4 results on '"Díaz López, Andrés"'
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- Author
Agüero-Muñoz, Jossue, Fernández-Naranjo, Oscar Faustino, and Díaz-López, Andrés Jorge
- Subjects
security, environmental security ,bilateral environmental impact ,seguridad, seguridad ambiental ,impacto ambiental bilateral - Abstract
Various are the studies carried out on the causes and consequences of climate change on the planet. With an almost annual regularity, climate experts and scientists present evidence and reports to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) at the United Nations (UN). However, the studies aimed at preventing and mitigating the consequences of climate change in the construction process are scarce, from the approaches of Environmental Safety. Being this a term that starts from the approaches of dangers, threats and vulnerabilities to International, regional and Caribbean Security. That is why this article aims to address the problem from epistemological conceptions, revealing its essence and correspondence with the model of the Civil Engineering career professional, which allows incorporating environmental content into study plans and programs. As well as intending in the modes of action the use of variables and indicators that allow modeling and evaluating in the graduate of the career, their performance in solving professional environmental problems, which are linked to the bilateral environmental impact of the construction process. The results obtained from the Environmental Safety studies are articulated in the integrating subjects and disciplines. Identifying a satisfaction in teachers, students and managers for using the results obtained in solving local problems. Keywords: security, environmental security; bilateral environmental impact., Diversos son los estudios realizados sobre las causas y consecuencias del cambio climático en el planeta. Con una regularidad casi anual los expertos y científicos sobre el Clima, presentan evidencias y reportes en el Panel Intergubernamental sobre cambio Climático (IPCC) en las Naciones Unidas (ONU). Sin embargo, los estudios encaminados a prevenir y mitigar, las consecuencias del cambio climático en el proceso de las construcciones son escasas, desde los enfoques de Seguridad Ambiental. Siendo este un término que parte de la concepción de peligros, amenazas y vulnerabilidades a la Seguridad Internacional, Regional y del Caribe. Es por ello, que el presente artículo tiene el objetivo abordar la problemática desde concepciones epistemológicas, revelando su esencia y correspondencia con el modelo del profesional de la carrera de Ingeniería Civil, lo cual permite incorporar un contenido ambiental en los planes y programas de estudio. Así como intencionar en los modos de actuación el empleo de variables e indicadores que permitan modelar y evaluar en el egresado de la carrera, su desempeño en la solución de problemas profesionales ambientales, que están vinculados al impacto ambiental bilateral del proceso de las construcciones. Los resultados obtenidos sobre los estudios Seguridad Ambiental se articulan en las asignaturas y disciplinas integradoras. Identificándose una satisfacción en los docentes, estudiantes y directivos por emplear los resultados obtenidos en la solución de problemas locales. Palabras claves: seguridad, seguridad ambiental; impacto ambiental bilateral. Abstract Various are the studies carried out on the causes and consequences of climate change on the planet. With an almost annual regularity, climate experts and scientists present evidence and reports to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) at the United Nations (UN). However, the studies aimed at preventing and mitigating the consequences of climate change in the construction process are scarce, from the approaches of Environmental Safety. Being this a term that starts from the approaches of dangers, threats and vulnerabilities to International, regional and Caribbean Security. That is why this article aims to address the problem from epistemological conceptions, revealing its essence and correspondence with the model of the Civil Engineering career professional, which allows incorporating environmental content into study plans and programs. As well as intending in the modes of action the use of variables and indicators that allow modeling and evaluating in the graduate of the career, their performance in solving professional environmental problems, which are linked to the bilateral environmental impact of the construction process. The results obtained from the Environmental Safety studies are articulated in the integrating subjects and disciplines. Identifying a satisfaction in teachers, students and managers for using the results obtained in solving local problems. Keywords: security, environmental security; bilateral environmental impact. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 05 de octubre de 2022.Fecha de aceptación: 27 de diciembre de 2022.Fecha de publicación: 10 de enero de 2023.
