6 results on '"A. Yu. Popov"'
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2. Typical forms of counteraction to the investigation of criminal offences related to interference with the activities of public authorities
- Author
V. Yu. Popov
- Subjects
interference in activities ,representative of a public authority ,counteraction to an investigation ,prevention ,overcoming counteraction ,procedural action ,tactical operation. ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 - Abstract
The article substantiates the position that counteraction to an investigation is a complex phenomenon which may encompass various forms of behaviour implemented by interested parties with the aim of preventing detection of a criminal offence, and making it impossible to fulfil the tasks of criminal proceedings. It is found that during the investigation of criminal offences related to interference with the activities of representatives of public authorities, suspects most often implement the following forms of behaviour as ways to counteract the investigation: 1) refuse to testify; 2) give false testimony; 3) hide from pre-trial investigation authorities; 4) fail to appear when summoned by the investigator, prosecutor, investigating judge; 5) exert influence on the victim, witnesses, refuse to provide biological samples, handwriting, voice samples, etc. It is established that other interested persons at the stage of pre-trial investigation of criminal offences of the type under study most often implement the following forms of behaviour to counteract the investigation: exerting influence on participants to criminal proceedings; implementation of actions to conceal crimes, including: staging, falsification, disguise, destruction, etc.; giving false testimony; disclosure of the secret of pre-trial investigation; refusal to provide biological samples or samples of handwriting, voice, etc.; delaying the pre-trial proceedings, delaying the pre-trial investigation, for example, by ignoring the investigator's calls, prolonged familiarisation with the criminal proceedings; failure to appear when summoned; failure to fulfil procedural obligations acquired in connection with obtaining the relevant procedural status in criminal proceedings; hiding from the pre-trial investigation authorities, etc. It is also emphasised that the prospects for further research should be to identify effective ways to overcome the following forms of resistance to investigation.
- Published
- 2024
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3. Substantive components of forensic characterisation of interference with the activities of public authorities
- Author
V. Yu. Popov
- Subjects
forensic methodology ,forensic characteristic ,criminal offence ,crime ,interference with activities ,employee of a public authority. ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 - Abstract
The article substantiates the thesis that criminalisation of interference with the activities of public authorities is a natural step towards the development of a democratic and rule-of-law state, and even more so in the current realities of Ukraine's state and legal development. The article emphasises the importance of ensuring the effectiveness of investigation of these criminal offences. It is indicated that the development of practical recommendations for their investigation requires taking into account a number of informative factors, in particular, those which find their external manifestation in the mechanism of criminal activity. Based on the results of generalisation of the substantive components of the mechanism of interference with the activities of representatives of public authorities (unlawful influence or obstruction of activities), the substantive elements of the criminalistic characterisation of criminal offences of this group are identified. It is proposed to distinguish among them: 1) peculiarities of the situation, time and place of the interference; 2) typical traces of illegal activities aimed at interfering with the victim’s activities – representative of the state authority; 3) methods of interference with the activities of public authorities; 4) characteristic features of the victim of interference with activities – representative of the state authority, information about his/her type of activity, official position, functional responsibilities, information about the immediate supervisor, etc.; 5) information about the identity of the offender, motives and purpose of interference with the victim's activities – representative of the state authority, etc. The characteristics of each identified element is provided. It is emphasised that the characteristics inherent in each element of the forensic characteristic of interference with the activities of representatives of public authorities, determined on the basis of the analysis of investigative and judicial practice, should be taken into account when developing other elements of the forensic methodology for investigating this group of criminal offences.
