Genus Geoplana Stimpson, 1857 Emended diagnosis. Geoplaninae with medium-sized body, 30���100 mm in length; body slender, with nearly parallel margins; dorsum strongly convex; eyes monolobulated, cone shaped in the anterior region of the body; muscle tube around the intestine composed of parenchymatic longitudinal muscle fibres; pharynx cylindrical; prostatic vesicle intrabulbar, narrow; thick well-delimited male genital muscle coat and; penis papilla protrusible, cylindrical, very long, extending even along the entire female genital atrium; muscle fibres of penis papilla and ejaculatory duct densely packed in a thick layer; male atrium not folded; ascending portion of the ovovitelline ducts lateral to female atrium, joining each other above it; genital canal dorso-anteriorly flexed, arising from the posterior region of the female atrium; female atrium long, not folded. Distribution. States of Rio de Janeiro, Stao Paulo, Parańa and Santa Catarina, in Brazil. Type species. Planaria vaginuloides Darwin, 1844, designated by Froehlich (1955 b). Species of Geoplana. Geoplana vaginuloides (Darwin, 1844) Geoplana chita Froehlich, 1956 b Geoplana pulchella Schultze & M��ller, 1857 Species not of Geoplana. Geoplana apeva Froehlich, 1959 see under Obama Geoplana argus von Graff, 1899 see under Obama Geoplana arpi Schirch, 1929 see under Pseudogeoplana Geoplana assu Froehlich, 1959 see under Obama Geoplana baptistae Leal-Zanchet & Oliveira, 2012 see under Obama Geoplana barreirana Riester, 1938 see under Barreirana Geoplana blaseri Schirch, 1929 see under Pseudogeoplana Geoplana braunsi von Graff, 1899 see under Obama Geoplana bresslaui Schirch, 1929 see under Pseudogeoplana Geoplana burmeisteri Schultze & M��ller, 1857 * see under Obama Geoplana cafusa Froehlich, 1956 see under Pasipha Geoplana carbayoi Oliveira & Leal-Zanchet, 2012 see under Obama Geoplana carinata Riester, 1938 * see under Obama Geoplana carrierei von Graff, 1897 see under Obama Geoplana cassula Froehlich, 1955 see under Paraba Geoplana catharina Hyman, 1957 see under Obama Geoplana crioula E. M. Froehlich, 1955 * see under Cratera Geoplana dictyotona Riester, 1938 see under Obama Geoplana divae Marcus, 1951 see under Obama Geoplana elegans (Darwin, 1844) see under Pseudogeoplana Geoplana eudoxiae Ogren & Kawakatsu 1990 see under Obama Geoplana eudoximariae Ogren & Kawakatsu, 1990 see under Obama Geoplana evelinae Marcus, 1951 see under Obama Geoplana ferussaci von Graff, 1897 see under Obama Geoplana ficki Amaral & Leal-Zanchet, 2012 (in Amaral et al., 2012) see under Obama Geoplana franciscana Leal-Zanchet & Carbayo, 2001 * see under Paraba Geoplana fryi von Graff, 1899 see under Obama Geoplana gaucha Froehlich, 1959 see under Paraba Geoplana glieschi Froehlich, 1959 see under Obama Geoplana goetschi sensu Marcus, 1951 * see under Imbira Geoplana goettei Schirch, 1929 see under Paraba Geoplana incognita Riester, 1938 see under Paraba Geoplana itatiayana Schirch, 1929 see under Obama Geoplana joia Froehlich, 1956 b see under Cratera Geoplana josefi Carbayo & Leal-Zanchet, 2000 * see under Obama Geoplana ladislavii von Graff, 1899 * see under Obama Geoplana ladislavii sensu Froehlich, 1959 * see under Obama Geoplana livia E. M. Froehlich, 1955 b see under Obama Geoplana marmorata Schultze & M��ller, 1857 see under Obama Geoplana metzi von Graff, 1899 see under Obama Geoplana multicolor von Graff, 1899 * see under Paraba Geoplana phocaica Marcus, 1951 * see under Paraba Geoplana piriana Almeida & Carbayo, 2012 (in Almeida et al., 2012) see under Paraba Geoplana poca Froehlich, 1958 see under Obama Geoplana polyophthalma von Graff, 1899 see under Obama Geoplana preta Riester, 1938 see under Paraba Geoplana pseudovaginuloides Riester, 1938 see under Cratera Geoplana riesteri Froehlich, 1955 c see under Obama Geoplana rubidolineata Baptista & Leal-Zanchet, 2005 * see under Paraba Geoplana rufiventris Schultze & M��ller, 1857 see under Obama Geoplana ruiva E. M. Froehlich, 1972 see under Obama Geoplana schubarti Froehlich, 1958 see under Obama Geoplana sp. 1 * see under Cratera Geoplana sp. 