The aim of this work was to determine the age at which the transition of the juvenile wood to the mature wood takes place, by means of the parameters: density, morphometry of fibers, and vessels in one poplar clone. Five 17-year-old Populus deltoides "Australia 129-60" trees were sampled from a commercial plantation in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Samples were taken at 5 heights from the trunk: 0.3 m, 1.3 m, 4.2 m, 8.1 m and 15.9 m and the annual radial growth, wood density, morphometry of fibers and vessels, and cell wall area were measured. Segmented regression analyses were used to determine the age of transition from juvenile to mature wood. The radial variation of different anatomical properties increased with age. The estimated age of transition from juvenile wood and mature wood was not identical for all properties. The transition ages were 4, 5, 7 and 9 years depending on the variable. The sequence of maturation was: cell wall area, vessel diameter and frequency, fiber width and length, density and wall thickness. Juvenile wood properties were significantly lower with respect to the mature wood. The volume of the juvenile wood was 52%. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]