20 results on '"Acosta, N."'
Search Results
2. Efecto de los B-glucanos de levaduras y oligoquitosanos sobre los rendimientos productivos en gazapos
- Author
Guenaoui, M., Abad Guamán, Rodrigo Medardo, Ocasio Vega, C., Acosta, N., Heras, M. A., Menoyo Luque, David, Carabaño Luengo, Rosa María, and García Alonso, Javier
- Subjects
Agricultura - Abstract
El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar el efecto de la suplementación con B-glucanos de levaduras y quitosanos sobre los rendimientos productivos de los gazapos.
- Published
- 2015
3. Determinación de la sensibilidad in vitro de diferentes cepas de Trypanosoma cruzi al benznidazol y al extracto de hoja de la planta Zanthoxylum chiloperone
- Author
Hamuy, R, Acosta, N II, López, E II, Ferreira, ME II, and Vera de Bilbao, N II
- Subjects
benznidazole ,Zanthoxylum chiloperone ,Trypanosoma cruzi ,in vitro ,benznidazol ,sensitivity ,sensibilidad - Abstract
Se evaluó la sensibilidad in vitro al benznidazol y al extracto de hojas de la planta Zanthoxylum chiloperone de diez cepas del Trypanosoma cruzi. Se utilizaron formas epimastigotas de las cepas, pertenecientes a diferentes linajes, diferente procedencia geográfica, incluidas tres de Paraguay, y aisladas de hospederos distintos, abarcando humanos, triatominos y animales silvestres. El grado de sensibilidad a la droga y al extracto vegetal fue estimado por el porcentaje de lisis de los parásitos a las 24 y 48 horas de exposición. Se observó un amplio rango de variación en el porcentaje de lisis entre las cepas, de 22,2% a 90,8% a la concentración del benznidazol de 200 µg/mL, con el hallazgo de una cepa con sensibilidad nula al mismo. Con respecto al extracto vegetal, tres concentraciones fueron testadas, de 500, 700 y 900 µg/mL, observándose variaciones en los porcentajes de lisis entre las cepas con las dos primeras concentraciones, entre un 2,1% y 100%, con lisis total en todas las cepas a la concentración de 900 µg/mL. No se observó asociación entre la diversidad de respuesta a los compuestos y la clasificación de las cepas ni con su origen geográfico y tipo de hospedero. Estas diferencias observadas resaltan la heterogeneidad de las poblaciones naturales del T. cruzi, aspecto importante a tener en cuenta en los estudios de sensibilidad a quimioterapéuticos y en los tamizajes primarios de nuevos antichagásicos. Así mismo, se destaca la eficacia del extracto vegetal sobre diferentes cepas de este parásito. The in vitro sensitivity of ten Trypanosoma cruzi strains to benznidazole and the leaf extract of the plant Zanthoxylum chiloperone was evaluated. Epimastigotes forms of strains that belonged to different lineages, different geographic origin, including three from Paraguay and isolated from different hosts (humans, triatomines, wild animals) were used. The degree of sensitivity to the drug and vegetal extract was estimated by the lysis percentage of the parasites at 24 and 48 hs of exposure. It was observed a wide range of variation in the lysis percentages between strains from 22.2% to 90.8% at a benznidazole concentration of 200 µg/mL, finding a strain without sensitivity to the drug. In relation to the vegetal extract, three concentrations were tested, 500, 700 and 900 µg/mL, observing variations in the lysis percentages between strains with the two first concentrations, between 2.1% and 100%, and with total lysis in all strains at the concentration of 900 µg/mL. Association was not observed between the diversity of responses to the compounds and the strain classification, geographic origin and host type.The observed differences emphasizes the heterogeneity of the natural populations of T. cruzi, an important aspect to be considered in the sensitivity studies of chemotherapics and in the primary screenings of new antichagasic drugs. It should also be remarked the efficacy of the vegetal extract on different strains of this parasite.
