined solubility was similar to the solubility determined by measuring the concentration of dissolved ions using the ICP-MS method. A greater change in pH value was observed in solutions with a higher concentration of sodium citrate and tartrate, which caused increased dissolution of the soaked sample. It follows that the choice of buffer is also important when performing the test, since the buffer itself can have a strong influence on dissolution. I compared the organic buffers KHP and MES, whereby the buffer MES had no effect on the dissolution of the sample, while KHP had a significant effect on the dissolution. The phenomenon of supersaturation was observed when dissolving potassium in a solution with ultra purified water and potassium hydrogen phthalate. Precipitation was also observed visually, as a layer of copper color formed on the sample. In this liquid, the largest amount of the sample was dissolved.
- Published
- 2023
3. Modeliranje in optimizacija prostega natoka taline na centrifugo za proizvodnjo kamene volne
- Author
Blagojevič, Marko and Bizjan, Benjamin
- Subjects
numerični model ,prosti natok kapljevine ,vizualizacija toka ,iztočni kanal ,udc:532:677.52:519.6(043.2) ,flow visualization ,wheel spinner ,kamena volna ,free surface flow ,numerical model ,kolesna centrifuga ,outflow channel ,mineral wool - Abstract
V delu je bila opravljena vizualizacija vpliva hitrosti kolesne površine in hitrosti curka na obliko in škropljenje kapljevine v okolici natočnega mesta z uporabo hitre kamere. Izvedena je bila vizualizacija prostega toka modelne kapljevine iz kanala s prerezom v obliki črke V pod kotom 90 °. Izdelan je bil numerični model prostega natoka modelne kapljevine iz V-kanala, U-kanala in pravokotnega kanala. Prosti natok kapljevine smo simulirali z laminarnim modelom in uporabo VOF modela za obravnavanje proste površine. Z rezultati numeričnih simulacij in vizualizacije s hitro kamere je bila predlagana optimalna oblika prostega kanala za natok taline na kolo centrifuge. Kriterij za izbiro optimalne oblike kanala je bilo razmerje med širino in debelino curka. Najboljše rezultate smo dobili za V-kanal, kjer je znašalo razmerje med širino in debelino curka 2,17. Na podlagi rezultatov numeričnih simulacij smo potrdili, da je širino in debelino curka pri natoku na kolesno centrifugo možno razložiti s teorijo mehanizma kapilarnih valov. In the thesis, a visualization of the influence of wheel surface speed and jet speed on the shape and spraying of liquid in the jet impact point was performed by means of high-speed imaging. Visualization of the free flow of model liquid from the channel with a V - shaped cross section at a 90 ° angle was performed. A numerical model of free flow of model liquid from V-channel, U-channel and rectangular channel was developed. Free flow of liquid was simulated with a laminar model and the use of VOF model to address the free surface. Based on the results of numerical simulations and visualization with a speed camera, the optimal shape of free channel for the flow of melt on a wheel spinner was proposed. The criteria for selecting the optimal channel shape was the ratio of jet width to thickness. The best results were obtained with the V-channel, where the ratio of jet width to thickness was 2,17. Based on analysis of numerical simulation results, we confirmed that the width and thickness of the jet on the wheel spinner can be explained by the theory of the capillary wave mechanism.
- Published
- 2021
4. Vpliv dodajanja kock in kosmičev mineralne volne v susbstrat na rast in mineralno sestavo izbranih rastlin
- Author
Rozman, Neva and Vogel-Mikuš, Katarina
- Subjects
sončnice ,sunflower ,prehrana rastlin ,tla ,udc:635.9:581.6:581.1:666.198(043.2) ,biotehnologija ,elementi ,accumulation in plants ,Helianthus annuus ,plant nutrition ,substrati ,mineral wool ,mineral composition ,soil ,akumulacija v rastlinah ,elements ,mineralna volna ,mineralna sestava ,substrates ,biotechnology - Published
- 2020
5. Savremen način upravljanja procesom proizvodnje mineralne vune.
- Author
Stankov, Stanko P.
