Marandet, Y., Mekkaoui, A., Reiter, D., Boerner, P., Genesio, P., Rosato, J., Capes, H., Catoire, F., Koubiti, M., Godbert-Mouret, L., and Stamm, R.
This work addresses linear transport in turbulent media, with emphasis on neutral particle (atoms, molecules) transport in magnetized fusion plasmas. A stochastic model for turbulent plasmas, based upon a multivariate Gamma distribution, is presented. The geometry is a 2D slab and turbulence is assumed to be statistically homogeneous. The average neutral density and ionization source, which are the quantities relevant for integrated simulations and diagnostic applications, are calculated analytically in the scattering free case. The boundary conditions and the ratio of the turbulence correlation length to the neutral mean free path are identified as the main control parameters in the problem. The non trivial relationship between the average neutral density and the ionization source is investigated. Monte Carlo calculations including scattering are then presented, and the main trends obtained in the scattering free case are shown to be conserved., Comment: 11 figures