- Published
- 2024
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4. Книжкове володіння нерухомістю: концепція і огляд критики
- Author
Yu. Popov
- Subjects
володіння ,книжкове володіння ,книжне володіння ,нерухоме майно ,реєстрація прав ,способи захисту ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 - Abstract
У статті досліджено особливості української концепції книжкового володіння як фактичного стану, сформованої судовою практикою. Ця концепція базується на принципі реєстраційного підтвердження володіння, відповідно до якого фактичним володільцем нерухомості є той, за ким зареєстроване речове право. Натомість фізичне зайняття нерухомості не спричиняє заволодіння нею. Цей підхід базується на розумінні володіння як оголошення права невизначеному колу осіб (що є волевиявленням щодо присвоєння речі, спрямованим назовні). За такого підходу фізичне володіння є лише одним із різновидів володіння, але можливі й інші різновиди, зокрема книжкове володіння. Функцією володіння (незалежно від його виду) є створення презумпції належності особі права власності або іншого речового права. Така презумпція є спростовною. Перевагами книжкового володіння є високий рівень правової визначеності як щодо того, хто саме є володільцем майна, так і щодо характеру володіння (щодо якого права володіє кожен з володільців); роздільне безпосереднє володіння нерухомістю різними особами щодо різних прав, доступність володіння іпотекодержателю; високий рівень правової визначеності щодо характеру порушення (пов'язане чи не пов'язане з позбавленням володіння), а відтак і щодо належного (адекватного) способу захисту; більш надійний захист від неправомірного позбавлення володіння; універсальне застосування способів захисту, встановлених у Цивільному кодексі України із застосуванням усталених доктринальних напра- цювань (тих же, що і у спорах щодо рухомого майна). Проведений аналіз літератури, де містяться критичні зауваження щодо концепції книжкового володіння. Акцентовано на важливості конструктивної критики, спрямованої на виправлення недоліків як самої концепції, так і її практичного застосування. Виявлені логічні помилки в аналізованих роботах, як-от порушення закону тотожності, підміна тези, апеляція до авторитету тощо. Наведено приклад оперативного врахування Великою Палатою Верховного Суду слушної критики щодо того, що в окремих постановах Верховного Суду не були розмежовані право володіння і володіння як фактичний стан.
- Published
- 2023
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5. Variability of the oceanographic structures of the Southern Ocean by the FerryBox data
- Author
V. Komorin, Yu. Dikhanov, V. Bolshakov, Yu. Popov, and L. Matsokin
- Subjects
continuous observations ,hydrological structure ,southern polar front ,surface waters ,Meteorology. Climatology ,QC851-999 ,Geophysics. Cosmic physics ,QC801-809 - Abstract
During Antarctic summers in the 2018—2021 period, physical, chemical, and biological parameters of the upper layer of seawater were continuously recorded using the FerryBox (FB) software and measuring system installed on-board the Ukrainian krill fishing trawler F/V More Sodruzhestva. The main hydrological fronts of the South Atlantic and the Southern Ocean were crossed from Cape Town to the Antarctic Peninsula. About 800,000 one-minute FB measurements were used in this research to determine and identify marine structures. The paper aims to estimate the spatial-temporal variability of oceanographic parameters of the surface layer of water in the Southern Ocean based on the FB data analysis. We use classical methods of analysis of hydrological structures, graphical, comparative, and statistical types of analysis of the field data, as well as data from the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS). Trawling areas were considered as hydrological landfills. We found a decrease in the total number of front crosses: from 8.6% in the 2018—2019 season to 3.9% in the 2020—2021 season. Analysis of the quality of information obtained from the FB showed that after adjustment the measurements allow solving various oceanographic problems, such as identifying frontal zones and detailing their hydrological structure, determining surface water masses and variability of their distribution limits, highlighting significant cycles in time of the measured parameters, studying the gas component of the upper sea layer water. A comparative analysis of the results of the FB observations with the CMEMS data showed their qualitative consistency.
- Published
- 2022
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6. The Innovative Spiral of Development of the Entrepreneurial Potential in the National Economy
- Author
V. Yu. Popov
- Subjects
innovation activities, innovative solution, innovative products, national economy, business entities. ,Statistics ,HA1-4737 - Abstract
The aim of this publication is to formulate theoretical foundations of the movement patterns of innovative solutions in a unified system of their development, organization of industrial and end-use. The research result is the concept of an innovative economic development spiral. It covers market fundamentals implementing innovative solutions as designer – manufacturer – consumer. The innovative nature of the product significantly alters the classic formula of market self-regulation, which requires the introduction of relevant institutional changes. Comparative statistical analysis showed a strong correlation between growth rates of GDP and of the volume of innovative products sold in Ukraine. Ensuring the output of the national economy on a continuous spiral of innovation development requires a systematic approach to the implementation of the following interrelated components: improving the management of fundamental innovative research; the combination of the potential of research and development with industry; stimulation of introduction of innovative products at enterprises; promoting creation of conditions for the promotion of innovative products to the final consumption market. Mastering innovation culture at the state level means the willingness of the government to constant changes in the institutional environment of innovative enterprises. The essence of the issue for further research of the business potential of the national economy goes far beyond a single scientific specialization. Institutional changes relate not only to different levels of individual market players, but also to various types of activities.
- Published
- 2018
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