- Published
- 2013
4. Efecto de la adición en el pienso de mananoligosacáridos y β-glucanos de levaduras sobre la microbiota intestinal de gazapos
- Author
El Abed, N., Badiola, I., Trocino, Angela, Tazzoli, Marco, Majolini, Duilio, Pérez de Rozas, A., Combes, S., Cauquil, L., Acosta, N., Heras, A., Menoyo, D., García, J., Xiccato, Gerolamo, and Carabaño, R.
- Published
- 2013
5. Respuesta adrenal en pacientes críticos del Hospital de Clínicas de Asunción, Paraguay
- Author
Vera de Ruffinelli, J, Bueno, E, Benítez, A, Fretes, A, Jiménez, F, Cáceres, M, Bianco, H, and Acosta, N
- Subjects
critical ill patient ,pacientes críticos ,Niveles de cortisol ,Cortisol levels - Abstract
RESUMEN El pronóstico de los pacientes críticos depende en gran medida de una interacción entre el sistema endocrino, nervioso e inmune. El eje hipotálamo - hipofiso - adrenal constituye el paradigma de estas interacciones, con respuestas secretorias variables. Por ello, este estudio de cohorte fue realizado con el objetivo de determinar el nivel medio de cortisol sérico en pacientes críticos al momento de su ingreso, a fin de analizar la relación entre dichos niveles y el pronóstico que tuvieron los mismos. Se incluyeron 122 sujetos ingresados a UCIA de junio de 2005 a enero de 2006 que fueron distribuidos en tres grupos (G1,G2,G3) de acuerdo al nivel de cortisol sérico que presentaban. El nivel medio de cortisol fue de 55.46ug-dL. Fallecieron 42.3% (12/29) de los pacientes con niveles de cortisol más bajos (G1) y el 33.3% (17/51) de los que presentaban niveles de cortisol intermedio (G2) RR:1.91,(p=0.5 ),así como el 61.90% (26/42) de los que tenían los niveles más elevados(G3)RR:1.78, (p=0.01).Si bien, el nivel medio de cortisol fué elevado, como era de esperar, los peores pronósticos estuvieron asociados a niveles bajos de cortisol (inferiores a 20ug-dL)como así también a aquellos que presentaron niveles superiores a 40 ug-dL, donde observamos una mortalidad significativamente mayor. ABSTRACT The prognosis of critically ill patients mainly depends on an interaction between the endocrinous, nervous and immune systems. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis constitutes the paradigm of these interactions with variable secretory responses. Due to this, this cohort study was carried out in order to determine the mean serum cortisol level in critically ill patients at their hospital admission and to analyze the relation between those levels and the patient prognosis. One hundred and twenty two patients that entered the AICU from June 2005 to January 2006 were included and distributed in three groups (G1,G2,G3) according to their serum cortisol level. The mean cortisol level was 55.46 µg/dL.In the group with the lowest cortisol levels (G1), 42.3% of the patients (12/29) died, as well as 33.3% (17/51) of the patients with medium cortisol levels (G2) (RR:1.91, (p=0.5) and 61.90% (26/42) of the patients with the highest levels (G3) (RR:1.78, (p=0.01).Although the mean cortisol level was high, as expected the worse prognoses were associated to low cortisol levels (lower than 20 µg/dL) as well as to those that presented levels higher than 40 µg/dL in whom a significantly higher mortality was observed.
- Published
- 2009
- Author
Gonzalez R., Lina M., Acosta N., Maxiell F., and Sin Asesoría.
