Karolinski A, Mercer R, Bolzán A, Salgado P, Ocampo C, Nieto R, Birmingham M, Martínez G, Mainero L, Serruya S, Francisco A, and Becerra-Posada F
Objective: The Perinatal Information System (SIP) represents a milestone in the use of systematized information in the Region of the Americas. What has been learned from the system has contributed to the development of a model based on a set of core indicators (SCI). The objective of the study was to describe the historical and methodological process involved in the development, implementation, and territorial scaling-up of an SCI to monitor and evaluate women's and perinatal health policies, programs, and services geared to management (SIP-GESTIÓN)., Methods: The study was conducted in two stages: 1) a four-phase validation of an SCI in a hospital network: a) construction of the theoretical indicator model, b) operations research, c) final selection of the indicators, and d) the definition of reference standards; and 2) territorial scaling-up., Results: A total of 17 indicator models were identified. The initial model included 177 indicators divided into seven dimensions (context, habits, accessibility, use of services, quality of care, maternal and fetal impact, and maternal and neonatal impact), with 21 indicators remaining after three Delphi rounds. The final model (SIP-GESTIÓN), which included 40 indicators, was then used to study 240,021 (79.1%) of the 303,559 deliveries attended in 122 selected maternity facilities in 24 jurisdictions (100%) in Argentina. The information is presented in national terms and by health region, province, and hospital., Conclusions: This model has made it possible to achieve high levels of information coverage and quality and territorial scaling-up and is useful for management, research, and the reorientation of programs and policies., Competing Interests: Conflictos de interés. Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés. more...