19 results on '"repeatability"'
Search Results
- Author
GUČEK, Tanja and RADIŠEK, Sebastjan
- Abstract
In order to expand the scope of accreditation in the Diagnostic Laboratory for Plant Protection (DL) at the Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing (IHPS) for the diagnostic method "duRT-qPCR for detection of CBCVd and internal control mRNA1192" (MDL 12), we performed its partial validation and analysed the analytical sensitivity, selectivity, repeatability and reproducibility. Analyses were performed using two sets of reagents (SensiFast and AgPATH). For analytical sensitivity, the limit of detection (LOD) was set at 5 pg and the limit of quantification (LOQ) at 50 pg RNA. As part of sensitivity and selectivity testing, we compared different hop cultivars, infection methods, viroid combinations and two nucleic acid isolation methods. In all tests we obtained accurate results. Repeatability and reproducibility were tested with four analysts over three days, with two sets of reagents, on set of 30 samples. We performed a total of 12 analyses and tested 360 samples, and determined them with 100 % accuracy. In the case of SensiFast kit, we obtained lower Cq values and chose it as the optimal choice for duRT-qPCR. In addition, with the MDL 12 method, we also performed an analysis of hop samples and RNA included in inter-laboratory testing and were 100 % successful. Through validation, we proved that we provide reliable results and that the method is suitable for accreditation. The paper presents the validation of the diagnostic method, which brings new findings in the field of RT-qPCR method implementation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
3. VERIFIKACIJA METODE PCR ZA DOLOČANJE GLIVE Verticillium nonalfalfae IN Verticillium dahliae.
- Author
GUČEK, Tanja and RADIŠEK, Sebastjan
- Abstract
In order to apply for accreditation of in-house method "PCR for detection of Verticillium nonalfalfae and Verticillium dahliae" (MDL 02) verification of method was performed. The method is part of EPPO standard PM 7/78 (2) "Verticillium nonalfalfae and V. dahliae", so it has been partially validated. In accordance with EPPO guidelines for the validation of methods PM 7/98 (4) we analyzed the results of previous research, performed a risk analysis and prepared a verification plan for the method. In the scope of verification we analyzed the analytical sensitivity, repeatability, reproducibility and the influence of nucleic acid isolation on the results. In the case of analytical sensitivity, the detection limit (LOD) was determined at 1 pg and the limit of quantification (LOQ) at 0.1 ng. The repeatability and reproducibility of the method were analyzed by comparing 5 operators, 2 kits and 2 PCR instruments on a set of 14 samples. A total of 338 samples were analyzed and determined with 98.8 % accuracy. Additional 95 samples isolated with CTAB reagent were analyzed and the negative impact of isolation on the results in the case of major deviations from protocol was confirmed. Our research confirmed that verification or validation of methods is crucial to obtain reliable results. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
4. Validation of a procedure for the determination of total carbon in solid samples of ilmenite and titanium slag
- Author
Selič, Tina and Kolar, Mitja
- Subjects
validacija ,validation ,ponovljivost ,TOC ,EnviroTOC ,TC ,repeatability - Abstract
V okolju, kemiji okolja in drugih študijah je določanje vsebnosti ogljika pomemben parameter. V večini primerov ni zanimiva samo skupna vsebnost ogljika v vzorcu, temveč tudi vsebnost organskega ogljika. Namen diplomske naloge je bil določiti natančnost postopka določitve totalnega ogljika in totalnega organskega ogljika v trdnih vzorcih. Za namen diplomskega dela je bilo potrebno pripraviti vzorce, zamenjati lonček, zgorevalno in absorpcijsko kolono na analizatorju EnviroTOC in opraviti meritve. Da so bili rezultati znotraj linearnega območja smo v sklopu diplomske naloge preučili kako zatehta posameznega vzorca vpliva na vrednost TC in na ponovljivost meritev. In environmental research, the determination of carbon content is an important parameter. In most cases, it is not only the total carbon content of the sample that is of interest, but also the organic carbon content. The aim of the thesis was to determine the accuracy of the procedure for the determination of total carbon and total organic carbon in solid samples. For the purpose of the thesis, it was necessary to prepare the samples, replace the crucible, combustion and absorption columns on the EnviroTOC analyser, and perform the measurements. To ensure that the results were within the linar calibration range, the thesis examined how the sample bias affects the TC value and the repeatability of the measurements.
- Published
- 2023
5. Ponovljivost in zanesljivost meritev torako-abdominalnega obsega gibljivosti
- Author
Dobnik, Maja and Jakovljević, Miroljub
- Subjects
diploma theses ,reliability ,ponovljivost ,zanesljivost ,cirtometry ,cirtometrija ,obseg gibljivosti ,diplomska dela ,fizioterapija ,range of motion ,udc:615.8 ,thoraco-abdominal measurement ,torako-abdominalne meritve ,repeatability ,physiotherapy - Abstract
Uvod: Cirtometrija ali meritve torako-abdominalnih obsegov, se v fizioterapiji uporablja za merjenje obsegov gibljivosti prsnega koša in trebuha. Obseg gibljivosti se meri z merilnim trakom na različnih ravneh prsnega koša v mirovanju, pri največjem vdihu in največjem izdihu. Izvedba meritev je preprosta in cenovno ugodna. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil ovrednotiti ponovljivost in zanesljivost meritev torako-abdominalnega obsega gibljivosti, izmerjene s samozateznim merilnim trakom. Metode dela: V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 30 preiskovancev. Meritve smo izvedli v dveh sejah, med katerima je bilo teden dni premora. Preiskovanci so med meritvami stali z rokami sproščeno ob telesu. Meritve smo opravili v višini tretjega rebra in petega prsnega vretenca (aksilarno), žličke in desetega prsnega vretenca (ksifoidalno) ter popka in četrtega ledvenega vretenca (umblikalno). Na označene kostno-anatomske točke smo položili merilni trak ter izmerili obseg v mirovanju, pri največjem vdihu in pri največjem izdihu. Ponovljivost in zanesljivost meritev smo ovrednotili z intraklasnim koeficientom korelacije. Rezultati: Pri meritvah aksilarno so bile v vseh sejah statistično pomembne razlike. Največja razlika je bila med prvo in tretjo meritvijo druge seje v mirovanju. Razlike meritev obsegov ksifoidalno in umblikalno so bile statistično nepomembne. Med prvo in drugo sejo je do največjih razlik prišlo pri ksifoidalnih meritvah v mirovanju in po največjem vdihu. Ponovljivost meritev je bila na vseh ravneh odlična. Najnižja vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije je bila opažena pri aksilarnih meritvah prve seje v mirovanju in druge seje po največjem izdihu (IKK= 0,991). Najvišja vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije (IKK = 0,999) je bila zaznana pri vseh umblikalnih meritvah. Zanesljivost je bila na vseh ravneh odlična, intraklasni koeficient korelacije vseh meritev je bil nad 0,981. Razprava in zaključek: Izvedba meritev torako-abdominalnih obsegov z merilnim trakom je bila ponovljiva in zanesljiva. Do največjih odstopanj je prišlo pri meritvah na aksilarni ravni, na kar je verjetno vplivalo potenje preiskovancev. Potrebno je nameniti večjo pozornost klimatizaciji preiskovancev pred izvedbo meritev. Introduction: Cirtometry or thoraco-abdominal measurements of perimetry is used to measure the range of motion of the chest and abdomen. The range of motion is measured with a measuring tape at different levels of chest at rest, maximal inspiration and maximal expiration. Measurements are simple and affordable. Purpose: The aim of the diploma work was to evaluate the repeatability and reliability of measurements of the thoraco-abdominal range of motion. Methods: 30 subject were included in the research. The measurements were performed in two sessions, between which there was a one-week break. During the measurements, subject stood with their arms relaxed by their sides. Measurements were made at the height of the third rib and fifth thoracic vertebra (axillary), the xiphoid and tenth thoracic vertebra (xiphoidal) and the belly button and the forth lumbar vertebra (umbilical). We placed a measuring tape on the marked anatomical points and measured circumference at rest, at maximum inhalation and at maximum exhalation. The repeatability and reliability of the measurements were evaluated with the intraclass correlation coefficient. Results: There were statistically significant differences in axillary measurements in all sessions. The biggest difference was between the first and third measurements of the second session at rest. Differences of range of motion on xiphoidal and umbilical level were not statisticaly significant. Between the first and second sessions, the largest differences occurred in the xiphoid measurements at rest and after the maximum inspiration. The repeatability of measurements was excelent at all levels. The lowest value of the intraclass correlation coefficient was observed in the axillary measurements of the first session at rest and the second session after maximal exhalation (ICC = 0.991). The highest value of the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC = 0.999) was detected in all umbilical measurements. Reliability was excellent at all levels and intraclass corelation coefficient was always above 0,981. Discussion and conclusion: The measuring of thoraco-abdominal circumferences with a measuring tape was repeatable and reliable. The largest deviations occured in measurements at the axillary level, which was probably influenced by subjects perspiration. Before starting the measurement it is necessary to familiarize th subjects with the procedure of the measurement.