- Subjects
Area Adtva. ICBF - Abstract
Debido a los diferentes problemas que se han presentado por no existir una estructura única de control interno en las entidades del Estado, se hace necesario implementar el Modelo Estándar de Control Interno MECI 1000:2005, en su Subsistema de Control Estratégico, componente Ambiente de Control en el Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar en el Nivel Regional área Administrativa y Financiera., Pregrado, Contador Público
- Published
- 2006
7. Evaluación de los sistemas de depuración natural
- Author
Vera, L., Martel, G., Gutierrez, J., Márquez, M., Abreu Acosta, N., Salas, J. J., Sardón, N., Herrera Melián, J. A., Aguilar Bujalance, M. E., Rexachs, J. A., Brito, A. G., Nogueira, R., Ribeiro, Daniel, Martins, Gilberto, Cunha, J., and Universidade do Minho
- Subjects
Rendimientos de depuración ,Eliminación de nutrientes ,Evaluación de resultados ,Protocolos ,Reutilización ,Normativa - Abstract
La fase de experimentación de los diferentes proyectos pilotos de depuración natural, su evaluación y seguimiento, ha constituido uno de los pilares fundamentales del Proyecto DEPURANAT. Los socios responsables de los proyectos piloto incluidos en dicha fase de Experimentación y Demostración establecieron, de forma común, un protocolo único de seguimiento, tanto analítico como de supervisión de la operación de los mismos. Esta programación uniforme se planteó como via de homologación de resultados obtenidos en laboratorios de diferente procedencia y ubicación geográfica, que ayudasen a establecer comparativas fiables de los diferentes diseños tecnológicos desarrollados en cada lugar. De esta manera, se procuraba minimizar el factor de incertidumbre que existe a la hora de comparar formas de operación, diseños, o el empleo de metodologías diferentes. Todos los sistemas estaban sometidos, por su propia definición, a un gran número de variables dadas por su ubicación, lo que provocaba que la definición de criterios normalizados fuera imprescindible. El mencionado protocolo está conformado por herramientas de definición de los métodos analíticos empleados, de la periodicidad de los muestreos y de la metodología de la toma de muestras, transporte y almacenamiento de las muestras, así como, de los parámetros a supervisar en cada visita a un SDN. El presente capitulo recopila dicho protocolo de seguimiento y la evaluación obtenida de los rendimientos de depuración por cada sistema. Por último, enumera los niveles de cumplimiento de las normativas de depuración y reutilización de aguas residuales alcanzados en cada caso., Programa Interreg IIIB - Espaço Atlântico
- Published
- 2006
8. Grupo Empresarial Antioqueño 1978-2002 análisis del modelo empresarial
- Author
Londoño-Álvarez, C. F. (Carlos Felipe) and Acosta, N. E. (Nora Elena)
- Subjects
Como se había planteado en el artículo Grupo Empresarial Antioqueño. Evolución de políticas y estrategias, 1978-2002 , publicado en el número 1 de la Revista EIA, el análisis de las políticas y estrategias del GEA debe conducir a un modelo que permita pensar y estructurar el futuro del Grupo, a la luz de los cambios que afronta el país y el mundo. En esta oportunidad se presenta un análisis DOFA del modelo histórico del GEA, denominado modelo de enroque , con una propuesta de un nuevo esquema de gobierno que responda en forma oportuna a las circunstancias cambiantes del mundo: el modelo de holdings . As we had discussed in the article Grupo Empresarial Antioqueño. Evolución de políticas y estrategias, 1978 2002 , published in the first edition of the magazine Revista EIA, the analysis of the policies and strategies of the GEA should conclude in a model that allows considering and structuring the future of the Group, in accordance with the changes that the country and the world are undertaking. In this occasion we are presenting a SWOT analysis of the GEA historical model, called Modelo de Enroque , which proposes a new government plan that will efficiently response to the changing world circumstances.
- Published
- 2004
9. Monitoreo de la macrofauna edáfica bajo cultivo de tomate (Lycopersicon sculentum) con aplicación de extractos vegetales
- Author
Vásquez Acosta, N. C.
