Niikura, Ryo, Miyazaki, Tomoyuki, Takase, Kenkichi, Sasaguri, Hiroki, Saito, Takashi, Saido, Takaomi C., and Goto, Takahisa
Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Effect of general anesthesia on crude fraction expression levels of AMPA receptors in the cerebellum in aged App-KI mice. Mean (+ SEM) protein expression ratio (normalized with the β-actin expression levels) of GluA1 (A), GluA2 (B), GluA3 (C) and GluA4 (D) subunits in the crude fractions in each group, WT-Air (n = 3), WT-Des (n = 3), WT-Sev (n = 3), App-Air (n = 5), App-Des (n = 5) and App-Sev (n = 5) group, are shown. Individual values were normalized with the mean values of WT-Air group as 1.