- Published
- 2022
6. Evaluating the repeatability of RTK GPS measurements using analysis of variance ; Vrednotenje ponovljivosti opazovanj RTK GPS z analizo variance
- Author
Antic Pirti
- Subjects
RTK GPS ,Accuracy ,Repeatability ,ANOVA ,natančnost ,ponovljivost ,Geodesy ,QB275-343 - Abstract
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the repeatability of RTK GPS method under varying satellite configurations by using different reference points. Furthermore, we conducted one way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), which is a powerful tool for comparing the variability of related types of measurements. Multi-reference station is a well–known approach in RTK GPS. Using multi-reference points isan effective way to achieve consistent accuracy in the whole net by making errors less distance dependent on the reference stations. It is possible to achieve high reliability and availability by using multi-reference stations. If one station goes down or starts to provide suspicious values, it is possible to compensate the situation with other stations, while this is not possible when a single reference station fails. Here we present ANOVA which is an effective method to check the quality of corrections generated from each reference station ; Namen raziskave je oceniti ponovljivost RTK-metodeGPS-opazovanj v odvisnosti od različne geometrije razporeditve satelitov in z uporabo različnih referenčnih postaj. Uporabili smo metodo enosmerne analize variance (ANOVA), ki omogoča učinkovito primerjavo spremenljivosti podobnih meritev. RTK-metodo GPSopazovanjsmo opravili z več referenčnimi postajami, saj je tako mogoče doseči homogeno natančnost v celotni mreži. Prav tako je natančnost manj odvisna od oddaljenosti izmeritvenih točk od referenčne postaje. Tako sta omogočeni visoka zanesljivost in dostopnost opazovanj, saj lahko eno referenčno postajo ob morebitnem izpadu nadomestimo z drugo, kar je velika prednost pred uporabo samo ene referenčne postaje. Z metodo ANOVA lahko učinkovito preverimo kakovost popravkov, ki jih ustvarijo posamezne referenčne postaje.
- Published
- 2012
7. Ponovljivost in zanesljivost meritev aktivnega obsega gibljivosti v kolenskem sklepu z univerzalnim goniometrom
- Author
Malešič, Nina and Jakovljević, Miroljub
- Subjects
diploma theses ,active range of motion ,reliability ,ponovljivost ,zanesljivost ,aktiven obseg giba ,universal goniometer ,intraclass correlation coefficient ,univerzalen goniometer ,diplomska dela ,fizioterapija ,udc:615.8 ,goniometrija ,repeatability ,intraklasni koeficient korelacije ,goniometry ,physiotherapy - Abstract
Uvod: Meritve obsega sklepne gibljivosti so ključen del fizioterapevtske obravnave. Uporabljajo se za postavljanje ciljev obravnave, oceno izboljšanja/poslabšanja stanja, spremembo obravnave, motivacijo pacienta ter raziskave učinkov posameznih fizioterapevtskih metod in tehnik. Najpogosteje se uporablja tehnika goniometrije, najpogosteje uporabljen pripomoček pa je univerzalni goniometer. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti ponovljivost in zanesljivost meritev aktivnega obsega gibljivosti v kolenskem sklepu z univerzalnim goniometrom. Metode dela: Raziskavo je odobrila Komisija za medicinsko etiko Republike Slovenije. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 40 zdravih preiskovancev (21 ţensk in 19 moških), ki so bili v povprečju stari 21,7 (1,1) let. Meritve so bile izvedene v dveh sejah, med katerima je minilo 48 ur. Preiskovanec je v vsaki seji izvedel tri zaporedne gibe fleksije in ekstenzije levega in desnega kolenskega sklepa. Rezultati: Pri meritvah obsega aktivne gibljivosti v smeri fleksije in ekstenzije ni bilo statistično pomembnih razlik med spoloma. Pri ugotavljanju ponovljivosti so bile vse vrednosti intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije višje od 0,9, kar kaţe na odlično ponovljivost, meritve fleksije so se izkazale za bolj ponovljive od meritev ekstenzije. Pri ugotavljanju zanesljivosti so se vrednosti intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije za meritve ekstenzije gibale med vrednostmi 0,6 in 0,8, kar nakazuje na zmerno do dobro zanesljivost meritev, za meritve fleksije pa so se vrednosti intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije gibale med vrednostmi 0,8 in 0,9, kar nakazuje na dobro do odlično zanesljivost. Prav tako so bile meritve fleksije bolj zanesljive od meritev ekstenzije. Najniţja vrednost najmanjše zaznane spremembe je bila 1,6° pri ekstenziji desnega kolenskega sklepa, najvišja vrednost pa je bila 2,3° pri fleksiji desnega in levega kolenskega sklepa. Razprava in zaključek: Univerzalni goniometer je naprava z odlično ponovljivostjo, ter dobro do odlično zanesljivostjo. Je preprost za uporabo, lahko dostopen in cenovno ugoden. Introduction: Measuring the extent of joint mobility is an important part of physiotherapy treatment. It is used to establish the goal of treatment, assess improvement, modify treatment, motivate the patient, and study the effects of specific physiotherapy methods and techniques. The most commonly used technique is the goniometric technique, with the universal goniometer being the most commonly used instrument. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to determine the repeatability and reliability of measuring active range of motion in the knee joint using a universal goniometer. Methods: The study was approved by the Republic Slovenia National Medical Ethics Committee. It included 40 healthy participants (21 women and 19 men) whose mean age was 21.7 (1.1) years. Measurements were performed in 2 sessions 48 hours apart. In each session, participants performed three consecutive flexion and extension movements with the left and right knee joints. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between the two sexes in the measurements of active range of motion toward flexion or extension. Regarding repeatability, all intraclass correlation coefficient values were above 0.9, indicating very good repeatability however, flexion measurements were found to be more repeatable than extension measurements. In determining reliability, the intraclass correlation coefficient values for the extension measurements ranged from 0.6 to 0.8, indicating good to moderate reliability of the measurement, while the intraclass correlation coefficient values for the flexion ranged from 0.8 to 0.9, indicating rather good to excellent reliability. Similarly, the flexion measurements were more reliable than the extension measurements. The lowest value of smallest detectable change was 1.6° in extension of the right knee joint and the highest value was 2.3° in flexion of both the right and left knee joints. Discussion and conclusion: The universal goniometer is a device with excellent repeatability and good to very good reliability. It is easy to use, accessible and affordable.