- Subjects
Ecología - F40 ,Lombriz de tierra ,Edafobiota ,Tomate ,Hortalizas y plantas aromáticas ,Macrofauna ,Extractos vegetales ,Organismos del suelo - Abstract
sumarios (En, Es) Los organismos animales son parte esencial del suelo y juegan un papel fundamental en su formación; codo uno de los organismos que viven en lo superficie o dentro del suelo marca su injerencia en el desarrollo de este cuerpo natural Entre lo enorme variedad de característicos del suelo producidos por lo presencia de lo edafobiota, vale lo peno resaltar el espacio poroso, lo concentración de sustancias orgánicos y mine roles, ciertas irregularidades en lo superficie del terreno y lo formación de la estructura. La estructura granular de los horizontes superficiales oscuros es atribuida al trabajo metabólico y digestivo de lo comunidad de animales del suelo especialmente los insectos y las lombrices de liero, (Chomoro 2001). Teniendo en cuenta que el suelo es un ecosistema biológico donde hoy y se genera vida o través de organismos que desempeñan importantes funciones en los ciclos biológicos y ejercen efectos en su estructura y fertilidad, se realizó el monitoreo de lo macrofauna edáfica con énfasis en tres grandes grupos considerados los de mayor contribución al desarrollo del suelo
- Published
- 2003
10. Perfiles isoenzimaticos de poblaciones de Triatoma infestans de la Región Oriental y Occidental del Paraguay
- Author
Acosta, N, López, E, González, N, Fernández, MJ, and Rojas de Arias, A
- Subjects
Isoenzymes ,triatoma infestans ,Paraguay ,monomorphism ,Isoenzimas ,monomorfismo - Abstract
RESUMEN Poblaciones de Triatoma infestans provenientes de 4 departamentos endémicos para la enfermedad de Chagas se caracterizaron por medio de la electroforésis de isoenzimas en placas de acetato de celulosa. Se estudiaron 24 ejemplares del Chaco: doce de Boquerón y doce de Presidente Hayes; y 20 de la región Oriental: diez de Cordillera y diez de Paraguari. Se analizaron los sistemas enzimáticos: alfa-GDP, GPI, PGM, 6PGD, IDH y MDH, que abarcan en total 8 loci. Sólo se encontraron diferencias en el sistema alfa-GDP, observándose dos fenotipos: el fenotipo 1 en 38 ejemplares (86,36%) y el fenotipo 2 en 6 ejemplares (13,63%). Este último sólo se encontró en ejemplares del Chaco; en los demás sistemas se obtuvieron los mismos fenotipos en todos los ejemplares, por lo que la variabilidad genética fue baja. Los ejemplares de la región Oriental resultaron todos iguales, sin encontrarse diferencias entre poblaciones domiciliares y peridomiciliares de los diferentes departamentos estudiados. El marcado monomorfismo encontrado en las poblaciones estudiadas estaría en concordancia con autores que sugieren una evolución a partir de una pequeña población inicial (efecto fundador) y posterior proceso de deriva génica para las poblaciones de T. infestans y para la mayoría de los insectos hematófagos. La poca variabilidad observada constituiría una ventaja para el control químico de estos insectos, ya que se vuelve menos probable la aparición de variantes resistentes. Sin embargo, es importante recalcar la diferencia encontrada en ejemplares del Chaco. ABSTRACT Triatoma infestans populations from 4 departments endemic for Chagas disease, corresponding to the two main regions of Paraguay, were characterized by isoenzymes electrophoresis in cellulose plates. Twenty four specimens from the Chaco region were studied: twelve from Boquerón and twelve from Pte. Hayes. Twenty specimens from the Eastern region were studied: ten from Cordillera and ten from Paraguari. Six enzyme systems were analyzed: alfa-GDP, GPI, PGM, 6PGD, IDH and MDH which involve 8 loci. Only alfa-GDP system showed differences and two phenotypes were found: phenotype 1 was found in 86.36% of the specimens and phenotype 2 in 13.63%. Phenotype 2 was only observed in specimens from the Chaco. In the other systems, the same phenotypes were obtained in all specimens. Consequently, it can be said that the genetic variability found was low. Specimens of the Eastern Region were all the same without any differences between domiciliary and peridomiciliary populations. The marked monomorphism shown by this study would agree with other authors who suggest an evolution from a small initial population (founder effetc) and a genetic drift process for T. infestans populations. The small variability observed could constitute an advantage for the chemical contro of these insectsl, as the apperance of resistant variants, which could give origin to resistans individuals, is less probable. However, it should be pointed out the difference found in the Chaco specimens.
