Stemmadenia abbreviata and S. simulans are described from Costa Rica and Panama, and Tabernaemontana leeuwenbergiana is described from Colombia. Stemmadenia Bentham is a small genus of 10 species, confined primarily to Central America, although a few species occur in northern South America (Leeuwenberg, 1994). The genus is closely allied to Tabernaemontana L., but it is readily distinguished by its corolla tube with five staminal ridges below the anthers within. The presence of one corona, composed of five epistaminal ridges, within the corolla tube in some species of Stemmadenia and Tabernaemontana is an unusual character within the tribe Tabernaemontaneae. In Stemmadenia the corona is found in most species (e.g., S. alfari (Donnell Smith) Woodson, S. donnell-smithii (Rose) Woodson, S. litoralis (Kunth) L. Allorge), while in Tabernaemontana it is rarely present (e.g., T columbiensis (L. Allorge) Leeuwenberg). Study of material included among specimens received as gifts for identification revealed an undescribed species of Tabernaemontana from Colombia. In addition, while writing an account of the genus Stemmadenia for the Manual to the Plants of Costa Rica, two new species were discovered; they are described below. Stemmadenia abbreviata J. F. Morales, sp. nov. TYPE: Costa Rica. Heredia: in forest along Rio Peje, about 1 km S of La Selva (new property) S boundary, 13 Apr. 1982 (fl), Hammel 11680 (holotype, INB; isotype, DUKE). Arbuscula vel frutex 2 m alta, ramis furcatis, teretibus. Folia 5-14.5 x 1.5-6 cm, elliptica, glabra, membranacea, apice acuminata. Calycis segmenta 11-18 X 6-8 mm, tubo corollae 21-23 mm, salverformi, lobis 6-7 x 4 mm, antheris 3-4 mm. Fructus ignotus. Shrub or small tree 2 m high; branchlets terete to subterete, forked, glabrous. Leaves petiolate; petiole glabrous, 3-9 mm long; blade 5-14.5 x 1.56 cm, membranaceous, elliptic, acuminate at the apex, cuneate at the base, entire, glabrous on both sides, with 8-10 pairs of upcurved secondary veins. Inflorescence pedunculate, 3-7-flowered, somewhat agglomerate, glabrous; peduncle 3-5 mm long, with several bracts; pedicels 5-9 mm; bracts scale-like, 2-3 mm; sepals white outside, green inside, foliaceous, erect, ovate to narrowly ovate, 11-18 X 68 mm, acute, subequal, glabrous, bearing 6-7 colleters inside, entire; corolla salverform, the tube white, lobes pale yellow, with 5 narrow staminal ridges 0.5 mm wide, corona composed of five epistaminal ridges ca. 0.5 mm wide above the insertion of the stamens; tube 21-23 mm long, almost cylindrical, ca. 3 mm wide above the base, twisted around the anthers; lobes obliquely obovate, 5-7 x 4 mm, obtuse, somewhat spreading to reflexed; stamens with apex 8-9 mm below mouth of corolla tube, inserted 7-8 mm from the base; anthers narrowly oblong, 3-4 x 1 mm, apex acuminate, sagittate at the base; ovary ovoid, 2-2.5 mm, glabrous, with a disk-like, ring-shaped thickening less than 1 mm high, adnate to base; style 5-6 mm; pistil head 1 mm. Fruits unknown. Known only from the type collection, at 100-300 m. It flowers from March to May. In Costa Rica, the type collection has been referred to Stemmadenia robinsonii Woodson, but S. abbreviata is easily recognized by its narrow salverform corolla, cylindrical and straight tube, with the lobes 5-7 mm long. The specific epithet refers to the short and inconspicuous corolla lobes. Stemmadenia simulans J. F. Morales & Q. Jim~nez, sp. nov. TYPE: Costa Rica. San Jos&: Cant6n de Puriscal, Zona Protectora La Cangreja, Faja Costefia del Valle de Parrita, Mastatal de Puriscal, Rio Negro, 290-320 m, 3 Mar. 1994 (fl), J. F Morales, D. A. Smith & G. Smith 2414 (holotype, INB; isotypes, B, BR, C, CAS, CR, F, G, GH, INB, K, MEXU, MICH, MO, NY, P, UPS, US, USF, W, WAG, WIS, Z). Figure 1. NovoN 9: 236-239. 1999. This content downloaded from on Sun, 19 Jun 2016 06:49:30 UTC All use subject to Volume 9, Number 2 1999 Morales Stemmadenia and Tabernaemontana 237