- Subjects
MINERAL wool manufacturing ,MANUFACTURING processes ,PRODUCTION control ,PROGRAMMABLE controllers ,SUPERVISORY control & data acquisition systems - Abstract
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- Published
- 2013
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6. Diffusion of water vapour through external wall with thermal insulation on inner side
- Author
Černe, Katarina and Jagličić, Zvonko
- Subjects
porobeton ,kalcij-silikatna plošča ,internal thermal insulation ,calcium-silicate board ,condensation of water vapour ,foam glass ,normal format brick ,parna zapora ,toplotna izolacija na notranji strani ,mineral wool ,vapour barrier ,kondenzacija vodne pare ,penjeno steklo ,udc:532.12:699.8(497.4)(043.3) ,diffusion of water vapour ,brick wall ,opečni zid ,aerated cellular concrete ,difuzija vodne pare ,zunanja stena ,kamena volna ,opeka normalnega formata ,external wall - Abstract
V nekaterih primerih, kot so na primer objekti stavbne kulturne dediščine, smo prisiljeni namestiti toplotno izolacijo na notranji strani stene. Sprememba ovoja stavbe lahko pripelje do kondenzacije vode v sklopu novega ovoja, do uničevanja konstrukcije zaradi gnitja lesenih delov in zmrzovanja konstrukcije, obenem pa ob ustreznih temperaturnih in vlažnostnih pogojih pride do razvoja plesni in gliv, kar vpliva na zdravje ljudi in kakovost bivanja v stavbi. Izbrane toplotne izolacije (toplotnoizolacijski porobeton, ploščo iz kamene volne, kalcij-silikatno ploščo, ploščo iz penjenega stekla) smo testirali na gradbenem sklopu zunanje stene, sestavljenem iz izolacije na toplotni strani in zidu iz opeke normalnega formata. Najboljše rezultate toplotne izolacije in preprečevanja kondenzacije vodne pare v sklopu smo dobili v primeru kamene volne s pravilno nameščeno in nepoškodovano parno zaporo na topli strani ter plošče iz penjenega stekla. Treba pa je opozoriti, da že zaradi majhne poškodbe parne zapore difuzijski tok vodne pare v sklop močno naraste in v primeru dovolj nizke temperature na hladni strani lahko vodi do kondenzacije in celo zmrzovanja vode v sklopu. Z uporabo Glaserjeve metode smo ocenili količino kondenzata in hitrost sušenja v opisanih gradbenih sklopih preko celega leta za vremenske pogoje v Ljubljani. In some cases, for example, in buildings that are a part of architectural cultural heritage, we are forced to install the thermal insulation on the inner side of the wall. However, such renovation of the building envelope may result in the condensation of water within the new envelope, degradation of the construction due to the decomposition of wooden parts and freezing inside the construction. In addition, new temperature and humidity conditions, can also lead to the development of mould and fungi, which affects people’s health and the quality of living inside the building. The selected thermal insulations (aerated cellular concrete, mineral wool, calcium-silicate, foam-glass) were tested. Consists of an insulation on the warm side and a normal-format brick wall on the cold side. As far as thermal insulation and the prevention of condensation of water vapour in this building element are concerned, the best results were obtained using mineral wool with an appropriately installed and undamaged vapour barrier on the warm side and a foam-glass board. It must be stressed that even a small damage to the vapour barrier can cause a significant increase in the flow of water vapour in the building element. In a combination with low temperatures, it can cause condensation on the cold side or even freezing of water in the building element. Using the Glaser method, we assessed the amount of the condensate and the drying rate in the building elements described for weather conditions throughout the year in Ljubljana.
- Published
- 2019
7. Model razvlaknjenja taline na dvokolesni centrifugi
- Author
Blagojevič, Marko and Bizjan, Benjamin
- Subjects
udc:621.6:532.51:666.198(043.2) ,vizualizacija toka ,tok odpiha ,mineralna volna ,centrifuga ,spinner ,primarna plast ,primary layer ,flow visualization ,razvlaknjenje taline ,melt fiberization ,blow-away flow ,mineral wool - Abstract
Razvlaknjenje taline mineralne volne je kompleksen proces, katerega poznavanje je ključnega pomena pri proizvodnji izolacijskih materialov. Postavili smo preizkuševališče, ki omogoča proučevanje procesa razvlaknjenja. Pomembni vhodni parametri, ki vplivajo na proces, so vrtilna frekvenca koles centrifuge, položaj natoka in volumski pretok taline. Izdelali smo regresijski model izkoristka razvlaknjenja taline v odvisnosti od vhodnih parametrov. Z opazovanjem procesa s hitro kamero je bila ugotovljena neenakomerna gostota porazdelitve vlaken na zbiralni mreži v odvisnosti od vhodnih parametrov. Melt fiberization is a complex process and its understanding is crucial for production of insulating materials. A measurement setup has been designed to allow the study of important input parameters that influence the fiberization process such as wheel rotational speed, angular position of the melt and the melt volume flow. A regression model of melt fiberization efficiency was made based on the input parameters. By visualization of the fiberization process with a high-speed camera, an uneven density of fiber distribution on the collecting grid was determined depending on the input parameters.