- Published
- 2002
11. Diferencias morfometricas en poblaciones de Triatoma infestans provenientes de las regiones Oriental y Occidental del Paraguay
- Author
López, E, Acosta, N, González, N, Fernández, MJ, Ferreira, E, and Rojas de Arias, A
- Subjects
diferenciación geográfica ,triatoma infestans ,Morphometric ,Morfometría ,geografic differentiation - Abstract
RESUMEN En el marco del Programa Nacional de Chagas y con los objetivos de comparar poblaciones de Triatoma infestans de origen geográfico diferente y determinar variaciones morfométricas de machos y hembras, se estudiaron poblaciones de vectores de 4 departamentos endémicos para la enfermedad de Chagas. Se midieron caracteres morfométricos, 7 de la cabeza y 4 de cada ala, de 150 ejemplares. El análisis uni y multivariado se utilizó para evaluar las variables de tamaño y conformación, quedando confirmado en este trabajo el dimorfismo sexual de los triatominos. En el análisis univariado no paramétrico, se observaron diferencias significativas en el tamaño y conformación de los ojos (P
- Published
- 2002
12. [Impact of an active surveillance program and infection control measures on the incidence of carbapenem-resistant gram-negative bacilli in an intensive care unit].
- Author
Vargas JM, Moreno Mochi MP, López CG, Alarcón JA, Acosta N, Soria K, Nuñez JM, Villafañe S, Ramacciotti J, Del Campo R, and Jure MA
- Subjects
- Anti-Bacterial Agents therapeutic use, Bacterial Proteins genetics, Humans, Incidence, Klebsiella pneumoniae genetics, Microbial Sensitivity Tests, Multilocus Sequence Typing, Prospective Studies, beta-Lactamases genetics, Carbapenems pharmacology, Drug Resistance, Bacterial, Gram-Negative Bacteria drug effects, Gram-Negative Bacteria isolation & purification, Infection Control, Intensive Care Units
- Abstract
Hospital-acquired infections caused by carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacteria (CRGNB) have been increasingly reported worldwide and are associated with high rates of mortality especially in intensive care units(ICUs). Early identification through rectal surveillance cultures and implementation of infection control measures(ICM) including contact precautions, staff education on cleaning and hand hygiene may reduce the spread of these microorganisms. The aim of this work was to assess the impact of enhanced ICM on CRGNB colonization and to describe the molecular epidemiology of these bacteria in a polyvalent ICU in a tertiary level hospital. A prospective study including audits and active surveillance culture program, with molecular characterization, was conducted before and after the implementation of prevention programs and infection control measures. Microbiological screening was performed in chromogenic media; PCR targeting β-lactamases genes (bla
KPC , blaNDM , blaVIM and blaOXA-48 , blaSHV and blaCTX-M ), molecular typing by PFGE; and MLST in K. pneumoniae were performed. CRGNB colonization was reduced from 16.92% to 9.67% upon implementing the infection control measures. In K. pneumoniae the most frequent carbapenemase type was KPC-2 associated with SHV-2 and CTX-M-15, and was disseminated in various STs (ST17, ST13, ST2256, ST353); there was no persistence of particular clones and virulence factors showed no association with hypervirulence. IMP-1 carbapenemase predominated in A. baumannii and the PFGE analysis individualized 3 clusters, assuming that the dissemination in the ICU was clonal. The early detection of patients colonized with CRBGN by using epidemiological surveillance cultures and the implementation of prophylactic measures are key to reducing the incidence of these microorganisms., (Copyright © 2021 Asociación Argentina de Microbiología. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2022
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13. In vitro susceptibility to benznidazole, nifurtimox and posaconazole of Trypanosoma cruzi isolates from Paraguay
- Author
Acosta N, Yaluff G, López E, Bobadilla C, Ramírez A, Fernández I, and Escobar P