2 * see under Cratera Geoplana sp. 4 * see under Cratera Geoplana sp. 5 * see under Cratera Geoplana sp. 6 * see under Obama Geoplana suva Froehlich, 1959 see under Paraba Geoplana tamoia E. M. Froehlich, 1955 b see under Cratera Geoplana tapira Froehlich, 1958 see under Paraba Geoplana tingauna Kishimoto & Carbayo, 2012 (in Almeida et al., 2012) see under Paraba Geoplana trigueira E. M. Froehlich, 1955 b see under Obama Geoplana yara E. M. Froehlich, 1955 b see under Cratera Geoplana zebroides Riester, 1938 see under Barreirana Species of Geoplana incertae sedis. Geoplana alterfusca Hyman, 1962 Geoplana aymara du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1951 Geoplana beckeri Froehlich, 1959 Geoplana bimbergi Fuhrmann, 1914 Geoplana caleta E. M. Froehlich 1978 Geoplana caucaensis Fuhrmann, 1914 Geoplana caya du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1951 Geoplana chalona du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1951 Geoplana chanca E. M. Froehlich, 1978 Geoplana chilihua du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1951 Geoplana chiuna E. M. Froehlich, 1955 b Geoplana chulpa du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1951 Geoplana crawfordi de Beauchamp, 1939 Geoplana excellentissima Negrete, Brusa & Damborenea, 2012 Geoplana fragai Froehlich, 1955 b Geoplana fuhrmanni Hyman, 1962 Geoplana gabriellae du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1951 Geoplana goetschi Riester, 1938 Geoplana guacensis Fuhrmann, 1914 Geoplana hina Marcus, 1951 Geoplana irua Fuhrmann, 1914 Geoplana jandira Froehlich, 1955 c Geoplana lama du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1957 Geoplana lambaya du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1958 Geoplana lareta du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1958 Geoplana mayori Fuhrmann, 1914 Geoplana mirim E. M. Froehlich, 1972 Geoplana mixopulla Ogren & Kawakatsu, 1990 Geoplana multipunctata Fuhrmann, 1914 Geoplana pavani Marcus, 1951 Geoplana pichuna du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1951 Geoplana picta Froehlich, 1956 a Geoplana placilla E. M. Froehlich, 1978 Geoplana quagga Marcus, 1951 Geoplana quenua du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1958 Geoplana quichua Marcus, 1951 Geoplana regia E. M. Froehlich, 1955 b Geoplana saima du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1951 Geoplana shapra du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1957 Geoplana sp. 2 * Geoplana sp. 3 * Geoplana takia du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1951 Geoplana talpa du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1951 Geoplana tamboensis Fuhrmann, 1914 Geoplana tirua E. M. Froehlich, 1978 Geoplana toriba Froehlich, 1958 Geoplana ubaquensis Fuhrmann, 1914 Geoplana valdiviana Grau & Carbayo, 2010 Geoplana vicuna du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1957, Published as part of Fernando Carbayo, Marta ��lvarez-Presas, C��audia T. Olivares, Fernando P. L. Marques, Eud ��xia M. Froehlich & Marta Riutort, 2013, Molecular phylogeny of Geoplaninae (Platyhelminthes) challenges current classification: proposal of taxonomic actions, pp. 508-528 in Zoologica Scripta 42 on pages 519-521, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.399812, {"references":["Stimpson, W. (1857). Prodromus descriptionis animalium evertebratorum quae in Expeditione ad Oceanum, Pacificum Septentrionalem a Republica Federata missa, Johanne Rodgers Duce, observavit et descripsit. Pars 1. Turbellaria Dendrocoela. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 9, 19 - 31.","Darwin, D. (1844). Brief descriptions of several terrestrial Planariae, and of some remarkable Marine Species, with an account of their Habits. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 14, 241 - 251.","Froehlich, E. M. (1955 b). Sobre especies brasileiras do genero Geoplana. Boletim da Faculdade de Filoso fi a, Ci ˆ encias e Letras da Universidade de S t ao Paulo, S´erie Zoologia, 19, 289 - 369.","Froehlich, C. G. (1956 b). 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