- Published
- 2021
8. Optimizacija avtomatiziranega stroja za manipulacijo statorjev
- Author
BENEDIČIČ, ANDREJ and Klančar, Gregor
- Subjects
pristranskost ,obnovljivost ,linearity ,bias ,ponovljivost ,stator ,avtomatiziran stroj ,stability ,linearnost ,storage ,zalogovniki ,stabilnost ,MSA ,PLC ,repeatability ,automated machine ,reproducibility - Abstract
V prvem delu magistrske naloge je predstavljena optimizacija obstoječega stroja, ki je namenjen za odlaganje zalitih statorjev na paleto na tekočem traku, po katerem se ti odpeljejo na strojno pregledovanje. Statorji so zloženi na pladnjih, ki jih naložene na vozičke zapeljemo v stroj. Servomotorji zalogovnikov s pomočjo prijemal dvignejo pladenj na prenos, ki ga premika dodaten servomotor. Robot pobira vsak stator posebej, ga odnese na mesto odčitavanja QR kode, nato na preverjanje odtenka njegove barve ter na koncu na paleto, ki se nahaja na tekočem traku. Najprej je predstavljenih nekaj mehanskih predelav, ki so bile potrebne za zanesljivejše delovanje stroja. Opisan je program, ki vključuje: izdelavo programskega bloka za premikanje servomotorjev, izdelavo celotnega avtomatskega cikla zalogovnikov in prenosa, optimizacijo ročnega režima stroja, kodo za izvedbo zajemanja meritev pri analizi merilnega sistema senzorja barve ter optimizacijo zaslonov na kontrolnem panelu. Programiranje je potekalo na Siemensovem krmilniku in panelu s pomočjo njihovega programskega okolja TIA Portal. Stroj zajema meritve barvnih odtenkov statorjev, s pomočjo katerih je izvedeno preverjanje njihove toplotne obdelave. Zato je v drugem delu magistrske naloge predstavljena analiza merilnih sistemov, ki jo moramo izvesti na našem senzorju. Merilni sistemi morajo zagotavljati, da pri opravljanju meritev na pride do prevelikih odstopanj od realne vrednosti. Analiza zato merilnemu sistemu preverja stabilnost, ki predstavlja spreminjanje pristranskosti skozi daljše časovno obdobje, pristranskost, ki predstavlja razliko med referenčno vrednostjo in povprečjem nekega števila meritev, linearnost, ki prikazuje razliko pristranskost skozi celotno merilno območje sistema, ponovljivost, ki nam predstavlja razliko med zaporednimi meritvami enega merilca in obnovljivost, ki nam predstavlja razliko med povprečnimi meritvami posameznih merilcev. Merilni sistem našim zahtevam ustreza takrat, ko so vse naštete lastnosti znotraj mejnih vrednosti. The first part of the master's thesis presents the optimization of the existing machine, which is intended for depositing cast stators on a pallet laying on a conveyor belt, after which they are taken for machine inspection. The stators are stacked on trays, which are loaded onto carts, and then together loaded into machine. The storage servomotors lift the tray to the transmission by means of grippers, which is moved by an additional servomotor. The robot picks up each stator separately, takes it to the location of the QR code reading, then to check the hue of its color, and finally to the palette located on the conveyor belt. First, some mechanical modifications that were necessary for more reliable operation of the machine are presented. The program is described with the following: production of a program block for moving servomotors, production of a fully automatic cycle of storage and transmission, optimization of manual machine mode, code for performing measurement capture in color sensor measurement system analysis and screen control panel optimization. Programming took place on a Siemens system using their TIA Portal programming environment. The machine also includes measurements of the color shades of the stators, with the help of which the verification of their heat treatment is performed. Therefore, in the second part of the master's thesis, the analysis of measuring systems is presented, which we must perform on our sensor. Measuring systems must ensure that excessive deviations from the real value do not occur when performing measurements. The analysis of the measuring system checks the stability, which represents the change of bias over time, bias, which represents the difference between the reference value and the average of some measurements, linearity, which shows the bias difference throughout the measuring range of the system, repeatability, which represents the difference between successive measurements of one appraiser and reproducibility, which represents the difference between the average measurements of individual appraisers. Repeatability and reproducibility can be considered together to obtain a variance equal to the sum of the variations within the measurement system. The measuring system meets our requirements when all the listed properties are within the limit values.