- Subjects
- Analysis of Variance, Genotype, Lethal Dose 50, Paraguay, Phenotype, Trypanosoma cruzi genetics, Nifurtimox pharmacology, Nitroimidazoles pharmacology, Triazoles pharmacology, Trypanocidal Agents pharmacology, Trypanosoma cruzi drug effects
- Abstract
Introduction: Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, shows substantial phenotypic and genotypic heterogeneity, which can influence the epidemiological and clinical variations of the disease and the sensitivity to the drugs used in the treatment. Objective: To assess the in vitro susceptibility to benznidazole, nifurtimox, and posaconazole of 40 cloned strains of T. cruzi isolated in Paraguay belonging to different genotypes, hosts, and localities. Materials and methods: We incubated the parasites in their epimastigote stage in LIT culture medium with different concentrations of each drug in triplicate assays. The degree of susceptibility was estimated by the inhibitory concentrations of 50 and 90% (IC50 and IC90) to obtain the average values and the standard deviation for each strain and drug. We determined the statistical significance between groups by analysis of variances with the Wilcoxon/Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test and values of p<0.05. Results: A wide range of drug response was observed. Two groups of parasites (A and B) were identified as having significant differences in susceptibility to benznidazole (p<0.0001), and three groups (A, B, C) to nifurtimox and posaconazole (p<0.0001). Conclusions: Overall, the isolates were more susceptible to nifurtimox than benznidazole and posaconazole. Such differences highlight the heterogeneity of T. cruzi populations circulating in Paraguay, an aspect to consider in the treatment and follow up of patients.
- Published
- 2020
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14. [Iron deficiency in reproductive age university women at the School of Medicine, Uruguay].
- Author
Grille S, Lorenzo M, Acosta S, Acosta N, Correa S, Corral M, Quintanilla C, Ragone R, and Guillermo C
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female, Hemoglobins analysis, Humans, Iron, Prevalence, Schools, Universities, Uruguay epidemiology, Young Adult, Anemia, Iron-Deficiency epidemiology, Medicine
- Abstract
Introduction: Disorders of iron metabolism are very common pathological conditions. Iron deficiency, with or without anemia, is estimated to affect more than 2 billion people.The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of iron deficiency and anemia and their predisposing factors in a group of premenopausal women, university students of the School of Medicine of the University of the Republic in Uruguay., Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was carried out, including women of reproductive age, university students of the Faculty of Medicine. They were interviewed in order to collect clinical data and monthly menstrual volume was recorded through a pictogram. A hemogram was performed and ferritin levels were determined., Results: 196 women aged from 18 to 37 years were included. The prevalence of iron deficiency was 8.7% (n = 17) and the prevalence of anemia was 2.1% (n = 4). The presence of iron deficiency was associated with a lower consumption of red meat (p = 0.024), a higher menstrual volume (p = 0.018) and a higher frequency of abnormal uterine bleeding (p = 0.019)., Conclusions: This study shows the high frequency of iron deficiency in healthy women in relation to abnormal uterine bleeding and low consumption of red meat, which raises the need to implement programs that promote educational measures in order to promote early consultation and avoid anemia and iron deficiency in these women of reproductive age., (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.)
- Published
- 2020
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15. Echocardiographic findings in haemodialysis patients according to their state of hydration.
