BACKGROUND: Hemangiomas are fibrovascular tumors of rare presentation in the sinus cavities. Histologically they are classified as cavernous, capillary and mixed, the mixed type is the most frequent. A specific etiology is unknown; however, they have been related to trauma, hormonal influence, viral oncogenes, and microscopic arteriovenous malformations. CLINICAL CASE: A 33-year-old male patient, who had been complaining for six months of right nasal obstruction and recurrent epistaxis episodes. On endoscopic examination, we found a hypervascularized lesion, dependent on the right inferior turbinate. A simple and contrasted tomography of the nose showed a 30 x 30 mm tumor in the right nostril, which reinforced the contrast medium, dependent on the inferior turbinate. Due to the nature of the tumor, angiography was performed, finding vascularization dependent on the internal maxillary arteries and ipsilateral sphenopalatine, embolization was performed after surgical block resection. Postoperative evolution has been without recurrences, with adequate postsurgical follow-up at one year. CONCLUSIONS: Hemangiomas are a rare benign fibrovascular tumor when they are located in the nasal cavity; because its clinical manifestations and radiological characteristics are not very specific, it is essential to carry out an adequate study and management protocol to perform the differential diagnosis. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]