- Published
- 2021
9. Ponovljivost in zanesljivost trigonometričnih meritev aktivnega obsega gibljivosti kolenskega sklepa
- Author
Slana, Aja and Jakovljević, Miroljub
- Subjects
diploma theses ,active range of motion ,trigonometry ,reliability ,zanesljivost ,ponovljivost ,diplomska dela ,fizioterapija ,udc:615.8 ,goniometrija ,aktivna sklepna gibljivost ,trigonometrija ,repeatability ,goniometry ,physiotherapy - Abstract
Uvod: Najpogostejsˇi nacˇin merjenja gibljivosti sklepov so goniometricˇne meritve. Nekatere obsege gibljivosti lahko merimo tudi ali pa samo s centimetrskim trakom. Iz linearnih meritev pa lahko izračunamo obseg gibljivosti s pomočjo trigonometričnih enačb. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ovrednotiti ponovljivost in zanesljivost trigonometričnih meritev aktivnega obsega gibljivosti v kolenskem sklepu. Metode dela: V raziskavo je bilo vkljucˇenih 40 zdravih preiskovanev. Merjenja so potekala v dveh sejah s 48 urnim vmesnim premorom. Za ugotovljene razlik med posameznimi meritvami je bila opravljena enosmerna analiza variance za ponovljene meritve (p?0,05). Ponovljivost in zanesljivost smo vrednotili z intraklasnim koeficientom korelacije (2,1). Izračunali smo tudi najmanjšo zaznano spremembo. Rezultati: Pri preverjanju ponovljivosti je bila najnizˇja vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije (0,895) opazˇena pri meritvah fleksije levega kolenskega sklepa v drugi seji. Najvišja vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije (0,936) je bila opažena pri meritvah ekstenzije levega kolenskega sklepa v prvi seji ter pri meritvah fleksije levega kolenskega sklepa v prvi seji. Vse meritve so imele vrednosti intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije visˇje od 0,900, kar pomeni odlično ponovljivost. Meritve ekstenzije so se izkazale za bolj ponovljive od meritev fleksije. Pri računanju zanesljivosti ekstenzije je bila najnizˇja vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije pri meritvah, kjer smo uposˇtevali le tretjo meritev ekstenzije levega kolenskega sklepa (0,728). Najvisˇja vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije je bila pri povprečju treh meritev ekstenzije v desnem kolenskem sklepu (0,953). Pri meritvah zanesljivosti fleksije je bila najnizˇja vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije pri povprečju treh meritev fleksije levega kolenskega sklepa (0,784). Najvisˇja vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije je bila pri povprečju treh meritev fleksije desnega kolenskega sklepa (0,958). Vse meritve (razen ene) so imele vrednosti intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije visˇje od 0,750, kar pomeni dobro zanesljivost. Razprava in zaključek: Trigoniometricˇne meritve kolenskega sklepa so ponovljive in zanesljive, nekoliko bolj pri meritvah ekstenzije kot pri merjenju aktivnega giba fleksije kolenskega sklepa. Zanesljivost je primerljiva z drugimi, zˇe izvedenimi raziskavami. Podatkov o ponovljivosti v literaturi nismo zasledili. Introduction: The most common way of measuring joint mobility is goniometric measurements. Measurements are performed with a universal goniometer. We carry them out in order to obtain objective measurements of the flexibility of a particular joint. Some ranges of motion can also be measured only with a centimetre tape. From linear measurements, the range of motion can be calculated using trigonometric equations. Because measurements are usually conducted by different therapists, the intratester reliability is very important. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis was to identify the repeatability and reliability of trigonometric measurements of the active range of motion in the knee joint. Methods: The study involved 40 healthy subjects.. Measurements were made in two sessions within a 48.. The differences between the measurements were assessed by the analysis of the variance for repeated measurements (p⡤0.05). Repeatability and reliability were evaluated by intraclass correlation coefficient (2,1). We also calculated the lowest real difference. Results: In the repeatability test, the lowest value of the intraclass correlation coefficient (0.895) was observed when measuring the flexion of the left knee joint in the second session. The highest value of the intraclass correlation coefficient (0.936) was observed in the measurements of the extension of the left knee joint in the first session and in the measurements of the flexion of the left knee joint in the first session. All measurements had values of intraclass correlation coefficient higher than 0.900, which means excellent repeatability. Extension measurements proved to be more reproducible than flexion measurements. When calculating the reliability of the extension, the lowest value of the intraclass correlation coefficient was in the measurements, where only the third measurement of the extension of the left knee joint was considered (0.728). The highest value of the intraclass correlation coefficient was in the average of three measurements of extension in the right knee joint (0.953). In flexibility reliability measurements, the lowest value of the intraclass correlation coefficient was the average of the three left knee flexion measurements (0.784). The highest value of the intraclass correlation coefficient was in the average of three measurements of right knee joint flexion (0.958). All measurements (except one) had values of intraclass correlation coefficient higher than 0.750, which means good reliability. Discussion and conclusion: Trigoniometric measurements of the knee joint are repeatable and reliable, slightly more in the measurements of extension than in the measurement of the active movement of the knee joint flexion. Reliability is comparable to the other research already conducted. No data on repeatability were found in the literature.
- Published
- 2021
10. Ponovljivost in zanesljivost meritev aktivnega obsega gibljivosti v kolenskem sklepu z digitalnim goniometrom
- Author
Narić, Dragan and Jakovljević, Miroljub
- Subjects
diploma theses ,reliability ,ponovljivost ,zanesljivost ,intraclass correlation coefficient ,obseg gibljivosti ,diplomska dela ,fizioterapija ,range of motion ,udc:615.8 ,repeatability ,intraklasni koeficient korelacije ,digital goniometers ,physiotherapy ,digitalni goniometri - Abstract
Uvod: Merjenje je bistven del vseh empiričnih družboslovnih in naravoslovnih znanosti. Vsaka stvar, ki obstaja je v določeni količini. Goniometrija je najbolj pogosto uporabljena tehnika za merjenje sklepne gibljivosti. Obseg gibljivosti sklepa se meri za odkrivanje omejitev v sklepni gibljivosti in za oceno pacientovega napredka v rehabilitaciji. Ker se meritve opravijo večkrat in pogosto pri različnih fizioterapevtih, je zato pomembna zanesljivost preiskovalca in inštrumenta. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti ponovljivost in zanesljivost meritev aktivnega obsega gibljivosti v kolenskem sklepu z digitalnim goniometrom z enim krakom. Metode dela: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 40 preiskovancev (21 žensk in 19 moških), povprečno starih 21,7 (1,1) let. Moški so bili v povprečju pomembno višji, težji z višjim indeksom telesne mase. Meritve so bile opravljene v dveh sejah z razmikom 48 ur. V vsaki seji so bile opravljene tri zaporedne meritve obsega gibljivosti ekstenzije in fleksije. Rezultati: Med spoloma ni bilo pomembnih razlik v aktivnem obsegu gibljivosti kolena v smeri ekstenzije, so pa ženske imele pomembno večji obseg aktivne gibljivosti pri gibu fleksije v obeh kolenih. Obstajala je pomembna razlika v aktivnem obsegu gibljivosti med levim in desnim kolenom v smeri ekstenzije samo pri moških, v smeri fleksije pa tako pri moških kot ženskah. Pri preverjanju ponovljivosti je bila najnižja vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije (0,784) bila pri meritvah ekstenzije levega kolenskega sklepa v prvi seji, najvišja (0,952) pa pri meritvah fleksije desnega kolenskega sklepa v drugi seji. Meritve fleksije so bile bolj ponovljive od meritev ekstenzije. Pri preverjanju zanesljivosti smo najboljše rezultate dobili, če smo izračunali povprečje treh zaporednih meritev. Najnižjo vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije (0,649) smo izračunali pri meritvah ekstenzije levega kolena, najvišjo (0,893) pa pri meritvah fleksije desnega kolena. Meritve fleksije so bile bolj zanesljive od meritev ekstenzije. Razprava in zaključek: Digitalni goniometer je enostavna uporabna naprava, za merjenje obsegov gibljivosti sklepov, ki je primerna tudi za začetnike. Poleg tega omogoča tudi shranjevanje podatkov. Goniometrija kolenskega sklepa z digitalnim goniometrom je postopek z dobro do odlično ponovljivostjo in zadovoljivo do dobro zanesljivostjo, če meritve opravi začetnik. Introduction: Measurement is an essential part of all empirical social sciences and natural sciences. Everything that exists is in a certain amount. Goniometry is the most commonly used technique for measuring joint mobility. The extent of joint mobility is measured to detect limitations in joint mobility and to assess the patient's progress in rehabilitation. Because measurements are made multiple times and often by different physiotherapists, the reliability of the investigator and the instrument is therefore important. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work is to determine the repeatability and reliability of measurements of the active range of motion in the knee joint using digital goniometer. Methods: 40 subjects (21 women and 19 men) participated in the study, with an average age of 21.7 (1.1) years. Men were, on average, significantly taller, heavier with a higher body mass index. Measurements were performed in two sessions with an interval of 48 hours. Three consecutive measurements of the extent of extension and flexion mobility were performed in each session. Results: There were no significant differences between the sexes in the active range of motion of the knee in the direction of extension, but women had a significantly higher range of active mobility in the flexion movement in both knees. There was a significant difference in the active range of motion between the left and right knee in the direction of extension only in men, and in the direction of flexion in both men and women. In the repeatability test, the lowest value of the intraclass correlation coefficient (0.784) was in the measurements of the extension of the left knee joint in the first session, and the highest (0.952) in the measurements of the flexion of the right knee joint in the second session. Flexion measurements were more reproducible than extension measurements. When checking reliability, we obtained the best results if we calculated the average of three consecutive measurements. The lowest value of the intraclass correlation coefficient (0.649) was calculated in the measurements of the left knee extension, and the highest (0.893) in the measurements of the right knee flexion. Flexion measurements were more reliable than extension measurements. Discussion and conclusion: The digital goniometer is a simple and useful device for measuring the range of motion of joints, which is also suitable for beginners. In addition, it also allows data storage. Knee joint goniometry with a digital goniometer is a procedure with good to excellent repeatability and satisfactory to good reliability if beginner makes the measurements.
