A l'ETSEIAT hem realitzat uns experiments de flexió de bigues híbrides de formigó i compost. El TFG desenvoluparia un model computacional que permetés simular els experiments realitzats. Donat que els materials fissuren i no tene una compatibiliatt perfecta el TFG enfronta un seguit de reptes amb anàlisi no lineal. In recent years the use of advanced composite materials has gained wider space in the civil engineering sector, due to some favourable characteristics such as lightweight, high specific strength, resistance to corrosion and fatigue. Innovative systems that combine concrete with advanced composite materials have proved to be a viable and efficient solution compared to conventional systems. However, the absence of a normalized design code about these materials slows their evolution down. In this study, a computational model for the analysis of hybrid beams made of concrete and glass fibre reinforce polymer (GFRP) is presented. The material properties of the GFRP profile were obtained experimentally at the LITEM laboratory. Material properties of concrete were obtained both experimentally and using Eurocode 2. Properties of the shear connectors have been modelled using Eurocode 4 for the shear capacity, and a previous study (Oehlers & Coughlan 1986) has been used for the stiffness of the connection. Comparisons of numerical and experimental results show good agreement. However, the model is not focused on the behaviour of the beam during the cracking process. The model is also limited on simulating the microstructural behaviour of GFRP profile, since in this study effective properties of the profile have been used.