- Published
- 2019
8. The effect of added fraction mineral wool on soil moisture and pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) crop
- Author
Poznič, Viktorija and Muršec, Mateja
- Subjects
paprika ,pepper ,vlaga ,tla ,moisture ,mineralna volna ,crop ,pridelek ,mineral wool ,soil - Abstract
Proučevali smo vpliv dodane frakcije mineralne volne (MV) na zadrževanje vlage v tleh in na pridelek paprike (Capsicum annuum L.). Poskus smo izvajali na dveh lokacijah: v Beltincih in v Ižakovcih, od maja do oktobra 2015. Hibrid paprike Bobita F1 smo pridelovali v tunelih, v katerih smo primerjali dve obravnavanji: (1) z dodatkom MV v tleh in (2) brez dodane MV – kontrola, v treh ponovitvah. Talno vlago smo merili oz. določali na različne načine in sicer gravimetrično, volumetrično, elektrometrično z WET senzor aparatom ter s tenziometri na globini do 5 do 20 cm. Pridelek smo ovrednotili kvantitativno (masa in število plodov) in kvalitativno (masa in število plodov boljše in slabše kakovosti). Rezultati so pokazali, da so se meritve talne vlage med obema obravnavanjema razlikovale le delno (razlike smo opazili le na lokaciji v Ižakovcih), medtem ko se pri posameznem obravnavanju meritve vlage v tleh niso razlikovale glede na različne uporabljene metode merjenja. Dodatek mineralne volne je le delno vplival na pridelek paprike v Ižakovcih, medtem ko so na pridelek paprike vplivali osnovni pedološki parametri (tekstura). We were testing the impact of added faction mineral wool on preserving moisture in the soil and on the pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) crop. The experiment was carried out at two locations, at Beltinci and Ižakovci, from May to October, 2015. Pepper Bobita F1 was grown in tunnels where two treatments were compared: (1) with mineral wool added to the soil, and (2) with no mineral wool added-control, in three replications. Soil moisture was measured and determined in various ways respectively, namely gravimetrically, volumetrically, electrometrically with the WET sensor device, and with tensiometers at the depth from 5 to 20 cm. The produce was evaluated according to quantity (weight and number of fruits) and according to quality (weight and number of fruits of a better or a worse quality). The results showed the measurements of the soil moisture differed between the two treatments only partially (differences were stated only at Ižakovci). Measurements of soil moisture, however, did not differ at individual treatment according to different measuring methods used. The pepper crop was influenced by basic pedologic parameters (texture) while adding of mineral wool had on the produce at Ižakovci only partial impact.
- Published
- 2018
9. Avtomatizacija pomika vertikalnih valjčnic
- Author
PAJEK, ROK and Petkovšek, Marko
- Subjects
vertical roller ,avtomatizacija ,proizvodna linija ,vertikalna valjčnica ,mineralna volna ,frequency inverter ,programirljivi logični krmilnik ,programmable logic controller ,production line ,frekvenčni pretvornik ,mineral wool ,automation - Abstract
V diplomski nalogi sem opisal projekt avtomatizacije pomika vertikalnih valjčnic, ki so sestavni del proizvodne linije za izdelavo lahkih gradbenih plošč v podjetju Trimo. Pri izvedbi sem uporabil obstoječi krmilnik SIEMENS CPU318-2. Merjenje pomika se izvaja s pomočjo merilnih letev MTS Temposonics. Končne pozicije se zaznava s pomočjo induktivnih stikal, pomik vertikalnih valjčnic pa poganja sistem SEW, ki je sestavljen iz frekvenčnega pretvornika, motorja in reduktorja. Najprej sem v programskem okolju SIMATIC Manager izdelal program za krmilnik, s katerim sem preveril delovanje merilne letve. V nadaljevanju sem izdelal tudi načrt vseh električnih povezav. S pomočjo tega načrta smo na linijo vgradili potrebne elemente. Po zagonu linije je bilo potrebnih nekaj modifikacij mojega programa. Sedaj se pomik vertikalnih valjčnic upravlja preko vmesnika SCADA, ki je prav tako del obstoječega sistema na tej liniji. In my diploma, I described the project of automation of vertical rollers, which are integrated in a larger production line for light construction panels in company Trimo. In the project, I used the existing PLC controller SIEMENS CPU318-2. Position measuring is carried out by MTS Temposonics measuring rods. The end positions are sensed by inductive switches. Movement of the vertical rollers is achieved by SEW drive system, which consists of a frequency inverter, induction motor and a gearbox. Firstly, I wrote a program (in the programming environment SIMATIC Manager) for the PLC, which was used to test the functioning of the measuring rod. Then I made a plan of all electrical connections. With the help of this plan we installed all the necessary elements in the production line. For proper functioning, some modifications of my program were done. Now the position of vertical rollers is controlled through the SCADA interface, which is also a part of the existing control system on this line.
- Published
- 2017
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