- Author
Cristina Di Gioia M, Gascuena R, Gallar P, Cobo G, Camacho R, Acosta N, Baranyi Z, Rodriguez I, Oliet A, Ortega O, Fernandez I, Mon C, Ortiz M, Manzano MC, Herrero JC, Martinez JI, Palma J, and Vigil A
- Subjects
- Aged, Cross-Sectional Studies, Dielectric Spectroscopy, Female, Heart Atria diagnostic imaging, Heart Valve Diseases diagnostic imaging, Heart Valve Diseases etiology, Heart Ventricles diagnostic imaging, Humans, Hypertension etiology, Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular etiology, Male, Middle Aged, Echocardiography, Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular diagnostic imaging, Organism Hydration Status, Renal Dialysis adverse effects, Renal Insufficiency, Chronic complications
- Abstract
Background: Chronic fluid overload is frequent in hemodialysis patients (P) and it associates with hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and higher mortality. Moreover, echocardiographic data assessing fluid overload is limited. Our aim was to evaluate the relationship between fluid overload measured by bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) and different echocardiographic parameters., Methods: Cross-sectional observational study including 76 stable patients. Dry weight was clinically assessed. BIS and echocardiography were performed. Weekly time-averaged fluid overload (TAFO) and relative fluid overload (FO/ECW) were calculated using BIS measurements., Results: Based on TAFO three groups were defined: A- dehydrated, TAFO <-0.25 L 32 P (42%); B- normohydrated, TAFO between -0.25 and 1.5 l: 26 (34%); C- overhydrated, TAFO>1.5 l: 18 (24%). We found significant correlation between TAFO and left atrial volume index (LAVI) (r: 0.29; p=0.013) but not with FO/ECW (r 0.06; p=0.61). TAFO, but not FO/ECW kept a significant relationship with LAVI (p=0.03) using One-Way ANOVA test and linear regression methods. LVH was present in 73.7% (concentric 63.2%, eccentric in 10.5%). No differences between groups in the presence of LVH or left ventricular mass index were found., Conclusions: We found that left atrial volume index determined by echocardiographic Area-length method, but not left ventricle hypertrophy or dimensions of cavities, are related on hydration status based on bioimpedance measured time-averaged fluid overload (TAFO), and not with FO/ECW., (Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Nefrología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2017
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16. Post-transplant Henoch-Schonlein purpura de novo: clinical-histological discordance.
- Author
Nin M, Cordero R, Doufrechou L, Larre-Borges A, Coria V, Acosta N, Gadola L, Orihuela S, González F, and Noboa O
- Subjects
- Humans, IgA Vasculitis pathology, Male, Middle Aged, IgA Vasculitis etiology, Kidney Transplantation adverse effects
- Published
- 2012
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17. [The concept of equity when developing clinical practice guidelines].
- Author
Acosta N, Pollard J, Mosquera P, and Reveiz L
- Subjects
- Culture, Humans, Psychology, Socioeconomic Factors, Health Services Accessibility ethics, Practice Guidelines as Topic standards, Social Justice
- Abstract
This systematic literature review sought to identify methodologies and technical strategies emphasising healthcare services and outcomes when incorporating the concept of equity into Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG). 940 references were identified, of which 20 fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected. While no reports were found describing or evaluating an explicit methodology for incorporating considerations of equity into CPG, some studies revealed related strategies or processes, summarised as follows: 1. Target population involvement during all phases of designing, implementing and evaluating CPG; 2. "Cultural capacity" seen as being necessary in CPGs' "cultural translation" for interventions to have less disparity regarding their application and results; 3. Considering psycho-social factors which could affect implementing CPG, and; 4. Considering system inequities so that any health intervention would also confront risks and obstacles to health care due to socioeconomic status. It was concluded that CPGs could be a potential route for promoting more equitable healthcare effects by standardising health interventions if, by incorporating some of the processes described above, they actively seek to avoid unjust differences in access to and/or the quality of the interventions that they prescribe.
- Published
- 2011
18. [Reactivity of GST-SAPA antigen of Trypanosoma cruzi against sera from patients with Chagas disease and leishmaniasis].
- Author
Gil J, Cimino R, López Quiroga I, Cajal S, Acosta N, Juarez M, Zacca R, Orellana V, Krolewiecki A, Diosque P, and Nasser J
- Subjects
- Chagas Disease immunology, Cross Reactions immunology, Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay, Humans, Recombinant Proteins immunology, Sensitivity and Specificity, Serologic Tests methods, Species Specificity, Antibodies, Protozoan blood, Antigens, Protozoan immunology, Chagas Disease diagnosis, Glycoproteins, Leishmaniasis, Visceral immunology, Neuraminidase, Trypanosoma cruzi immunology
- Abstract
Serologic diagnosis of Trypanosoma cruzi infection is important due to the limited sensitivity of direct parasitologic methods for diagnosis in the indeterminate and chronic phases of disease. SAPA antigen has been used in several studies and has been shown to be a good marker for use in the diagnosis of T. cruzi infection. Chagas disease and leishmaniasis are endemic in northern Salta with overlapping zones of transmission, which frequently leads to T. cruzi-Leishmania spp. mixed infections. Diagnosis is complicated by the fact that there is significant cross-reactivity when non-specific antigens are used. We evaluated the reactivity of GST-SAPA antigen in the ELISA test (ELISA-SAPA) against sera from persons infected with T. cruzi (n = 154), leishmaniasis (n = 66), mixed infections (29), and healthy controls (n = 28) using commercial ELISA and IHA kits as reference tests. For ELISA-SAPA the sensitivity, specificity and kappa index were calculated for detection of T. cruzi infection. Among sera from patients infected with leishmaniasis, 30.5% of co-infections were detected. ELISA-SAPA sensitivity was 97.1% (confidence interval 95%: 94.5-99.9), specificity was 100% (confidence interval 95%: 99.4-100), and kappa index was 96% (confidence interval 95%: 93-99%), for detection of T. cruzi infection. Sensitivity, specificity and kappa indices have shown a high efficiency of ELISA-SAPA.