- Published
- 2023
3. Marcadores bioquímicos emergentes relacionados con diabetes mellitus tipo 2
- Author
Díaz López, Andrés, Departament de Bioquímica i Biotecnologia, Universitat Rovira i Virgili., Salas Salvadó, Jordi, Babio, Nancy, Bulló Bonet, Mónica, and Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Departament de Bioquímica i Biotecnologia
- Subjects
PREDIMED ,Osteocalcin ,Ciències de la Salut ,sTWEAK ,Osteocalcina - Abstract
La diabetis mellitus tipus 2 (DMT2) és una malaltia amb elevada morbiditat i una important causa de mortalitat prematura, la qual, en gran mesura es podria prevenir. La identificació de noves vies metabòliques i/o biomarcadors implicats en la seva fisiopatologia podrien ajudar en la detecció precoç de la malaltia, i proporcionar nous enfocaments terapèutics. Aquests últims anys, diferents grups d'investigació han mostrat especial interès pel sTWEAK, una citocina multifuncional implicada en la resposta pro-/anti-inflamatòria, el seu receptor scavenger CD163 i l'osteocalcina (OC), un component de la matriu òssia; els quals han estat relacionats amb el metabolisme de la glucosa. Aquesta tesi ha estat realitzada en el context de l'estudi PREDIMED, un assaig clínic en paral•lel, multicèntric i aleatoritzat que avalua l'efecte de la dieta Mediterrània en la prevenció primària de la malaltia cardiovascular. L'objectiu va ser analitzar les associacions entre els nivells sèrics de sTWEAK, sCD163 i dues formes de OC [carboxilada (OCc) i no carboxilada (OCnc)] i la incidència de DMT2 en una població adulta amb alt risc cardiovascular i sense diabetis a l’inici de l’estudi. Així mateix, s'ha volgut explorar la relació entre els nivells perifèrics de sTWEAK i la prevalença de síndrome metabòlica (SM). Es va realitzar un estudi de disseny cas-control aniuat, prospectiu, incloent 153 casos amb nou diagnòstic de diabetis i 306 controls que no ho van desenvolupar durant els 5 anys de seguiment. Els resultats d'aquest treball van demostrar que nivells sèrics baixos de sTWEAK i ambdues formes d’osteocalcina, OCc i OCnc a l’inici de l'estudi, s’associen amb un major risc de desenvolupar diabetis tipus 2. Així mateix, nivells perifèrics baixos de sTWEAK es van associar amb una major prevalença de SM, obesitat abdominal, hipertrigliceridèmia i hiperglucèmia. No es va observar una relació significativa entre els nivells sèrics de sCD163 i la incidència de diabetis. Els resultats de la present tesi suggereixen que els nivells circulants de sTWEAK i OC, podrien ser útils com a nous potencials biomarcadors per a predir la DMT2., La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DMT2) es una enfermedad con elevada morbilidad y una importante causa de mortalidad prematura, la cual, en gran medida, se podría prevenir. La identificación de nuevas vías metabólicas y/o biomarcadores implicados en su fisiopatología puede ayudar en la detección precoz de la enfermedad, y proporcionar nuevos enfoques terapéuticos. Estos últimos años, diferentes grupos de investigación han mostrado especial interés por el sTWEAK, una citocina multifuncional implicada en la respuesta pro-/anti-inflamatoria, su receptor scavenger CD163 y la osteocalcina (OC), un com¬ponente de la matriz ósea; los cuales han sido relacionados con el metabolismo de la glucosa. Esta tesis ha sido realizada en el contexto del estudio PREDIMED, un ensayo de campo nutricional en paralelo, multicéntrico y aleatorizado que evalúa el efecto de la dieta Mediterránea en la prevención primaria de la enfermedad cardiovascular. El objetivo de la presente tesis fue analizar las asociaciones entre los niveles séricos de sTWEAK, sCD163 y ambas formas de OC [carboxilada (OCc) y no carboxilada (OCnc)] y la incidencia de DMT2 en una población adulta con alto riesgo cardiovascular y sin diabetes al inicio del estudio. Además se ha analizado la relación entre los niveles periféricos de sTWEAK y síndrome metabólico (SM). Se realizó un estudio de diseño casos-control anidado y prospectivo incluyendo 153 casos con nuevo diagnóstico de diabetes y 306 controles que no desarrollaron diabetes tras 5 años de seguimiento. Los resultados del presente trabajo demuestran que niveles bajos de sTWEAK y ambas, OCc y OCnc al inicio del estudio, se asociaron con un mayor riesgo de diabetes. Asimismo, niveles bajos de sTWEAK se asociaron con una mayor prevalencia de SM, obesidad abdominal, hipertrigliceridemia e hiperglucemia. No se encontró relación entre los niveles séricos de sCD163 e incidencia de diabetes. Los resultados de la presente tesis sugieren que los niveles circulantes de sTWEAK y OC podrían ser útiles como nuevos potenciales biomarcadores predictores de DMT2., Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a disease with high morbidity and a major cause of premature mortality, which, in a large extent could be prevented. The identification of new pathways and/or biomarkers implicated in its pathophysiology can help in the early detection of the disease, and could provide new therapeutic approaches. Recently, various