- Published
- 2021
11. Meritve obsega gibljivosti kolena z digitalnim goniometričnim sistemom - raziskava ponovljivosti in zanesljivosti
- Author
Dobrin, Maks and Jakovljević, Miroljub
- Subjects
digital goniometric systems ,udc:615.8 ,diploma theses ,digitalni goniometrični sistemi ,reliability ,ponovljivost ,zanesljivost ,obseg gibljivosti ,repeatability ,diplomska dela ,fizioterapija ,physiotherapy ,range of motion - Abstract
Uvod: Meritve gibljivosti sklepov so pomemben del celostne fizioterapevtske preiskave ter omogočajo fizioterapevtom natančnejšo oceno disfunkcije in napredka v procesu rehabilitacije. Pri opravljanju goniometričnih meritev z univerzalnim goniometrom lahko zaradi nenatančnosti preiskovalca dobimo napačne vrednosti obsega gibljivosti. Digitalni goniometrični sistem nima te težave, saj digitalni inklinometer pravilno izmeri obseg gibljivosti, ko je nameščen v skladu z navodili. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti ponovljivost in zanesljivost goniometričnih meritev obsega gibljivosti kolena z digitalnim goniometričnim sistemom. Metode dela: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 40 študentov (21 žensk in 19 moških), povprečno starih 21,7 leta. Meritve so bile opravljene v dveh sejah z razmikom 48 ur. V vsaki seji so bile opravljene tri zaporedne meritve obsega gibljivosti ekstenzije in fleksije. Rezultati: Pri preverjanju ponovljivosti je bila najnižja vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije (0,754) opažena pri meritvah ekstenzije desnega kolenskega sklepa v prvi seji. Najvišja vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije (0,887) je bila pri meritvah ekstenzije levega kolenskega sklepa v seji 2. Vse meritve so imele vrednosti intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije višje od 0,75, kar pomeni dobro ponovljivost. Meritve fleksije so se izkazale za bolj ponovljive od meritev ekstenzije. Pri računanju zanesljivosti ekstenzije je bila najvišja vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije (0,898) izračunana glede na povprečje treh meritev. Pri meritvah zanesljivosti fleksije je bila najvišja vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije (0,897) izračunana glede na mediano treh meritev. Vse meritve so imele vrednosti intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije višje od 0,75, kar pomeni dobro zanesljivost. Razprava in zaključek: Digitalni goniometrični sistem je ponovljiva in zanesljiva metoda za merjenje obsega gibljivosti. Z digitalnim goniometričnim sistemom ni mogoče izmeriti prstnih sklepov in samo nameščanje digitalnega inklinometra na ude je lahko zamudno. Uvod: Meritve gibljivosti sklepov so pomemben del celostne fizioterapevtske preiskave ter omogočajo fizioterapevtom natančnejšo oceno disfunkcije in napredka v procesu rehabilitacije. Pri opravljanju goniometričnih meritev z univerzalnim goniometrom lahko zaradi nenatančnosti preiskovalca dobimo napačne vrednosti obsega gibljivosti. Digitalni goniometrični sistem nima te težave, saj digitalni inklinometer pravilno izmeri obseg gibljivosti, ko je nameščen v skladu z navodili. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti ponovljivost in zanesljivost goniometričnih meritev obsega gibljivosti kolena z digitalnim goniometričnim sistemom. Metode dela: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 40 študentov (21 žensk in 19 moških), povprečno starih 21,7 leta. Meritve so bile opravljene v dveh sejah z razmikom 48 ur. V vsaki seji so bile opravljene tri zaporedne meritve obsega gibljivosti ekstenzije in fleksije. Rezultati: Pri preverjanju ponovljivosti je bila najnižja vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije (0,754) opažena pri meritvah ekstenzije desnega kolenskega sklepa v prvi seji. Najvišja vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije (0,887) je bila pri meritvah ekstenzije levega kolenskega sklepa v seji 2. Vse meritve so imele vrednosti intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije višje od 0,75, kar pomeni dobro ponovljivost. Meritve fleksije so se izkazale za bolj ponovljive od meritev ekstenzije. Pri računanju zanesljivosti ekstenzije je bila najvišja vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije (0,898) izračunana glede na povprečje treh meritev. Pri meritvah zanesljivosti fleksije je bila najvišja vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije (0,897) izračunana glede na mediano treh meritev. Vse meritve so imele vrednosti intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije višje od 0,75, kar pomeni dobro zanesljivost. Razprava in zaključek: Digitalni goniometrični sistem je ponovljiva in zanesljiva metoda za merjenje obsega gibljivosti. Z digitalnim goniometričnim sistemom ni mogoče izmeriti prstnih sklepov in samo nameščanje digitalnega inklinometra na ude je lahko zamudno.
