Wy binne yn 'e midden fan in oare grutte revolúsje neamd BLOCKCHAIN, in ferspraat databank dy't ûnderhâldt in hieltyd groeiende list fan records, neamd blokken. Dit ynnovaasjelânskip fertsjintwurdiget mar 12 jier wurk troch in elite groep geeks, kryptografen en wiskundigen. Yn 'e kommende tiid sil blockchain elke minsklike efterfolging permeate, wêrtroch prosessen effisjint en tûk wurde. As it folsleine potensjeel fan dizze trochbraken yn 'e maatskippij realisearre wurdt, sille dingen stadichoan oars begjinne te barren - ynternasjonale jildtransfers sille flugger en betrouber wêze; ferifikaasje sil maklik wêze; identiteit sil wrâldwiid, desintralisearre wêze; en gjin persoan - oft administrator, manager, yndustrieel, start-up, wurkjouwer, tsjinstferliener, oplieding, studint of brûker, sil bliuwe ûnoantaaste. Fansels sil de wrâld dizze technology mei iepen earms moatte omearmje. Mei it each op dit is de auteur sterk fan betinken dat elke seksje fan 'e maatskippij bewust wurde moat fan blockchain, of it no is in opkommende technolooch, in start-up-entûsjast of in net-technyske brûker fan desintralisearre apps. Dit artikel, dat is extracted it boek, 'Blockchain for Real World Applications, skreaun troch Rishabh Garg en publisearre troch John Wiley & Sons Inc. USA , jout in yngeande begryp op it blockchain ekosysteem, arsjitektuer, Ethereum, Hyperledger en cryptocurrencies, folge troch in wiidweidige diskusje oer potinsjele gebrûk fan blockchain lykas kryptografy, cyberfeiligens, identiteitsbehear, credential ferifikaasje, wurksertifikaasje, sûnenssoarch, sûnensmonitoring op ôfstân, oargeltransplantaasje, genomics, farmaseutyske leveringsketen, iten en sivile foarrieden, ensfh. Live skermôfbyldings en byhearrende koade-sellen, foarsjoen tusken de tekst, sille de lêzers helpe om bankieren, bedriuw, desintralisearre finânsjes, foarsizzingsmerk, portefúljebehear, kwadratyske finansiering, crowdfunding, e-commerce ensfh te begripen mei in de novo oanpak. De ynhâld biedt in praktysk stap-wize meganisme foar elke lêzer om har eigen ynhâld-basearre opslachsysteem út te fieren. Us oanpak is om jo te helpen dizze revolúsjonêre technology te betsjinjen troch jo yn elk detail te yntrodusearjen. Mei dizze nije technology ûnder jo kontrôle kinne jo tagong krije ta de funksjes fan blockchain sa maklik as it operearjen fan in ienfâldige mobile app. Dus, doch mei oan 'e blockchain-revolúsje; learje hoe't jo desintralisearre applikaasjes ûntwikkelje kinne; en gean foarút op dyn leeftydsgenoaten., {"references":["Rishabh Garg, 2016. Generic Information Tracker. 2nd India International Science Festival, New Delhi India.","Rishabh Garg, 2017. Hi-Tech ID with Digital Tracking System, National Conference on Application of ICT for Built Environment.","Rishabh Garg, 2018. Digital ID with Electronic Surveillance System. Innovation registered with National Innovation Foundation, Autonomous Body of Department of Science & Technology, Government of India.","Rishabh Garg, 2018. Multipurpose ID: A Digital Identity to 1.34 Billion Indians. Ideate for India – Creative Solutions using Technology. National e-Governance Division, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India.","Rishabh Garg, 2019. Multipurpose ID: One Nation - One Identity, Annual Convention – Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE). National Conference on Recent Advances in Energy, Science & Technology (39).","Rishabh Garg, 2020. Digital Identity and Access Management through Distributed Ledger Technology. Research Project, Department of Higher Education, Government of MP.","Rishabh Garg, 2021. Blockchain based Decentralized Applications for Multiple Administrative Domain Networking. BITS – Pilani, KK Birla Goa Campus India, 01-69.","Rishabh Garg, 2021. Blockchain based Identity Solutions. International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (In Press).","Rishabh Garg, 2021. Blockchain Ecosystem for Education and Employment Verification. 13th International Conference on Network & Communication Security, Toronto Canada.","Rishabh Garg, 2021. Digital Identity Leveraging Blockchain. Barnes & Noble, Basking Ridge, New Jersey US, 01-124.","Rishabh Garg, 2021. Distributed Framework for Real World Applications. Barnes & Noble, Basking Ridge, New Jersey US, 01-126.","Rishabh Garg, 2021. Global Identity through Blockchain. International Webinar on Blockchain. Scholars Park, India, 01-60.","Rishabh Garg, 2021. Self Sovereign Identities. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 01-78.","Rishabh Garg, 2021. Samostoqtel'nye lichnosti: Cifrowaq identifikaciq s ispol'zowaniem blokchejna. Scienca Scripts, Russia, 01-108.","Rishabh Garg, 2021. Identidades auto-soberanas. Ediciones Nuestro Conocimiento, Spain, 01-104.","Rishabh Garg, 2021. Identidades de Soberania Própria. Edições Nosso Conhecimento, Portuguese, 01-104.","Rishabh Garg, 2021. Identità auto sovrane. Edizioni Sapienza, Italy, 01-104.","Rishabh Garg, 2021. Identités auto-souveraines. Editions Notre Savoir, France, 01-104.","Rishabh Garg, 2021. Souveräne Identitäten. Verlag Unser Wissen, Germany, 01-104.","Rishabh Garg R, 2022. A Technological Approach to Address Deficiencies in UID (Aadhaar). 3rd International Conference on Big Data, Blockchain and Security, Copenhagen Denmark.","Rishabh Garg, 2022. Decentralized Transaction Mechanism based on Smart Contracts. 3rd International Conference on Blockchain and IoT, Sydney Australia.","Rishabh Garg, 2022. Distributed Ecosystem for Identity Management. Journal of Blockchain Research. 1(1): 51-63.","Rishabh Garg, 2022. Ethereum based Smart Contracts for Trade and Finance. International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering, 16 (11): 619-629.","Rishabh Garg, 2023. Blockchain for Real World Applications. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. US, 01-388."]}