research groups have shown special interest in sTWEAK, a multifunctional cytokine involved in the pro/anti-inflammatory response, its scavenger receptor CD163 and in osteocalcin (OC), a component of the bone matrix; all them related with glucose metabolism. This thesis has been conducted in the framework of the PREDIMED Study, a parallel-group, multicenter randomized trial evaluating the efficacy of a Mediterranean diet on the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. We aimed to assess the associations between baseline serum concentrations of sTWEAK, sCD163 and both forms of OC [carboxylated (cOC) and undercarboxylated osteocalcin (ucOC)] and the future development of T2DM in an elderly population at high cardiovascular risk and free of T2DM at the beginning of the study. Additionally, we also aimed at exploring the relationship between sTWEAK and metabolic syndrome (MS) prevalence. A prospective, nested case-control study was performed including 153 cases of newly diagnosed diabetic subjects and 306 individually matched controls free of diabetes during 5-years of the follow-up. The results of the present work demonstrated that low levels of sTWEAK and both cOC and ucOC at baseline are prospectively associated with an increased diabetes risk. We also found that low levels sTWEAK were associated with a higher prevalence of MS, abdominal obesity, hypertriglyceridemia and hyperglycemia. No relationship between serum levels sCD163 and diabetes incidence was found. The results of the present thesis suggest that circulating levels of sTWEAK and OC, may be useful as potential biomarkers for predicting T2DM.
- Published
- 2015
4. Adherence to an Energy-restricted Mediterranean Diet Score and Prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in the PREDIMED-Plus: A Cross-sectional Study.
- Author
Álvarez-Álvarez I, Martínez-González MÁ, Sánchez-Tainta A, Corella D, Díaz-López A, Fitó M, Vioque J, Romaguera D, Martínez JA, Wärnberg J, López-Miranda J, Estruch R, Bueno-Cavanillas A, Arós F, Tur JA, Tinahones FJ, Serra-Majem L, Martín V, Lapetra J, Más Fontao S, Pintó X, Vidal J, Daimiel L, Gaforio JJ, Matía P, Ros E, Ruiz-Canela M, Sorlí JV, Becerra-Tomás N, Castañer O, Schröder H, Navarrete-Muñoz EM, Zulet MÁ, García-Ríos A, Salas-Salvadó J, Díez-Espino J, and Toledo E
- Subjects
- Aged, Body Mass Index, Cardiovascular Diseases epidemiology, Cardiovascular Diseases etiology, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female, Follow-Up Studies, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Obesity diet therapy, Overweight diet therapy, Prevalence, Risk Factors, Spain epidemiology, Time Factors, Cardiovascular Diseases prevention & control, Diet, Mediterranean, Obesity complications, Overweight complications, Patient Compliance, Risk Assessment methods
- Abstract
Introduction and Objectives: The cardiovascular benefits of the Mediterranean diet have usually been assessed under assumptions of ad libitum total energy intake (ie, no energy restriction). In the recently launched PREDIMED-Plus, we conducted exploratory analyses to study the baseline associations between adherence to an energy-restricted Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) and the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF)., Methods: Cross-sectional assessment of all PREDIMED-Plus participants (6874 older adults with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome) at baseline. The participants were assessed by their usual primary care physicians to ascertain the prevalence of 4 CVRF (hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and dyslipidemia). A 17-point PREDIMED-Plus score was used to measure adherence to the MedDiet. Multivariable models were fitted to estimate differences in means and prevalence ratios for individual and clustered CVRF., Results: Better adherence to a MedDiet pattern was significantly associated with lower average triglyceride levels, body mass index, and waist circumference. Compared with low adherence (≤ 7 points in the 17-point score), better adherence to the MedDiet (11-17 points) showed inverse associations with hypertension (prevalence ratio=0.97; 95%CI, 0.94-1.00) and obesity (prevalence ratio=0.96; 95%CI, 0.92-1.00), but positive associations with diabetes (prevalence ratio=1.19; 95%CI, 1.07-1.32). Compared with the lowest third of adherence, women in the upper third showed a significantly lower prevalence of the clustering of 3 or more CVRF (prevalence ratio=0.91; 95%CI, 0.83-0.98)., Conclusions: Among participants at high cardiovascular risk, better adherence to a MedDiet showed significant inverse associations with CVRF among women, and improved lipid profiles and adiposity measures. This trial was registered in 2014 at the International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Registry (ISRCTN89898870)., (Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Cardiología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2019
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