- Published
- 2011
19. [Frequency of diagnosis and clinic presentation of glomerulopathies in Uruguay].
- Author
Mazzuchi N, Acosta N, Caorsi H, Schwedt E, Di Martino LA, Mautone M, Gadola L, Petraglia A, and Noboa O
- Subjects
- Adult, Female, Glomerulonephritis diagnosis, Humans, Incidence, Male, Uruguay epidemiology, Glomerulonephritis epidemiology
- Abstract
Unlabelled: The Uruguayan Registry of Glomerulopathies began its activity in 1974 and since 1985 is a national registry. The aim of this report is to analyze the incidence and the variations in frequencies of the histological diagnosis and clinical presentation during the 1980-2003 period., Patients and Methods: From the 2,058 patients with renal biopsy in the whole period, we analyzed the histological diagnosis and the following data has been collected when the patients were registered: age, gender, clinical syndrome, proteinuria, hematuria, serum creatinine, blood pressure and time from the first symptom. Four periods of registry entry were considered: 1980-1989, 1990-1994, 1995-1999 and 2000-2003. Chi-square and Student test for independent samples were used to evaluate the differences among the variables frequencies in the four periods., Results: The incidence of registered glomerulopathies per million population (pmp) increased from 13 (1980-1989) to 43 (2000-2003). In the 2000-2003 period, the incidences pmp were: primary glomerulopathy (PG), 25.3 and secondary glomerulopathy, 14.2. The highest incidences pmp were: focal and segmental glomeruloesclerosis (FSGS) 6.4; vasculitis 5.4; lupus nephritis 4.6; minimal change disease (MCD) 4.6; IgA nephropathy (IgAN) 4.5; and membranous nephropathy (MN) 4.0. The most frequent PG were the FSGS (29.3%) and the MCID (19.6%). The FSGS frequency decreased from 36.3% in 1995-1999 to 19.1% in 2000-2003. The IgAN frequency increased from 5.2% in 1980-1989 to 17.5% in 2000-2003. Nephrotic syndrome was the most frequent clinical presentation; its frequency was over 30% in the four periods. Asymptomatic urinary abnormality frequency increased from 14.0% in 1980-1989 to 22.7% in 2000-2003. The frequency of serum creatinine under 1.5 mg/dl, increased from 42.2% in 1980-1989 to 67.2% in 2000-2003 (p = 0.001). The frequency of serum creatinine over 6.0 mg/dl, decreased from 19.3% in 1990-1994 to 7.2% in 2000-2003. The percentage of patients referred since the first month of the apparent onset of the disease increased from 24.0% in 1980-1989 to 40.1% in 2000-2003 (p < 0.001)., Conclusions: In Uruguay, the incidence of glomerulopathies with histological diagnosis has increased and the frequency of the different types has changed. Several indicators seem to show that the reference of patients to the nephrologist tended to be earlier in the last years.
- Published
- 2005
20. [Cytomegalic inclusion disease. Presentation of the 1st Cuban case].
- Author
- Subjects
- Humans, Cytomegalovirus Infections, Hispanic or Latino
- Published
- 1962
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