Alloscorpiops citadelle Kovař��k, 2013 (Figs. 13, 24) Alloscorpiops citadelle Kovař��k, 2013: 2���8, figs. 3���22. TYPE LOCALITY AND TYPE REPOSITORY. Thailand, Klong Phanom, 8.88039N 98.67387E; first author���s collection (FKCP). DIAGNOSIS. Total length 37���54 mm. Base color uniformly greenish black to black, telson yellow with a reddish sting, legs may be pigmented. Pectinal teeth number 10���11 in males, 8���9 in females. Patella of pedipalp with 29���34 external trichobothria (5 eb, 2���3 esb, 3 em, 12���17 est, 5���6 et) and 19���21 ventral trichobothria. Chela of pedipalp with 11���13 ventral trichobothria, all located on ventral surface of chela. One distally positioned accessory trichobothrium (fourth in position) is located outside of row of ventral trichobothria (see red arrow in Fig. 13). Sexual dimorphism minor, adult males have relatively larger pectines; there is no difference in length and width of metasomal and pedipalp segments, and fingers of pedipalps are almost straight in both sexes. Chela narrow, length to width ratio in both sexes is 4.4���4.7., Published as part of Kova����k, Franti��ek, Soleglad, Michael E. & Ko��uli��, Ond��ej, 2013, Alloscorpiops wongpromi sp. n. from Thailand and Laos (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae: Scorpiopinae), pp. 1-12 in Euscorpius 160 (160) on page 4, {"references":["KOVARIK, F. 2013. Alloscorpiops citadelle sp. n. from Thailand (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae: Scorpiopinae). Euscorpius, 157: 1 - 9."]}