- Published
- 2020
12. Comparison of optic nerve head topography in normal eyes using confocal laser scanning tomograph and retinal thickness analyzer
- Author
Andreja Rekič and Barbara Cvenkel
- Subjects
Heidelberg retina tomograph ,limits of agreement ,optic nerve head ,repeatability ,retinal thickness analyser ,Medicine - Abstract
Background: To compare optic nerve head topography measurements by Heidelberg retina tomograph I (HRT) and retinal thickness analyser (RTA) and thereby to determine clinical agreement between the devices. To investigate reproducibility of measurements for HRT and RTA. To obtain our own HRT and RTA database for comparison of healthy and glaucomatous eyes.Methods: The study included 100 normal eyes of 50 white adults of both sexes (mean age of 55.5 [SD 9.5] years). Ophthalmologic examination, fundus photography, HRT and RTA examinations were performed. To determine reproducibility 10 volunteers repeated the examination after a week. For HRT and RTA measurements mean (SD), median, 5th and 95th percentile, range and coefficient of variation were calculated. Differences in topographic parameters between HRT and RTA were tested for significance. Clinical agreement was assessed with »limits of agreement« and reproducibility expressed by repeatability coefficient and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC).Results: Significant differences (p < 0.05) in topographic parameters obtained by HRT and RTA were observed for all parameters except for rim area (p = 0.051) and height variation contour (p = 0.054). Limits of agreement between HRT and RTA were too wide and clinically important. Repeatability coefficient was good (< 0.10) for all HRT parameters except for RNFL cross-sectional area (0.28). Repeatability coefficient was > 0.10 for RTA parameters cup area (0.15), rim area (0.19), maximum cup depth (0.13), height variation contour (0.11) and RNFL cross-sectional area (0.14). ICC was good (> 90%) for all parameters, except for mean RNFL thickness (89%) for HRT and height variation contour (84%) for RTA.Conclusions: The two devices cannot be used interchangeably. At present, clinical usefulness of HRT is superior to RTA due to better reproducibility of measurements, better software support, shorter duration of the examination and good comparability of our HRT database with the database included in the latest HRT software version. At the moment RTA is using the same database as HRT. Therefore, our RTA database provides a new basis for comparison of optic disc characteristics between healthy and glaucomatous eyes.
- Published
- 2005
13. Ocenjevanje zaznavnega praga za dotik na spodnjih udih z monofilamenti
- Author
Pantner, Barbara and Puh, Urška
- Subjects
WEST ,reliability ,ponovljivost ,zanesljivost ,senzorika ,Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments ,repeatability ,sensitivity ,Semmes-Weinsteinovi monofilamenti - Abstract
Uvod: Občutenje na stopalu nas varuje pred poškodbami in sodeluje pri uravnavanju gibanja tako, da zagotavlja informacije za ohranjanje ravnotežja med hojo in stojo. Kvantitativno ocenimo zaznavni prag za dotik z monofilamenti. Pražne vrednosti zaznav lahko variirajo od lahnega dotika do grobega pritiska. Namen: Pregled izsledkov raziskav o ponovljivosti in zanesljivosti ocenjevanja zaznavnega praga za dotik z monofilamenti na spodnjih udih. Metode: Raziskovalni članki so bili pridobljeni v podatkovni zbirki PubMed do konca oktobra 2017. Rezultati: V pregled je bilo vključenih 12 člankov. V eni raziskavi so ugotavljali ponovljivost ocenjevanja in v 10 zanesljivost posameznega preiskovalca in med preiskovalci s Semmes-Weinsteinovimi monofilamenti ter v eni zanesljivost med preiskovalci z Weinsteinovim izboljšanim testom občutenja (Weinstein enhanced sensory test, WEST). Ocenjevanje je ponovljivo le v primeru, da so monofilamenti pravilno umerjeni (CV: 6–9 %). Zanesljivost za posameznega preiskovalca je bila pri zdravih odraslih v štirih raziskavah nizka do odlična (ICC = 0,36–0,92), pri pacientih s sladkorno boleznijo v dveh raziskavah nizka do odlična (ICC = 0,49–0,92) in pri pacientih z gobavostjo v dveh raziskavah dobra do odlična (ICC = 0,83–0,92). Zanesljivost med preiskovalci s Semmes-Weinsteinovimi monofilamenti je bila pri zdravih odraslih v dveh raziskavah nizka do odlična (ICC = 0,07–0,92), pri zdravih šolskih otrocih v eni raziskavi dobra do odlična (ICC = 0,88–0,96), pri pacientih s sladkorno boleznijo v dveh raziskavah nizka do dobra (ICC = 0,46–0,88) in pri pacientih z gobavostjo v treh raziskavah dobra do odlična (ICC = 0,76–0,95). Zanesljivost je bila dobra do odlična (ICC = 0,76–0,96) v šestih raziskavah, ko so ocenjevali izkušeni preiskovalci. Najbolj zanesljivo ocenjevanje je bilo na 1. prstu in 1. stopalnici na plantarni strani stopala (ICC = 0,52¬–0,94) in pri določitvi zaznavnega praga 2/3 (vsaj dve zaznavi od treh prejetih dražljajev) (ICC = 0,88–0,95), 2/2 (ICC = 0,92–0,94) in 3/3 (ICC = 0,61–0,92). Zanesljivost med preiskovalci z WEST pri pacientkah s hallux valgus je bila dobra (ICC = 0,84). Zaključek: Ocenjevanje zaznavnega praga z monofilamenti je najbolj zanesljivo ko ocenjuje isti izkušen preiskovalec, in sicer na področju 1. prsta in glavici 1. stopalnice plantarno in določi zaznavni prag z 2/3 (vsaj dve zaznavi od treh prejetih dražljajev) ali z 2/2. Ponovljivost sil monofilamentov je optimalna, vendar bi bilo potrebno ponovljivost raziskati še na ljudeh. O zanesljivosti ocenjevanja so potrebne nadaljnje raziskave pri pacienti z nevrološkimi okvarami, starejših odraslih, otrocih in tudi pri sladkornih bolnikih. Introduction: Foot sensitivity protects us from injuries and participates in posture control by providing information during standing and walking. Touch detection threshold can be quantitatively assessed with monofilaments. Detection threshold values can vary from light touch to deep pressure. Purpose: To review studies of repeatability and reliability of touch threshold assessment with monofilaments on lower limbs. Methods: Research articles were conducted using database PubMed until the end of October 2017. Results: 12 articles were included in the review. One study established repeatability, and 10 studies intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments, and in one study interrater reliability of assessment with Weinstein enhanced sensory test (WEST) was established. Use of monofilaments is repeatable if filaments are well calibrated (CV: 6–9 %). Intra-rater reliability was poor to excellent (ICC = 0.36–0.92) in four studies with healthy adults, poor to excellent (ICC = 0.49–0.92) in two studies with diabetic patients and good to excellent (ICC = 0.83–0.92) in two studies with leprosy patients. Inter-rater reliability was poor to excellent (ICC = 0,07–0,92) in two studies with healthy adults, good to excellent (ICC = 0.88–0.96) in one study with healthy school children, poor to good (ICC = 0.46–0.88) in two studies with diabetic patients and good to excellent (ICC = 0.76–0.95) in three studies with leprosy patients. In six studies reliability was good to excellent (ICC = 0.76–0.96) when assessment was done by experienced researchers. Most reliable assessment was performed on plantar surface of the 1. digit and the 1. metatarsal head (ICC = 0.52¬–0.94) and when detection threshold was determinated with 2/3 (at least two detections out of three applications) (ICC = 0.88–0.95) or 2/2 answers (ICC = 0.92–0.94). Interrater reliability with WEST was good (ICC = 0.84) in patients with hallux valgus. Conclusions: Assessment of touch threshold with monofilaments is most reliable if performed by experienced researchers on plantar surface of the 1. digit and the 1. metatarsal head and if touch threshold is determinate with 2/3 (at least two detections out of three applications) or with 2/2 answers. Monofilaments are repeatable tool, but repeatability of their use should be established on humans. Further studies of reliability are needed in patients with neurological disorders, older adults, children and diabetic patients.
