Дисертаційна робота присвячена обґрунтуванню теоретичних та методичних засад логістики постачання виробничого обладнання на підприємство та розробленню практичні рекомендації щодо їх реалізації. В роботі розвинута дефініція «логістика постачання», виділено класифікаційні ознаки виробничого обладнання. Удосконалено процес логістики постачання виробничого обладнання на підприємство, який враховує особливості елементів виробничого обладнання, а також визначення найбільш вигідних способів постачання. Розроблено та запропоновано базову платформу логістики постачання виробничого обладнання на підприємство, яка враховує вплив мегатенденцій, вимог суб’єктів постачання, логістичні ризики. Запропоновано процес та масив критеріїв вибору постачальників логістичних послуг з організації перевезень негабаритних елементів виробничого обладнання, які містять маркетингові (ринкові) та фінансові показники. Удосконалено організаційне забезпечення проектного підходу щодо технології транспортування негабаритних елементів виробничого обладнання та оцінювання логістичних підпроцесів постачання за ознакою квазістандартність залежно від стану попиту та пропозиції на ринку логістичних послуг. The dissertation is devoted to substantiation of the theoretical and methodic fundamentals of the logistics of production equipment supply to the enterprise and development of the practical recommendations on their implementation. The research studies the notion of supply logistics, which should be considered as a separate kind of activity in the enterprise structure securing an effective system of organized shipping and storage of loads, and which aims to satisfy the enterprise’s needs at the maximum possible time and economic efficiency. The work shapes the conceptual peculiarities of the logistics of production equipment supply to the enterprise and outlines the essential content of the definition with consideration of the specificity of production equipment and processes of its shipping, as well as the concept of supply logistics. The author has developed a basic platform of the logistics of production equipment supply to the enterprise, which considers different supply entities and mega tendencies influencing the logistics of production equipment supply to the enterprise, as well as the logistic risks. A particular attention is paid to suppliers, who influence both the price and stability of shipping, guaranty of supplies in total accordance with the orders, service maintenance, commodity promotion, etc. It is determined that while choosing suppliers, it is reasonable to make analysis and assessment of their activities, completed purchase agreements; regulations of the competitive tenders and supply requests; application of the effective methods of negotiating with potential suppliers and achievement of positive results (responses). The work presents an improved process of the logistics of production equipment supply to the enterprise, which suggests optimization of the choice of suppliers of the production equipment elements, considering its characteristics, as well as identification of the most beneficial ways of those elements shipping. The dissertation identifies the systemized parameters of the oversize cargo shipping, particularly weight, length, width and height, which determine the oversize and overweight load. The studied parameters are included in the suggested model and make basis for the choice of the logistic service providers by determining the integral assessment with consideration of the importance of each of the chosen parameters. Considering the specific characteristics of production equipment and concerning the outsize elements of production equipment as a cargo unit (supply objects), it is proposed to consider the technical (overall size) and commercial component (shipping conditions), which determines the outsize load as a project one that is a constituent of the project logistics and requires an integrated approach to organization and management. The emphasis on the block of “Analysis of the results and “unification” of some stages and elements of the project” in the process of creation and fulfillment of the project of the outsize load shipping provides the opportunity for a logistic provider to use non-unified elements of equipment for transportation and to optimize costs of projecting and shipping of the project loads in the future due to standardization of some subprocesses and diversification. It is proposed (on the example of creation of a wind power station object) to involve the logistic provider of the appropriate level into the process of preparation, development and implementation of the project of creation of the production object to reach a higher efficiency factor of the project activity generally. The dissertation introduces the process and criteria of choice of the logistic service provider for organization of shipping of the outsize elements of production equipment, which is based on the principle of identity and decomposition – determination of the main clear goal, i.e. shipping of outsize elements of production equipment within the set time limits, not damaged and with optimal costs. The author has structured the scope of criteria on determination of the integral coincidence index of a logistic provider, which are grouped by the risk features (range of services, geography of shipping, position at the market, etc.) and financial indices. Under no clear partition of the notions of “levels of logistic services” by the complexity of provided services in the commercial supply of a transportation company, it is recommended to use the taxonomic method of determination of the integral coincidence index of the logistic provider with consideration of each criteria importance. Application of the weight coefficient for determination of the integral coincidence index makes it possible to use the proposed approach while choosing the logistic service provider of the appropriate level under a change of the criteria priority or extension/reduction of the set of criteria. Диссертационная робота посвящена обоснованию теоретических и методических основ логистике поставок производственного оборудования на предприятие и разработке практических рекомендаций по их реализации. В работе получила развитие дефиниция «логистика поставок», выделено классификационные признаки производственного оборудования. Усовершенствован процесс логистики поставок производственного оборудования на предприятие, при котором берутся учитываются особенности элементов производственного оборудования, а также определение выбор более выгодных способов поставок (в т.ч. и передача на аутсорсинг). Разработано и предложено базовую платформу логистики поставок, в которой учитывается влияние мегатенденций, требование субъектов поставок, логистические риски. Предложен процесс и массив критерии выбора поставщиков логистических услуг по организации перевозок негабаритных элементов производственного оборудования, в который входят маркетинговые (рыночные) и финансовые показатели. Усовершенствовано организационное обеспечение проектного подхода технологии транспортировки негабаритных элементом производственного оборудования и оценки логистических подпроцессов поставок по признаку «квазистандартность» в зависимости от состояния спроса та предложений на рынке логистических услуг.