These challenges are nolonger ignorable, as they have triggered fierce debates andcontroversies across all sectors and classes of society,finally infiltrating the ivory towers of academia. Yet, publicattention is captivated by the entertaining media episodeson these catastrophes and hardly any attention is paid to thecatastrophes’ underlying structures and root causes. Recentexamples include Fukushima’s nuclear power plant fiascoand the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that divertattention from the key drivers, namely, the insatiableenergy consumption in industrialized nations; the eco-nomic ideologies of safety and security that justify militaryinterventions and arms trade, which continue to increaseand spread in spite of humanitarian rhetoric and globalrecession; the continuous urbanization, with the majority ofthe world’s population now living in urban areas, thereby,perpetuating the discredits and exploits of rural areas; thesilent discounting of our children’s future through indus-trial food, resulting in more than a quarter of all children inindustrialized nations being obese or overweight, with themajority staying obese as adults (Wiek et al. 2011b).While research and education slowly recognize theimportance of shifting their efforts to such challenges andtheir root causes (Jerneck et al. 2011; Spangenberg 2011;Wiek et al. 2011a), sustainability scientists lack experienceand expertiseincontributingtofeasibleandeffectivesolutionoptions. The concept of linking knowledge to action forsustainability was initiated a decade ago (Kates et al. 2001)and has been reiterated since then (Komiyama and Takeuchi2006; van Kerkhoff and Lebel 2006); yet, too many scholarsstillbelievethatthislinkwillmiraculouslyemerge.However,it is obvious that it requires a very different type of researchand education (Sarewitz et al. 2010;Wieketal.2011a):namely, research that generates knowledge that matters topeople’s decisions and engages in arenas where powerdominates knowledge; and education that enables students tobe visionary, creative, and rigorous in developing solutionsand that leaves the protected space of the classroom to con-front the dynamics and contradictions of the real world.Against this background, the community of sustain-ability scientists is confronted with two essential questions.First, what is a reasonable mission for sustainability sci-ence, considering that research and education are valuablebut not sufficient contributions to solving sustainability