- Published
- 2018
14. Izdelava linearnega magnetnega enkoderja
- Author
SVETLIČIČ, POLDE and Jankovec, Marko
- Subjects
Gostota magnetnega polja ,Linearnost ,Magnetni enkoder ,Linearity ,Magnetic flux density ,Repeatability ,Odpornost na zunanje spremenljivke ,Resistance to the environment variables ,Ponovljivost ,Magnetic encoder - Abstract
V pričujočem diplomskem delu smo opisali snovanje in postopke izdelave linearnega enkoderja, ki deluje na principu zaznavanja usmerjene gostote magnetnega polja. Pri izdelavi diplomskega dela smo se naučili precej novih stvari, čeprav večine zadanih ciljev nismo dosegli. Kljub temu smo med izdelavo pridobili precej izkušenj in znanja za izdelavo potencialnih naslednjih serij enkoderjev. Med izdelavo diplomskega dela smo naleteli na nove težave, ki jih nismo dovolj dobro upoštevali pri začetnem načrtovanju. Velik problem predstavlja temperaturna občutljivost, ki pa je še vedno nismo dokončno analizirali. V prihodnje bi morali ugotoviti, kako vsaka komponente posebej prinese k temperaturni občutljivosti enkoderja. Dodaten problem, ki ga nismo upoštevali pri snovanju, je prisotnost remanenčne gostote magnetnega polja v kroglicah, še preden so te vstavljene v enkoder. This thesis focuses on describing design and procedures of making linear encoder, that works by sensing directed magnetic flux density. During the procedure of making encoder, we learned a lot of new things although we didn't achieve most of desired goals. However we were still able to learn from the process itself and obtain broad knowledge that is required for further development. We discovered new problems that had not anticipated in designing process. In the future we should explore how much each component effects temperature sensitivity. Another problem that occurred in design was presence of remanent magnetic flux density which had been present in balls even before they were inserted into encoder.
- Published
- 2018
15. Ponovljivost in zanesljivost meritev testa petih vstajanj s stola, izmerjenega z mobilno aplikacijo
- Author
Kramar, Eva and Jakovljević, Miroljub
- Subjects
diploma theses ,študentje ,reliability ,ponovljivost ,zanesljivost ,students ,mobile application ,diplomska dela ,fizioterapija ,test petih vstajanj s stola ,mobilna aplikacija ,five times sit to stand test ,repeatability ,physiotherapy - Abstract
Uvod: Časovno merjeni Test petih vstajanj s stola se uporablja kot orodje za ugotavljanje gibalnih sposobnosti starejših ljudi. Prvotno se je test uporabljal za ugotavljanje moči spodnjih udov. Sedaj pa se poleg tega uporablja tudi za posredno ocenjevanje drže in ravnotežja. Tako lažje poiščemo posameznike, ki so ogroženi za padce. Problem predstavlja veliko različnih izvedb testiranja. Namen Ugotoviti ponovljivost in zanesljivost Testa petih vstajanj s stola, izmerjenega z mobilno aplikacijo »Test to go«. Metode dela: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 32 študentov, trije moški in 29 žensk, v povprečju (standardni odklon) starih 21,2 (0,8) let. S pomočjo mobilne aplikacije smo s študenti dvakrat, v razmiku 48 ur izvedli meritve. Pri vsaki meritvi so imeli preiskovanci na voljo 3 poskuse. Iz danih rezultatov smo izračunali intraklasni korelacijski koeficient (IKK) in 95% interval zaupanja. Rezultati: Skupni IKK je znašal le 0,44. Višje vrednosti IKK so bile pri drugi meritvi tj. po 48 urah. Izračunani IKK za 2. in 3. poskus pri obeh meritvah je 0,60 - 0,66. 95% interval zaupanja pa je bil širok, saj znaša od 0,11 do 0, 68. Merjene vrednosti so bile zelo različne. Razprava in sklep: Na osnovi dobljenih rezultatov skupnega IKK lahko sklepamo, da je Petkratni test vstajanja, merjen z mobilno aplikacijo, komaj sprejemljivo zanesljivo merilno orodje. Če pa upoštevamo samo IKK drugega in tretjega poskusa, pa je test zmerno zanesljiv, saj je izračunani IKK precej višji. Zato bi bilo smiselno testiranju dodati poskusno izvedbo testa. Preiskovanci bi že pri prvem poskusu imeli izkušnjo, ki bi jo le utrdili. Introduction: Five times sit to stand test is used as s measuring tool for determining motor abilities of elderly people. Originally, the test was used to determine the strength of lower limbs. Now is also used for indirect assessment of posture and balance. So it is easier to find risk individuals. The problem arises from different test implementations. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to determining the repeatability and reliability of the Five times sit to stand test, measured with mobile application »Test to go«. Methods: The study involved 32 students, 3 male and 29 female, both on average (standard deviation) 21.2 (0.8) years old. We made two measurements, which were 48 hours apart. At each measurement subjects had three attempts. From the given results, we calculated interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) with the 95% confidence interval. Results: Interclass correlation coefficient was only 0.44. Total ICC from the second and the third measurement was higher than the overall measurements, in which the values are between 0.60 and 0.66. 95% confidence interval is very wide, ranging from 0.11 to 0.68. All the measured values are very different. Discussion and conclusion: The adjustment results show that the Five times sit to stand test, which was implemented using a mobile application, is an unreliable measurement tool. It is necessary to add a pilot test. Thus, the patient experience after the first attempt could be strengthened in the following ones.
- Published
- 2017
16. Analiza izvedljivosti dimenzijske kontrole ulitkov z optičnim merilnim sistemom
- Author
Košir, Rožle and Vukašinović, Nikola
- Subjects
measuring camera ,ponovljivost ,merilna točnost in natančnost ,measurement accuracy and precision ,optical measuring system ,raztros ,contour measuring ,optični merilni stroj,profilomer ,scatter / dispersion ,coordinate measuring machine ,Merilna negotovost ,measurement uncertainty ,merilna kamera ,repeatability ,koordinatni merilni stroj - Abstract
V diplomski nalogi bomo preverjali ustreznost optičnega merilnega sistema v primerjavi z merilnim koordinatnim strojem, profilomerom ter merilno kamero. Na vsakem od zgoraj naštetih strojev bomo izvedli določeno število meritev ter nato ugotavljali ustreznost optičnega merilnega sistema. Ugotavljanje ustreznosti optičnega merilnega sistema bo potekalo na neobdelanem ulitku iz aluminija. Za vsak stroj posebej bomo izračunali raztros posameznega stroja, največjo razliko med maksimalno in minimalno vrednostjo ter raztros oziroma ponovljivost samega stroja. In this thesis we will verify the adequacy of the optical measuring system in comparison with the coordinate measuring machine, contour measuring machine and measuring camera. In each of the above mentioned machines we will perform a certain number of measurements and then we will find out if the optical measuring system is suitable for use. All measurements will be performed on a rough aluminium casting. For each machine separately the scatter / dispersion and the highest difference between the maximum and minimum value will be calculated.
