"Upcyte(®) human hepatocytes" have the unique property of combining proliferation with the expression of drug metabolising activities. In our current study, we evaluated whether these cells would be suitable for early in vitro micronucleus (MN) tests. A treatment period of 96 h without a recovery period was most reliable for detecting MN formation in upcyte(®) hepatocytes from Donor 740. The basal MN rate in upcyte(®) hepatocytes varied considerably between donors (7-28%); therefore, modifications to the assay medium were tested to determine whether they could decrease inherent MN formation. Optimal medium supplements were 10 ng/ml oncostatin M for the pre-culture and recovery periods and 25 ng/ml epidermal growth factor and 10 ng/ml oncostatin M for the treatment period. Using the optimised conditions and outcome criteria, the upcyte(®) hepatocyte MN assay could correctly identify directly acting (e.g. mitomycin C, etoposide) and metabolically activated genotoxins (e.g. benzo[a]pyrene, cyclophosphamide). "True negative" and "false positive" compounds were also correctly identified as negative. The basal %MN in upcyte(®) hepatocytes from Donor 740 treated with DMSO, cyclophosphamide or MMC, was essentially unaffected by the growth stage ranging from population doublings of 14-61, suggesting that billions of cells could be produced from a single donor for standardised drug toxicity testing. In conclusion, we have established and optimised an in vitro MN test by using upcyte(®) hepatocytes to correctly identify known direct and metabolically activated genotoxicants as well as "false positives" and true negative compounds. The almost unlimited supply of cells from a single donor and optimised test conditions increase reproducibility in early and more predictive in vitro MN tests.