- Published
- 2017
17. Razlika med spoloma in ponovljivost medio-lateralnega testa stopanja
- Author
Poje, Marina and Jakovljević, Miroljub
- Subjects
ponovljivost ,medio-lateral step test ,dominant extremity ,mediolateralni test stopanja ,dominanca uda ,repeatability - Abstract
Uvod: Razmerja med padci, ravnotežjem in hojo so zapletena, zato so razvili številne teste ravnotežja in hoje, da bi z njimi napovedali tveganje za padce. Namen: Ugotoviti razliko med spoloma, med dominantno in nedominantno nogo, med položajema in ponovljivost medio-lateralnega testa stopanja. Metode dela: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 60 (30 žensk, 30 moških) mladih zdravih preiskovancev. Opravili so test stopanja v medio-lateralni smeri, v sedečem in stoječem položaju. Pridobljene podatke smo statistično obdelali. Rezultati: Moški so v primerjavi z ženskami hitrejši oziroma so dosegli boljše rezultate. Vrednosti ICC za posameznika so pokazale zadovoljivo zanesljivost. Dominanca uda pomembno vpliva na izvedbo testa, predvsem v stoječem položaju. Razprava in sklep: Na podlagi rezultatov lahko govorimo o dobri zanesljivosti medio-lateralnega testa stopanja. Dodatna testiranja bi bilo dobro opraviti predvsem glede dominance uda. Introduction: Relation between falls, balance and walking are complex. For this reason, many balance tests as well as walk tests were developed – in order to predict the risks of falling. Purpose: The purpose of this final thesis is to determine differences between genders, between dominantly and non-dominantly extremity, between positions and repeatability of the medio-lateral step test. Methods: Research included 60 younger subjects who performed the test of stepping in the medio-lateral direction in a sitting and standing position. The data obtained were statistically analyzed. Results: In comparison with women, men were faster and have shown better results. ICC values for individual showed satisfactory reliability. Dominance of the leg has a significant impact on the execution of the test, especially in an upright position. Discussion and conclusion: Based on the results, we can speak about the reliability of the medio-lateral stepping test. However, the dominance of the extremity should be a subject of further research.
- Published
- 2017
18. Naprava za hitro preizkušanje žarilnih svečk z integriranim tipalom tlaka
- Author
PODOBNIK, MIHA and Vončina, Danijel
- Subjects
control electronics ,funkcijski generator ,function generator ,oscilloscope ,krmilna elektronika ,ponovljivost ,etalon ,standard ,pressure sensor glow plug ,regulator tlaka ,electromagnetically actuated valve ,žarilna svečka s tipalom tlaka ,pneumatic cylinder ,pnevmatski cilinder ,elektromagnetno prožen ventil ,repeatability ,osciloskop ,pressure regulator - Abstract
Diplomsko delo opisuje razvoj naprave za hitro preizkušanje elektronskega vezja žarilne svečke s tipalom tlaka. Naprava nadomešča dizelski motor – vzpostaviti mora takšne tlačne razmere, kot so v valju med običajnim delovanjem motorja. Zasnoval sem napravo s pnevmatskim cilindrom, ki ustvarja silo na konico svečke. Cilinder je krmiljen z elektromagnetno proženim ventilom, silo pa nastavljamo z regulatorjem tlaka. Razvil sem krmilno elektroniko, ki proži ventil, njena dodatna funkcija pa je napajanje svečke. Elektronika potrebuje za delovanje enosmerno napajanje in proženje preko funkcijskega generatorja. Izhodni signal svečke spremljamo z osciloskopom. Preveril sem ponovljivost pri delovanju naprave, ki se je izkazala za dobro, in predpisal uporabo etalona za zagotavljanje kakovosti meritev. The thesis describes development of a device for quick testing of pressure sensor glow plug's electronic circuit. The device subtitutes a diesel engine – it has to establish such pressure conditions as are in a cylinder during normal engine operation. I designed a device with a pneumatic cylinder that applies force to the tip of a glow plug. The cylinder is controlled by an electromagnetically actuated valve and the force is adjusted by a pressure regulator. I developed control electronics that actuates the valve. Its additional function is powering the glow plug. DC power supply and trigger with a function generator are needed for the circuit to operate. The output of a glow plug is monitored with an oscilloscope. I checked the device's operation repeatability which proved to be good and prescribed usage of a standard for quality assurance of measurements.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Ošlak, Jože and Ačko, Bojan
- Subjects
ponovljivost ,measuring appliance ,meritev ,tolerances ,measurement ,repeatability ,fixture ,merilna priprava ,tolerance ,udc:658.56:[621.7.08:629.3.023.2](043.2) ,vpenjalna priprava - Abstract
V Gorenje Orodjarna izdelujemo orodja za preoblikovanje pločevine za dobavitelje karoserijskih delov v avtomobilski industriji. V sklopu orodja se zahteva tudi izdelava kontrolne priprave, ki omogoča kontrolo izdelkov iz orodij pod enakimi pogoji, kot bodo nastopili pri montaži in uporabi. V diplomski nalogi je dokumentiran proces izdelave kontrolne priprave s poudarkom na meritvah. Do sedaj takega dokumenta v Gorenju Orodjarna ni bilo. Ker sem v Gorenju Orodjarna edini strokovno usposobljen na tem področju, se je pojavila potreba po dokumentiranju postopkov in metod pri procesu izdelave kontrolne priprave Vpeljal sem delitev kontrolnih priprav na vpenjalne in merilne priprave. S tem je odpravljeno nejasno opisovanje v tehnično tehnološki mapi zahtev ob pričetku projekta. Diplomska naloga na kratko prikaže proces izdelave kontrolne priprave in ga podrobno vodi skozi proces meritve. Prikazani so primeri in podana dovoljena odstopanja pri meritvi. Gorenje Orodjarna produces tools to transform the sheet metal for the bodywork parts suppliers in the automotive industry. In the context of the tools required for production of control appliance which allow control of the products of the tools under the same conditions as they occur in the installation and use. The Thesis is a documented process of manufacture of the control appliance, with emphasis on measurements. Such document did no exist in Gorenje Orodjarna until now. Since I am in Gorenje Orodjarna only technically competent in this area, there is need for documentation of procedures and methods in the process of manufacture of the control appliance. I introduced the division of control appliances for the fixture and measuring appliances. This is a vague description to avoid the technical requirements of technological folder at the start of the project. Thesis briefly displays the process of manufacture of the control appliance and detail through the process of measurement. They are examples and given the tolerances in the measurement.
- Published
- 2009
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